Software Engineering Group Project
Matthew Barnes
Envisioning 2
Stakeholders and Personas 2
User Stories, Planning, Risk 3
User stories 3
Agile planning 4
Risk Assessment 6
Planning 7
User story estimation 8
T-shirt sizes 8
Story Points 8
Agile Planning poker 8
User story breakdown into tasks 12
Introduction to Source Control 12
Advanced Git 14
Starting to Build: Scenarios, Storyboards 15
Storyboards (static design) 15
Scenarios (dynamic design) 16
Building Applications using MVC 17
What problem does it address? 17
What is it? 18
How to implement it? 19
Where is it used / Alternatives? 20
Software Testing 24
Development testing 25
Acceptance testing 26
Teamworking 27
Other Agile Techniques 30
Agile Manifesto 30
XP 32
FDD 34
ASD 34
Kan Ban 34
Crystal methods 35
Shu-Ha-Ri 37
Beyond HCI - Designing for Delight 38
TL;DR 39
Envisioning 40
Introduction to Source Control 40
Starting to Build: Scenarios, Storyboards 40
Building Applications with MVC 40
Software Testing 40
Teamworking 40
Other Agile Techniques 40
Beyond HCI - Designing for Delight 40
Stakeholders and Personas
Primary stakeholders: The people who actually use your system directly
Secondary stakeholders: People who do not directly use your system, but they
provide input or receive output
Tertiary stakeholders: People who are affected by your system, but do not
interact with it
Facilitating: People who develop, design and maintain the system
For example, for the ECS hand-in system:
Lecturers and students are primary because they directly use the hand-in system to
either set work or hand in work.
The assessment team could be secondary because they are aware when the work is late in the
hand-in system. They don’t directly interact with the
system, but they know its results.
The Assistant Dean for Education could be tertiary because they are notified when a student is
repeatedly handing in work late, or not at all. They might
not even know that the system exists, but they are affected
by the hand-in system on a higher level.
Persona: a stereotype of a group of users in some detail, like
background, job, situation etc.
You should describe:
their background,
job function,
situation in the organisation,
objectives, beliefs, anxieties and so on,
You can also include a representative image
Scenario: how a persona interacts with the system
Users are more personal
Multiple personas can represent the same user, so you can
build more vast systems (it’s not too general)
Incorporate personas into stories (As a [persona] I want to [goal] so that [benefit])
User Stories, Planning, Risk
User stories
What is a user story?
A user story is one or more sentences that captures what the user wants
to achieve.
It’s written in normal language; no jargon!
It should detail one thing. If the user story gets big, you
should split it up into multiple user stories.
There are three steps to creating a user story:
Card: write the story on card, annotate it with notes
Conversation: talk to the product owner and get more details
Confirmation: test if the story was coded correctly. If not, start
User stories usually fall into the following
As a <user>
I want <goal>
So that <benefit>
So for example, a user story could go like:
As a wild swimmer
I want to know the water quality of the sea where I am going on
So that I don’t catch horrible diseases
You can also refine your user stories by being a little
more specific, for example instead of the quality of the
“sea”, you could have “rivers” or
How do you write good user stories?
You INVEST! (You don’t actually invest, it’s an
Independent: your user story should achieve one goal
Negotiable: you can talk to your product owner about this
Valuable: is this user story actually any good to you?
Estimable: can you estimate the size of this user story?
Small: if it’s too complicated, it can probably be split
into smaller user stories
Testable: you can get your product owner to perform this user
User stories and use cases are not the same!
User stories are general and informal. You talk to your
product owner about them.
Use cases are structured, well-documented and verbose. You
use them for testing and development.
Agile planning
Before, companies used to use the waterfall model for
It’s systematic, sequential, and highly structured,
but there was no room for flexibility. You can’t go up
the waterfall (except if you’re a sicyopterus
stimpsoni, which you’re not)!
Requirements change, and problems happen. Basically,
waterfall development (or any linear plan) sucks.
You know what doesn’t suck? Agile development!
Agile development is an umbrella term for frameworks and practices that emphasises responses to change, typically
through requirements and solutions.
Instead of doing everything at once (like the waterfall
method does), agile methods like Scrum or Kanban do a little
of everything all the time.
Scrum is a framework where tasks are created from user stories,
which are then added to a product backlog and implemented
through sprints.
After each sprint, a scrum meeting occurs where everyone
states what they’ve done and checks the
Typically, after each sprint, a deliverable is available
for the product owner to test.
More specifically, there are two steps to scrum:
Envision your project
Develop iteration
When you envision your project, you create a product
A product backlog is the requirements for a system, and it is expressed
as a prioritised list of
functional requirements (things you can do, like buying
non-functional requirements (things you can’t do,
like how something looks)
technical team-generated requirements (like
It is up to the product owner to prioritise the product
So how do you make a product backlog?
First, you come up with as many tasks as you can, based on
the user stories.
There will be more than enough for one sprint.
Then, more tasks can be added later on when more is learned
about the product and its customers.
During a sprint planning meeting, backlog items are moved
into sprints, where they might or might not be implemented
into the system during that sprint.
You also need to identify the lower level tasks and
estimate how long each task will take.
Now we have what we want to do in our sprint. What do we do
We categorise the tasks into:
What must be done
What should be done
What could be done
What would be nice, but won’t have time for
This is known as MoSCoW prioritisation.
Then, you set up a burndown chart, organise who will be
doing what and each week, you need to check the sprint plan
and adjust it (remember, scrum is all about responding to
How will you plan your sprints?
Do all of the musts as early as possible?
Balance out stories/tasks to make a really good
You also need to focus on dependencies, for example you can’t implement a chat service
before implementing any users to chat with, so implementing
users might be in sprint 1 and implementing a chat service
might be in sprint 2.
A burndown chart is a visual representation of tasks being completed. It
allows you to estimate when all the tasks will be finished,
and whether the group is going slow or fast.
How will you know how you’re doing?
You organise scrum meetings!
A scrum meeting (or scrum, on its own) is a 10-15 minute meeting where each member
of the group states:
what they’ve done
what they’re going to do
what they need help on
The scrum master will keep the meeting on track and notes
During a scrum, the burndown will also be checked, and the
backlog might be updated.
Lots of things may be considered, like:
will we achieve the deadline?
do we need to change what we will deliver?
When a sprint is over, we evaluate:
- how we did
the feedback from the customer
what to change in response to that feedback
Risk Assessment
There are multiple different risks that can happen:
you lose a member of staff
the management changes and priorities are now
requirements are now different, and it’s larger than
specification delays, and now it’s not available on
everyone underestimates the size of the project
technology changes
someone else releases a competitive product
a component of the product fails
the organisation is taken over
Oh no! There’s so much that can go wrong! What will
we do?
- We can:
Identify the risks
Quantify the risks
severity of impact * probability of occurrence
Show stopper: a high probability risk that could ruin everything
Identify alternate strategies
Pick strategies that will minimise the risks and tackle
show stoppers early
Here’s an example of risk analysis:
1 low, 10 high
1 low, 10 high
Risk exposure
E = P * S
what you’re going to do about it
Nobody talks to anyone because we’re all
awkward and don’t know each other
Huge risk!
(Show stopper)
Host events to engage people together, so that
we get to know each other more
A rat infiltrates the GitHub server room,
nibbles the cabling and destroys all of the
repositories, including ours
Big risk
We will back up our project onto multiple
platforms, so even if GitHub explodes, our code
will be safe
A meteorite crashes onto the office building
and kills everyone
Small risk
It probably won’t happen, but our code
and documentation are stored on the cloud anyway
so if anyone survives they can recover it.
An evil man earns the respect of the boss, so
our boss hires his blonde-haired teen son from
the 1800s only for him to knee our dogs in the
face and wear a stone mask to become a
Not even a risk
Nobody even gets these references
We should only plan for the next immediate sprint
We can plan for the next sprints a little bit, but leave
plenty of room for change.
The amount of planning should decrease the further away the
sprint is.
So we have our backlog, what do we put in our next
Prioritise musts? Balance out musts, shoulds and
Talk to your product owner. Remember: the customer is
always right!
Think about how many tasks you can complete this sprint,
and plan accordingly.
Make sure you plan to have a deliverable that offers
RISK: If you have musts in the last increment, and you run out
of time, you’ll have to sacrifice important parts of
your system!
You also need deliverables that offer value, and a
sustainable workload. There may also be dependencies (you
can’t implement A without B).
User story estimation
How do you estimate how long user stories will take to
There are various ways to do it:
T-shirt sizes
The following T-shirt sizes:
... can be used to label how long tasks will take.
You’re not going to guess it perfectly the first
You’re going to make mistakes. You’re only
But, as humans, we can learn from our mistakes and move
Therefore, label tasks the best you can. For example, you
may label task #1 a Medium.
If, after the sprint, you find out that task #1 was
actually a Large, you can document that and learn from that.
By keeping up this self-improvement program, you can
eventually get good at estimating task durations!
Story Points
Story Points are natural numbers that also state how long a
task may take.
The higher the number, the harder the task.
There are various ranges of story points, such as:
Square numbers: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 ...
XS Small, Small, Medium, Large, XL Large (encoding T-shirt sizes to story points, which is useful if
your scrum software is only compatible with story
Fibonacci series: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 ...
Agile Planning poker
Agile Planning poker is a gamified estimating technique to estimate relative
sizes of development goals.
How do you play agile poker?
First of all, if you’ve played normal poker,
it’s nothing like that.
There are three roles:
The moderator - The one who distributes the user stories to the team and
records estimates
The Product Owner - The one who answers questions about the user stories
The participants - The ones who decide and debates over estimation of user
Each participant gets a deck of estimation cards. These
cards could be T-shirt sizes, square numbers, fibonacci
The moderator picks a user story and shows it to the
The Product Owner answers any questions regarding the user
Each participant picks an estimation card they think is
right for the user story. They hold it face-down.
When everyone is ready, they all show their estimation
If there is an agreement over an estimation, the moderator
records that estimation for that user story and we go back
to step 2 with a different user story until all user stories
are estimated.
If there is a disagreement, the high and low estimators
debate and defend their estimates. Afterwards, everyone
picks estimates again (go back to step 4).
Let’s see an example of people playing it!
Everyone is assigned T-shirt sized cards.
This game, the moderator will also play as the
Product Owner.
We are all ready to play!
The first user story has been presented!
Everyone is picking their estimates...
It seems everyone picked the same thing. There
is an agreement!
The moderator will document this estimate with
this user story and move on.
The second user story has been presented!
Everyone is picking their estimates...
Whoa! There’s some discord over the
estimation. They’ve started
“debating” over which is the better
Everyone is picking estimations again...
It seems everyone has come to an agreement, so
now the moderator will document this estimate
with this user story and move on.
This will continue until every user story has
been estimated upon.
User story breakdown into tasks
You should break your user stories down into tasks that are
easy to read, understand and complete as a programmer.
The tasks should be structured such that when all tasks are
complete, the user story is accomplished.
- Example:
This will also help you distinguish between user stories
that are small and user stories that are big.
It’s also helpful to estimate times on tasks, as
they’re more atomic than user stories.
Introduction to Source Control
Source Control: the practice of tracking and managing changes to
It’s like a system that can track changes to your
projects and allow you to see who made what changes, revert
back to previous stages in the repository etc.
There’s lots of source control systems, like Git and
Use Git, though. It’s better. SVN is ancient.
Before we go over the commands, let’s see how Git
actually works:
First of all, Git models your project as a series of
A commit can be seen as one “change”. They add,
remove or modify files in the repo.
These commits happen in serial, making up your
In terms of the “areas” of Git:
First of all, you have your working directory. This is where you make all of your changes and do all of
your coding.
Second, you have a staging area. Changes in this state are “ready” to be
committed and confirmed as a change in the project.
A repository is an instance of Git that tracks your
changes, remembers all the previous commits, can revert
things back etc.
The local repository sits on your computer. The remote repository sits in some server somewhere, maybe GitHub. You can
update the remote repo with commits in your local repo, or
you can fetch new commits from the remote repo into your
local repo.
Git has several commands:
add - stages your changes (makes your changes ‘ready’
to be committed)
commit - take all your staged changes and puts them into one big
‘change’, called a commit, and puts it in the
local repo
push - updates a remote repo with commits in your local repo
checkout - updates your working directory to a commit in your local
repo. It could be an early commit or a later on.
pull - updates your working directory with the latest commits in
the remote repo. It’s basically calling fetch, then
clone - makes a copy of a repository
To link a remote git repository to a local one, use the
“remote add” command.
There are lots of hosting services for Git, like GitHub,
Bitbucket and SourceKettle.
If you want to laugh at SourceKettle, do so here:
Use GitHub. It’s good. Bitbucket too.
What happens when two people make changes to the same
Merge conflicts! Edit the file to get the changes that you
Advanced Git
Git also has branches, so you can branch off, implement
some feature, and then merge that branch back into
“master” (the main branch).
As you can see, the branch veers off into another path and has their own
commits. Once the feature is fully implemented, the branch
is merged back into master.
Git also has a blame feature, which is used to blame people for shit code identify who made what change and why (what commit they did
it in).
Lastly, Git also has a stash feature. Stashing takes all of
your uncommitted changes and puts it into a
“stash”, which you can load later. It’s
used for when you want to move to a different branch and
want to work on something else, but you don’t want to
commit unfinished work.
If you want to use all these Git features effectively, but
you’re not the kind of person who likes learning
tonnes of terminal commands, I suggest GitKraken. It’s
a Git client with a very intuitive user interface that makes
working with Git incredibly easy!
Believe me, I write these notes; I’m definitely the
kind of person who likes things laid out in a simple and
easy manner.
Do you find Electron absolutely disgusting and wish it was
never created? Don’t worry, there are plenty of other
GUI based Git clients, such as SourceTree and
Starting to Build: Scenarios, Storyboards
Storyboards (static design)
Storyboards describe the functionality in a visual way.
They describe the basic view of the software from a
user’s perspective.
They can show:
- layout
- colours
- fonts
UI components (buttons, labels etc.)
It’s a static design because there’s no
interaction, it’s just showing the design and
explaining it.
We can use static design to describe dynamic design:
Interactions between the buttons, text boxes etc.
Starting and exiting the program.
The range of inputs that can be tolerated.
The range of outputs that will be allowed.
Details of any warning messages.
The details of the calculations.
Scenarios (dynamic design)
Scenarios are a sequence of interactions the user has with the
product in order to achieve some goal.
It’s a bit like a use case, except less formal and
- Example:
David opens a web browser and enters the URL of
The home page is displayed
David can enter tags into the search box
When he presses the ’Go’ button, the
puffinShare repository is searched
Items matching the tags are retrieved and displayed in the
output box on the RHS
If there are no matches, a message is displayed in the
output box ‘no matches, please try again’
David can select one of the retrieved items and the
resource page is displayed
David can navigate to these pages by selecting their
Scenarios should be tested at each increment
However, the scenario may only be partially achievable
after an increment.
Therefore, you can split the scenarios up and put them into
the appropriate increments for which they can be
It’s also good to link the scenarios to
Building Applications using MVC
What problem does it address?
Do you remember Flappy Bird?
If you don’t, it’s time to move out of your rock apartment it was a very popular mobile game.
There were many clones (such as Flappy Knuckles, made by yours truly!)
If we were to implement it using an OOP language, the
structure may look something like this:
Yikes, that’s ugly! Who’d want to look at
The problems with this is:
High coupling (every component is too tightly linked to
each other)
Low cohesion (the classes are too broad, they’re not
specific enough to their individual task)
No separation of concerns (everything is clumped
These problems result in these complications:
Hard to understand
Hard to extend
Hard to re-use
- Hard to test
What is it?
- What is MVC?
MVC (Model-View-Controller) is a software architecture that aims to decouple the
data (model) and the visual presentation (view).
Basically, your software will look more like this:
Contains all the data (can be a database)
It’s usually a one-to-one mapping to real-world
objects and concepts
It responds to queries and operations on its state
It should be independent of both the controller and the
The link between model and view
Takes the user inputs from the view and updates the model
Can also update the view when the model has changed
Graphically represents the state of the model to the
Can consist of sub-views
Typically passive: responds to model updates
Receives user input, but passes this onto controller
Clear separation of concerns
- Low coupling
Easy to maintain (especially view)
- Easy to test
Promotes re-use
Can support multiple views:
How to implement it?
Usually MVC goes a little something like this:
Model model = new Model(); View view = new View(); Controller controller = new Controller();
controller.setModel(model); view.setController(controller);
The view may or may not have access to the model; it
depends on the implementation.
There are also different flavours of MVC, such as:
Model responds to state change operations, but controller
is responsible for notifying view.
Model responds to state change operations and notifies view
of change (using observer pattern).
Extension of active model; the controller fully handles the
link between model and view (similar to
Now that we have these, can we implement Flappy Bird any
Now there’s more structure and it’s actually
Where is it used / Alternatives?
MVC is used in a lot of places.
It’s central to Apple app development, and lots of
frameworks use it (source):
Zend Framework for PHP
Django for Python
Rails for Ruby
Merb for Ruby (for the experienced)
Seaside for Smalltalk
Catalyst for Perl
- AngularJS
Before I go into the types of variants, there is something
called multitier architecture, or three-tier
Three-tier architecture refers to the use of multiple architecture patterns at each
layer of the system:
Presentation tier
The user interface.
Translates tasks and results into a format the
user can understand.
Logic tier
Moves and processes data between the two
Coordinates the application, processes
commands, makes logical decisions and
Data tier
The database.
Where information is stored and retrieved by
the logic tier.
There are also a number of variants of MVC that differ
MVA: Model-View-Adapter - very similar to iOS MVC, as it’s all linear
and the view and model are unaware of each other
MVP: Model-View-Presenter - similar to MVA, but the presenter handles the
rendering logic and the UI event handling logic. It’s
more suited for UIs and commonly used in the presentation
PAC: Presentation-Abstraction-Control - like MVC, but better suited for multi-tasking and
Abstraction => Model
Presentation => View
Control => Controller
There are structures called “agents”, which are
a triad of presentation, abstraction and control instances.
These agents all belong to different hierarchies, which all
communicate to each other through their control
It supports concurrency better as each third in the triad
can be their own thread, however it’s more complex to
HMVC: Hierarchical MVC - pretty much the same as PAC
MVVM: Model View ViewModel - The view binds properties in the view model.
Simplifies event-driven programming. Used in React, Angular
and Vue.js.
Model-Delegate - the view and controller are bundled together into
one. Java Swing is like this.
Naked Objects - the user interface is entirely automatically
created from the definitions of the domain objects,
typically using reflection. One example of this is the Admin
Bundle from Sonata, which generates admin pages based on
your model classes:
Here are some design patterns you can use in MVC:
The object is updated when ‘notify’ is called.
Appropriate for either view or controller.
Multiple strategies can be used to achieve the same goal in different
Appropriate for controller to seamlessly change
Create tree structures.
Appropriate for views and sub-views.
Software Testing
Validation testing: Does the system work? (ties into user
Verification testing: Does the system do as it’s supposed to?
(finds incorrect behaviour)
Programming problems can cause a number of errors:
infinite loops
underflow, overflow
division by zero
- logic errors
segmentation faults
There are two kinds of testing:
Development testing: continuous testing that occurs during
Acceptance testing: check if the software is compliant with the
business requirements and if it’s suitable for
Development testing
These tests are run during implementation, and:
Usually done by same team as implementing
Tests for defects and validity
- Involves:
automated tests
code inspections
Automated testing can involve:
Unit tests - tests at class level.
Typically tests an individual class, and tests methods,
properties and states.
They have an input and an expected output, and it compares
the two. JUnit does unit tests.
Good tests should check for:
Validation - the system should work
Defect testing - the system copes with all possible
Partition testing can be performed, where inputs from all the
equivalence partitions are tested (e.g. with a method that
gets a classification, you could test inputs that get you a
1, 2-1, 2-2, 3, Fail and Invalid input).
Boundary testing can also be performed, where boundary inputs are
tested, for example the edges of a range of numbers (99.9
out of a range from 1 to 100).
Unit tests are black box tests, which means you only need
to know the system’s API to write them.
Unit tests are used in:
Regression testing - testing previous features again to make sure
newly added features doesn’t affect older ones
Continuous Integration - running test cases before a pull request, ensures
no bugs occur in master branch
Test driven development - where you create tests first, and you
implement the system based on those tests
Component tests - similar to unit testing, but it tests a whole
component of the system instead of just a unit. It’s
more coarse than unit testing, but it tests
‘units’ working in conjunction with each
System / Integration tests - the next one up from component tests, it
tests the components working together, sometimes the whole
These tests can highlight problems caused by:
- usability
missing requirements
emergent behaviour
A lot of it can be manual (e.g. UI testing)
Acceptance testing
Acceptance testing relies on acceptance criteria, which are criteria for the software born from user
They’re only really done towards the end, to ensure
verification of the software.
- For example:
Could give the acceptance criteria:
students can log in to handin with ECS credentials
student can select COMP2211 work
on selection, there must be an option to submit a
must be possible to submit a .zip file
student is emailed receipt
work is stored in a database for marking
Acceptance testing fits into the equation as follows:
Acceptance testing also incorporates release testing, a form of black box testing done by a separate
- It involves:
Requirements testing - testing by a requirements specification
Scenario testing - testing by scenarios / use cases
Performance testing - testing the performance with harsh inputs and low
system specs
Load testing - puts a heavy number of concurrent users
interacting with the system at the same time
Stress testing - tests the system under extreme loads. Can check
for memory leaks, slowness, security issues and data
Soak testing - testing a system with production load over a
substantial amount of time
Breakpoint testing - tests a system upon various breakpoints (e.g.
screen sizes when testing responsiveness of a website)
Another form of testing is user testing, which is testing with an actual user:
Alpha testing - renaming your variables so you don’t get variable
capture software tested by users within the development
Beta testing - substituting a value with a parameter in a function
call software tested by users in their own
User Acceptance testing - customers test the software to make sure
requirements have been met
To work in a team, you all need to express the five extreme
programming (XP) values!
Remember these, because they’re important (for the
Simplicity - Keep it simple, stupid! Take simple, small steps
towards your goal. Don’t be too ambitious!
Communication - Stop watching anime and talk to your team.
Feedback - Listen to your customers; they’re usually
always right. Be sure to get feedback from them, too.
Respect - Respect your team members. Basically, don’t
be a dick.
Courage - If someone is doing shit, tell them they’re
doing shit and give reasons why. If the release estimate is
longer than what the customer wants, grin and bear, and tell
them the truth. Don’t worry about what it means, just
write the word “courage” in the exam and
you’ll be good.
Dominance - oh shit! This isn’t supposed to be here
There’s four stages to working in a team:
You’ve just met your team. You’re wearing your
best suit and you’ve got your best cologne / perfume
on. You grin at your team, introduce yourself professionally
and make a great first impression. Then you wake up and realise you’re 20 minutes late
for your first SEG meeting.
You’ve had it up to here with your shit team. Nobody
ever fucking works, they’re all lazy bastards, your
team’s code is so bad you feel you’d get better
code pressing your arse all over the keyboard and this
project makes you want to fucking jump off the Mountbatten
And the best part is, everyone fucking hates you too.
Alright, they’re not that bad. They get some work done, enough to get a 2-2,
maybe (even though your parents push for a 1st). They could
be worse.
Your group now consists of your bestest friends! You have
perfect synergy and can work together happily and
friction-free! Too bad you’ll never reach this stage
because after SEG finishes you’ll never talk to your
group members again!
So what makes a good team?
Here’s a few:
Good communication
- Trust
Equal work distribution
- Adaptability
Playing to each other’s strengths
Good leadership
- Motivation
Time for the really delicate subject of
‘difference’! (I’m going to be careful
with my jokes here)
You’ve got to be aware of individual
Difference in personality traits
I don’t care if Joe is a perfectionist,
don’t give him all the work 2 days before
the increment 2 hand-in.
Learning styles
It’s perfectly fine to use the slides
instead of my notes for revision.
An optimist says the glass is half full. The
pessimist says the glass is half empty. The
realist says that, according to the burndown
chart, we’re not going to finish increment
3 on time for the hand-in.
Ethnicity / Race
No, it’s not OK to put all the workload
on the Indian guy because he’s
Samantha believes in horoscopes. This
doesn’t mean she’s more stupid or
less of a logical thinker than the rest of her
Unless you’ve got a toddler on your team,
you shouldn’t even know the ages of your
team members before you all enter the
“performing” stage.
Just because nobody in your group is a weeb
like you, doesn’t mean you should barrage
them with JoJo references every time they talk
to you.
Sexual orientation
Don’t call the tests “gay”
because the gay guy wrote them. That’s
homophobic and you should be ashamed of yourself
(unless the gay guy sees it as a joke and
doesn’t mind, then it’s OK).
“I hate these nerds! Just because
I’m stupider than them they think
they’re smarter than me!” - Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth, Futurama
A Christian, a Buddhist, a Hindu, a Muslim and
a Sikh walk into a bar.
They all sit down and work on their laptops
together peacefully because they do not
discriminate by religion.
What? We’re doing it in Java FX? But I
don’t know Java FX...
Yes, Joseph identifies as a 1000uF 25V Radial 105
deg Capacitor. They’re working on the unit
Personal motivation
Some people do Computer Science for the money
and not because they’re interested in it.
It happens. It’s OK.
Physical / mental disability
Don’t ask Alex how he committed when he
doesn’t have any hands. He probably used
one of those foot press things or an eye-tracker
“Assume difference until similarity is
Basically, assume that everyone is different from you until
they say / do something that is similar to yourself. That
way, you can distance yourself from others and justify your anti-social
behaviour avoid any risky assumptions about others.
Also, culture plays a role in these sort of things.
Did you know that, after the age of 10, your base values
don’t change?
Micro-inequities - subtle differences in how people show unconscious
members of a minority are more likely to encounter
In case you didn’t level up your Social Skills stat
when growing up, here’s some behaviour tips when
talking to other people:
Attention and listening - No interrupting. Don’t be that guy.
Equality - Take turns. Shut the talkative ones up and let the
quiet ones get their turn.
Diversity - Your thoughts are equally as valid as mine. Unless you don’t like JoJo. Then your opinion is
Ease - Eliminate continuous partial attention –
multi-tasking doesn’t work (basically, pay
Identify untrue limiting assumptions – Sometimes the ‘elephant in the
room’ (talk about stuff if it bothers you)
Feelings - Encourage assertiveness and eliminate
passive-aggressiveness (please please don’t be that
passive-aggressive guy in the group. We’ve all met
one; we don’t want to become one)
Encouragement - Minimise competition between team members for best
possible thinking (unless you use competition as a strategy
for better quality work)
Appreciation rather than criticism - Don’t get salty because someone roasted you
for not capitalising your class names. Take it objectively
and apply that feedback.
Turn agenda items into questions that need to be
answered to get things done! Basically, if you have things on
your to-do list, actually do them and don’t let them
pile up.
Other Agile Techniques
First, what does agile actually mean?
Nimbleness and improvisation
Balancing flexibility and structure
Basically, don’t be too stuck to a plan; be flexible
and respond to changes well.
The following are all examples of process models.
What is a process model? It’s an abstraction of a
software process.
What’s a software process? A software process is that set of actions required to efficiently
transform a user’s need into an effective software
Agile Manifesto
Before that, though, let’s see how Agile is actually
You can see the principles of Agile on this website made in
HTML 3.2, insinuating that it hasn’t had an update
since 1997:
They’re waffly, so let me simplify a few of them for
Principle in waffle language
Principle in normal speaking language
Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer
through early and continuous delivery of
valuable software.
Make customers happy by releasing valuable
deliverables early.
Welcome changing requirements, even late in
development. Agile processes harness change for
the customer's competitive advantage.
Listen to changing requirements, because
that’s how Agile works.
Deliver working software frequently, from a
couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a
preference to the shorter timescale.
Deliver working software within reasonable
times, but try for shorter timescales.
Business people and developers must work
together daily throughout the project.
Business guys and techies work together.
Build projects around motivated individuals.
Give them the environment and support they need,
and trust them to get the job done.
Motivate everyone to work hard and work
There are plenty of Agile tools, some of which are stricter
than others:
Scrum is a framework used for complex projects.
- It is:
- Lightweight
Simple to understand
Hard to master
On the off-chance you’ve not done any coursework with
your team, Scrum has the roles Scrum master, Team member and
Product owner. It uses things like burndown charts to
measure performance and backlogs to handle tasks.
Scrum also has meetings called daily scrums where everyone
what they’ve done
what they’re going to do
what they need help on
eXtreme Programming is another agile methodology.
Like all the others, it emphasises responding to change,
but what makes it different is that it incorporates:
programming in pairs or doing extensive code review
unit testing of all code
avoiding programming of features until they are actually
a flat management structure (no masters or
code simplicity and clarity
expecting changes in the customer's requirements as
time passes and the problem is better understood
frequent communication with the customer and among
Why is it called E X T R E M E programming? What’s so extreme about it?
It’s extreme because it takes the beneficial elements
of traditional software engineering practices and takes them
For example, code reviews. You look at some code. Eh,
it’s alright.
Yeah, but now it’s EXTREEEMEEE!!! and now code reviews are performed while you’re
still programming (continuously)! This is what pair programming is.
If you don’t know the values of XP already,
- Feedback
- Respect
- Courage
But do you know the 12 core practices of XP?
The planning game - make and prioritise requirements (user stories) for
the next release
Whole team - dev team has access to a real live customer
Test Driven Development - write tests before the code itself
Pair Programming - two developers working on the same computer
Small releases - start with the smallest feature set first and work
your way up
Continuous integration - all tests must pass before a feature is
Design improvement - throughout implementation, design should evolve and
be simple (refactoring is an example)
Collective ownership - any developer can edit any code anywhere
Metaphor - everyone constructs metaphors to model the
Simple design - keep it simple, stupid!
Coding standards - have a coding standard that everyone follows for
neat, consistent code
Sustainable pace - work at a comfortable pace (used to be 40 hours a
week, or 9-5)
Spike solution: a solution implemented in XP so the team knows
they’re on the right track. Similar to a
FDD is similar to Scrum and XP in the way that we build up
a features list and implement the features
However in FDD there are two key roles:
Chief Architect
Chief Programmer
There’s more management in FDD than other agile
ASD (adaptive software development) replaces the waterfall
cycle with a repeating series of speculate, collaborate, and learn cycles.
It’s a more iterative and shorter-interval version of
RAD (rapid application development).
Like with any other agile methodology, it involves:
a lot of user involvement
integrates testing into every stage
emphasis on rapid iterating
But keep in mind that ASD predates agile software
development, so it might not seem so special compared to
Scrum or XP.
Kan Ban
Kan Ban is like Scrum, but less structured and more
Kanban (看板) is Japanese for “visual
signal” or “card”. It was used by
It’s literally just post-it notes on a bunch of to-do
lists, labelled “to-do”, “doing” and
There are only 4 core principles of Kan Ban:
Visualise work - you can see the flow of work as post-it notes move
Limit work in progress - you can limit how much work is in progress in the
“doing” list
Focus on Flow - you can use the flow of work to your advantage and
collect metrics, smooth out work and get indicators of
future problems
Continuous Improvement - people can track their work flow through the
movement of post-its, and this process model is flexible
enough to change it to maximise your team’s
Crystal methods
Crystal methods focuses more on the people working than the actual
project itself.
Different methodologies are applied to projects of
different “types”.
What are these types?
Each of these cells is a crystal method.
The size of the project (number of people working on it) is
the “weight”, for example a huge project with
200 people on it would be maroon, and a small one with 5
people on it would be clear.
The criticality of the project is taken into account too,
for example a project that really needs to be done
(increment 3) would be in the ‘Life’ category,
and a project that can be done any time would be in the
‘Comfort’ category.
These two categories are put into a pair, and that pair is
the crystal method that is applied.
There are 7 properties that Crystal holds:
Frequent Delivery - release deliverables!
Continual feedback - team meets on a regular basis, team listens to
stakeholder feedback
Constant communication - with small teams, they’re in the same room,
but big teams are co-located in the same facility
Safety - you can speak your mind, also project safety based
on criticality is considered (space shuttle system is very
Focus - team members should know who’s working on
what and they should be given time to do them without
Access to users - team has access to end users who will use the
Automated tests and integration - have tests
The crystal cycle goes as follows:
It’s pretty much the same as Scrum or something,
where you iterate deliveries, where your stakeholders give
you feedback, and after n number of deliveries it’s
ready for deployment.
DSDM is a more governed and disciplined version of
Instead of the features being fixed, it’s time,
quality and cost that are fixed. This gives the software
more flexibility with its features.
What’s different about DSDM is that there is a
pre-project phase (envisioning)
There are more hierarchical roles (more management)
The 8 principles of DSDM are:
Focus on the business need - Ensure verification
Deliver on time - no slacking off!
Collaborate - work with others
Never compromise quality - quality over quantity
Build incrementally from firm foundations - build from something small, one bit at a time
Develop iteratively - basically what I just said
Communicate continuously and clearly - talk to others
Demonstrate control - assert your dominance
You don’t have to follow these methodologies by the
Eventually, you’ll use them so much that you’ll
“invent” your own way of doing things without
even thinking.
To explain further, let’s ask: how do we learn to do
There are three phases in which we learn stuff, called
Shu-Ha-Ri. It comes from Aikido.
You’re new to this stuff, and you do
things by the book exactly how it’s
You’re just learning Java. Everything is
brand new, and you’re always copy-pasting
stuff and looking stuff up.
If there’s something you need to do, you
look it up and copy what other people have
You reflect upon what you’re doing. You
start to question why you’re doing what
you’re doing and you enter a deeper
understanding of what you’re doing.
You start to spot patterns in Java and learn
them by accident. Sooner or later, you’re
able to code and solve problems by
You’re not perfect, but you feel yourself
reaching some greater point of
The student has become the master! You can now
think originally and apply background knowledge
of this stuff to original thoughts.
You’ve entered a higher level of
understanding and now you care less about
implementation and more about how you do
You can remember this by:
- Imitate
- Assimilate
- Innovate
Applying this to software development...
You’ve just started using XP. You’re reading
the step-by-step guides and doing everything by the
You start to get used to it. There are things you like and
things you don’t like. You start to reflect upon the
XP practices. You start to bend the rules of XP a little to
suit your needs.
You don’t care if you’re doing XP or not; your
understanding is deep enough so that you have full
Beyond HCI - Designing for Delight
What does “Designing for Delight” mean?
It means that your design shouldn’t only just work;
it should also be pleasant.
- For example:
A clicky keyboard gets the job done, and it’s also
nice to use (for some people).
Chrome’s dinosaur game is easy to start, play and is
addictive (for some people).
Opening an iPhone box is satisfying and also serves its
intended purpose.
The Foo Fighters home page is also a delight. (No, not this one; this one!)
Design should incorporate three factors, as stated by Sir
Henry Wotton in 1624 and Vitruvius in the first century
- Firmness
- Delight
Pick up on the little details, like colours, fonts,
See things from the users perspective (this is called
“charge before use”)
Like in interaction design, don’t think of
people’s cognition starting and ending with their
brain; they use other stuff, too!
Also, think about supporting existing information flows.
Don’t try to break / change flows that people are used
to. People don’t like change!
Instead, work with their work flow and they’ll
appreciate your design more.
Banging your head against the wall because you don’t
like SEG and think it’s the worst module ever because
the content isn’t technical and/or logical, therefore
it’s harder and more annoying to learn and as a result
you feel pressured and stressed?
Chill! You can do this. You made it through Professional
Development and Interaction Design (probably), so you can do
this too!
Have a skim through this summary of all the content
Remember: read all of the above before you read this!
Primary stakeholders: people who use system directly
Secondary stakeholders: do not directly use but receive output /
provide input
Tertiary stakeholders: are affected by system but don’t
interact with it
Facilitating: developers, designers, maintainers
Persona: stereotype of a group of users
Scenario: persona interacting with system
User story: what the user wants to achieve
Writing good user stories:
Independent: your user story should achieve one goal
Negotiable: you can talk to your product owner about this
Valuable: is this user story actually any good to you?
Estimatable: you can estimate the size of the story
Small: if it’s too complicated, can split into smaller
user stories
Testable: you can get your product owner to perform this user
Agile development: frameworks and practices that emphasise response to
Scrum: an Agile framework that uses user stories, backlogs and
Product backlog: list of requirements for a system
MoSCoW prioritisation: must, should, could, would
Burndown chart: chart of how fast tasks are being completed
Scrum meeting / Scrum: 10-15 minute meeting stating what you did, what
you’re going to do and what you need help on
Show stopper: high probability high severity risk
T-shirt sizes: S M L XL
Story points: raw integers, can have various ranges
Agile planning poker: group activity for estimating task durations
User stories are broken down into tasks
Introduction to Source Control
Source control: tracking and managing changes to code
Working directory
- Staging area
- Local repo
- Remote repo
- add
- commit
- push
- checkout
- pull
- clone
master branch: the main branch
Can branch off and build features before merging
Stashing stores uncommitted changes
Starting to Build: Scenarios, Storyboards
Storyboards (static design): describe functionality in a visual way, e.g.
Scenarios (dynamic design): sequence of interactions the user has with product, like
use case but less formal
Building Applications with MVC
MVC: Model, View, Controller
Model - stores all data
Controller - updates view and processes user controls
View - what the user sees
Passive model - Controller notifies view, but model is
directly changed by view
Active model - Model responds to state change and notifies
iOS MVC - All traffic passes through controller
Three-tier architecture: MVC but for architecture: presentation, logic, data
MVA - Model, View, Adapter
MVP - Model, View, Presenter
PAC - Presentation, Abstraction, Control
HMVC - Hierarchical MVC
MVVM - Model View ViewModel
Model-Delegate - view and controller are bundled into
Naked objects: user interface is automatically built from definition
of domain objects
Observer - object is notified and updated
Strategy - multiple strategies can be applied to achieve
the same goal
Composite - create tree structures
Software Testing
Validation: does the system work?
Verification: does the system do as it’s supposed to?
Development testing: continuous testing during development
Unit tests: tests at class level
Defect testing: the system copes with all possible inputs
Partition testing: all inputs from equivalence classes are
Boundary testing: testing inputs at the edge of ranges
Regression testing: testing previous features again
Continuous integration: testing when branches are merged
Test driven development: create tests first, write code for those
Component tests: tests a whole component of the system
System / Integration tests: tests components working together, sometimes whole
Acceptance testing: check if software is compliant with business
needs; tests against acceptance criteria
Release testing: black box testing involving:
Requirements testing: testing by requirements spec
Scenario testing: testing by use cases
Performance testing: testing performance with harsh inputs
Load testing: heavy number of concurrent users
Stress testing: test under extreme loads
Soak testing: test system with production load over long
Breakpoint testing: test system upon breakpoints
Alpha testing: tested by developers
Beta testing: tested by users in their environment
User Acceptance testing: customers test software themselves
- Feedback
- Respect
- Courage
- Forming
- Storming
- Norming
Personality traits
Learning styles
Ethnicity / Race
- Beliefs
- Age
- Interests
SEGsual orientation
- Intelligence
- Religion
- Ability
- Gender
Personal motivation
Physical / mental disability
Micro-inequities: subtle differences, unconscious bias
Behaviour tips:
Attention and listening
- Equality
- Diversity
- Ease
Identify untrue limiting assumptions
- Feelings
Appreciation rather than criticism
Turn agenda items into questions
Other Agile Techniques
Release deliverables early
Listen to changing requirements
Deliver software on time
Corporates and techies work together
Motivate everyone
Scrum: has a scrum master, team members and product owner. Turn
user stories into tasks, has burndown chart and
XP: pair programming, unit test all code, frequent
Planning poker
- Whole team
Test-driven development
Pair programming
Small releases
Continuous integration
Design improvement
Collective ownership
- Metaphor
Simple designs
Coding standards
Sustainable pace
Spike solution: solution implemented in XP so we know we’re on the
right track. Similar to prototype
FDD: build up feature list and implement. Two key roles: Chief
Architect and Chief Programmer.
ASD (Adaptive Software Development): repeating cycle of speculative, collaborative and learn
cycles. Shorter version of RAD
Kan Ban: post-it notes on to-do lists
Visualise work
Limit work in progress
Focus on flow
Continuous improvement
Crystal methods: categorises projects into types based on criticality and
Frequent delivery
Continual feedback
Constant communication
- Safety
- Focus
Access to users
Automated tests and integration
DSDM: time, quality and cost are fixed
Focus on the business need
Deliver on time
Never compromise quality
Build incrementally from firm foundations
Develop iteratively
Communicate continuously and clearly
Demonstrate control
Shu-Ha-Ri: at first, you’re doing things by the book. Then you
question what you’re doing. Then you become the
- Imitate
- Assimilate
- Innovate
Beyond HCI - Designing for Delight
Incorporate three factors into design:
- Firmness
- Delight
People’s cognition does not start and end with their
Make your design support existing work-flows.