Software Security
Matthew Barnes
Software Vulnerabilities 1
Risks and Consequences 1
Who is the Attacker? 3
Vulnerabilities 5
CIA Triad 7
Low-Level Programming 9
Memory Errors 9
Assembly 10
Malware 11
About Malware 11
Common Techniques 11
Persistence 11
Stealth 11
Packing and Obfuscation 12
Anti-Analysis 12
Basic Static Analysis 12
Advanced Static Analysis with IDA 12
Introduction to Risk Analysis 12
Eliciting Security Requirements with Misuse Cases 15
Security Requirements 15
Misuse Cases 15
Attack Trees 17
Software Vulnerabilities
Risks and Consequences
There is no doubt that there are certain risks when hosting a business online.
Here’s a couple of them:
Pretty picture
Service and data unavailability
Your service / data could be made
A hacker could do something to your website,
and nobody would trust your service
Data leaks
Client lists, industrial secrets, business
plans, e-mails etc.
Bank fraud
Stealing credit cards, phishing for bank
details, etc.
Data loss
Losing data such as projects, client data,
This can happen due to HDD / SSD faults.
But who cares?
Who cares if I lose my data, or if my website goes down for
a few seconds, or if a hacker steals all my personal
information including bank details?
What are the consequences?
Well, uh... obviously, you’ll lose money.
The company will lose money with less traffic, and will
have to spend money to replace lost data.
This reduces stock market value.
In addition, just because you don’t care that your
data is compromised, that doesn’t mean your clients
don’t, either.
In addition, if you work in a public sector, providing
services such as water and electricity, there can be big
If you allow malicious activity, they could do things like
shut down the power grid.
If that happens, you wouldn’t be able to read the
notes anymore!
So, we get it. Risks bad.
What do we do to defend against this?
Some of these happen via fault.
We can replicate data and backup
Use disaster recovery software
However, some of these happen via attackers.
Who is the Attacker?
Who would want to attack you? After all, you’re such
a nice person.
Pretty picture
Take down a rival business
Get a kick out of hacking you
Activity (hacktivist)
Nation state
What exactly do we want to protect?
Information (our data)
Network (we don’t want them reading our packets
Physical (please don’t blow up our computers)
How exactly do we protect these?
We can deny unauthorised access to:
- Facilities
- Equipment
Data centres
- Resources
... and use multiple layers of systems:
Security guards
Protective barriers
- Locks
Access control protocol
What? Hire security guards for our information and
That doesn’t quite work... physical security
isn’t enough.
We need a bit more.
A vulnerability is a bug or weakness in a system that, when exploited,
could result in unwanted circumstances.
An exploit is a piece of code written to abuse that
There are four kinds of vulnerabilities:
Vulnerabilities in physical systems
Vulnerabilities in infrastructures as networking
Vulnerabilities in Operating Systems
Vulnerabilities in Software
The red vulnerabilities are bugs in software.
One such vulnerability could come from a buffer overflow weakness.
This is where we can accidentally overflow a buffer meant
to manipulate data and overwrite arbitrary memory
This can be used to overwrite the original program’s
code and run our own code, called a payload.
Now, we’ll go into detail on what a
“risk” is.
Weakness in the system
Internal factor
Condition that can cause harm
External factor
Likelihood of the realisation of a
Vulnerability without a threat = no risk
Threat without a vulnerability = no risk
So, if we have a vulnerability in our system, but nobody
wants to abuse it, then we don’t need to patch it,
There will always be threats.
There will always be vulnerabilities.
So as long as we have assets, there will always be
What happens when a vulnerability exists?
It has a lifetime before it is patched:
Software released from a vendor (with the unknown
Vulnerability discovered by an attacker and exploit is released
Vulnerability discovered by the vendor
Public dissemination of the vulnerability
Antiviruses start revealing the exploit
Patch released by the vendor
Exploit mitigation deployed on all affected systems
Zero-day attacks are exploitations of the vulnerability before it has
been disclosed to the public. Nobody notices these.
Follow-on attacks are exploitations of the vulnerability after it has
been disclosed to the public, and before it has been
The window of exposure is the range of time in which the vulnerability can
be exploited.
Here is a graph showing how much a security expert could
earn by finding exploits in the following systems:
Alright... that’s really hard to see, but
here’s the ones the slides mention:
Wordpress £5,000
Flash £50,000
Android £100,000
iOS £500,000
CIA Triad
Each vulnerability can harm one or more CIA
- Those are:
Confidentiality (exposure of customer / company data)
Integrity (data deletion / modification)
Availability (IT systems becoming inaccessible / taken down)
How do we catalogue these vulnerabilities?
We could build a unique tuple for each vulnerability, and
then store them into an archive.
The tuple structure can look like this:
(id, type, attack vector, threat, exploit)
That’s alright, but it’s a bit crap.
- Why?
We could accidentally store the same vulnerability multiple
In fact, the Tower of Babel vulnerability has been
classified 12 times!
Violate at least one CIA property.
Are identified by a unique string: CVE-year-number
Are described with a page containing:
- Description
URL to a detailed page (references)
Date of creation
CVSS Score
0.1 - 3.9
4.0 - 6.9
7.0 - 8.9
9.0 - 10.0
Given a vulnerability, how do we calculate its CVSS
There are a number of factors that go into that.
Is it easy to exploit?
- What is the impact?
Is a patch available?
Is an exploit available?
What are the consequences on safety?
How many systems are vulnerable?
The CVSS base score of Heartbleed is 6.4.
What’s the difference between a weakness and a
A weakness can lead to a vulnerability.
A weakness describes something that could go wrong with
software. Once you write a program that has that weakness,
and the software can be exploited by some attacker because
of that weakness, you’ve now created a
You can think of a vulnerability as an
“instantiation” of a weakness.
If you still don’t get it, Tom K. explains this
pretty well.
Low-Level Programming
In C, we have pointers.
Pointers are variables that ‘point’ to a
location in memory.
Arrays in C are really just pointers.
arr[5] ← depends on the size of the type of
*(arr + (sizeof arr type) * 5)
Memory Errors
C has two areas of memory: the stack and the heap.
The stack is where the function calls, arguments, and local
variables are stored.
The heap is where all dynamic memory is stored
Consider the following program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
char buffer[500];
strcpy(buffer, argv[1]);
return 0; }
What if we were to pipe in an argument that is more than
500 characters?
C wouldn’t crash; it has no validation for such
Instead, it would overwrite bits of the stack that
weren’t meant to be overwritten...
... such as the return pointer.
If we overwrite that, we can make the main function return
to any malicious code we want.
You can transfer data from:
Memory to registers
Registers to registers
Registers to memory
But not memory to memory, because computers don’t
have the hardware to do that.
Relative addressing, index is scaled by square number 1 2 4
8 16
We do this because it’s fast; bitwise shift, hardware
- Malware bad
Malware: Malicious computer software that interferes with normal
computer functions or sends personal data about the user to
unauthorized parties over the internet [source].
About Malware
Mass (lots of people)
Specific (a few people)
Trojan horse (pretends to be good but isn’t)
Virus (spreading by host file)
Worm (spreading by vulnerability)
Information stealing (keyloggers, sniffers)
Remote access (backdoor, accessing your computer via remote
Ransomware (pay us bitcoin and we will decrypt your
Rootkit (hooking into OS system calls)
Scareware (your computer has child porn (it doesn’t),
pay us or you’ll go to jail!!!!)
Downloader (download other malware and execute it)
Launcher (launch other malware)
Common Techniques
How can they make sure to load each time?
- Logon
Explorer hooks
Scheduled tasks
- Services
- Drivers
- Boot execute
AppInit (DLL loaded into every application that
How can they hide themselves?
Camouflage as real files
Pretend to be Microsoft
Inject into other processes
Replace legitimate files
Hide from OS (using rootkit)
Replace things that don’t get used often
Packing and Obfuscation
Pack malware inside a wrapper
When you try to inspect application, you only see
Some malware can detect if they’re in VMs by looking
- Drivers
Virtualized devices
Virtualisation support software
Analysis tools
- Networking
Basic Static Analysis
Portable Executable (PE): file format used by Windows executables
Header: stores info about library dependencies
- Sections:
.text - executable code
.rdata - read-only data globally accessible in
.data - global data accessed throughout program
.rsrc - resources needed by program
Advanced Static Analysis with IDA
Unpack using PEStudio
Dependency Walker
‘strings’ to find all strings in program
Resource Hacker
Or you can use IDA, which lets you read assembly.
Introduction to Risk Analysis
three pillars of software sec:
risk management framework
- touchpoints
- knowledge
10 steps to cyber security:
network security
user education and awareness
malware prevention
removable media controls
secure configuration
managing user privileges
incident management
- monitoring
home and mobile networking
Risk Management: perform discrete risk analysis exercises to identify,
track, and mitigate risks throughout SDLC
Risk Analysis: identifying and ranking risks at some stage of the
Risk Assessment: identifying and evaluating risks
asset + vulnerability + threat = risk
If security risk, then introduce security mechanisms.
Then we’ll have a reduced risk level.
Threat event: the event in which the threat exploits the vulnerability
and affects the asset
Likelihood: how likely the threat event is to happen
Impact: how bad the threat event would be
Treatment: action that mitigates the risk
Step 1: Context Identification
Characterize target of analysis
Identify and value assets
Define likelihood scale
Define consequence scale
Make risk evaluation matrix
Specify the risk evaluation criteria
Step 2: Risk Identification
Identify threats to the assets through structured
Identify vulnerabilities of assets (questionnaires and
Determine the level of identified risks
For each threat event
Assign a likelihood value
Assign an impact value
We can’t eliminate all risks
Determine which risks need treatment
Risk level is prioritized based on analysis of the
likelihood and impact of a threat event
Quantitative: loss of £1M
Qualitative: high, medium, low
Map the risks into the risk evaluation matrix
- Accept
- Treat
Avoid / Terminate
- Transfer
Identify treatments for unaccepted risks
Evaluate and prioritize different treatment
Security analysis methods:
ISO 27001 (process) + ISO 27005 (treatments)
- ISO 31000
NIST SP 800-30 (process) + NIST SP 800-53
IT-Grundschutz (Germany)
Magerit (Spain)
Eliciting Security Requirements with Misuse Cases
Security Requirements
Security requirements: what system should not be able to do
security requirements elicitation:
identify critical assets
define security goals for assets
confidentiality: prevent unauthorized access
integrity: prevent unauthorized modification
availability: readiness of a correct service
accountability: ability to identify subjects for decisions and
Identify threads to assess → misuse cases
identify and analyze the risks
define countermeasures aka security requirements →
security cases
functional vs security requirements:
system must provide a function to retrieve personnel
protect personnel info from confidentiality harm
elicitation methods and techniques
misuse / abuse cases
attack trees
Misuse Cases
use case: what the program should allow
misuse case: what the program should not allow
how to build misuse case:
start from a normal use case model
identify actors (attackers / misusers)
what skills the attacker has?
what resources the attacker has?
what does the attacker want to achieve?
identify threaten relationships between use cases and
misuse cases
identify security use cases aka security requirements that
mitigate these
Name: Obtain password
Summary: hacker obtains and misuses user password
Basic path: hacks into network and uses packet sniffer to get
usernames and password hashes
Alternative paths: hacker has operator privileges
Mitigation paths: ???
Extension points: ???
Triggers: (what triggers this use-case) always true
Preconditions: (conditions that must be true for the attack to be
System has special user ‘operator’ with
extended authorities
The system allows operator to log in over network
Operator uses network to log on to system as operator (for
all paths)
worst case threat:
hacker has operator authorities on the web app for an
unlimited time, i.e. they are never caught
Mitigation guarantee (postcondition): (what happens when you mitigate this)
hacker never gets operator authorities on web app
The role of web app operator shall give full privileges on
the web app, the web app computer and the associated local
network host computers
Only the role of e-shop system operator shall give the
privileges mentioned in br1
Potential misuser profile: (who will actually do this)
Highly skilled, potentially host admin with criminal
Stakeholders and threats: (who is affected by this attack)
company: reduced turnover if misuser uses operator access
to sabotage system
customer: loss of privacy if misuser uses operator access
to find out shopping habits
Scope: (how severe is this)
entire business and business environment
Abstraction level: (at what level does this attack occur)
Attack Trees
- attack trees
used for threat modelling, security requirements
focuses on attackers and different ways they attack
root: attack goal
two kinds of attack decomposition:
and - all subgoals must be fulfilled
or - at least one subgoal must be fulfilled
identify top level attacks against system
brainstorm different ways attack can be achieved
specify children attacks recursively, until attack is so
obvious it can’t be decomposed anymore