Final Fantasy VII
8 |
PC |
Pretty good :) Ending was a bit disappointing, but the game was enjoyable. If Square had enough time and had a better ending for this game, that would make this game more enjoyable. That aside, the characters are lovable, the music is amazing and the story is brilliant. Maybe if I grew up with this game, I’d appreciate it more?
Final Fantasy VIII
7 |
PC |
Hmm, the story was good, the music was great, but the battling didn’t quite do it for me. The junctioning system is a love it or hate it thing, and I’m afriad I’m steering towards the ‘hate it’ side. This got a 7 purely because of the sweet story, the emotional music and the overall experience of everything except the gameplay. Still worth a play, and hearing the song ‘Eyes On Me’ by Faye Wong will always bring back good memories of this game :)
Final Fantasy X
7 |
PS2 |
Real sad TT~TT But real good! Except Blitzball. That sucked.
Final Fantasy XIII
8 |
PC |
Go ahead and bash this game, I really enjoyed it! I don’t care if it’s linear, it’s got a good story, good music, good gameplay and good characters. That’s a win for me!
Final Fantasy XIII-2
7 |
PC |
Playing this game made me wish I was playing the first game. Although, they did get some bits right; like making paradigm shifts quicker.
8 |
PS1 / PC / DSi |
Gotta love this classic! I always played it when I was younger. I was around 12 when I eventually beat it.
Rayman 2: The Great Escape
9 |
PC / PS1 |
What an awesome game. Honest, I played the HELL out of this when I was younger. I eventually reached a point where I could beat the final boss without getting hit once. But, yeah, I really like this game. It might be a bit outdated today, but the memories that this game carries couldn’t put this game anywhere less than 8.
Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc
9 |
PC / PS2 |
The comedy, the gameplay, the music, the characters, everything about this game was awesome. Definitely one of the best games I’ve played. Hours, if not days, of my childhood was poured into this game, and I’m not regretting it!
Rayman Raving Rabbids
6 |
PC |
When I watched the trailer for this game, I was very excited for it. I saw Rayman running around, kicking Rabbid ass and generally being awesome. However, I never really got to play this game until years and years after, and when I did get to play it, I was disappointed to find out that the trailer I remembered all that time was a lie and that the game was actually a Rayman party game.
Rayman Raving Rabbids 2
7 |
DS |
This game is a party game, just like its predecessor, but since I played it on the DS I really didn’t mind. I didn’t expect it to be a perfect port from other platforms, and the games were pretty fun. That is to say, I played this game before I played and beat Rayman Raving Rabbids on PC, so I had no idea that this game was just following in the footsteps of the first game.
Rabbids Go Home
7 |
Wii |
When I first saw this in an issue of PC Gamer, I think it was, I was really surprised. I eventually got the game, and I was playing it a LOT. What’s there to say? Rabbids collect stuff to go to the moon. It’s querky and silly atmosphere make it pretty memorable.
Rayman Origins
7 |
PC |
Ubisoft took a step back with Rayman and started making games like the old classic Rayman on PS1, except making it a bit more fluid with the movement. I think this was a good idea, now that Rayman and the Rabbids are two separate games. Rayman Origins also make the cast seem a lot more silly and ridiculous, which is unique and fun but I really did prefer how Rayman was presented in Rayman 2 & 3.
Rayman Legends
7 |
PC |
This is the Rayman game that came after Origins. It was more or less the same thing; they stuck to the same formula and pretty much the same graphics, and just added new stuff. That’s not a bad thing; I thought it was pretty good! Really cool platformer and definitely worth a try if you grew up with Rayman.
Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut
9 |
PC |
I think this was my first Sonic game, and boy did it give me a good impression of the series. The story was feels, the gameplay was cool, the Chao garden was fun and enjoyable, the variety of characters kept the game fresh, and I just love this game to bits. I’ve been playing this game before I can even remember, and I still love it just as much.
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
7 |
PC |
I’m sure some people will grill me for saying this, but I think SEGA went the wrong way with this one. It was fun, I’ll give it that, but there are some things about Sonic Adventure 2: Battle that doesn’t deserve it the 8 I wanted to give it. This game was the one Sonic game I really wanted, but didn’t knew it existed. If I had played this when I was little, then it probably would’ve hit an 8 or even a 9.
7 |
The reason why I played EarthBound was because it was really popular and it was the inspiration for the game Undertale, so I decided to give it a go. I’m sure it was amazing back in the 90’s, but playing it now doesn’t feel as good. It’s still a great game, and I don’t regret playing it, but I don’t think it lives up to the hype that everyone’s giving it.
9 |
PC |
Ah, this game. Some love it, some hate it. I love it. When I beat it, it reminded me of the games I used to play when I was really young (even though they weren’t RPGs, which was weird). I definitely recommend it to other games, and if you don’t like Undertale, then at least give it a go if you haven’t played it. Try and ignore its fanbase; they’re not a true representation of the game itself!
Crash Bandicoot: Warped
8 |
PS1 |
Played this when I was really young, too. Ah boy, I really liked the gameplay and visuals! It was different than to what I was used to, but still, it was very enjoyable. Like Rayman, I beat it years after I actually played it. I haven’t got around to playing the other Crash Bandicoot games… definitely recommend this one, though!
Rugrats: Search for Reptar
8 |
PS1 |
Here’s another classic I played when I was really young. It’s probably the first game I played with a hub world where you could run around and do what you like, which I thought was very good. I liked how you could pick an item in the hub world and it would take you to a level which represented an episode of Rugrats. Despite never watching the series, this game was nice!
Rugrats: Studio Tour
7 |
PS1 |
I only really played this one because it was about Rugrats and it’s on the same platform as Search for Reptar. It wasn’t a game I grew up with, so I’m not rating it as highly as Search for Reptar or Warped. However, it was a good experience so I will credit it a score CLOSE to 7.
7 |
PC |
A neat dating sim if you’ve never played a dating sim before (like me). Think of Bejeweled, but with naiiize grills. Oh, and keep an Excel spreadsheet open while you play it; you’ll need it. I really liked the characters, they were all unique, and I liked how it merged arcade game style with dating sim. I like it! I felt the end was a bit… unfulfilling, even with the new Valentines update.
8 |
PC |
Now here’s a classic Valve game that I’ll always appreciate. It’s a first-person puzzle game, and you play as Chell as you go around solving puzzles with your portal gun, and you eventually discover the secret of Aperture Science. The first game was really fun to play, and listening to what GLaDOS had to say was quite entertaining. There’s not much story involved in this one, but in Portal 2, a lot more story is incorporated.
Portal 2
8 |
PC |
This is a good game. Really. It really is good. Even though all the characters are robots, you feel for all of them (yes, even Wheatley). It’s just so dramatic and story-driven and just generally amazing that it really caught me off guard when I played it, because none of those features were in the original Portal game. I’d definitely recommend the Portal series to someone who hasn’t played any Valve games before.
Half-Life 2
7 |
PC |
This is another game I might be grilled for. People make out Half-Life 2 to be a classic. I agree with them, but only because of nostalgia. I’ve played Half-Life 2 for a long time, and I did enjoy it back then, but coming back to it now, I eventually reach points in the game where it feels like it’s really boring and repetitive. I’m sure this game was at its peak back when it was released, but you need to have a lot of patience to play it now.
Half-Life 2: Episode One
7 |
PC |
The sequel to Half-Life 2. It’s a pretty good game, and the story follows on well through its predecessor. You would only really play it if you enjoyed Half-Life 2, though. I did back then, so I did play this game.
Half-Life 2: Episode Two
7 |
PC |
The sequel to Half-Life 2: Episode One. I remember having trouble trying to get this game to work after a certain point, so I had to use a save file I got online to continue through the game. That aside, it’s more-or-less the same as the previous two games, except the story is a follow-on. The ending was really shocking! Unfortunately, I don’t think we’ll see a Half-Life 2: Episode Three anytime soon…
Left 4 Dead
7 |
PC |
A pretty decent zombie FPS from Valve. Not much of a story, just kill zombies and go to places. It’s a good way to pass the time, and pretty fun.
Left 4 Dead 2
7 |
PC |
The sequel of Left 4 Dead. It’s pretty much the same thing, but with different characters and they do different things. You really start to bond with the characters in the games, for some reason, even though they don’t really do much.
Kingdom Hearts
8 |
PS2 |
Kingdom Hearts is about a boy named Sora who discovers that he can wield the Keyblade, and he, along with Donald and Goofy, goes on an adventure to save the world from the Heartless and stop Ansem from reaching Kingdom Hearts. It has real-time battling, and is a very enjoyable RPG with Disney and Final Fantasy characters. Awesome game!
Kingdom Hearts II
8 |
PS2 |
Like the first game, but everything is improved. Oh, and the story just got more complicated. A LOT more complicated. But everything that’s been added to Kingdom Hearts II is an improvement from the game before. It’s a really good game! A little sad, though; if you’ve played 358/2 days before-hand.
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
7 |
This game details the events of before Kingdom Hearts, the first game. It’s pretty good, and deviates away from the traditional games, like the portable Kingdom Hearts games usually do. I preferred the traditional gameplay style, but this game was still really fun, especially grinding to get all of the best spells in my arsenal possible!
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
7 |
PS2 |
This game used cards instead of normal fighting, like the traditional games. You either love it or hate it, and I hated it. I suppose it’s nice to have a change for once, but this was a bad change, and I don’t like bad changes that I can’t adjust to. Nonetheless, it helps tie in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II. Don’t play II before the first game! Play this game first, then II.
The Legend of Zelda
7 |
Ah, the original Legend of Zelda! I played this a bit when I was younger. Not Rayman young, but… young-ish. Year 7? If you’re not British, then… around 13 years old? I really did like the original Zelda, but I needed a walkthrough to beat it. It was very cryptic, but back at the time, this was unique. I’m sure if I played this back in the 80’s, it would’ve been a masterpiece, but I played this game 20-30 years too late!
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
9 |
N64 |
When I beat this game, this game was all I could think about for the next month or so. I can’t quite pinpoint it, but something about this game was simply marvelous. I reached a point where I could beat the entire game without looking at a walkthrough once!… Ok, that might not be very impressive, but I loved this game a LOT. Unfortunately, at the time I didn’t have any friends who played Zelda, so I was on my own.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
7 |
Wii |
People say that this is one of the best Zelda games, and Ocarina of Time’s second successor. I don’t think that’s true. I’m probably going to be beaten up for this by the Zelda community, but I think other Zelda games trump Twilight Princess easy. It was a good game, don’t get me wrong, but it just didn’t have that… spark that Ocarina of Time or Majora’s Mask had. I don’t know, I just didn’t like it as much as I probably should’ve.
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
8 |
GC |
Wind Waker was a fun game. It was so cool exploring the islands and seeing what was out there; it was the first time I felt like I was genuinely exploring in a Zelda game. It’s not as amazing as Ocarina of Time or Majora’s Mask, but it’s definitely worth playing and is a very good experience.
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
8 |
Wii |
This game was pretty fun, despite the motion controls. The characters were awesome, the dungeons were great and I loved flying around! People give this game a lot of hate, but I enjoyed it quite a lot.
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
9 |
N64 |
This game is the true successor to Ocarina of Time. Man, this game is depressing… it feels like the original Ocarina of Time, except you never play as adult Link. You have three days in which to do everything, and you can restart these three days. Initially, I hated this mechanic, but then I grew to appreciate it after playing it. This is a good game!
Hello Kitty: Roller Rescue
8 |
PC |
Please don’t ask.
Super Mario Bros.
8 |
A classic game for the NES. It might not be much now, but playing it still feels really good for some reason. I did beat it once, with save states, so I don’t know if that counts (probably not).
Super Mario 64
9 |
N64 |
Wow, this game brings back memories. I played this game a LOT; heck, I even made videos about this game when I was 9. My very first YouTube video was a video about Mario 64, so I’ve had a lot of history with this game. This awesome game brings Mario into proper 3D, and includes features that were never before seen in Mario games. This game has a hub, and I love games with hubs that you can run around and explore.
Super Mario Galaxy
7 |
Wii |
This game was pretty cool; it was really fun running around planets and watching the camera move around the planet! Classic 3D platformer, as Mario should be.
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
8 |
DS |
This RPG was really cool back in the day; the music was especially awesome. I don’t know what it was, but when I beat this game, something inside me just knew that I had just beaten an awesome game.
Mario Party 8
8 |
Wii |
A pretty fun party game for the Wii. What else is there to say? Oh, yeah; there’s this story mode bit, and that’s kind of interesting. Apart from that, minigames and laffs for everyone!
Super Mario Land
8 |
GB |
This was a surprisingly short game, but considering it was on Game Boy, it didn’t surprise me. It was fun to put this game on my phone and play it during tutor and free periods!
Mario Kart Wii
8 |
Wii |
One time, a girl in my class said she fully completed Mirror Cup in Mario Kart Wii. This made me a little mad, because I hadn’t done that, and I didn’t want to be beaten by a girl back then, so I sweated this game until I fully completed it. It was a tough time, but I made it.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
8 |
Wii |
Ah yes, the game of broken Meta Knight. Many battles were fought, even more lost. I don’t even know how that makes sense.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
9 |
DS / Wii |
Ooh boy, this game was amazing. The characters were awesome, the story was brilliant, and it just felt so good to rub a contradiction in someone’s face!
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All
7 |
DS / Wii |
Hmm, this one was alright. It was a pretty good Ace Attorney entry, but the music wasn’t as awesome. I still preferred the first and the third one to this one.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations
8 |
DS / Wii |
This one was kind of sad. It was a really good entry to the Ace Attorney series, and I loved Godot!
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
7 |
DS |
Yeah, you could still rub things in people’s faces, but it’s just… not the same! Hobo Phoenix is cool and all, and I don’t dislike Apollo, but this entry just felt… meh.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies
8 |
3DS |
Did you like presenting evidence? Well, now you can present evidence with three attorneys! Oh, yeah, the story is pretty good, too.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
7 |
DS |
Now you can play as Edgeworth and walk around, looking at things, using his special power: Logic!
Ace Attorney Investigations 2
7 |
DS |
This one wasn’t as good as the first one, but I still really wanted to play it. The ending felt a bit too cliché. But logic chess was awesome! I really liked that.
Professor Layton and the Last Specter
8 |
DS |
This was my first Layton game, and I accidentally played the American one instead of the European one. I’ll never make that mistake again! I still get nightmares of American Luke. shudders…
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask
8 |
DS |
This one was on par with Last Specter, I believe. It was sort of a filler game towards Azran Legacy, but still a really good game.
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy
8 |
DS |
Ah yes, this game was pretty nice. I really liked the ending, because it tied in so well with Curious Village.
Professor Layton and the Curious Village
8 |
DS |
For the first Layton game, it wasn’t bad, but I prefer the later ones.
Professor Layton and Pandora's Box
8 |
DS |
Ah yes, this game was pretty sad. Then again, aren’t they all?
Professor Layton and the Lost Future
8 |
DS |
This is easily the best Layton game. It was so sad at the end! You really feel sorry for Layton.
Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney
8 |
3DS |
I was so happy when I heard this game was getting a Western release, and I got one almost as soon as it was released. I was not let down.
Pokémon Red
8 |
GB |
This was one of the first Gameboy games I got. A lot of memories in this one!
Pokémon Blue
8 |
GB |
I got this around the same time as Red. They’re pretty much the same game.
Pokémon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition
7 |
GB |
Brock was so hard to fight with Pikachu. If it wasn’t for Butterfree’s Confusion at level 10, I would never have beaten this game.
Pokémon Gold
8 |
This took everything Red/Blue had, and made it better! The phone was pretty cool, and the night/day thing was a unique and nice feature.
Pokémon Sapphire
8 |
My childhood, right here: my first Pokemon game. I loved the contests, but there was always that one douche who would mess up everyone’s score.
Pokémon Ruby
8 |
Just like Sapphire, but a few Pokemon showed up that I didn’t really recognise at first. It didn’t really have any emotional impact on me because I grew up with Sapphire, not Ruby, so it has the same score as Emerald.
Pokémon Emerald
8 |
Pretty much the same as Sapphire, but a few changes here and there. I beat this wayyyy after I beat Sapphire.
Pokémon Diamond
7 |
DS |
Gen 4 was OK. Nothing great, though. Maybe if I had played this when I was younger, I’d like it more?
Pokémon Black
8 |
DS |
The Pokemon game with the best story! I really liked N, for some reason. He was just really cool.
Pokémon Black 2
7 |
DS |
This was OK. It wasn’t as good as the original Black, but I thought it was worth playing.
Pokémon Y
7 |
3DS |
This Pokemon game was really easy; no grinding was necessary. I beat the Elite 4 and the Champion on my first go. Cynthia would be disgusted.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team
8 |
DS |
It was so sad at the end when my Pikachu friend turned into a normal, regular Pikachu. I was heartbroken.
7 |
DS |
This was an interesting RPG I picked up at BlockBusters, back when it was still around. It’s not the best, but it’s worth a play. It’s a pretty cool RPG. The ending is very interesting.
Xenoblade Chronicles
10 |
Wii |
Easily my most favourite RPG of all time. It really pushes the boundaries of the Wii, and it looks really beautiful. The music, the characters, the story, it’s all amazing.
The Last Story
8 |
Wii |
This game, along with Xenoblade, was released in the West due to Operation Rainfall. It’s a pretty good RPG, but Xenoblade is better.
Pandora's Tower
8 |
Wii |
This game was kind of disgusting, but if you look past that, it’s a really decent game. Think Zelda, but more dungeons.
8 |
PC |
Yeah, OK, I beat this game on creative mode. It still counts. I used to play Minecraft a LOT, but kind of stopped after Microsoft took over.
Super Mario 3D World
8 |
Wii U |
Decent 3D platformer, was pretty challenging near the end and I overall enjoyed it.
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
8 |
3DS |
This game was a decent Kingdom Hearts entry; I liked the Flowmotion feature and I LOVED the scenes with characters that technically weren’t supposed to be there. Oh, and Lea/Axel. And the bit that happened with him at the end :O !! This game is a sort of set-up for Kingdom Hearts III, but it’ll be a long wait until I play that…
Pokémon Moon
8 |
3DS |
Pretty good. Decent story, although Black & White’s story is still better. The battle mechanics suck though; they were really flawed. Apart from that, I really liked this game, but I still prefer the 2D Pokemon games.
New Super Mario Bros U
8 |
Wii U |
Pretty good Mario game, to be honest. It’s no Mario 64, but I enjoyed playing it. It was fairly challenging, but I felt the game gave me too many 1-ups and Super Stars. I gave this game the same rating as Super Mario 3D World, because what I felt from that game I shared with this game. All in all, this Mario entry was fun! (P.S. The baby Yoshi look weird)
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
7 |
PC |
It’s OK, the story was pretty good but it made me wish there were more part members than just Lightning, like in Final Fantasy XIII.
8 |
Wii |
Really good unique platformer, something I would’ve played during my childhood. Surprisingly sad ending, though! That ending bumped it up from a 7 to an 8.
The World Ends with You
8 |
DS |
Very good RPG, I liked the urban feel of it. The story was pretty good and dramatic, too, and I liked the unique battle style. Music is awesome, too!
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice
8 |
3DS |
Objection! This entry was pretty good. Not as good as Trials and Tribulations, but still pretty good and worth playing. However, the story was probably the saddest out of all the Ace Attorney games, with Trials and Tribulations coming close from behind.
Sonic Heroes
7 |
PC |
I really loved this game, but I had to bring it from 8 down to a 7 to account for my nostalgia a little bit. It’s a good game, but it does have its flaws.
New Super Luigi U
8 |
Wii U |
Really fun! It’s like New Super Mario Bros U, but it’s all about speed.
Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures
8 |
Wii U |
Really fun platformer! It’s very challenging, too. Definitely recommend it if you’re an AVGN fan, like I am.
Chrono Trigger
7 |
DS |
Decent JRPG; the music is good and the gameplay is good. The story isn’t really much to write home about, though.
Space Quest I to VI
8 |
PC |
A part of my childhood right here. The story is nothing to write home about, but it’s well executed and funny. The music is pretty good too.
King's Quest I
7 |
PC |
I played this because of how much I liked Space Quest. It’s OK. That’s it, really.
Xenoblade Chronicles X
7 |
Wii U |
Decent RPG, I preferred the original though. The story was decent, but it was too open-ended. If they had concluded the story properly, this game might have earned an 8.
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
8 |
PC |
Really good entry to the series; music was good, gameplay was good, story was decent. Ending was OK, but all in all good game.
Shadow the Hedgehog
7 |
GC |
Strongly reminded me of Sonic Heroes, so it gave me a sort of half-nostalgia. I believe it’s the last game before Yuji Naka left, and the last of the classic Sonic games, at least for me. Good game; I liked how you could pick sides. Only problem was that sometimes you had to play the same level so many times to get all the endings.
Doki Doki Literature Club!
8 |
PC |
Very good game, would definitely recommend to a friend. It executes horror very well, and doesn’t use any cheap methods like jump-scares.
Sonic Mania
7 |
PC |
It’s good, strongly reminds me of Sonic 3 and such. Unfortunately, I liked games like Sonic Adventure more than games like Sonic 3 & Knuckles, so this game fell a bit short for me. It’s still a great game, though.
Sonic Forces
5 |
PC |
Eh, this game wasn’t that great. Story felt too short, the game was WAY too short (only 3 hours) and the gameplay was bland at times. One of the good things about it was its music, though. The music was really good. Plus, the visuals were nice, but I guess all the budget went towards that. I guess a good word to describe this was ‘mediocre’.
Snowy: The Bear's Adventures
7 |
PC |
Another childhood classic! I tried to be a bit more objective here and not let my nostalgia take me too far away… It’s a standard arcade game, just like Snow Bros for NES. It’s not a special game, but I mostly enjoy it because of my nostalgia. Apart from that, the game is fairly mediocre. It’s still pretty enjoyable, even today, though.
Chicken Invaders 2 - The Next Wave
7 |
PC |
I suppose this game isn’t much of an achievement; it only took me around an hour or so to beat. Still, it’s another childhood game and still worthy of being on the list. Like Snowy, the nostalgia is the only thing that puts this on this list. If it wasn’t for that, I probably wouldn’t have bothered.
8 |
PC |
Good game! Very hard, though. The visuals are good, the music is good, the gameplay is very good, the controls are nice (I used a controller) and overall this was a good experience. It can get very frustrating though!
Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon
8 |
Wii |
Good RPG, very good story. The music will put you to tears; definitely the type of game that will give you feels. Truly a hidden gem on the Wii library, like The Last Story and Xenoblade Chronicles (not sure if that’s ‘hidden’ anymore but eh).
Layton's Mystery Journey
8 |
3DS |
Very enjoyable entry to the Layton series. The music was good, comedy was on point, characters were interesting and I just generally liked it. It was left very open-ended, which is fine if Level-5 will have follow-up stuff, which they are: an anime series. Hopefully the anime will explain more stuff, like Sherl and Kat, and hopefully it’ll have the Professor himself in it!
Kirby's Adventure
8 |
A great game from my childhood. It definitely aged well.
Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland
8 |
Another Kirby game from my childhood. It’s the same as Kirby’s Adventure, except it’s on GBA.
Pokémon Leaf Green
7 |
I started playing this because I wanted my friend to hurry up and finish Fire Red so we could start Pokemon Sun and Moon at the same time. I beat it in less than a week, mainly because I had speedhacks on. It’s decent, and it’s objectively a better game than the originals, but I’ll always prefer the original games partly due to nostalgia and their simplicity.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
8 |
Switch |
A very good game. The gameplay is definitely an improvement over the first game, but the story of Xenoblade 1 is still the best. Overall, it was a fun experience.
Pokémon Uranium
7 |
PC |
Even though it’s a fan-game, it feels just like a real Pokemon game! I really liked how you could actually see your IVs and EVs, and the training you could do for it (similar to Super Training in Gen 6). Additionally, I thought the story was pretty decent; it wasn’t too complicated (which would’ve broken the Pokemon aesthetic), and it was still deep and effective. The Nuclear type was pretty cool, but I never used it.
Blobbz Online
8 |
PC |
A clever “MMO” that I grew up with. It would’ve been a 7, but it gets the extra point for nostalgia.
8 |
PC |
One on my games from my childhood! Really fun
Feeding Frenzy
8 |
PC |
Another of my games from my childhood! Really fun
Bookworm Adventures
8 |
PC |
A great game for English students or something
Bookworm Adventures 2
8 |
PC |
Another great game for English students or something
Mega Man 2
7 |
A good mega man game
Maestro! Jump in Music
8 |
DS |
Underrated DS rhythm game that I really enjoyed. Features lots of classical music!
Sonic CD
7 |
Sega CD |
Good Sonic game. I can see the parallels between Mania and CD after beating it.
Sonic Chaos
7 |
Game Gear |
Pretty good; quite challenging. I beat it with both Sonic and Tails.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3
7 |
Mega Drive |
I beat the game, but I didn’t collect all the chaos emeralds. I couldn’t be bothered. Perhaps I’ll do it on the ‘& Knuckles’ version.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
7 |
Mega Drive |
A childhood game of mine! I’m glad I finally got this one done. The final zone and boss was really hard, so I don’t feel like getting all the Emeralds and achieving the true ending for this.
Bubble Bobble Hero 2
7 |
PC |
A childhood game of mine! It’s really hard at the end, but I’m glad I beat it. The ending glitched out, I think, so I wasn’t able to see it.
Sonic Advance
7 |
Good game. What I’d expect from Sonic. I only completed this with Sonic, and I didn’t collect all the Emeralds.
7 |
Wii |
Good remake, it didn’t feel like they changed too much from the NES version, and it still felt fresh and fun.
Ao Oni
7 |
PC |
A good horror game.
7 |
PC |
Another good horror game. I think I got the true ending.
Mad Father
7 |
PC |
Yet another good horror game.
Sonic Advance 2
8 |
To be fair, a bit of nostalgia might’ve affected that rating. I beat the game properly by getting all the Chaos Emeralds and getting the true ending. I used save states to get the Emeralds, but everything else was purely legit.
The Secret of Monkey Island
8 |
PC |
A great funny point-and-click adventure game!
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge
8 |
PC |
Another childhood point-and-click adventure game! Pretty good.
Hugo's House of Horrors
7 |
PC |
A classic adventure game I played in my childhood (and got nightmares from). Short, but fun.
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
8 |
Definitely would recommend it to a Final Fantasy 7 fan, quite insightful for the story.
Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning
5 |
PC |
It’s alright, but once you know what to do, it turns into a game of extreme luck.
Sonic Advance 3
7 |
A good Sonic game, felt a bit more platformy than the previous ones, but still decent. The ending is really wholesome and cute. The gimmick of pairing up with someone else is interesting, but I never really utilised it to its full potential. To be fair, I used a code to give myself all the Chao and the SP keys, but I did all the levels, all the bosses and all the special stages.
The Walking Dead
8 |
PC |
Amazing game, awesome story
The Walking Dead: Season 2
8 |
PC |
Yet again, amazing game, awesome story
The Wolf Among Us
7 |
PC |
Not as good as Walking Dead, but still really good
The Walking Dead: 400 Days
7 |
PC |
Pretty good
The Walking Dead: Michonne
7 |
PC |
Pretty good too
Back to the Future: The Game
7 |
PC |
It’s good
Sonic Rush
7 |
DS |
Pretty good Sonic 2D platformer, I really liked the tricks mechanics and the boost feature that wasn’t in Advance, which makes this objectively the better 2D platformer (despite my nostalgia!). Although, there are significantly more cheap deaths, so overall, it’s as good as Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
Sonic Rush Adventure
8 |
DS |
One of the best, if not THE best, 2D Sonic platformer I’ve played. Like Sonic Rush, but less cheap deaths and more stuff to do.
8 |
PC |
A very interesting game, I really liked the fourth-wall breaks, like when you have to move files into another folder, or when you needed to close down the game to access a different room. The sprites are cute, and you get attached to the characters. The music was good, but not Undertale-level good. I also really liked how it incorporated the player as a separate character; I really felt like Niko was interacting and talking to me, and I really enjoyed the talks with him, comparing his world to mine.
Grand Theft Auto V
8 |
PS3 |
This is an awesome game. I got it with a bundle, including a PS3 console and a bunch of other games for £30 second-hand. The story is great; it gets real at places! The helicopter and flying bits were a little awkward, and sometimes the game would crash on my PS3, but overall it was fun.
BattleBlock Theater
7 |
PC |
I beat this with a friend. Decent game.
Sonic Unleashed
6 |
Wii |
To start off with, the Sonic stages. They were fun to play, I liked the different paths you could take (with the ones requiring better reaction times being more rewarding) however drifting was a little weird. The werehog stages got a little boring at times, and the platforming wasn’t executed very well. The story was good though, the ending was feels and the music fitted the game very well. The cutscenes were the best thing about this game though, they were so much fun to watch!
7 |
PC |
For a pound on Steam, this was a pretty good game! The mechanics were fun, I liked the powers, the 3D platforming was well executed and I loved the humour. All in all, this was enjoyable and I’ll be looking forward to seeing what the sequel brings.
Doraemon: Yume Dorobou to 7 Nin no Gozans
6 |
Mega Drive |
Quite a short game. I beat the Normal and Fun game modes. I grew up with this game; I used to play it in Thailand back when I was around 9 or something. I couldn’t get past the first level… but now, I find this game pretty easy. I wish I could’ve read the dialogue (it’s all in Japanese), which means I had to guess what to do. The rock paper scissors bit was the most confusing and took some time to understand.
Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo
8 |
PC |
This is an awesome puzzle-fighting game! Think of puyo puyo, but more… crystal. I spent so many hours of this game when I was younger. It’s very addictive!
7 |
PC |
A really fun, difficult platformer! Short game, though. I haven’t done all the B-sides or chapter 8 yet.
Out of Order
8 |
PC |
Really weird but fun game! If you like games like Space Quest, Monkey Island etc. you’ll love this! It’s from my childhood, too.
Hollow Knight
7 |
PC |
Great game! The gameplay and battling is awesome, very reminiscent of Cuphead in both art style and bosses. I liked the music too, it really fitted the atmosphere and the themes of the game. The one thing I didn’t like was how far away the benches were from the bosses. The bosses in this game take a couple of attempts to beat, but when I’m fighting a boss I don’t want to spend half my time walking to the boss; I want to be actually fighting it.
Fire Emblem Awakening
7 |
3DS |
Fairly good tactical game. Story was nothing to write home about, music was good, all in all decent game.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna – The Golden Country
8 |
Switch |
It’s pretty much an expansion of Xenoblade 2, so I gave it the same rating. The story was decent, although most of it was stuff I already knew. It pulled it off similar to how Crisis Core was to Final Fantasy 7, plus I really liked how the story ended where Xenoblade 2 begins! Plus, the new battle theme is awesome. Nearly all the other tracks come from the original game, though.
Ys I & II Chronicles+
7 |
PC |
Great games, the story was good, the music was amazing, the gameplay felt fun, it was generally a really good experience. Only complaint was that sometimes it’s not quite clear what to do next, which is why I used a guide, but that’s quite minor (lots of older RPGs are like that). Considering these games are around 30 years old, they’ve modernised it really well!
Ghost Trick
8 |
DS |
Great game! Great story, great music, great gameplay, I just really like this game. Same creator as Ace Attorney!
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Conflict of Interest
7 |
PC |
A decent fan-game, if I’m honest! I felt that PyWright limited it a bit, because it’s a little buggy. The story was pretty good, although it was hard to follow at times (what Ace Attorney game isn’t?). It reminded me a lot of Pokémon Uranium, however that fan-game did a much better job of looking legitimate.
Pocket Mortys
7 |
Android |
Pretty good game, I liked the fusion feature!
Cave Story+
7 |
PC |
It’s alright. I finished the game on Easy and Original mode, and I got the perfect ending with all the secrets. There were good things about it, and bad things about it. I would definitely not say that this is a masterpiece, but at its time, I can understand the appeal. A common thing in games like this is things like unskippable cutscenes and putting the last save point ages away from the boss I’m fighting.
Ys Origin
8 |
PC |
A very good game! I first played Yunica’s story on Medium, and then I played Toal’s story on Very Easy to get through the story. It has a perfect mix of hack-and-slash and JRPG. The music is cool, the characters are awesome, the story is good (it gets even better on Toal’s story) and I generally really enjoyed Ys Origin. A small complaint is that I wish the game forced you to beat Yunica’s and Hugo’s stories first before they let you play Toal’s story, kind of like how Sonic Adventure would only let you play as Super Sonic once you’ve beat all the stories.
Ys: The Oath in Felghana
7 |
PC |
Picked this one up during the Winter Steam Sale for £3! They say that this one is just as good as Origin, so I played this one. Well, one thing that it did better than Origin was that you can actually go outside and talk to people! There’s only one village you can go to, but oh well. Origin did better in music and story; it wasn’t bad in Oath, but I feel Origin did better.
Ys Typing Tutor
6 |
PC |
Phew, this game was hard! It’s basically a typing game based off Ys II. It got really difficult at the end, especially against Darm. It’s a small game, so there’s not much to say.
Escaped Chasm
6 |
PC |
For what it’s worth, it’s pretty good. It’s a very short test game, so it barely qualifies for this list, but I thought I’d add it anyway, seeing as how much effort went into the graphics and music.
Presentable Liberty
6 |
PC |
Interesting game. I thought it was neat. I wouldn’t say I like it or dislike it, I just appreciate the game for what it tries to do. To be honest, half way through I got a bit bored because it was literally just waiting for messages, and the in-game games, as cool as they were, got old quick. The ending was super cool, I liked how the room you were in was the elevator the whole time.
Okami HD
7 |
PC |
I stopped playing the original on PS2, but I replayed it in HD, on Steam. Good game! The music, visuals, story and characters were all creative and wonderful. It really captures the spirit of Japanese folklore. The ending was also really great, it felt fitting to the story. The only complaint would be the controls feel a bit slippery, especially when I’m doing platforming. Additionally, the first 10 hours were a bit slow, but after that, the game picks up momentum and draws you in more.
Destroy All Humans!
7 |
PS2 |
A fun game; it feels great to throw around people and chuck cars at them! The variety of guns also keeps the gameplay fresh and things to do open.
Destroy All Humans! 2
7 |
PS2 |
Good game, like the predecessor, but I felt the previous game was more stable. Still a good game though, and would recommend to someone who played the previous.
Ys: Memories of Celceta
8 |
PC |
Got this on sale. A remake of the fourth entry in the series. It’s my first modern Ys game!
First thing’s first, the gameplay. I feel it’s the best Ys has done so far (then again, I haven’t played 7, 8 or Ark yet). It feels so good to shield/dodge at just the right time and watch the game slow down! Plus, it’s really dynamic and fast-paced. You can’t jump, but I liked the skills and extra skills.
Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim
7 |
PC |
Got this on a sale along with memories and seven. The last of the “classic” Ys games.
The first impression I got when I played this game was that it’s the half-way point between Ys I & II and Ys Origin / Oath, in the sense that it has that classic Ys feeling of I & II, with that same dynamic hack-and-slash and graphics of Origin and Oath.
The music was about as good as Oath; a few awesome tracks, but still not as great as I & II or Origin.
Aviary Attorney
5 |
PC |
Ace Attorney is one of my most favourite visual novels of all time, so I thought why not give this a go?
First of all, I really liked the art style and the aesthetics of the game. It really felt vintage and captured the essence of the 1800’s.
Additionally, the humour in the game was pretty good. I liked how one of the pieces of evidence was a red herring, both literally and idiomatically!
7 |
PC |
Got this on a sale along with ark and memories. It’s a decent entry to the Ys series, and being the first “modern” Ys I can accept the flaws it has compared to memories.
The gameplay felt similar to memories, but it wasn’t as fluid. It didn’t have the flash dodges, but it did have SP and skills which I like. The music was decent, and the story was pretty good; that part where Adol is thrown into the coliseum was the highlight for me!
Kao the Kangaroo: Round 2
6 |
PC |
Another childhood game. The gameplay wasn’t that bad; in fact, I expected a lot worse. However, there were some bits that I didn’t like, for example the pelican had horrible controls and every moment of it I wished would be the last. Despite that, I’m still glad I finally beat this game.
Pony Island
7 |
PC |
I bought this during the Steam summer sale! It seemed like an interesting game; it has very good ratings. I really liked the fourth-wall breaks; it did some things I hadn’t seen any other game do, like fake Steam messages and Windows crashes. However, in terms of gameplay, some bits were good but some bits were boring. I’d say the gameplay and enjoyment value came in “spikes”. Despite that, I’m glad I played this, and for a short game, it was a pretty good experience.
6 |
PC |
Bought this on Steam during the Summer sale. It has outstanding reviews, so how bad can this be?
I completed the prologue, the Anna story and the main game. I also got all the endings (except the bad one). First of all, the aesthetics and the music were really good. Plus, the pixel art style complemented the game’s theme brilliantly. At first, I thought it would be “chiptune beats to relax/study to - The Game” but it actually turned out to be one of the most aesthetically pleasing games I’ve played in a while (in terms of its theme), perhaps even ever.
Yoshi vs Windows
7 |
PC |
A classic from my childhood! It would probably be a score of 6 if I hadn’t have grown up with it.
Valkyria Chronicles
7 |
PC |
I played it once, but since I accidentally didn’t save, I quitted. I wanted to get back into it, so I started playing it again.
At first, I was pretty terrible at the game, so much so that I cheated in infinite money and experience. It didn’t do much to help, but I didn’t know how to cheat in any other way. Soon after, I started playing more aggressively and using orders, and then I found it a lot easier.
I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator
7 |
PC |
For a free one hour game, I was pleasantly surprised by how great this visual novel was! The music was very good, the characters were interesting, it didn’t get boring and it was generally a good experience.
Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
7 |
PC |
Escape room: The Game. Seriously though, it’s a pretty good visual novel / puzzle game. There are parallels to Danganronpa, but there are a couple of things it does differently.
Firstly, the story. I admit, there were plenty of bits that really caught me off-guard. I generally really like survival games, so I appreciated this one. Sometimes the tension felt cheap, like finding the DEAD after going through a door (imagine dying to something stupid like that).
5 |
PC |
A small game that’s pretty neat considering it’s free. The only problem is that the puzzles are really difficult to reason with, which kind of killed it for me.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven
7 |
PS4 |
I’m a big JoJo fan and I heard / seen very good things about this game, so I played it. I made sure to catch up on the JoJo manga before I played so that I wouldn’t be spoiled for anything. The game is pretty fun!
The fighting takes some getting used to, but once you’re used to it it’s decent. It’s not like other fighting games where you memorise and perform combos that last ages, instead it’s more like trying to find openings, attack people from the back and playing like the character you’re using.
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
7 |
PC |
The sequel to 999! I heard it wasn’t so important to get a specific ending order, so I just played through it blind.
Hoo boy, have I got things to say about this one. Let’s start with the biggest one: the story. What the hell. You can tell that they really tried to “top” 999’s ending, but in a bad way. It got so confusing to the point where I can hardly even recite what happened.
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
6 |
PC |
The last entry of the Zero Escape series! In my opinion, ZTD was the weakest of the Zero Escape series. It’s not a bad game, it’s just the weakest.
While playing ZTD, I felt I reached a point where I simply couldn’t be asked to do the escape rooms so I used a walkthrough for most of them. I felt that way in VLR as well, and that’s probably just a personal thing and not a problem with the game itself.
Crash Team Racing
6 |
PS1 |
A cool game! I love the drifting mechanics and how it differentiates itself from titles like Mario Kart and isn’t just another cash-grab clone.
8 |
PC |
I bought it on Steam 75% off, so I really wanted to try this!
After playing it, what can I say: it’s an amazing game. However, I’ll go through each thing bit by bit.
First of all, the gameplay. It felt solid and great to play. There were a variety of moves that made it satisfying to play, however I’m the type of person to stick to one strategy. In addition, most of the extra techniques I bought went to waste.
Kingdom Hearts III Re:Mind
7 |
PS4 |
Awesome DLC! It complements the main game very well. It doesn’t fully complete the story, but I’m glad I played it. My favourite part was the bit where you fight as the whole group (except Sora). I really liked the interactions and the team fighting! I completed the whole bit right to the end of the secret episode.
The 13 darknesses bosses were really hard, but Yozora has to be the hardest.
Persona 5
8 |
PS4 |
My first Persona game! I got it on sale for £15 on the PSN store. I quite enjoyed it! I got the “Good” ending as well as the “True” ending.
First of all, the gameplay. It executes modern turn-based battling well, and I like how you can plan out what to do with enemy weaknesses. Talking to shadows can be a bit annoying, because sometimes I don’t know what to say, and sometimes the online guides are incomplete.
Bayonetta 2
8 |
Wii U |
Since this is the sequel, I’ll format this review in the same way as bayonetta 1. All in all it’s a better game than bayonetta 1, except with a few small things I prefer from the first game like some music tracks and stuff.
First of all, the gameplay. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I felt I played considerably better in B2 than I did in B1.
Super Lucky's Tale
7 |
PC |
I bought the steam version plus all the DLCs for just under £10 during a sale. Seemed cool; reminded me of AHiT.
It’s a cute game, and does have similar aesthetics to AHiT. However, there’s a certain level of unpolish that this game has that brings it down, along with a few other small problems I have with it. The game itself isn’t bad though; I did enjoy it. I got all the clovers and finished all the worlds, including the DLC worlds.
Persona 5 Royal
9 |
PS4 |
At the time I’m typing this I’ve still yet to beat Persona 5, but I would like to play Royal eventually, so maybe I’ll give it a go after I’ve had some time to “forget” about the original.
Well, that didn’t last long :P I only beat the original Persona 5 a few weeks ago. Still, people say there’s enough new content to make the full price and replay worth it, so let’s hope they’re right.
Rayman Redemption
8 |
PC |
Really cool Rayman fangame! At first I thought it was just a remake of Rayman 1 or something, but Ryemanni went above and beyond and created an entire remaster.
Everything about this game takes what Rayman had, and made it better. It also adds new stuff that really complements the style of Rayman and makes it a much better game to play. The graphics is about the same, but because it’s widescreen 1080p, it looks far superior to classic Rayman on modern monitors.
Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition
9 |
Switch |
I pre-ordered this game immediately after the pre-order became available. It’s the remake of my favourite JRPG of all time.
First of all, I’ll talk about the original game. Like Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal, it takes everything the original game had and vamps it up. The graphics look great, the music remixes have the same flair as the original but more modern and the redesigns of the characters are more “anime” like in Xenoblade 2, but they’re not done in a way that’s cringey; it’s pretty good.
Persona 4 Golden
7 |
PC |
I mainly wanted to play Golden and not the original because I love Time to Make History, except I’m going to have to get a vita… is what I thought before, but today Persona 4 Golden was just released on the Steam store! I bought it before it was even announced on the PC Gamer stream.
OK, I’ve just beaten the game. In general, pretty decent. I definitely would not call it a masterpiece; maybe because I’m spoiled with Persona 5.
Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido
6 |
Switch |
I played the demo and thought it was pretty good. I picked it up from Amazon, reduced from £40 to around £9.90, which was a great deal. It’s basically sushi Naruto but it’s quite fun.
Alright, after having played it, my verdict is this: the gameplay isn’t really for me. It takes a lot of getting used to, and connecting sushi generally feels a bit awkward as there’s always too much sushi in the way to continue connecting.
Yakuza 0
9 |
PC |
It’s fun to beat people and sing baka mitai. Really though, this game is great; the story is intense and emotional, it’s satisfying to beat people up, the side quests are hilarious, you grow to the characters, it’s just a really fun emotional rollercoaster. One complaint is that sometimes the fighting gets a little repetitive, and if there’s an enemy with loads of health or if there’s just tonnes of enemies swarming you, it can get kinda annoying.
Yakuza Kiwami
8 |
PC |
Pretty cool! I like how seamless this game is with Yakuza 0. The gameplay and style is so similar, I barely noticed that it was a different game.
The story is also quite good and has its shocking moments, but the pacing is a little too fast.
The gameplay is pretty much the same as Yakuza 0, but I enjoyed the experience system more than the money system.
I hated the penultimate battle because I hate being swarmed with enemies, especially with guns.
5 |
I thought I would get into the Shantae series by playing the first game. I got all the fireflies, warp squids and dances.
The first game is clunky and uncomfortable to play. This is especially prominent in the final battle, where sharp and quick movements are vital. You can’t even blame it on GBC, because there are some GB games that still feel great to play (like Super Mario Land).
Yakuza Kiwami 2
8 |
PC |
Phew, just beat Kiwami 2! Pretty good, to be honest.
First, the new Dragon engine. The first thing I want to point out is the ragdoll physics. There’s nothing inherently wrong with it, it’s just funny when I see bodies fly about weirdly after I punch them. I do feel that things are a little “floaty” and slippery, which was weird. After getting used to it, it was alright though.
7 |
PC |
By “beat the game”, I mean completing story mode on Expert. A pretty solid kart game! I expected it to be a cheap knock-off of mario kart, with shoddy controls and sub-par graphics, but after giving it a go, it was actually quite fun. It’s especially cool once you get used to the controls and the drifting mechanics.
Freedom Planet
6 |
PC |
My friend gifted me this for my 22nd birthday!
It was decent. Gameplay felt great, and the music was pretty cool, but I didn’t care for the characters much, and the story is weird and hard to follow. Glad I played, but I used cheat engine for infinite health just to get it over with :P
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
7 |
PC |
It’s a pretty popular franchise, and it’s made by Falcom, the same creators of Ys. How bad can it be, I asked.
After beating it, I thought the game was pretty good. At first, the gameplay felt kinda clunky and unsatisfying (by which I mean the battles), but the more I got used to it, the more I warmed up to it. To be honest, I cheated in infinite mira and sepith, but strangely enough, doing so made the gameplay more interesting, as I was focusing more on my strategy than whether I was underpowered or not.
Yakuza 3 Remastered
7 |
PC |
wahoo remastered edition on steam wahoo
Pretty good. Because it’s not Kiwami, the differences between Kiwami 1 and Kiwami 2 are pretty clear. It took some getting used to, but after I got used to it, it wasn’t so bad. Despite its age weighing it down, it did have some good moments, like the slice-of-life segments at the beginning where Kiryu was taking care of everyone at the orphanage. The story was alright; nothing to write home about, really.
The Last of Us Remastered
8 |
PS4 |
Got this for christmas, and loved it! I remember watching the PewDiePie gameplay of it years ago, but playing it yourself is a completely different experience. It’s so satisfying to outsmart your enemies and feel rewarded for coming up with a plan and executing it.
One of my favourite bits was in Left Behind; I really liked the parts where you could get zombies to attack enemies, so you don’t even have to attack them directly.
Ys IX: Monstrum Nox
8 |
PS4 |
It’s a lot more edgy than the other entries, which made a nice change. All in all, I enjoyed this entry! I heard people online calling it a “poor man’s version of Ys 8”, but I disagree. There are differences between 8 and 9, but I think on average, they level out to be the same.
Firstly, the gameplay. It felt pretty much the same as Ys 8, which I liked anyway.
Yakuza 4 Remastered
7 |
PC |
Pretty good! There were some really cool scenes that I enjoyed, like when Kiryu fought Tanimura and Akiyama, and when all four of them were about to go to the top of the Millennium Tower. I also really liked Saeijima’s chapter. All in all, it played like a slightly improved Yakuza 3. I’ll eventually be playing Yakuza 5!
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC
7 |
PC |
Cool sequel! I’d say it’s just as good as the first game, in general.
The story is way more involved than FC. You learn way more about Ouroboros and everyone’s pasts, and a lot more dramatic stuff happens towards the end. The part near the end, where Joshua and Estelle were practically accepting their deaths in embrace, was a really nice touch. It was also a trip to see Olivier as a prince.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd
8 |
PC |
Amazing finale to the Sky series. The ending got me right in the feels, especially with Looking up at the Sky and Estelle’s words to Renne about smiling when saying goodbye. It really felt like Estelle’s words were meant for the player. This is probably the most hard-hitting ending in Trails so far, and maybe even any Falcom game so far.
The story was pretty simple; simpler than the previous Trails games.
The Last of Us Part II
8 |
PS4 |
Great sequel! I bought it 57% off on PSN.
Firstly, the gameplay. I played the game on Light, which may have been too easy, because the enemies were practically blind :P But I enjoyed it nonetheless.
I like the new variations of weapons, and outsmarting opponents is still just as satisfying. I also did a few bits pacifist and didn’t kill anyone, and I also did some other bits more aggressively.
New Super Mario Land
6 |
A neat little rom hack I played when I was bored one day. Very impressive for a rom hack!
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
7 |
PC |
Waited 6 years to play this, and found out it’s a great Ace Attorney spin-off! It was a nice change of pace, setting it in the Meiji era and having a completely new cast.
The story was good, but a little slow. I liked the idea of Ryunosuke revealing the truth of a huge conspiracy that threatens the entire English justice system, but it took so long to reach that point.
PC |
– CHAPTER 1 – I just finished chapter 1, and I’m loving this game! Toby took the good things from Undertale and the good things from Earthbound and put them together. The story looks interesting, the music is great as always, and I’m really excited to play the rest when it comes out.
– CHAPTER 1 & 2 DEMO – Decided to replay chapter 1 as well so steam can remember my save files for when the rest of the game comes out on steam also.
Valkyria Chronicles 4
7 |
PC |
I bought the complete edition on steam 66% off! The first game was good, and I played the demo of 4 on switch. I got the true ending, got A ranks on all the skirmishes (except expert), extra stories, squad stories, as well as upgraded everyone to at least Paragon. I also did all the DLCs like “A United Front with Squad 7” and “The Two Valkyria”. I used Alicia and Rosie pretty much throughout the whole game xD
Persona 5 Strikers
7 |
PC |
It’s sort of like a spin-off sequel that takes place after Persona 5. I love the remixes, so I thought, why not give it a go sometime? I got it on sale from steam for 40% off, plus dlc, which isn’t bad. I got all the master arts, did all the requests, and defeated the Reaper.
Gameplay Good game! It definitely feels like it picks up roughly where Persona 5 leaves off.
Yakuza 5 Remastered
7 |
PC |
Neat game! It’s very like Yakuza 4 in some ways, but also quite different. All in all, I’m glad I played through it.
Gameplay I quite like how the game is split up into five different stories; it gives it variation. My favourite has to be Kiryu, mostly because I enjoy playing as him the most; he has the perfect balance of speed and power (unlike Saejima who is powerful but too slow), but also has really fun abilities like the Komaki Tiger Drop (which Akiyama and Shinada don’t really have).
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life
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PC |
A great finale to the Kiryu arc of Yakuza!
Story I think the story of Yakuza 6 was pretty good. To be fair, Kiryu’s writing did feel a little strange at times; some of his decisions early on felt like “would Kiryu really do that?”, but it wasn’t bad enough to ruin the experience for me.
It took me a while to get used to the idea that Haruka is a mum :P but after some time, I got used to it.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits
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PC |
A cute cool game I saw during the E3 2020 replacement streams. Gameplay is like a mix of Dark Souls and Breath of the Wild. The feel of the game reminds me of Rayman 2 a bit. I collected all collectables (Rot, shrines, hats etc.) before beating the game.
Gameplay The gameplay was pretty fun, but the combat did feel a little delayed / slow at times. It doesn’t immediately shield when I press the shield button, which can make it real difficult to do parries.
Outer Wilds
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A very clever game! I really liked the freedom of exploration and the time warping feature; it heavily put me in mind of Majora’s Mask. I think this game did a really good job of showing, not telling. One of the best moments for me was figuring out the Eye coordinates were meant to be plotted on the Vessel!
One thing about this game is that it’s pretty scary, even though it’s not trying to be.
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PC |
Got it as a gift on Steam, pretty neat game! Gets quite tough in some bits though. I got the main ending on Hard mode. I did the Normal and Pacifist endings.
HuniePop 2: Double Date
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PC |
A great sequel! Quite tricky though, even on normal mode. One mistake can cost you the entire date, even by accident. You really need to take your time and think about all the possibilities you can do. Having said that, it’s quite fun to be immersed in the game while thinking deeply about it.
Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternative Saga
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Playing the Geofront patch, via PPSSPP. After playing it, eh, I kind of expected way better. After watching the trailer, I thought it’d be like Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney, with a proper plot and stuff, but really it’s just a watered-down Ys 7 with barely any plot. I only played Adol’s story, because I believe the other stories are basically the same but with different characters.
I was a bit disappointed with this, to be honest.
Pokémon Sword
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Switch |
I still had fun, but there was a lot of unpolish that left me feeling disappointed.
For one thing, I didn’t care about the graphics like everyone else did online. I really don’t care if the trees look like they’re from OOT. I still think the game looks great, and the battles look like they’re from Pokémon Stadium, which was really nice.
The story felt really lazy. Team Yell had almost no role in the game, and were pretty pathetic; the whole ’legend’ thing and the Chairman bringing about the Darkest Day felt like something that just cropped up right at the last minute.
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
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PS4 |
Picked this up, Day One edition, for over half price at my local GAME :D
I liked the story, the music was alright, and I liked the characters too. I wasn’t too keen on the gameplay though, especially the battling. I don’t mind turn-based, but it can be frustrating when teammates don’t run fast enough to attack an enemy, or someone gets in the way of an attack, or when enemies move around too fast and ruin a plan I have.
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A warm game with cool music and nice characters, but also pretty dark and depressing. I did the good ending (+ secret flower ending), bad ending, and the neutral endings. I didn’t do the whole hikikomori route though, as I didn’t feel like playing the game all over again just for a couple bonus things, but I did download some hikikomori save files and explored Black Space 2.
Story Firstly, the story.
Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye
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PC |
A great DLC! It kept the same spirit as the original game, by its clever design of introducing new phenomena and mechanics that had already existed from the beginning. I especially liked unlocking the vault locks by exploiting the flaws of the virtual world. Going through the virtual world in the dark, and trying to avoid the Elks, was pretty spooky, but I got through it!
Another thing I like a lot about Echoes of the Eye are the slide-shows.
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PS1 |
As a game, it’s not really my thing. The graphics haven’t aged well, and the gameplay is sluggish. I had cheats on most of the time to get through it.
The music is quite cool though; my favourites are the overworld theme and the ending theme.
There is soooo much plot. I could barely even understand what was going on in the game, let alone watching videos and reading through Perfect Works.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
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Switch |
I flipped out when I saw this announced in the Nintendo Direct! After playing it, I felt that the story and lore could have been expanded more. It was nowhere near at the level of Xenoblade 1 or 2. I even felt a little disappointed that the lore wasn’t on a grand scale like the other games were.
Everything else was good though: the gameplay felt really solid (I’d even say it has the best gameplay of the series), the music is amazing, I love the characters, and the game looks great.
A Plague Tale: Innocence
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PC |
Reminds me of the last of us but with uh rats and the plague. After playing it, that’s pretty much what it is lol
Good game, I enjoyed it and everything, but it was lacking a sense of charm that the last of us had. Would still recommend it to people who like those kinds of stealth games.
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PC |
A solid game! I got all of the B-12 memories.
Story The story is pretty standard. I’d even go as far as to say the story didn’t really drive me to continue playing, however I thought the concept of unlocking memories for B-12 to reveal bits of the story was interesting; it reminded me of Ys Memories of Celceta.
Gameplay The gameplay felt very smooth and well-designed. I liked how the game uses prompts to jump between platforms, instead of a more free-style platforming mechanic, as it feels more ‘cat-like’, and also works in my favour better when trying to run fast.
The Witness
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PS4 |
A neat puzzle game! I especially like the environmental puzzles; it’s clever how you can see those puzzle patterns in nature, hidden in plain sight. The audio tapes felt a bit useless and even pretentious at times, like they were just put there to “sound smart”. All in all, a good puzzle game.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed
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Switch |
A really cool addition to Xenoblade 3! I would say Xenoblade 3 is incomplete without this DLC.
The gameplay is awesome, just like the base game. Not only did they bring cancelling arts back, but I also liked how you could get a chance that the cooldown of an art would be skipped, so you could keep hammering arts. I mostly just played as Matthew.
The music is also amazing, as always with Xenoblade.
Tyrion Cuthbert: Attorney of the Arcane
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PC |
A neat, unique Ace Attorney-like indie game, with music composed by Shady Cicada, among others. I funded $20 to the indiegogo campaign.
I mostly crowdfunded the game because Shady Cicada was composing some of the tracks for it, but I found it to be the best Ace Attorney-inspired indie games I’ve played.
Story The story wasn’t mindblowing, but it worked quite well for what the game tried to do. I liked the character development of the main characters through the second half of the game, and the cases were fairly interesting.
Undertale Yellow
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PC |
Very solid fangame! I got the pacifist ending first, then the flawed pacifist ending, then the neutral ending, and finally the genocide ending.
Gameplay I liked the different variations of attacks; they were quite creative and strongly reminded me of Undertale’s variety.
The battle segments where you shoot and dash were also very enjoyable, and made the game more bullet-hell Touhou-y and was a nice change of page.
As much as I liked the difficulty of the genocide bosses, some of the attacks were a bit bullshit, and I had no idea how someone was expected to dodge it without being a TAS bot.
Super Mario Bros. Wonder
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Switch |
Great music and graphics! The gameplay is really solid, and I’m liking the new setting, characters, and mechanics, such as badges and the elephant powerup.
The only complaint is that it’s too easy. Even the secret world didn’t challenge me as much as I would’ve liked. It has the same problem as A Hat in Time.
All in all, a wonderful addition to the mainline Mario games :)
Devil May Cry
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A bit dated, but pretty cool. The horror theme was an unexpected surprise, but a welcome one. It’s nice to see where games like Bayonetta get their inspiration from.
Devil May Cry 2
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PC |
Hmmm, pretty crap lol
The cutscenes were really cool, and I liked Dante’s one-liners.
The atmosphere of the screens that show before the missions start is really nice. I also liked the entries from the Guidepost for Hunters book that shows between missions.
However, the gameplay isn’t very fun, the bosses are too easy, the story is somehow more lackluster than the first game’s story, the targeting is horrible (especially considering Ocarina of Time perfected this gameplay aspect 5 years prior), the item are too expensive, and mission 14 made me want to rip my hair out.
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PC |
A solid action adventure Zelda-style indie game, and my first bought game on GOG :)
Gameplay The gameplay is very solid! The controls felt tight and natural, attacking stuff was satisfying, and it was really fun to roll around and zip around once you get the power-up after the gauntlet in the Cathedral.
The difficulty is one of the best I’ve seen in games like this. It’s not so easy that it feels dissatisfying, but not so hard that you get frustrated.
Yoshi's Woolly World
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Wii U |
Beat this game years ago. Solid platformer! I quite liked it. I used my Shulk amiibo and played as the Shulk yoshi most of the way through.
Persona 3 Reload
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PC |
Really good remake! This is one of my favourite Persona games so far, almost as good as Persona 5 Royal. I think it was a smart move on Atlus’ part to remake Persona 3, but in a modern engline like Unreal, and gameplay tweaked to be more like Persona 5.
Progress Just to log my progress:
I fused all Personas except Metatron, Asura, Atavaka, Kohryu, Michael, Byakko, Horus, Surt, Orpheus Telos, Masakado, Odin, Lakshmi, Yurlungur, Hell Biker, and Thor.
Ys X: Nordics
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PC |
Amazing game! Loved the gameplay, music, story, characters, setting, etc.
I liked the decision to only have two playable characters. I never really liked the party system in modern Ys games, so this was a nice change for me, even though I still played as Adol 80% of the time :P
I didn’t like the ship parts too much though. In the first half, it felt very slow, and in general attacking other ships felt sluggish and awkward.
Sonic X Shadow Generations
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Great Sonic platformer! The Sonic Generations bit feels pretty much the same, but the Shadow part felt really modern. Having said that, it felt like Sonic Team wanted to make a Shadow Frontiers, what with the slight focus on combat and the type of moves Shadow would make, but were tied down to the Generations format. There’s not much to say about the story: it was good but nothing groundbreaking. All in all, it’s a cool little game and feels great to play, but it makes me wish they had made Shadow Frontiers as an individual game instead of remastering Sonic Generations.
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PC |
A neat little RPG maker game. I played the Forgotten Dreams version:
One day, I randomly played this after reading that Toby Fox had composed a song for the Steam release of this game. What drew me to playing it fully was the strange aesthetic and the surreal yet flowery and sophisticated dialogue.
In terms of the game, it’s nothing too special: it’s just an RPG maker game with Final Fantasy’s ATB gauge system, which I never really liked, personally.