Machine Learning Technologies
Matthew Barnes
About the module 3
Theory 3
Introduction to ML Technologies (Chapter 1) 3
Classification (Chapter 3) 6
Regression (Chapter 4) 10
Linear regression 10
Polynomial regression 11
Regularisation 12
Gradient Descent 14
Softmax regression 15
SVMs (Chapter 5) 16
Decision trees (Chapter 6) 24
Ensemble learning (Chapter 7) 30
Voting 31
Bagging and pasting 31
Random 32
Boosting 33
Stacking 35
Dimensionality reduction (Chapter 8) 36
Curse of dimensionality 36
Projection 36
Manifold learning 38
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 41
Locally Linear Embedding (LLE) 42
Artificial Neural Nets (Chapter 10) 43
Deep Neural Nets (Chapter 11) 46
Vanishing gradients 46
Exploding gradients 48
Slow training with gradient descent techniques 48
Overfitting issues in large networks 49
Convolutional Neural Nets (Chapter 13) 50
Recurrent Neural Nets (Chapter 14) 54
Implementation 57
SVMs 57
Linear SVM regression 58
Non-linear SVM regression 58
Polynomial features 58
Kernel trick 59
RBF kernel 59
Decision trees 59
Classification 59
Regression 60
Ensemble learning 60
Bagging and pasting 60
Random forest 61
Gradient boosting 62
Dimensionality reduction 62
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 62
Incremental PCA 63
Kernel PCA 63
Locally Linear Embedding (LLE) 63
Deep Neural Nets 63
Setting up 64
Setting up a layer 64
Setting up a full DNN 64
Setting up the loss function 64
Setting up the training part 64
Evaluating performance of model 65
Initialise model parameters 65
Full training code for DNNs 65
Using DNNs 65
Convolutional Neural Nets 65
Stacking feature maps 65
Pooling layers 67
Recurrent Neural Nets 67
TL;DR 67
Practical Use Cases 68
Introduction to practical use cases 68
Coursework intro 69
Task and Data 69
Design and Implementation 70
Evaluation 70
FAQ 70
Marking Scheme 70
About the module
50% coursework, 50% exam
Exam: only covers theory part, the book, Long’s
Coursework: mini project with case study based on real data. You
submit a report
Introduction to ML Technologies (Chapter 1)
Machine Learning is the science (and art) of programming computers so they
can learn from data.
Classical software implementation process:
system designer generates rules
Machine learning process: learn from data
ML with adaptive (changing) environment
ML generates new insights
When there is no solution using the traditional
... you can use machine learning.
ML can also adapt to new data.
You can also get insight about complex problems and large
amounts of data (data mining, data science).
Supervised vs unsupervised vs reinforcement
Offline / batch vs online
Instance-based (lazy) vs model-based (eager)
Input → Output
Given this → output this
That’s the training data; it’s just a set of
correct input-output pairs
- Just input
Try to predict the output
Good for when there’s no absolute
“correct” answer
Semi-supervised learning:
All inputs are available at the beginning
The machine just crunches the entire data set at one
The machine outputs in bulk
Data comes into the system through a stream
The machine outputs as a stream
Good for input that depends on earlier output
Instance-based (lazy) learning:
There is no model (it is stateless)
Data points are compared with earlier data points or
neighbouring ones
Inputs are computed on the fly
No global parameters are set
Model-based (eager) learning:
A model is set
The machine remembers everything
Data points are compared with the stored model
Has a predetermined number of parameters set
Degree of freedom is limited, which reduces overfitting
(but increases underfitting)
E.g. linear models
Number of parameters is not determined prior to
More freedom than parametric models, so overfitting is more
Should use regularisation to limit the model’s power
and reduce overfitting
E.g. decision trees
Not enough data
Non-representative data (e.g. bias)
Poor quality data
Feature selection (too many features)
Overfitting (too specific; not general enough)
Underfitting (too general, not specific enough)
High accuracy on training data, low quality on
This happens because of “noise” in the data
points (the data isn’t perfect)
Your machine captures the noise of the data and not the
underlying input-output relationship
Main problems of machine learning:
Insufficient quantity of training data
Nonrepresentative training data
Poor-quality data
Irrelevant features
Overfitting the training data
Underfitting the training data
When you have two models, pick the simpler one. This is
Occam’s razor.
So how do we test ML algorithms?
Half the data; use half for training and the other half for
Why not swap the training and testing halves? We’ll
reduce average generalisation errors.
This leads into the K-fold cross validation:
We partition the data into K pieces.
Train with K - 1 partitions, and test with the last
Repeat this K times, using a different, unique testing
partition for every iteration.
You usually use around 5 or 10 for K.
Classification (Chapter 3)
Classification: take raw data, understand what the raw data is about and
put it into one of a finite number of categories
Is it a shape? A chair? A table?
It’s the most fundamental step.
A more serious example is a bank deciding if your card
usage was fraudulent or not.
Two kinds of classification:
Top down: Inspiration from higher abstraction levels
Bottom up: Inspiration from biology, e.g. neural networks
Classification algorithms:
Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
Decision trees
Deep neural nets
Only two options (yes/no, 1/0, red/blue, hamon/stands
- Examples:
Spam filters
Fraud detection
Object detection
How good is our algorithm?
Factors (used in regression models):
Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) - If you plot the RMSE you can differentiate it everywhere
Mean Absolute Error (MAE) - You cannot differentiate the MAE at the turning
Because RMSE squares the errors it penalises larger errors
more than MAE, which is useful when large errors are
particularly undesirable
The smaller the error the more accurate
Why accuracy as a performance metric sucks
Example: asthma attack prediction from cough sound
99%: no attack
- 1%: attack
We use a ML algorithm to do prediction and it’s 99%
Is that good?
We have a dumb algorithm that always says no.
What’s the accuracy of that?
It’s 99% again, because 99% of the time it’ll
be correct.
So our stupid algorithm is just as good as our fancy ML
algorithm. Not good!
True positive (TP): “yes”, correctly predicted
as “yes”
True negative (TN) “no”, correctly predicted as
False positive (FP) “no” incorrectly predicted
as “yes” (Type I error)
False negative (FN) “yes” incorrectly predicted
as “no” (Type II error)
- Example:
Ratio of correct ones among “yes” predictions
“Did we only predict the ‘yes’ that we should
have predicted?”
Ratio of “yes” that were successfully
“Did we predict all the ‘yes’ that we should
have predicted?”
Now let’s use this on our stupid algorithm:
Precision = 0 / (0 + 0) = NaN
Recall: 0 / (0 + 0.1) = 0
Basically, this algorithm sucks (but now we can prove it
with numbers).
“But these are two numbers! I’m lazy and only
want one number”
Then we can use F-score (F1). It’s the harmonic mean
of the two.
However, F1 is only high if both precision and recall are
It’s not good if you have high precision + low recall
or vice versa.
It’s also not good if we only want high precision or
only want high recall.
So how do we set the parameters for precision / recall
We can use a threshold used in SGDClassifier (stochastic
gradient descent) from scikit-learn where lower means we
want high recall, and higher means we want high
ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curve:
Like a precision / recall curve, but instead we plot true
positive rate (TPR, or recall) against false positive rate
What’s FPR? It’s the ratio of negative
instances incorrectly classified as positive. It’s 1 -
true negative rate (TNR), which is the ratio of negative
instances correctly classified as negative.
TNR is also called specificity.
So basically ROC curve is recall against 1 -
So what do we do with this curve?
Find the area under the curve (AUC).
If the AUC is 1, our classifier is perfect.
A purely random one will have an AUC of 0.5.
Now we have another metric to measure performance.
Multiclass classification:
We have more than two classes
Some classifiers can handle this normally (e.g. random
forest, naive Bayes)
Others need modifications, like SVMs
One-versus-all (OvA):
We use one classifier for each class
Each classifier predicts with a confidence score (e.g. 0 -
100%) to which degree the input matches the class
We run each input through all classifiers and each
classifier predicts some confidence score
The final outcome for a given input is the class for which
the highest confidence score was predicted
Example: Given pictures of fruit, is it an apple, a banana
or a kiwi?
We have 3 classifiers, which output a confidence score (0 -
100%) for their class
Classifier 1: Is this an apple (or something else)?
Classifier 2: Is this a banana (or something else)?
Classifier 3: Is this a kiwi (or something else)?
E.g. for one input we get outputs 60%, 55%, 65%, therefore
the final decision is kiwi
We use one binary classifier for every pair of
“Binary” means that each classifier predicts
either one or the other class (e.g. “A” or
“B”) instead of outputting a confidence
For n classes we need a total of
In most cases (where n > 3) we need more computations,
but easier to scale with large training data sets as we
train each classifier only on a subset that contains those
We run each input through all classifiers and select the
class that was predicted most frequently as the final
Reusing the fruit example from above, we need the following
Classifier 1: Is this an apple or a banana?
Classifier 2: Is this an apple or a kiwi?
Classifier 3: Is this a banana or a kiwi?
E.g. for one input we get outputs “apple”,
“apple” and “kiwi”, therefore the
final decision is “apple”
Multilabel classification:
We can also assign multiple categories / labels to
Not all classifiers can support multilabel
Multi-output classification:
Regression (Chapter 4)
Classification was discrete label values:
- Is it a cat?
Is the person wearing a hat?
What if the output is continuous / unbounded?
Tomorrow’s highest temperature
Students’ final marks
We use regression models!
Linear regression
Linear correlation between two features X and Y (with some
noise) can be modelled with a straight line
We can have more than two features
In general, linear regression follows this formula:
You can also represent this with vectors:
How can we compute the error of our regression model?
We can use MSE (mean squared error):
So how do we pick the best theta values that minimises the
error function the most?
We use the normal equation!
But in the real world, x is very large, so using this is
Polynomial regression
Sometimes, we cannot model a correlation (e.g. between x
and y) using a straight line
You can model it with a curve
But polynomials can have any power.
What power do we use? 300? 2? 1?
It seems 300 is too big and 1 is too small.
Too big = overfitting
Too small = underfitting
How do we know our model suffers from underfitting?
Well, here’s one:
When the size increases, it converges to a large value (in
this case, around 1.75).
When that happens, the model is underfitting.
If it’s underfitting, it’s not complex
How do we fix that? We make it more complex!
What about overfitting? How do we know if our model is
doing that?
Here’s one:
Look how far apart the blue and red lines are when the
training set size increases.
There is a big gap in loss between the training and
validation data sets!
When that happens, the model is overfitting.
How do we fix that? We make the model less complex!
How do we control overfitting / underfitting?
We use regularisation, which is basically limiting the freedom of the model to
avoid overfitting / underfitting.
The principle comes from Occam’s razor (basically,
pick the simplest one)
We capture model complexity in the cost function (cost
function = loss + model complexity)
In other words, we are adding a penalty to the cost
There are different types of “penalties” to
Ridge regression (Tikhonov regularisation): MSE of linear
regression + regularisation term
Ridge tries to keep the weights as small as possible.
α (alpha) is a hyperparameter for Ridge. If
it’s 0, Ridge is the same as linear regression. If
it’s 1, all the weights will be very close to 0 and
the result is a flat line through the data’s
If we’re underfitting (we have high bias), reduce
Lasso (Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator
We use Lasso when we are sure the correct model is sparse
(most of the weights are 0 except the few features that
actually matter)
Behaves less erratic than Lasso.
If you want Lasso without erratic behaviour, set l1_ratio close to 1.
Gradient Descent
We can use this to find the theta value that gives the
minimum error:
Ok, what’s going on here? There’s some blue
dots and a yellow dot and a curve and aaaaah
Basically we’re using (batch) gradient descent to find the minimum theta value for our model
We pick a random point on the curve
We get the gradient on that point
We travel down the gradient using one of these
regularisation equations
Find the new point on the curve and repeat until
we’re at the bottom
The problem with GD is that it uses every single data point
for each step we take, which can get computationally
However, it scales well with features: if we have loads and
loads of features, GD will perform way better than the
Normal Equation.
Gradient descent cannot get stuck at a local minimum
because the MSE cost function for Linear Regression is
convex, i.e. there only exists one global minimum.
A convex function, as opposed to a concave function.
As you can see, if our graph looks like the one on the left,
there’ll only be one global minimum.
Again, we don’t live in a perfect world; this would
take too long in a real use-case!
What do we do? Do we just give up? Is life really worthless
after all?
No! We use stochastic gradient descent (SGD)
What’s that?
Basically, when we compute the gradients we don’t use
all the data points, we only use one data point for each
This drastically reduces the amount of computation if we
have loads of training data, making it the fastest gradient
descent algorithm (it will reach the optimum faster than GD and mini-batch
The result is similar to simulated annealing (remember
Because of how erratic SGD is, the error is going to bounce
up and down, but on average it’ll eventually converge
to the optimum.
However, it won’t actually reach the optimum;
it’ll just bounce around it...
... unless you slowly reduce the learning rate as we
approach the optimum (again, like simulated annealing)
There’s also mini-batch gradient descent, which is like SGD but instead of using one data point for
each feature, we use a subset of data points.
It’s less erratic than SGD but you get the best of
both worlds.
We can also use regression as a classifier using a logistic
We’re basically converting continuous to discrete
Softmax regression
Softmax is simply a way of doing multiclass classification
with a regression algorithm.
It works like this:
For every instance x, compute a softmax score sk(x) for each category k
Estimate the probability of x being each class k using the softmax function to the scores
Pick the class with the highest probability for x
You can use softmax for stuff like estimating colours, for
if you have a red flower you might get a result like 90%
red, 5% blue, 5% green
if you have a turquoise gemstone you might get a result
like 56% green, 39% blue, 5% red
SVMs (Chapter 5)
Let’s say you’re training a ML algorithm that
classifies iris plants into the setosa and versicolor
We use two features, “petal length” and
“petal width”.
When we plot our training dataset as yellow and blue dots
we can see that we can separate the two species in different
ways, e.g. with the red line or with the purple line
Yeah, those red and purple lines seem to work.
However, they are very close to the data points and thus
it’s unlikely that they work well with testing data
because only a slightly different position of the data
points will result in lots of wrong classifications.
How about using this black line model below instead?
We made our model more general to make it more effective
across different inputs, which is called “generalisation”.
That’s the intuition behind SVMs: our model needs to
be distanced from the data points.
Take a look at the black line model. It’s not close
to any of the data points, and the dotted lines show the
boundaries the model should lie in (called the
These dotted lines define the “widest possible street
between the classes”, called the wide margin.
By supporting our margin using data lying on the edge, we
are using support vectors, which are instances located on the street, including the
Support Vector Machines (SVM) are models that use this technique.
So, basically, support vector classifiers / machines are
classifications with wide margins and is fully determined by
support vectors (data on the edge of the margin).
How wide should the margin be, and what happens with the
data within the margin?
Initial step: feature scaling
SVMs will try to fit the largest possible separating margin
between the classes.
If the data is not scaled, the SVM will neglect small
There are two types of margins in SVMs: hard margin and
soft margin
Hard margin: no data points can be in the margin (no violations)
Here is a case where a hard margin is impossible (because
we will always have violations)
When we have linearly non-separable data like shown above,
we cannot have a hard margin!
If we have linearly separable data a hard margin looks like
Because of the outlier point, the margin becomes very
Soft margin: data points can be within the margin (we allow
However, we need to try and minimise the number of
When using a soft margin, we need a balance of margin width
and violations
In scikit-learn, there’s a hyperparameter called
Small C = wider margin but higher violations
Large C = smaller margin but low violations (low
generalisation power)
If you’re overfitting, reduce C (make margin
If you’re underfitting, increase C (make margin more
What if you cannot linearly separate your data, like
It looks like we need some kind of curve...
We could also add a new “polynomial” feature by
mapping our data points to a new dimension, like this
This is called feature space transformation.
In this example, we square each of our data points.
By turning our data into a curve, now we can just use one
line to model our algorithm!
If it helps you to visualise it, you could say we’re
“moving” the curve from our algorithm to the
data itself, so instead of our algorithm being a curve, we
make our data a curve.
If that just confuses you more, then pretend I never said
This is a non-linear SVM.
In scikit-learn, we have a parameter d which is the degree of expansion.
- For example:
If we have features a and b, and our degree of expansion d
= 3, then our combinations are:
In general, the number of added features is:
where n is the number of features we currently have
But squaring the data points is boring. Where’s a
more interesting, colourful, cool-looking example?
If you set d too low you’ll be underfitting
If you set d too high you’ll be there all day
What are we going to do?
We use magic!
It’s actually the Kernel method. It makes it possible to get the same result as if you
added many polynomial features, even with very high-degree
polynomials, without actually having to add them.
Basically, just add kernel=”poly” to the SVC
function in scikit-learn.
But for linearly separable data models, just use normal
LinearSVC because it’s easier! Use this for non-linear
Here’s the trick in practice:
The higher the degree, the more non-linear it is.
The parameter “r” means how much the model is
influenced by high-degree polynomials vs low-degree ones (so
it’s kind of like a coefficient)
However, d and C are the easier parameters to set.
You wanna see more magic?
Ever heard of Radial Basis Functions (RBF)?
It goes like this:
You set some points as landmarks, position some similarity
functions on those landmarks
As a similarity function we use the Gaussian radial basis
function which evaluates to a value between 0 and 1
The similarity function on the landmark itself is going to
evaluate to 1 (because it’s exactly the same
You then evaluate the similarity functions on every data
You use those values as the new feature values (instead of
using the original values)
It uses a hyperparameter “gamma”.
Increasing gamma makes the bell-shaped curve narrower, so
each instance’s range of influence gets smaller.
Decreasing gamma makes the bell-shaped curve wider, so the
range of influence gets bigger and the decision boundary
gets smoother.
Like C, you should decrease it if you’re overfitting
and increase it if you’re underfitting.
How do you pick the landmarks? I don’t know; pick
whatever ones you want. Trial and error.
For example, we have a feature x1 and pick two similarity
functions which evaluate to features x2 and x3
After evaluating the similarity functions we can use a line
to separate the blue rectangles from the green triangles
(see graphs below)
Again, we need a balance of similarity features: too few,
and it can’t handle the complexity. Too much and the
computational time will be too big.
Ok cool, but where are the pretty pictures?
They’re here:
So this is all for classification, but we can use this for
regression as well!
Instead of finding a separator, now we want to find the
narrowest stripe that contains all the data.
The width of the street is controlled by the hyperparameter
Decision trees (Chapter 6)
This topic was also covered in Intelligent Systems up to Gini scores, but it’s still worth reading
for the extra ML bits.
The topics already covered in Intelligent Systems will be
bare-bones summaries below, so if you need a more in-depth
refresher, go on the link!
Decision tree: takes a series of inputs defining a situation, then
outputs a binary decision / classification
Decision trees check features of inputs in a specific order, or just enough information to decide on an answer.
We use observable features to predict an outcome.
Typically, decision trees are binary trees, like you see
above, and they usually become balanced at the end of
So if you have n training data instances, the approximate depth would
be log2(n).
The problem we have is: what’s the most optimal /
efficient order of checking the features?
The idea is to pick the next feature whose value will
reduce the most uncertainty about the output.
There’s two ways to do this:
Pick the feature that will give us the most information
about our data (highest information gain)
Pick the feature that has the highest Gini score
How do we measure information gain?
We use entropy and conditional entropy.
Entropy: A measure of the amount of disorder or uncertainty in a
Tidy room => low entropy, low uncertainty (to find
Messy room => high entropy, high uncertainty (to find
So, basically, we want to reduce this value.
Conditional entropy: the level of uncertainty, given that some event is
Information gain: how much info we will gain if we query this
In other words, how much uncertainty / entropy we will
clear away if we query this attribute
Now that we have this, we just need to pick the attribute
with the highest information gain.
Keep in mind that scaling the input will not improve performance of the decision tree model.
Decision trees don’t care about the scale of the
input, so scaling the input will be a waste of time.
If your decision tree is underfitting:
Increase maximum depth
Decrease minimum samples per leaf
Increase number of features
Time complexity of a decision tree:
n is the number of features
m is the number of training instances
Decision trees also have a presort option, which is only helpful for datasets smaller
than a few thousand instances.
Any bigger and the presort option will slow down training instead.
Gini score: the ratio of a certain type of data point amongst others
in a class when you half a tree by some feature.
The smaller the Gini score, the more homogenous the class
is (the less diverse it is)
That means that class will be more certain about what
features its data will have
Typically, a node’s Gini score is lower than its
This is ensured by the training algorithm, as we want the
nodes with the highest Gini score to be split first (we want
the highest information gain at the start).
Choose the feature that provides the lowest of the
(weighted) sum of the Gini score of the children nodes
Repeat until reaching leaf node (e.g. Gini score is very
Scikit-learn uses the gini score instead of information
Using the iris flower dataset, we create a decision tree
that uses the petal length and width as two features
At first, the gini score is high but it approaches 0 as our
tree becomes deeper
At some point, when the gini score is low enough, we can
Here is a plot of our decision tree with the data
Decision trees don’t know the depth of the tree
before training, so they can easily become overfitted.
For example, in this image, it’s a bit too specific
for the training data.
This is what it should be:
By regularising the decision tree, the model will generalise more (which
reduces overfitting)
In this example, we restrict the minimum number of samples
per leaf to 4
We can also use decision trees for regression, too
(predicting values instead of classes)
We need to set max depth values though
This time, the splitting (red) line will be the output of
our model
When we don’t have any restrictions overfitting can
occur easily
We should introduce restrictions (regularisation) to
achieve generalisation
You can see how much overfitting the model does if there is
no regularisation
Instability: the model is very sensitive in terms of the data
A big drawback of decision trees
For example, look at the different decision trees before
and after removing a single data point from the training
It does this for rescaling or rotation as well
This is the same dataset but rotated.
Decision trees are like this because boundaries are
typically orthogonal to the dimensions, meaning the method
is not stable and robust.
We can fix this using ensemble learning!
Ensemble learning (Chapter 7)
A single classifier can train on one single data model and
yield one result.
A lonely classifier, all on its own.
What if we had a whole load of classifiers?
Whoa! It has loads of friends now!
If one classifier can only yield a 51% accuracy, then why
not use a bunch of classifiers and aggregate their results
using a majority vote or something?
It’ll work better because of the law of large
All of its friends work together by forming their own results
and then aggregating them.
There are two types of voting: HARD VOTING and soft voting.
Hard voting is simply a majority vote.
If two classifiers voted “real” and one voted
“fake”, the overall choice will be
Soft voting is used when classifiers can output class
For example, a classifier could say it’s 70% likely
to be real and 30% likely to be fake.
Soft voting will pick the class with the highest
probability average.
- For example:
Classifier 1: 70% real, 30% fake
Classifier 2: 40% real, 60% fake
Average real = (70 + 40) / 2 = 55
Average fake = (30 + 60) / 2 = 45
Overall class = real
Before I move on to bagging and pasting, here are some common practices:
Classifiers should be independent (correlated classifiers don’t work well together,
because they’ll make the same mistakes)
Ensemble completely different classifiers
Vary the training data (using bagging and pasting)
Vary the feature sets (random patches & random subspaces)
Bagging and pasting
How do we split up the data to all the classifiers? Do we
just give every classifier all the data?
No! If we did that, all the classifiers would yield the
same results.
Instead, we randomly sample the data to train each
There’s two ways to do this, called bagging and
Bagging (bootstrap aggregating): choose with replacement
We can sample the same data point for multiple
If our data set is D1, D2, D3, D4, then our classifiers could get:
C1: D1, D2
C2: D2, D3
C3: D3, D4
Pasting: choose without replacement
When one classifier gets a data point, it’s reserved
just for that classifier.
If our dataset is D1, D2, D3, D4, then our classifiers could get:
C1: D1, D2
C2: D3, D4
Here’s the difference between using a single decision
tree vs. using multiple decision trees with bagging:
Why sample just the data; why not sample the features
Random patches method: sample both the training data and the features
Random subspaces method: just sample the features and keep all data
When you ensemble multiple decision trees, you get a random forest.
Get it? Because you’ve got lots of trees, it makes a
It typically uses bagging.
It’s a random forest because only a random subset of features is
considered for each split, so random forests are
The most important features appear closer to the root, so
you can tell which features are the most important by the
average depth at which that feature will appear.
Extremely Randomised Trees takes things even further!
Normal decision trees in random forests use a “best,
most discriminative threshold” when deciding on a
feature to split with.
Extremely randomised trees use a random threshold for each
candidate feature, and the feature with the best random
threshold is picked.
This reduces variance for greater bias.
What? There’s some kind of stat boost we can apply to
our model to make it perform better?
Uh, not really. Boosting (hypothesis boosting) is the
sequential combination of classifiers.
So instead of lots of classifiers working in parallel, the
classifiers work one after the other in a giant chain.
Ensemble learning
There’s two main boosting techniques:
- AdaBoost
Assign a weight to each data point in the training
The weights tell the classifiers how important this data
point is.
Initially, this weight will be the same value for each data
All weights add up to 1
Train the first classifier on some features of the whole
data set
Often, a decision tree is used as a classifier
Often, only a single feature is chosen (so the depth of the
tree is 1)
Because a single classifier has very limited power on its
own we call it a weak classifier (because it's crap on
its own)
Identify the wrongly classified data points and adjust the
If a data point was classified correctly we will reduce its
If a data point was classified incorrectly we will increase
its weight (“boosting” its weight)
Train the following (second) classifier on other features,
taking into account the weights
By taking the weight into account we try to correct the
mistakes (wrongly classified data points) from the previous
We try to get correct predictions on data points that have
higher weight compared to those with lower weight
Repeat step 3 and 4 until you exhausted the feature space,
used a desired number of predictors or you are happy with
the final output
Basically, we use loads of weak classifiers to make a
really good overall classifier
If your AdaBoost ensemble underfits, try:
increasing the number of estimators
reducing the regularization hyperparameters of the base
slightly increasing the learning rate.
Train a model (e.g. a regressor) on the training set
Use the model to predict the training set and calculate the
The error is the difference between the expected value
(given as part of the training set) and the predicted
Train the next model on the error of the previous
Calculate the new error between the prediction and the old
Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you used a desired number of
predictors or you are happy with the final result
Here’s some graphs that show boosting:
Instead of using an aggregation function like majority
vote, why not use another ML model to learn how to
This is called stacking.
Dimensionality reduction (Chapter 8)
Curse of dimensionality
An extreme point is a point at most 0.001 units away from a
In a unit square, a point has 0.4% chance of being an
extreme point.
In a 10,000-dimension hypercube, there is a 99.999999%
chance of being an extreme point.
The key point here is that it becomes much easier to be an
extreme point with a higher number of dimensions, meaning
that overfitting is way easier.
In addition, having higher dimensions make the data more sparse, meaning data is really spread out.
That means more data is needed to reach a good density and
properly train our models and we have more noise which will
lead to overfitting.
Example: 100 dim data (i.e., data with 100 features) needs
more data than the number of atoms in the universe to reach
an average distance of 0.1
Basically, big dimension bad.
That’s not good!
What do we do? Cry and send some applications to
No! Don’t worry, this is called the curse of dimensionality: the fact that many problems that do not exist in
low-dimensional space arise in high-dimensional space.
So how do we lift this curse? Is there a level 20 priest
who can use Remove Curse?
No need! There’s methods to reduce the number of
One method is dimension reduction with projection.
Let’s say you have a cylinder, or a can of pringles
or a tin of beans or a light blue cup with Long’s face
on it or whatever.
You can see all the 3D features of the cylinder by looking
at its side.
Now, peer over and look at the cylinder from an eagle eye
view, looking down.
Now it looks like a 2D shape.
So we’ve gone from seeing all 3D features to just
seeing 2D features. We’ve gone down by a
This is called projection and we can use this with data,
For example, look at this data set:
It seems to swirl around, but the x3 axis seems to hold
little in the way of correlation.
If we just “project”:
Boom! We get something that looks a little nicer.
Manifold learning
However, projection doesn’t always work. Here’s
an example with a Swiss roll data set:
Once you finish drooling, you’ll notice that
there’s no angle to “reduce” this
Yeah... that doesn’t look very good.
We kind of need to “unravel” or
“uncurl” the dataset to get a nice gradient of
data points.
So how do we do that?
We use another technique, called manifold learning.
Now, you may ask: what is a manifold?
If you already know, you can skip this part.
Let me ask you a question: is a sheet of paper 2D or
Sure, it exists in our 3D world and it technically has a
thickness of 0.1mm, but it has two faces and is just like a
2D surface.
Let’s reduce the dimensions a bit. What about a
circle? Is that 2D, or 1D?
You may be thinking “wtf matt it’s 2d idiot
worst notes”
But a circle is just a line that’s been bent to meet
two ends. So why can’t we see it as 1D?
This type of thinking serves as the foundation of
A circle is a 1-dimensional manifold, and I’ll show
you why:
It’s 2D, yeah, but what if we were to plot out points
all across the circumference and lay it out flat:
Now it’s 1D!
What we’ve done here is we’ve picked a point on
this shape, located all the neighbours and mapped the neighbours to a Euclidean space of one
dimension (a straight line).
Because we can map this group to a space of one dimension,
we call this shape a one-dimensional manifold.
Makes more sense?
Let’s try a less theoretical example and go back to
our sheet of paper.
Let’s pick a point on this sheet of paper.
Now we can select a group of neighbours to that
Those neighbours can map to a 2D surface (as you can see,
it’s a square)!
That makes a sheet of paper a two-dimensional
Once you understand the concept a bit better, you
don’t even have to bother picking a point; you can
just sort of tell using intuition.
For example, a torus (or a doughnut):
What n-manifold is that?
Well, the surface area is all 2D, so it’s a
2-dimensional manifold.
You can think of it like “unwrapping” the
surface of an object and seeing what the dimensions of that
wrapping is.
For example, a circle being “wrapped” by a 1D
curved line.
So basically, a manifold is a warped version of a low
dimensional shape in a higher dimensional space, for
A 1D line warped to make a 2D circle
A 2D surface warped to make a 3D sheet of paper or a 3D
Hopefully, it makes more sense. The slides did not go into this much detail but I wanted to explain it,
because I always used to wonder about the dimensionality of
a piece of paper when I was younger.
If we have a dataset, could we “unwrap” that,
like in our manifold examples?
- Yes, we can!
It doesn’t always work, though, but it works well for
data sets like this:
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
PCA is a projection method.
It’s the most popular dimensionality reduction
It identifies the hyperplane that lies closest to the data,
and then it projects the data onto it.
The problem is: how do we identify that hyperplane?
I think it’s easier if you just look at an
On the right, which vector should we pick to project
- The first?
- The second?
- The third?
The best one is the first because it has the most
That first “dimension” is called the first principal component: the dimension of the data in which the variance is the
The way PCA works is it keeps identifying orthogonal axes,
trying to maximise variance, until it reaches the desired
number of dimensions.
However, it can only get rid of “useless”
dimensions: if there are no useless dimensions, or if all
dimensions hold an even amount of information, then PCA
won’t work.
Basically, PCA takes correlated variables and projects into
uncorrelated variables.
How do we pick the right number of dimensions?
Generally we pick the number of dimensions that add up to a
sufficiently large portion of the variance.
For data visualisation, maybe we’d want to reduce it
down to 2 or 3 dimensions.
Sometimes, we can’t fit the entire dataset into
For that, we can do incremental PCA by splitting the data into mini-batches.
We can also do randomised PCA to find approximations of the first principal components.
It’s much faster than regular PCA.
You can even use that kernel trick thing we saw with kernel PCA, which is used for non-linear datasets.
Locally Linear Embedding (LLE)
Unlike PCA, LLE is a manifold learning technique.
LLE measures how each training instance linearly relates to
its closest neighbours.
It then looks for a low-dimensional representation of the
training set where these local relationships are best
So it basically collects the relationships between the data
points, and it selects the best dimensional reductions that
preserve those relationships the best.
Artificial Neural Nets (Chapter 10)
Neural networks: Bottom-up classification
Aggregates inputs
If it’s above a threshold, fire a signal
If not above threshold, do not fire a signal
Each input has a weight
It takes the weighted sum
Is put through some aggregate function
If above threshold, fire. If not, don’t fire.
Pretty much the same as before, but it has weights.
It can also self-train.
What’s the aggregate function?
Sum? Not very expressive.
That’s why we have weights; to say which input is
more important.
We can also have a “bias”
Then our aggregate function is
That’s linear regression
Types of activator function:
Cannot separate things that are not linear with one
To separate things that are non-linear, we use more than
one neuron
Perceptrons feed into other perceptrons
It’s more “black box”
How do we train the weights?
Could use gradient descent, but that’s only for the
last hidden and output layer.
What about the other hidden layers?
We use backpropagation of errors.
Build a loss function L
Employ calculus to calculate partial derivative of L with
respect to each weight
Use differentiable activation function (usually
We now know which way we need to “nudge” each
weight for a given training sample
This requires a lot of work, though.
However, we now have GPUs and grid computing, so we can do
Deep learning: transform input space to higher level abstractions with
lower dimensions (similar to feature expansion)
Multi-layer architecture (many hidden layers)
Each layer responsible for space transformation step
Complexity of non-linearity is decreased
Very expensive
Deep Neural Nets (Chapter 11)
Problems with neural nets:
Vanishing gradients
Training = backpropagation
Weight changes only really happen in the last few layers,
and changes become negligible in the front layers.
Therefore we’re wasting resources having all those
layers at the start.
The gradients from the back layers to the start layers are
Glorot & Bengio (2010) found out it’s
we’re using the sigmoid function
random initialisation with “truncated Gaussian”
randomness distribution (random initial weights)
Mitigation strategy 2: different activation functions
Also, part of the problem is using the sigmoid activation
To fix that, we use non saturating activation
Most popular is ReLU (rectified linear unit)
Easy to compute, no limit on max value
However, neurons can get stuck on a zero gradient and
Half of all neurons can get this
Do you want the neurons to die or do you want the neurons
to survive?
Survive, of course!
We can use a variant called Leaky ReLU, where there are no
non-zero gradients
However, we can’t differentiate when x = 0.
So what can we use?
ELU (exponential linear unit)
It’s smooth everywhere, which is good
Mitigation strategy 3: batch normalisation
It normalises the inputs, centering them around 0
Uses 2 new parameters
It reduces vanishing / exploding gradients, but it’s
computationally slow
Exploding gradients
Like vanishing gradients, but instead of the weight updates
being negligible, the weight updates get bigger and more
unstable until they essentially “explode” into
ridiculous weight changes.
Mitigation strategy 1: batch normalisation
Mitigation strategy 2: gradient clipping
Clip gradient if it gets too big
Often used in RNNs
Slow training with gradient descent techniques
Transfer learning: reuse networks already trained on similar problems
You need to find a “sweet spot” for the number
of layers to copy.
It can speed up training of the second model.
Stochastic gradient descent (SGD)
Doesn’t converge to the optimum; it oscillates around
How do we fix that?
- We use:
Momentum optimization
Nesterov Accelerated Gradient
- AdaGrad
- RMSProp
Adam (adaptive moment estimation)
How do we set our learning rate in optimisation
We start large, then gradually reduce it
Overfitting issues in large networks
Too many parameters (weights, neurons, layers etc.) makes
overfitting more likely
To fix this, we use regularisation.
Early stopping:
Train on a mini-batch, then run on validation set, then
train again (on another batch)
But stop training as soon as error rate on validation set
starts increasing (performance starts dropping)
What’s a dropout? Is it you after Machine Learning
At every training step, every neuron (excluding the output
layer) has a probability p of being entirely ignored within
that training step
It usually significantly slows down convergence (by a factor
of 2), but it’s typically worth the time and
In practice p ~ 0.5
Usually leads to 1-2% accuracy boost
Artificially generate new data points from existing
Add some noise to existing data but keep the same
Convolutional Neural Nets (Chapter 13)
Neural networks are the state-of-the-art solution to
classification of visual objects
DNNs with fully connected layers (each node is connected to
every other node):
Can learn almost any data model
If we don’t need a connection, set the weight close
to 0
Too many parameters
100x100 picture => 1st hidden layer has 1000 neurons
=> 10 million connections
How do we fix this?
Give up on full connectivity
Instead have convolutional layers and make a CNN:
Motivated by nature
Convolutional layers are not connected to everything, but
only pixels in their receptive fields / only neurons in the
previous layer
Faster to train
Less sensitive to transformations like translation or
When shrinking down neurons to a single neuron, we pad
zeroes around the neurons on the edges
Reducing size of convolutional layer:
- Use strides
Strides lets you jump between neighbouring rectangles
Basically, in the picture above, the distance between the
red and the blue rectangles is just one pixel.
With strides, the offset is bigger.
Larger strides reduces layer size, but lose
The weight of the edges that connect the rectangle to the
new neuron form a matrix
That matrix is the “filter” that decides what
information the new neuron will take from the square
Using a variety of filters may abstract the raw input into
more expressive data, increasing the accuracy of our
Where the whole layer applies the same filter
In training, the CNN learns the most useful filters and combines them into more complex patterns
Packing 2D feature layers on top of each other -> 3D
It’s just a fancy way of saying that we’re
applying multiple feature maps for every layer.
CNNs need loads of RAM
What to do when it crashes because it runs out of
Reduce mini-batch size
Reduce dimensionality using stride
Use 16-bit floats instead of 32-bit floats
Distribute CNN across multiple devices
Goal: reduce input image size to reduce computational
CNN can tolerate small image shift
Pooling layer: a convolutional layer with no weights; it is
Performs some kind of aggregation, like max (max pooling) or mean (average pooling)
Famous CNN architectures:
LeNet-5 - Used for handwritten digit recognition
AlexNet - 17% top-5 error rate; stacked convolutional layers
on each other instead of pooling
GoogLeNet - 7% top-5 error rate; much deeper and had 10 times
fewer params than AlexNet
ResNet - 3.6% top-5 error rate; has 152 layers, skips
connections (called shortcuts)
Recurrent Neural Nets (Chapter 14)
Normally, with classification and regression, we predict Y
for a given X.
What if we want to guess future events?
It usually depends on previous sets of data (historical
In recurrent neural nets, the output of a neuron feeds into its input
It’s a self-loop.
So over time, the network develops:
We can make it more complex with a vector of inputs +
Two weights: one for input x(t) and one for output of
previous step y(t - 1)
Memory cells: part of the network can preserve state, so we can store a
good partial solution
State of memory cell: h(t) = f(h(t - 1), x(t))
Sequence-to-sequence: feed in a stream of data, receive a stream
E.g. input: video, output: frame-by-frame caption
(still not suitable for visual question and
Sequence-to-vector: feed in a stream of data, receive a single answer
E.g. input: book review, output: sentiment value
Vector-to-sequence: feed in one data point, receive a stream
E.g. input: image, output: image caption
Encoder-Decoder: sequence-to-vector encoder output is passed as input to
vector-sequence decoder
E.g. input: sentence in english, output: translated sentence in german
Unroll network through time, use back propagation
Usually network is very large though
- Mitigations:
- ReLU
- Dropout
Gradient clipping, faster optimisers etc.
Truncated backpropagation: set a time horizon for the
rolling out
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM):
2 states: h(t) for short-term, c(t) for long-term
LSTM cells can recognise an important input and store it in
long-term state
Gate Recurrent Unit (GRU):
Simpler version of LSTM
Performance is still as good as LSTM
You use the class LinearSVR from the sklearn.svm module for linear SVMs and SVR for non-linear SVMs (from the same module).
For classifiers, just change the R to a C to make LinearSVC and SVC.
You can use a Pipeline to scale the data and do all sorts of operations
before feeding it into the SVM regressor.
Linear SVM regression
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVR from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
# Without pipeline svm_reg = LinearSVR(epsilon=1.5)
# With pipeline svm_reg = Pipeline((
("scaler", StandardScaler()),
("linear_svc", LinearSVC(
loss="hinge")), )), y)
Regularisation parameter.
Strength of regularisation is
inversely proportional to
Epsilon parameter for
epsilon-insensitive loss
Specifies loss function
Non-linear SVM regression
from sklearn.svm import SVR
svm_poly_reg = SVR(
epsilon=0.1), y)
Regularisation parameter.
Strength of regularisation is
inversely proportional to
Epsilon parameter for
epsilon-SVR model.
Specifies kernel type
Degree of polynomial kernel
Polynomial features
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
= Pipeline((
("poly_features", PolynomialFeatures(degree=3)),
("scaler", StandardScaler()),
("svm_clf", LinearSVC(
loss="hinge")) ))
The degree of polynomial
If true, includes a bias column
of all ones, where all
polynomial powers are zero
Kernel trick
svm_reg = Pipeline((
("scaler", StandardScaler()),
("linear_svc", SVC(
kernel="poly", # Include this
C=5)), ))
(SVC, given that
Independent term in kernel
RBF kernel
svm_reg = Pipeline((
("scaler", StandardScaler()),
("linear_svc", SVC(
C=0.001)), ))
(SVC, given that
Can be ‘scale’,
‘auto’ or
Kernel coefficient for
Decision trees
Just use either DecisionTreeClassifier or DecisionTreeRegressor.
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
= DecisionTreeClassifier(
max_depth=2), y)
Maximum depth of the tree
The function to measure the
quality of a split.
Can either be
“gini” or
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
= DecisionTreeRegressor(
max_depth=2), y)
Maximum depth of the tree
Ensemble learning
To ensemble multiple classifiers together, use the VotingClassifier class in sklearn.ensemble. For regression, simply use VotingRegressor.
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import VotingClassifier from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
log_clf =
LogisticRegression() rnd_clf =
RandomForestClassifier() svm_clf = SVC()
= VotingClassifier(
('lr', log_clf),
('rf', rnd_clf),
('svc', svm_clf)
voting='hard' ),
List of classifiers to
The type of voting, either
‘hard’ or
Bagging and pasting
Scikit-learn uses BaggingClassifier to perform bagging.
It’s like an alternative to VotingClassifier that uses bagging.
Except with BaggingClassifier you need to use the same base estimator for all
from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingClassifier
bag_clf =
n_jobs=-1 ), y_train) y_pred
= bag_clf.predict(X_test)
The base estimator to fit on
random subsets of the
The number of base estimators
in the ensemble
The number of samples to draw
from X to train
If true, bagging (with
If false, pasting (without
The number of jobs to run in
parallel. -1 means using all
Random forest
You can either use a BaggingClassifier with DecisionTreeClassifiers, or just use a RandomForestClassifier.
# Code v1: optimised for decision trees from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
= RandomForestClassifier(
n_jobs=-1), y_train)
# Code v2: generic solution bag_clf = BaggingClassifier(
n_jobs=-1 )
The number of trees in the
Grow trees with max_leaf_nodes
in best-first fashion
The number of jobs to run in
parallel. -1 means using all
Gradient boosting
# Code v1: Manual from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
= DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=2), y)
# Next predictor y2 = y - tree_reg1.predict(X) tree_reg2
= DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=2), y2)
# Next predictor y3 = y2 - tree_reg1.predict(X) tree_reg3
= DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=2), y3)
# Prediction y_pred = sum(tree.predict(X_new) for tree in (tree_reg1, tree_reg2, tree_reg3))
# Code v2: Automatic from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
= GradientBoostingRegressor(
learning_rate=1.0), y)
Maximum depth of the individual
Number of boosting stages to
Shrinks the contribution of
each tree by learning_rate
Dimensionality reduction
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
# Explicitly state number of dimensions pca = PCA(n_components=2)
# Choose no. of dimensions that add up to # sufficiently large portion of variance # (in this case, 95%) pca = PCA(n_components=0.95)
X2D = pca.fit_transform(X)
Number of components to
Incremental PCA
from sklearn.decomposition import IncrementalPCA
n_batches = 100 inc_pca =
# Splits batches called X_batch and fits
them for X_batch in np.array_split(X_mnist, n_batches):
# Performs transformations at once x_mnist_reduced =
Number of components to
Kernel PCA
from sklearn.decomposition import KernelPCA
rbf_pca =
gamma=0.04) X_reduced =
Number of components to
Type of kernel
Kernel coefficient
Locally Linear Embedding (LLE)
from sklearn.decomposition import LocallyLinearEmbedding
lle =
n_neighbours=10) X_reduced = lle.fit_transform(X)
Number of coordinates for the
Number of neighbours to
consider for each point
Deep Neural Nets
From now on we’re using Tensorflow
Setting up
import tensorflow as tf
n_inputs = 28 * 28 # MNIST n_hidden1 = 300 n_hidden2 = 100 n_outputs = 10
X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
shape=(None, n_inputs), name="X") y = tf.placeholder(tf.int64,
shape=(None), name="y")
Setting up a layer
def neuron_layer(X, n_neurons, name, activation=None):
with tf.name_scope(name):
n_inputs = int(X.get_shape()[1])
stddev = 2 / np.sqrt(n_inputs)
init =
tf.truncated_normal((n_inputs, n_neurons),
W = tf.Variable(init, name="weights")
b =
tf.Variable(tf.zeros([n_neurons]), name="biases")
z = tf.matmul(X, W) + b
if activation == "relu":
return tf.nn.relu(z)
return z
Setting up a full DNN
with tf.name_scope("dnn"):
hidden1 = neuron_layer(X, n_hidden1, "hidden1", activation="relu")
hidden2 = neuron_layer(hidden1, n_hidden2, "hidden2", activation="relu")
logits = neuron_layer(hidden2, n_outputs, "outputs")
Setting up the loss function
with tf.name_scope("loss"):
xentropy =
loss = tf.reduce_mean(xentropy,
Setting up the training part
learning_rate = 0.01 with tf.name_scope("train"):
optimizer =
training_op =
Evaluating performance of model
with tf.name_scope("eval"):
correct = tf.nn.in_top_k(logits, y, 1)
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct,
Initialise model parameters
init = tf.global_variables_initializer() saver
= tf.train.Saver()
Full training code for DNNs
with tf.Session() as sess:
for epoch in range(n_epochs):
for iteration in range(mnist.train.num_examples //
X_batch, y_batch =
feed_dict={X: X_batch, y: y_batch})
acc_train =
accuracy.eval(feed_dict={X: X_batch, y:
acc_test =
accuracy.eval(feed_dict={X: mnist.test.images,
y: mnist.test.labels})
print(epoch, "Train accuracy:", acc_train, "Test accuracy:", acc_test)
save_path =, "./my_model_final.ckpt")
Using DNNs
with tf.Session() as sess:
saver.restore(sess, "./my_model_final.ckpt")
X_new_scaled = [...] # some new images (scaled from 0 to 1)
Z = logits.eval(feed_dict={X:
y_pred = np.argmax(Z, axis=1)
Convolutional Neural Nets
Stacking feature maps
import numpy as np from sklearn.datasets import load_sample_images
# Load sample images dataset =
dtype=np.float32) batch_size, height,
width, channels = dataset.shape
# Create 2 filters filters_test = np.zeros(shape=(7, 7, channels, 2), dtype=np.float32) filters_test[:, 3, :, 0] = 1 # Vertical line filters_test[3, :, :, 1] = 1 # Horizontal line
# Create a graph with input X plus a
convolutional layer applying 2 filters X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
shape=(None, height, width, channels)) convolution =
tf.nn.conv2d(X, filters, strides=[1,2,2,1], padding="SAME")
with tf.Session() as sess:
output =,
feed_dict={X: dataset})
plt.imshow(output[0, :, :, 1]) # Plot 1st image's 2nd feature map
input mini-batch (4D tensor)
set of filters to apply (also 4D tensor)
4 element 1D array
two central elements are the vertical and
horizontal strides. The first and last elements
must currently be equal to 1 (They may one day
be used to specify a batch stride - to skip some
instances, and a channel stride - to skip some
of the previous layer’s feature maps or
must be “VALID” or
Pooling layers
[...] # load the image dataset, just like above
# Create a graph with input X plus a max
pooling layer X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
shape=(None, height, width, channels)) max_pool =
tf.nn.max_pool(X, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides[1,2,2,1], padding="VALID")
with tf.Session() as sess:
output =, feed_dict={X:
plt.imshow(output[0].astype(np.uint8)) # plot the output for the 1st image
Recurrent Neural Nets
X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, n_steps, n_inputs])
basic_cell =
tf.contrib.rnn.BasicRNNCell(num_units=n_neurons) outputs,
states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(basic_cell, X,
Welcome back to the TL;DR section, where we summarise
everything above!
Huh? Where is everything?
I’m doing things a little differently for this
Call it an “experiment” if you will.
For this module, the TL;DR section will be a TL;DR
This’ll hopefully reduce lag (like in the Engineering
Management and Law doc)
However, it’ll split up the comments and suggestions
into two documents, which is a downside to having separate
Note: The TL;DR document will not include a summary of the
implementation section.
Practical Use Cases
Here’s some notes about Stuart’s
I don’t think this’ll come up in the exam, so
they’re unfinished for now.
Introduction to practical use cases
Textbook ‘idealised’ workflow:
Problem: Look at the big picture
Data: Get the data
Data, Algorithm Design: Discover and visualise to gain insights
Algorithm Design: Prepare the data for machine learning algorithms
Algorithm Design & Implementation: Select a model and train it
Evaluation, Iteration: Fine-tune your model
Release: Present your solution
Maintain: Launch, monitor and maintain your system
Practical iterative workflow (for addressing any
Problem characterization
- Objectives
Success metrics
Availability of data
Customer constraints
Data characterization
Ground truth
Volume / throughput (how much data)
Quality (not all data is clean)
- Bias
Legal & ethics (privacy)
Data analysis & hypothesis formulation
- Visualise
Identify patterns & correlations
Natural classes & clusters
Form hypotheses for algorithm choices
Algorithm choices
Feature selection + extraction
Dimensionality reduction
Machine learning algorithm
Algorithm attributes need to suit problem and data
Algorithm implementation
Evaluation setup & analysis
Visualise results
Confusion matrix
Fault analysis
Under / Overfitting
Causal analysis
Statistical significance
Iterative improvement
Improve feature selection
Explore parameter space
Get more training data
Test alternative algorithm designs
- Release
Deliverables and Deadlines:
Machine learning algorithm implementation
COMP 3222 - UG, Week 9 [Friday 29th Nov 2019]
Marking weight 0%
3 Top performing algorithms enter 'hall of fame'
(no impact on marks) TurnItIn checked
COMP 3222 - UG , Week 9 [Friday 29th Nov 2019]
COMP 6246 - MSc , Week 9 [Friday 29th Nov 2019]
Marking weight 50%
Week 12 [Friday 20th Dec 2019]
Coursework intro
Task and Data
Task: Design an algorithm to spot fake news from posts with
images or videos
What’s fake news?
Reposts in a different context
Edited video / images
Artwork / snapshots presented as real imagery
It’s a zip file on the module page
There’s 3,781 test posts
There’s 14,483 training posts
No training on the test data (that’s cheating)
Each post contains text and embedded image / video
It’ll come as a CSV with these columns:
- Tweet ID
- Tweet text
- User ID
- Image ID(s)
- Username
- Timestamp
- Label
Only process text and metadata
Design and Implementation
Go through the process that we’ve gone through
There’s more emphasis on reaching the algorithm and
the process than the actual algorithm itself
Do it in Python
Use Scikit-Learn and / or TensorFlow
You can use other Python libraries if you want
Report F1 scores for each algorithm test in final
Submission should include instructions on how to install,
run and generate F1 scores
Submit to C-BASS system
Marking Scheme