Computer Science / Software Engineering Notes Network

Interaction Design

Matthew Barnes

Checklist        4

Book        6

HCI Theory        7

With vs. Through        7

Foci of interactive development        7

Types of theories        8

Affordances        8

Norman Model of Interaction        9

Situated actions        10

Ortony’s model of emotional design        10

Distributed cognition        11

Fogg’s behaviour model        11

Data Gathering        12

Research questions vs ‘Instrument’ questions        12

Key steps in data gathering        13

Breadth vs Representativeness        13

Pilot studies        15

Triangulation        15

Interviews        15

Questionnaires/Surveys        16

Observation        17

Hybrid methods        17

Experiments        18

Data Analysis        18

Quantitative - Measures        18

Quantitative - Alternative representations        18

Qualitative - Coding        19

Usability, UX and Accessibility        20

What’s the difference?        20

Enforcing usability, UX and accessibility        20

Universal design        21

Interfaces        21

Past        22

Present        22

Future        22

Qualitative Methods        23

Contextual inquiry        23

Qualitative methods        23

Interviews        23

Rapid Ethnography        24

Diary Studies        24

Cultural Probes        24

Technology Probes        24

Qualitative Analysis        25

Traditional experimental theory        25

Grounded Theory        25

Coding        25

Designing for the Web        26

Motivation        26

Layout        26

Above and below the fold        26

Rule of thirds        27

Responsive design        28

Break-point design        28

Semantic web        28

Web page elements        29

Interaction        29

Metaphors, Models & Assumptions        29

Conceptual models        29

Interface metaphors        30

Material metaphors        30

Interaction types        31

Instructing        31

Conversing        31

Direct manipulation        31

Interface type        31

Prototyping        31

What is a prototype?        31

Why do we prototype?        32

What to look out for in prototyping        32

Low vs high fidelity prototyping        32

Low fidelity        32

High fidelity        34

Low vs High        34

Personas        34

Accessibility        35

Terminology        36

Why should I care        36

Who else benefits        36

Ordinary people        36

STREET        36

Scenarios and personas        37

Cognition        37

Cognition        38

Attention        38

Perception        38

Memory        38

Learning        38

Reading, speaking and listening        39

Problem-solving, planning, reasoning and decision-making

Theoretical frameworks        39

Information Processor Model        39

Distributed cognition        39

External cognition        40

Evaluation        40

Inspections        40

Heuristic evaluation        40

Predictive methods        41

Experiments + Statistics 101        41

Types of evaluation        42

Controlled settings involving users        42

Natural settings involving users        42

Settings not involving users        43

Values & Value Sensitive Design        43

Types of values        43

Why consider values        44

Research & Design Ethics        44

Milgram experiment        44

ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct        44

Ethics in Interaction Design        45

Avoiding bias        45

Recruiting participants        45

Presenting findings        45

Ethics in FEPS (ERGO2)        45

Participatory Design        47

Persuasive Design & Behaviour        47

Step 1: Behaviour identification        47

Step 2: Change identification        48

Step 3: Intervention content identification        48

Behaviour Change Techniques        49

Implementation intention        49

Step 4: Understanding perspective        49

Step 5: Evaluation        50

TL;DR        51

HCI theory        51

Data Gathering        53

Data Analysis        55

Usability, UX and Accessibility        55

Interfaces        56

Qualitative Methods        56

Qualitative Analysis        56

Designing for the Web        57

Metaphors, Models & Assumptions        58

Prototyping        58

Accessibility        58

Cognition        59

Evaluation        60

Values & Value Sensitive Design        61

Research & Design Ethics        61

Participatory Design        62

Persuasive Design & Behaviour        62


Lecture name


HCI Theory I


Data Gathering I


Data Gathering II + Data Analysis


Usability, UX and Accessibility


Interfaces: Past, Present & Future


Qualitative Methods I & II


Qualitative Analysis I & II


Privacy, Consent & Personal Data

Not on the exam

Designing for the Web I & II


Metaphors, Models & Assumptions


HCI Theory II


HCI Theory III & Prototyping I


Prototyping II


Accessibility I: Overview


Accessibility II: Designing for everyone




Evaluation I: Intro, Stats & Heuristics


Evaluation II: User Testing


Values & Value Sensitive Design


Research & Design Ethics


Participatory Design


Persuasive design and behaviour



HCI Theory

With vs. Through

Foci of interactive development

Foci name


Things you’d develop where this foci is most prevalent

Things you’d look out for

1. Hardware

The underlying hardware of the system.

Motherboard, faster processor

Is it safe?

Could it be more efficient?

Is memory handled correctly?

2. Programming task

The actual software of the system.

IDE, compiler

Is it optimal?

Is it abstracted well?

How many platforms does this work on?

3. Terminal

What is used by the user to interact with the system.

Keyboard, mouse, touch screen (almost any kind of peripheral)

Is it comfortable to use?

Is it awkward to use?

Does it do the job well?

4. Interaction dialogue

How the user interacts with the system.

Office software, video games, washing machines, ATMs, pretty much anything that is used by one person at a time.

Is it easy for the user to use?

Does the user instinctively know what to do?

Do they get stuck on what to do?

5. Work setting

How a group of users interact with the system.

Cloud storage service (like dropbox), Intranet software

Does the synergy work alright?

How well does it work with different network types?

Types of theories

Type of theory



  • Using psychology and predictive methods to determine how people will interact with our system


  • Uses analytic tools to measure behaviour patterns, then uses that to design system interfaces
  • Focuses more on how the user uses the system and not what’s going on inside their heads


  • Like modern, but it takes it a step further and counts things in like culture and use in everyday life.


Type of affordance




A way in which a person can use the tool to change the world in some way.

This can be split up into “Handling” and “Effecter”.

Look at handling and effecter


A way for the user to interact with the tool itself.

Using a scroll bar on an application only affects the tool itself, there’s no further purpose for it.


A way in which a tool can bring about a change in another object.

Calling someone from your phone changes the state of their phone from idle to ringing.


Two systems can combine to create a new affordance.

A mobile phone with bluetooth hooking up with a headset to create a personal music player.


Provides information for the user to read and learn how to use the system.

A USB icon above a USB port, so the user knows that it’s supposed to be a USB port.


Allows the user to maintain the system.

A settings window, or the ability to change the battery of a mobile phone.

Norman Model of Interaction

  1. Establishing the goal
  2. Forming the intention
  3. Specifying the action sequence
  4. Executing the action

  1. Perceiving the system state
  2. Interpreting the system state
  3. Evaluating the system state



Establishing the goal

(What we want to do)

“I want to know how many files are in this folder”

Forming the intention

(Why we want to do it)

“I’m going to do this by using a bash command”

Specifying the action sequence

(How we’re going to do it)

“I’m going to type in find . -type f | wc -l

Executing the action

(Doing it)

*types in find . -type f | wc -l and presses Enter*

Perceiving the system state

(What is the result of the action)

“The command returned the number 4”

Interpreting the system state

(What does the result mean)

“That means there are 4 files in this folder”

Evaluating the system state

(Did the result meet the goal)

“I now know how many files are in this folder”

Loop back to the first step if the user isn’t satisfied

Situated actions

Ortony’s model of emotional design





This refers to parts of the brain that respond to things in the physical world, usually emotionally.

In terms of interaction, this would refer to products that feel / sound / look good.

Any design that makes you feel good, like Material Design, Apple’s design, etc.


This refers to parts of the brain that performs tasks.

In terms of interaction, this would refer to components that you can use and are intuitive (e.g. buttons, check boxes, switches etc.)


For a better example, try some of these themes:


This refers to parts of the brain that contemplate things and reflect upon things.

This is more high-level than the others in terms of interaction. This refers to interaction choices that make the user reflect upon what they’re doing.

This light displayed on the cloud from a coal plant:

When people see the light getting bigger, they know they’re using more energy and harming the environment more. They reflect upon this, and might decide to use less energy.

Distributed cognition

Fogg’s behaviour model

Data Gathering

Research questions vs ‘Instrument’ questions

Key steps in data gathering

Breadth vs Representativeness

Type of sample




You use the ratio of the different kinds of people to scale down your sample. For example, most of the population are blue, so most of our sample are blue.


Randomly pick people.

Breadth (Qualitative)

Keep an equal number of different kinds of people. In other words, the equivalence classes of your sample are all the same size.


You just interview the people who are most convenient to talk to.


You start off with a normal sample, like convenient, and then you use their connections to reach more people in the population, e.g. “be sure to tell your friends and family about us”

Pilot studies



Type of interview



No script. It’s good for data (is rich), and is steered by both parties. It’s more like a conversation. This kind of interview can’t be repeated, though.


Stick to the script. It can be repeated, but it might miss good details (lacking in richness)


Use the script, but we can wander off on tangents that seem interesting or useful. The halfway point between unstructured and structured.

Focus group

A group interview.

Type of question



Has a discrete set of possible responses, for instance yes/no, a number or a choice from a list. Used for quantitative data.

“Do you use an umbrella or a raincoat?”

“How many hours of TV do you watch a day?”

“Do you use this product every day?”

“Is Sword Art Online the best anime?”


No predetermined answers. Usually answered in a sentence or paragraph. Used for qualitative data.

“How do you feel about climate change?”

“What do you think about JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure?”



Hybrid methods

Hybrid method



Ask someone to explain what they’re doing while they’re trying to use a system.


Get someone to use a prototype system that they think is autonomous, but is actually controlled by someone else.

Speculative design

Propose possible design options to people to prompt discussion.


Data Analysis

Quantitative - Measures




The true average of all of the data points


The middle data point when sorted


The most often data point


The highest data point - the lowest data point

Standard deviation

The measure of spread from the mean, in other words, how spread all the data points are from each other

Quantitative - Alternative representations

Qualitative - Coding

Qualitative data

Coding key

“It’s hard to find the time to get to the gym; sometimes I mean to go after work, but I don’t always make it.”

“My schedule is quite hectic, it’s hard to fit exercise into my routine.”

“I try to get some exercise by walking the kids to school in the morning; unless it’s raining! Then we take the car.”



Other Commitments

Usability, UX and Accessibility

What’s the difference?

  1. Efficient to use
  2. Effective
  3. Easy to use
  4. Easy to learn
  5. Easy to remember

Enforcing usability, UX and accessibility

Universal design





Qualitative Methods

Contextual inquiry

Qualitative methods


Rapid Ethnography

Diary Studies

Cultural Probes

Technology Probes

Qualitative Analysis

Traditional experimental theory

Grounded Theory

Coding / Thematic Analysis

Designing for the Web



Above and below the fold

Rule of thirds

Responsive design

Break-point design

Semantic web

Web page elements


Metaphors, Models & Assumptions

Conceptual models

Interface metaphors

Material metaphors

Interaction types



Direct manipulation

Interface type


What is a prototype?

Why do we prototype?

What to look out for in prototyping

Low vs high fidelity prototyping

Low fidelity

High fidelity

Low vs High




Why should I care

Who else benefits

Ordinary people


Scenarios and personas








Problem-solving, planning, reasoning and decision-making

Theoretical frameworks

Information Processor Model

Distributed cognition

External cognition



Heuristic evaluation

  1. Strive for Consistency
  2. Enable frequent users to use shortcuts
  3. Offer informative feedback
  4. Design dialog to yield closure
  5. Offer simple error handling
  6. Permit easy reversal of actions
  7. Support internal locus of control
  8. Reduce short-term memory load

  1. Visibility of system status
  2. Match between system and the real world
  3. User control and freedom (undo)
  4. Consistency and Standards (conventions)
  5. Error prevention (eliminate error-prone conditions, get confirmation)
  6. Recognition rather than recall
  7. Flexibility and efficiency of use
  8. Aesthetic and minimalist design
  9. Help users recognize, diagnose and recover from errors
  10. Help and documentation (easy to search, focussed on task, concrete)

  1. Tell your experts what to do
  2. Spend 1-2 hours using the product
  3. Discuss findings, compare notes, prioritise issues and discuss solutions

Predictive methods

Experiments + Statistics 101

Between-subject design

Within subjects design

Pair-wise design

Types of evaluation

Controlled settings involving users

Natural settings involving users

Settings not involving users

Values & Value Sensitive Design

Types of values

Why consider values

Research & Design Ethics

Milgram experiment: The Zapping Experiment

ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

1.1 Contribute to society and human well-being.
1.2 Avoid harm to others.
1.3 Be honest and trustworthy.
1.4 Be fair and take action not to discriminate.
1.5 Honor property rights including copyrights and patent.
1.6 Give proper credit for intellectual property.
1.7 Respect the privacy of others.
1.8 Honour confidentiality.

2.1 Strive for quality, effectiveness and dignity at work.
2.2 Acquire and maintain professional competence.
2.3 Respect existing laws pertaining to professional work.
2.4 Accept and provide appropriate professional review.
2.5 Evaluate computer systems and their impacts and risks.
2.6 Honor contracts, agreements, and responsibilities.
2.7 Improve public view of computing and its consequences.
2.8 Access computing and resources only when authorized

3.1 Articulate social responsibilities of colleagues and encourage full acceptance of those responsibilities.
3.2 Manage resources to design and build systems that enhance the quality of working life.
3.3 Support good use of computing & communication resources.
3.4 Ensure that users have their needs assessed during the design of requirements; and that the system is validated to meet these.
3.5 Support policies that protect the dignity of users and others
3.6 Create opportunities for members of the organization to learn the principles and limitations of computer systems.

Ethics in Interaction Design

Avoiding bias

Recruiting participants

Presenting findings

Ethics in FEPS (ERGO2)

Participatory Design

Persuasive Design & Behaviour

Step 1: Behaviour identification

Step 2: Change identification

Step 3: Intervention content identification

Behaviour Change Techniques

Implementation intention

Step 4: Understanding perspective

Step 5: Evaluation

  1. Use a control group (e.g. usual care, no intervention, another intervention) – to prove the changes are down to the intervention and not due to chance
  2. Treat both groups the same – so you know any changes are down to the intervention, not any other differences
  3. Randomisation – to ensure that participants have an equal chance of being allocated to either group
  4. Measure outcomes before and after the intervention - to show changes are down to the intervention
  5. Blinding of participants and assessors of outcome – to avoid their knowledge of allocation from biasing their results (e.g. by using a placebo)


HCI theory

Data Gathering

Data Analysis

Usability, UX and Accessibility


Qualitative Methods

Qualitative Analysis

  1. Everyone independently codes the transcripts
  2. Everyone comes together and compares themes
  3. Do axial coding as a group

Designing for the Web

Metaphors, Models & Assumptions





  1. Strive for Consistency
  2. Enable frequent users to use shortcuts
  3. Offer informative feedback
  4. Design dialog to yield closure
  5. Offer simple error handling
  6. Permit easy reversal of actions
  7. Support internal locus of control
  8. Reduce short-term memory load

  1. Visibility of system status
  2. Match between system and the real world
  3. User control and freedom (undo)
  4. Consistency and Standards (conventions)
  5. Error prevention (eliminate error-prone conditions, get confirmation)
  6. Recognition rather than recall
  7. Flexibility and efficiency of use
  8. Aesthetic and minimalist design
  9. Help users recognize, diagnose and recover from errors
  10. Help and documentation (easy to search, focused on task, concrete)

Values & Value Sensitive Design

Research & Design Ethics

Participatory Design

Persuasive Design & Behaviour

  1. Behaviour identification
  2. Change identification
  3. Intervention content identification
  4. Understanding perspective
  5. Evaluation