
If the project is written in Java, it won't come as a .exe file! It'll come as a runnable .jar file for desktops or a .apk file for Android, so run that.

If a project states the name 'ChromeWare' or 'Taking1n1', don't worry; 'Chromeware' was my old game-making name and 'Taking1n1' is my YouTube name.

Click on a project's name to view screenshots and download links!

Name Description Type Date of project completion
Nubble! Bot Online


I made this utility in HTML and Javascript + jQuery. As you can see, this is a direct port of the original Nubble! Bot, but for web browsers. I created this on request of one of my peers in my maths class while we were playing Nubble!.
Nubble! Bot Online is the same as Nubble! Bot, except that it's been watered down a little. It has the basic functionality as Nubble! Bot and can be applied in a real Nubble! game, however it would be better to use the C# application instead of this if you have the opportunity; the online version is mostly aimed towards handheld devices and network computers that cannot download software.
If you're playing Nubble!, but don't have a computer handy and still want to summon Nubble! Bot's supreme intellect, this is the utility for you!




Ruth Taylor Photographic Gallery


I made this website using HTML, JavaScript + AJAX + jQuery, CSS and PHP. This website is an e-commerce site that allows you to purchase a range of photographs taken by, as the name suggests, Ruth Taylor; the person I made this website for.
I've never made a working e-commerce site before, so I have definitely learned a lot from this project, such as how to use PayPal Express Checkout for third-party shopping carts, how to efficiently use GET and POST requests, how to use AJAX with jQuery and how to be paranoid of every little exploit in my website.
Keep in mind that this is my first e-commerce site, so it might not be very impressive if you compare it to other sites like eBay or Amazon, but I've tried my best to make this as robust and user-friendly as possible!
This site uses PayPal only, but if you only have credit or debit, PayPal Express Checkout lets you dynamically sign up to PayPal using your card details and purchase products.
If you run into any bugs, have any recommendations for the improvement of this website or have any queries to ask, please use the 'Contact' page of this website and pray that Ruth reads her e-mail!




SUVAT Calculator


I made this utility in JavaScript with jQuery. I created this to make working with SUVATs a lot easier, which I have to do a lot when making games that involve accelerated motion.
As any A Level Maths/Physics student should tell you, SUVAT equations are a range of 5 equations used for calculating factors of projectile motion. They are used for calculating initial velocity, final velocity, acceleration, change of time and displacement depending on the three factors you know already. For example, if I knew the acceleration, displacement and initial velocity of a particle, I could calculate the final velocity and change of time of the particle's movement, which is exactly what this utility does.
In addition to plugging in values to equations, it also shows you how it got to its answer by taking an existing SUVAT equation, rearranging it and showing you the rearranged equation. Furthermore, answers are displayed in the text boxes in red font. The black font represents input and the red font represents output.
If you simply need to use SUVATs quickly without having to waste paper doing it yourself, this is for you!






I made this utility in C#. At this current point in time, I'm creating a website for someone (a client, if you will) so that they can publish their photographs online. Throughout this, prices are calculated through sizes and the ratio between the width and height in inches. It can get quite tiresome to do the maths for every individual photo, so in around 4-5 hours I wrote a program to do it for me.
The databases within this program follows the pricing of the site, for this is the service my client will use. To use this program, you have to import a photograph. When your photograph is imported, the dimensions are calculated in pixels, inches and millimetres. In addition, the size ratio is run through the database, looking for matches. When it finds a match, it'll add that price to the list. If there are no matches, the program will use a regression line to get a bunch of 'odd sizes' and their prices.
This program also supports manual input of sizes in inches, and it supports the calculation of canvas costs. In addition, there is an easy-to-follow tutorial embedded in this program, so anyone can use it!
Well... I suppose only me and (maybe) my client will use it. I'm not sure who else would use it. Unless you're a photographer planning to publish photographs using digitalprintdesign, I can't see how this program will be useful to you. But it's my work, and I'm pretty proud of it, so it's going on my portfolio.




Nubble! Bot


I made this utility in C#. Everyone in my maths class are big fans of a team-based maths game named 'Nubble!' in which you are given 4 single-digit integers each go and your team has to make a bigger number less than 100 from those numbers. While the class was playing Nubble!, the idea of a program that calculated the best moves slid into my mind. The more we played, the larger the idea grew. Every turn, the idea grew a new algorithm or feature and I developed an itch to develop this program. After that maths class, I had 2 free periods and a lunch break to spare. In that time, I created a prototype of the idea. It was written in Java and was only console-based, but was fully functional. When I got home, I re-wrote it in C# with a nice looking GUI interface with more features. This program would later be known as 'Nubble! Bot'.
Nubble! Bot requires that you input 4 single-digit integers, like in Nubble!. Once you click 'Calculate!', Nubble! Bot calculates all the different kinds of numbers you can make using those 4 integers. The list is automatically sorted in descending order, so the highest solution is always at the top. In addition, you can set a number as a 'Taken Number', which means that solution number won't appear again in further calculations. This correlates to how you can only pick unique solution numbers in a whole game of Nubble!.
I am aware that the backgrouds of Nubble! Bot and Connect 4 are the same. They're both Cornflower Blue. I like that colour.




Password Organiser


I made this utility in C#. This program was my third A Level Computing assignment. My teacher set out an example for us all to follow, but I felt like his example didn't quite capture the full potential of this program type (plus, it was more tricky and inefficient to program for me). Because of this, I made my program a little different from his in terms of interface. Curious to know how far I can go with this program, I started adding various other features, such as folders, a Master Password, an Undertale reference, locking folders, hiding passwords, different views, back-ups, folder customisation, searching for entries and a friendly Password Buddy to help the user improve, edit or generate passwords for them. I tried to pack as many useful features into this utility as I could to tend it towards perfection!






I made this utility in Java with the GlazedLists library. One of my friends helps his parents run a repair shop, and he wanted to create a utility to make the data-handling side easier. With my programming and his design and choices, we created this.
This program allows you to add customers as entries, including things like contact number, broken accessory, current state etc. and you can even print out invoices and receipts.
My friend's native language is Portuguese and he resides in Portugal, so some of the text in this program is in that language. This is partly the reason why this program is called 'GCE' and not something else like 'Repair Shop Manager v1.0'. Since this is my copy of the program, the majority of it should be in English.
... I spelled Portuguese wrong in the first screenshot.




Connect 4


I made this game in C#. This game was my second A Level Computing assignment. I could've made a simple, basic Connect 4 game in a span of a day or two and continued with other work, but I decided to really pour my efforts into this one and make this as flash as I could. The result? An overly-flashy, techy, hyped up Connect 4 game, fitted with naming, options, flipping coins, chiptune music, animations, customising your counters and playing against the computer.




Arrow Key Game


I made this game in Java using the LibGDX library with the LibGDX FreeType extention. This game was the result of somebody stating that he didn't think I could make a game that makes the player input a series of arrow key inputs in reverse. In my defence, I created the game, only to be tricked by my friend, for he only pretended to doubt my skill to make me create this type of game for him. I didn't give him the source code OR the game.
Back-story aside, this is a very simple game where you input a series of arrow key buttons in reverse to help a scientist do research. There are 10 levels and after those 10 levels, you win. However, there is a time limit. If you don't input the keys fast enough or if you incorrectly type a key three times, the game will end and the scientist will fail his research. This uses Java, so make sure you have at least Java 8 installed on your machine when you play this.




Tic Tac Toe


I made this game in C#. This game was my first A Level Computing assignment, so I wanted to make this special by adding things such as sound, names, customisable counters and even a meme that's probably outdated by the time you're reading this. Apart from that, it's a pretty standard Tic Tac Toe game.




Bouncy Balls!


This is an app I made in Java with the Android SDK in Android Studio. This was my second attempt at creating a proper app, and I was so motivated to finish this that I stayed up until 8-9 in the morning to complete it. The result does not live up to that. For my first up-to-date app, it's not too bad, for it includes features like a help screen, an edit screen, hue changing etc..
This was also my first app to make it to the Google Play Store, which you can see by attempting to download the executable for this app. This app is supposed to have adverts, although I hardly make any revenue from it!




A Quest for Blocks


This is a puzzle game I developed in C#. I wanted to give the user a challenge of a puzzle, but the freedom of creating their own levels. I think this game sums that up pretty nicely. There's a level editor and the levels come in individual files, so you can challenge your friends with levels you've made, or something like that.






This is a game I created in C#. Initially, I was aiming for a retro-style puzzle game that included chemicals and the fusion of chemicals. From that idea, I created a rather difficult puzzle game that not even I have a chance of mastering! Like A Quest For Blocks, there is a level editor and the levels are stored as individual files. If you love chemistry, this is the game for you! (Although it doesn't actually include real-life chemicals. I don't study chemistry.)




Periodic Invaders


This is an educational quiz game I made in C++ with the SDL library. Two friends of mine asked me to help create a game for their science class. The game was meant to quiz the class on certain physics/chemistry topics, of which were provided to me by my friends (in this sense, clients). My friends came up with the idea of a Space Invaders clone merged with a quiz and a board game involving dice. Being the programmer, I had to go along with it and program it fully.
Everything works well, except the ending; there is a chance that it may crash if you click a lot during the text dialog. This is because my program pauses the main thread while you read the text and only updates a second later, leading the OS to think that the program has crashed. I never quite fixed that problem... Needless to say, with my current level of skill in making games, this problem could be averted if rewritten. Unfortunately, I was still relatively new to graphical games in C++, so the quality of this game isn't perfect, but it's still very playable and great for GCSE Science revision!




Coin Blitz


This is a simple game I made in C++ with the SDL library. This project was to test my ability to create AI. I created AI, but... the game sucks. A lot. I'm still putting it into my portfolio because it still took me a while to make. Keep in mind that I made this game during my early years of creating fully graphical games!




Peng Pong


This is a game I initially created in Java, but remastered in C++ due to certain feedback from my friends that the Java version 'didn't work' or 'couldn't run'. Probably because I wrapped the Java one in a .exe file. Peng Pong is what you'd expect; a simple arkanoid game with powerups and high-scores. Peng Pong was my first proper graphical game ever, and due to its simplicity and emotional attachment to me, I ported it to Android too; which is available for download as well in the form of an apk file.






This is a very short uncompleted game I made in JavaScript. Initally, I was testing how much I could achieve in JavaScript, and it turned into a space-themed sideways space invaders with upgrades and a lack of enemies to fight. Impressed at how much I could do with JavaScript, I was intentionally going to implement a whole story and complete the game, but I never got around to it. There's one prologue gameplay screen that is followed by two cutscenes. After that is a "main menu". Click the name to play it.




Peng Pong Android


This is a port of Peng Pong written in Java. Peng Pong, being my first ever Android game, was created before I had an Android device, so I had to built it revolving around my dad's old phone which had an old version of Android. As a result, if you install Peng Pong on your up-to-date Android device, it might not be as stable or 'feel' as good as it could've been. I didn't develop it for iOS because 1) Nobody I knew had any iOS devices and 2) I didn't know Objective-C at the time.




Bouncing Objects


This is a game I made in Java. I was aiming to make a fast, action-packed game, but keep it as simple as a 1970's arcade game. Therefore, I only implemented mouse input and I kept the variety of objects at a bare minimum. The result is rather addictive and, at the time, one of my best works. I got a score of 31 once, and I never beat it. If you're curious to know where the music is from, it's from Ninja Gaiden for NES.




C++ BlackJack


I made this game in C++. This is one of my very early games, back before I knew how to program graphical games in anything other than Game Maker. It's decent for a command promt game, so why not show what I can do with a console?






This is a simple C program I wrote when I was studying the C programming language. This is the oldest C program I could find on my hard disk, but far from the first C program I ever wrote, which was a Hello World program I wrote in 2010, and my first proper C game which was DOS-RPG written in the same year on a Windows 98 computer. Nonetheless, this is nothing special to a user, but it's baby-steps like these that brought me closer to the ability to make programs such as the ones you see at the top of this page. This program tells you the size of the different native variable types in bytes.




Furghball's PC Battle! 1 & 2


These two platformer games were created in Game Maker 7. When I was 11 years old, I played a freeware fan-game called Yoshi vs Windows, and I really enjoyed it. Taking inspiration from that game, I decided to also create a game in which a character goes inside a computer to do battle. Hence, I created 'Furghball's PC Battle!'. It follows the story of a white Kirby-like character that fights 'Mega-Virus' within his own computer. I was so happy with the result that I decided to bring it into school one day. My peers in my Year 6 class really enjoyed the game. At the end of the day, my teacher said that he could 'see me as a software developer one day'. Feeling flattered and proud of my game, I created a sequel to the game, which incorporated a few new features. Now, this game might not seem very impressive compared to my later games, but this was big for an 11-year-old kid. Furghball's PC Battle was the first game series of mine to include a story, a boss and moving enemies.
If the second game's buttons do not work, try pressing 'F12' to start the game. Pressing F12 was a debug feature I forgot to take out.



1st game: 3/7/10

2nd game: 5/7/10

Animation Platform


This is an attempt at a platformer game originally created with Game Maker 6, but in order to make it work on today's computers, I imported this game and exported it with GameMaker: Studio. This is the oldest program of mine that I could find on my computer, but it's far from the oldest program I ever made. The oldest program I ever made (excluding the programs in which I was testing Game Maker's capabilities) was probably Tom's Adventures, which was based off of the comic series I used to make of the same name. That aside, this is an extremely basic yet poor attempt at creating a platformer game. The main reason why it's on this portfolio is because this is the oldest work I could salvage from my hard disk. The 9-year-old Matthew Barnes who created this would've been proud.




Some credit goes to for sound effects and stuff.

Creative Commons Licence
These programs written by Matthew Barnes are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This license only applies to work of my own and not the work of others, for example music or sound effects.