Date of completion:



I made this game in Java. This game is my A Level Computer Science coursework, and it took around 2 years to create. It's easily my biggest project ever, and I'm very proud of it. The game is about a character who helps a girl named Julia to find information about herself. It features a real-time battle style, and is quite story-heavy in terms of dialogue. However, after the tutorials, you can easily take a break from the story and go on 'Sandbox' mode, where you're free to grind, play mini-games or perform side-quests. This game also has achievements, deleted scenes, a sound test and a tutorial dog.

During development, I wanted to create a game similar to the classic 90's JRPGs. I didn't want to make it turn-based, because I thought it would be too boring, but I also didn't want to make it too modern, because it would ruin the aesthetic of 'retro'. So I kept it simple and created this. As for the story, it might not be anything too impressive, but it sufficed for my project. All of the works (like music or graphics) I do give credit for in the credits. To play this game, make sure you have Java 8 installed. You can run the game by running the 'WHITE LIE.jar' file. If your computer asks what to open the .jar file with, just pick the option that says 'Java Platform SE binary', or something to that effect.
