Intelligent Systems
Matthew Barnes, Mathias Ritter
Intro 5
Classical AI 6
Blind Search 6
Problem Types 6
Single-state Problem Formulation 8
State vs Nodes 10
Search Strategies 10
Searching using Tree Search 10
Repeated States 13
Bidirectional Search 14
Heuristic Search 14
Best-first Search 14
Greedy Best-first Search 14
A* Search 15
Admissible Heuristics 18
Consistent Heuristics 18
Dominance 18
Relaxed problems 18
History and Philosophy 18
Local Search 21
Hill-climbing Search 21
Simulated Annealing Search 23
Local Beam Search 24
Genetic Algorithms 25
Constraint satisfaction problems 26
Adversarial Games: Minimax 34
Alpha-beta Pruning 39
Planning 43
Recent Advances in AI 51
Classification 51
Decision Trees 51
Entropy 52
Conditional Entropy 54
Information Gain 54
Nearest Neighbour 57
Neural Networks 63
Perceptrons 63
Perceptron: Example 64
Perceptron: Rewriting the Activation Function 65
Perceptron: Visualisation of the Activation Function 65
Perceptron: Defining Weights and Bias 66
Perceptron: Expressiveness 67
Perceptron: Training with the Delta-Rule (Widrow-Hoff
Rule) 68
Perceptron: Limits 68
Types of neurons (activation functions) 69
Multi-layered Neural Networks 70
Multi-layered Nets: Training 71
Further Issues of Neural Networks 71
Deep Learning 71
Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning 72
Offline vs. Online Learning 72
Generalisation & Overfitting 73
Training vs Testing 74
Reasoning 74
Bayes Theorem 74
Total Probability 75
Conditional Probability 75
Bayes’ Rule 76
Example: Monty Hall Problem 76
Example: HIV test problem 77
Bayesian Belief Update 78
Complex Knowledge Representation 79
Joint Distribution 79
Independence 81
Bayesian Networks 81
Properties of Bayesian Networks 82
Pros and Cons of Bayesian Networks 83
Decision Making 83
Bandit Theory 83
Multi-armed Bandit (MAB) Model 85
MAB: Epsilon-first Approach 85
MAB: Epsilon-greedy Approach 86
MAB: Epsilon-first vs. Epsilon-greedy 86
Other Algorithms 86
Performance of Bandit Algorithms and Regret 86
Extensions of the Multi-armed Bandit 88
Reinforcement Learning & Markov Decision Process 88
Reinforcement Learning 90
States, Actions and Rewards 91
Temporal Difference Learning 91
Q-Learning 94
Markov Decision Processes (MDP) and Markov Chain 95
Monte Carlo Simulation (multi-armed bandits) 98
Extensions of Reinforcement Learning 100
Mathematical techniques (not examinable) 101
Functions, Limits, Derivatives 101
Continuity 101
Discontinuity 101
Derivatives 102
Linear combinations of functions 102
More derivative rules 102
Vectors 103
What is a vector? 103
Norm 103
Scalar product 103
Linear independence 103
Basis 103
Linear maps 104
Matrices 104
Scalar fields 105
Vector fields 105
Matrices 105
Partial derivatives 105
Gradient descent 105
Application, optimisation and regression problems 105
TL;DR 105
Classical AI 106
Blind Search 106
Heuristic Search 108
History and Philosophy 108
Local Search 109
Constraint satisfaction problems 110
Adversarial Games: Minimax 112
Alpha-beta Pruning 112
Planning 112
Recent Advances in AI 114
Classification 114
Decision trees 114
Nearest Neighbour 114
Neural Networks 115
Reasoning 116
Decision Making 117
Bandit Theory 117
Reinforcement Learning & Markov Decision Process 118
Current problems/challenges AI is facing:
- Ethics
AI might not work in the same way as the human brain and we
don’t know exactly how the human brain works
Specific AI is better/easier to create than a general
purpose AI
AI lacks life experience
AI might replace human jobs
AI might need a lot of computational power which requires a
lot of space
- Fear of AI
The main volume that covers the material is...
... of which you can download by clicking the link.
Classical AI
Blind Search
Blind search is a form of search which is applied in a
state space represented as a tree
There is always going to be a trade-off between speed,
memory usage and optimality
The optimality is defined by a cost function
Problem Types
There are four types of problems in classical AI:
Problem name
Single-state problem
You always know what state it is in, at any
time during the problem.
The shortest path problem.
This is deterministic because when you input
the same graph, starting point and ending point,
you’ll always get the same shortest
This is observable because you can always see
where you’re going.
Sensorless / multi-state problem
The initial state could be anything; this
requires a general solution that works for
all inputs.
Guessing someone’s random number.
This is deterministic because the solution will
always be the same number that your friend
picked (e.g. if they pick ‘6’, the
solution will always be ‘6’, it
can’t be different in any other
Guessing numbers like 5 or 12 are only
solutions for 2 possibilities. Since you
don’t know the number to guess,
you’ll need a solution that satisfies
every number (like saying their number is
Contingency problem
Partially observable (maybe)
Nondeterministic means that, even with the
same input, the action might perform
differently (this is due to things like race
conditions, random numbers etc.)
Partially observable means that you
can’t view the whole state; only parts
of it.
Basically, you don’t really know
enough until you do something. Once
you’ve performed an action, you see a
reaction, and you use that reaction (and
more actions) to eventually solve the
A piñata (even though it’s not a
computer science problem, it explains
nondeterministic and partially observable
This is nondeterministic because you may not
hit the piñata. If you tried multiple
times, you’ll miss sometimes and hit the
other times. In a more technical sense, the
actions will randomly give the result of hit or
miss, therefore the solution to this problem is
‘n’ number of swings, where
‘n’ is a random number.
This is partially observable because you know
that the piñata is somewhere in-front of
you (unless everyone spins you around, then
it’s non-observable). You just don’t
know where exactly. You will find out some
information once you swing your bat, though. If
you hit it (solve the problem), you’ll
feel it hit your bat. If you miss, you’ll
know that the piñata is not where you
Exploration problem
You don’t even know what effect your
actions have, or how big the problem
Therefore, you need to
‘explore’ the environment before
you try to solve the problem.
Robot exploration.
In this problem, a robot looks around using
actions and maps out the area it’s
This has an unknown state space because the
robot has no idea where they are, but
they’re using their actions (such as
cameras, touch-sensitive peripherals etc.) to
find out and map out their environment.
Single-state Problem Formulation
A problem (that has one state at a time) is defined by four
Item name
Initial state
The state we start off at
When you start a chess game, the initial state
is always:
Actions or successor function
The transitions from one state to the
When you move a piece in chess, the state goes
from one to the other:
Goal test
The condition that, when true, means the
problem is done
Explicit: “board in state x”
Implicit: “check-mate”
When the opponent’s king is in
Path cost
A variable that should be reduced where
possible to get the optimal solution
There are multiple path costs that a chess
algorithm can adopt.
One could be ‘number of opponent
pieces’. This would make the algorithm
aggressive, since it would try to reduce the
number of opponent pieces as much as it
Another could be ‘number of moves
taken’. This would make the algorithm more
strategic, achieving a checkmate in the least
amount of moves.
State vs Nodes
A state is a representation of a physical
A node is a data structure constituting part of a search
tree used to find the solution.
A state is a property of a node.
A node has the properties “state”,
“parent”, “action”,
“depth” and maybe “cost”.
Search Strategies
Strategies are evaluated with the following factors:
completeness - does it always find a solution if one exists?
time complexity - how the number of nodes generated (and time taken) grows
as the depth of the solution increases
space complexity - how the maximum no. of nodes in memory (space
required) grows as the depth of the solution increases
optimality - does it always find a least-cost solution?
Time and space complexity are measured in terms of:
b: how many children each node can have in the search tree
(maximum branching factor)
d: depth of the least-cost (optimal) solution
m: maximum depth of the state space (could be
Searching using Tree Search
To find the solution to a problem, you need to find a path
from the initial state to the state where the goal test
returns true.
This is most commonly achieved using a type of tree
There are four kinds of tree search algorithms used for
Tree search
Example / Animation
Breadth-first search
In breadth-first search, all of the nodes at
the current depth level are searched before
moving onto the next depth level.
This is complete (assuming the branching factor
isn’t infinite), even with infinite depth
or loops.
Only problem is, the space complexity is
However, breadth-first search is optimal (finds
the least-cost solution) if the step cost is
constant. This is true because it finds the
shallowest goal node.
Yes, if b (branching factor) is
Yes, if step cost is
Depth-first search
In depth-first search, it starts at the root
and goes all the way down to the far-left leaf,
then backtracks and expands shallower
The space complexity is great (it’s
linear) because branches can be released from
memory if no solution was found in them.
However, it is not complete if the tree has
loops since the search is going to get stuck in
the loop and will never be able to exit it, or
if the depth is infinite as it’ll just
keep going down one branch without
Depth-first search is not optimal because it
searches down the furthest branch and could miss
shallower goal nodes.
No, if depth is infinite (or
has loops) it’ll go on
No, because deeper solution
might be found first
Depth-limited search
It’s the same as depth-first search, but
there’s a depth limit (n), and anything
below that depth limit doesn’t
No, because the solution might
be deeper than the limit
No, because deeper solution
might be found first
Limit: 2
Iterative deepening search
This is an applied version of depth-limited
search, where we start from depth limit 0 and
increment the depth limit until we find our
We do this to combine depth-first
search’s space efficiency with
breadth-first search’s completeness.
Although we get those benefits, IDS is a little
bit slower than depth-first.
Yes, if step cost is
Goal: Node 7
Repeated States
Remember that when searching a graph, you need to be able to spot repeated states. If not, your
implementation could go down unnecessary paths, or even go
through infinite loops!
Bidirectional Search
A bidirectional search does two searches, one at the
initial state and one at the goal state, and they keep going
until they meet in the middle.
The reason for this is because it’s quicker, bd/2 + bd/2 is much less than bd
At each iteration, the node is checked if it has been
discovered by both searches. If it has, a solution has been
However, this is only efficient if the predecessor of a
node can be easily computed
Heuristic Search
Best-first Search
We have a function f(n) where, for each node
‘n’, it returns its
“desirability” - or in other words it returns how good that state
Then, we just go from one node to the next, looking for the
most desirable one.
This also works for the reverse, using a “cost”
There are two special cases for this:
Greedy best-first search
- A* search
Greedy Best-first Search
It’s just like best-first search, except our function
is a heuristic, so f(n) = h(n)
For example, h(n) could just be the linear straight-line
distance between node n and the goal.
No – can get stuck in loops like depth
first if heuristic is bad
O(bm), but a good heuristic can give dramatic
O(bm) -- bad, keeps all nodes in memory
The animation above uses greedy best-first search on a
The heuristic function, h(n), is just the straight-line
distance from node ‘n’ to the goal.
Note how it’ll always pick the heuristic of the
smallest cost.
Notice how only the heuristic is visible. The actual cost
of travelling through the paths are abstracted.
Sometimes, this is OK. But what if the paths at the bottom
had really big costs, like 546, 234, 783 etc. and the paths
at the top had really low costs like 6, 3, 2 etc.? This
solution would be really bad, and the heuristic
wouldn’t be suitable.
A* Search
Like greedy best-first search, but with an extra
f(n) = g(n) + h(n) where:
g(n) is the cost to get up to that node n.
h(n) is the heuristic cost of n to the goal node.
f(n) is the estimated cost of taking the path from the
start to n and then to the goal node.
Step #
This is the graph we’ll use A* on.
We’ll go from node 0 to 6.
The black numbers are the weights of the paths, the green numbers are the heuristic h(n) and the red numbers will be f(n), which is the sum of the weight up to that
node and it’s heuristic.
The blue nodes are unvisited (open), the red nodes are visited (closed) and the green node will be the current node we’re
First, we look at the adjacent nodes. We need
to calculate their f(n)!
For node 1, we add g(1) and h(1), which is 45 +
317, which is 362.
For node 2, we add g(2) and h(2), which is 56 +
242, which is 298.
We need to pick a node with the least
Right now, it’s 2, so we pick 2.
Now we need to find the f(n) of the adjacent
nodes of 2!
Firstly, 3. g(n) is 56 + 25, because it’s the cost of going from the
starting node up to that node. h(n) is 161, so
adding them together gets 242.
Second, 5. Again, it’s g(n) + h(n), which
is 246.
Now we need to pick the node of the lowest
This would be node ‘3’, so we go
with 3.
We calculate f(n) for 4 and 6, which are 339
and 141, respectively.
The next smallest unvisited f(n) is the goal
node, 6. Once we’ve discovered 6, we can
map out a path from the goal 6 to the start
The shortest path is 0, 2, 3, 6.
If C* is the optimal path, then A* will never search
through a node n where f(n) > C*, but it will search
through all nodes where f(n) < C*.
A* is optimally efficient, meaning that no other algorithm
is guaranteed to expand fewer nodes than A* (unless there
are any tie-breaking nodes).
Yes (unless there are infinitely many nodes
with f ≤ f(G) )
Exponential (in length of optimal
Keeps all (expanded) nodes in memory
Yes, if the heuristic is admissible
Admissible Heuristics
A heuristic that is admissible, or
“optimistic”, is a heuristic that always guesses
better than reality.
If h(n) is a heuristic function from n to the goal node,
and h*(n) is the optimal solution from n to the goal node,
then if h(n) ≤ h*(n), then h(n) is admissible.
An admissible heuristic never overestimates the true cost
of the solution.
Consistent Heuristics
A consistent heuristic is a heuristic that’s always
shorter than any detour.
For example, let’s take this graph:
To go from n to G, we could take the path h(n). However, we
could also take a detour and do c(n, a, n’) to go to
n’, then do h(n’) to get to G.
If h is a consistent heuristic, then h(n) will always be
shorter than c(n,a,n’) + h(n’).
If h2(n) >= h1(n) for all nodes of n, then h2 dominates h1.
If they’re both admissible, then h2 is better for
search, because h2 is closer than h1 to the true
Relaxed problems
A relaxed problem is a mutation of an existing problem by
making it easier by placing fewer restrictions on the
You can use the optimal solution to a relaxed problem as an
admissible heuristic for the original problem.
History and Philosophy
Turing and Bletchley Park
During WWII, Alan Turing worked on code-breaking at
Bletchley Park.
Used heuristic search to translate Nazi messages in real
With others, e.g., Jack Good and Don Michie, he speculated
on machine intelligence, learning…
Much of this remained secret until after the war.
The military has retained a strong interest in AI ever
1943: McCulloch & Pitts model of artificial boolean
First steps toward connectionist computation and
1950: Turing’s “Computing Machinery and
Intelligence” is published.
First complete vision of AI.
1951: Marvin Minsky builds the first neural network
The Dartmouth Workshop brings together 10 top minds on
automata theory, neural nets and the study of
Conjecture: “every aspect of learning or any other
feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely
described that a machine can be made to simulate
Ray Solomonoff, Oliver Selfridge, Trenchard More, Arthur
Samuel, John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, etc.
Allen Newell and Herb Simon’s Logic Theorist
For the next 20 years the field was dominated by these
Great Expectations (1952 - 1969)
Newell & Simon imitated human problem-solving
Had success with checkers.
John McCarthy (1958-) invented Lisp (2nd high-level
Marvin Minsky introduced “microworlds”
Collapse in AI research
Progress was slower than expected.
Some systems lacked scalability.
Combinatorial explosion in search.
Fundamental limitations on techniques and
Minsky and Papert (1969) Perceptrons.
AI Revival (1969 - 1970s)
Exploiting encoded domain knowledge
DENDRAL (Buchanan et al. 1969)
First successful knowledge-intensive system (organic
chemistry/mass spec data).
MYCIN diagnosed blood infections (Feigenbaum et al.)
Introduction of uncertainty in reasoning.
Increase in knowledge representation research.
Logic, frames, scripts, semantic nets, etc., …
Marr’s (1980) posthumous Vision advances vision,
neuroscience and cog. sci. after he dies young
AI engages with cognitive philosophy:
Dennett’s (1981) Brainstorms and (1985) Mind’s
I (with Hofstadter)
Fodor’s (1983) Modularity of Mind
Chuchland’s (1984) Matter & Consciousness
Clark’s (1989) Microcognition
Port & van Gelder’s (1995) It’s About
Connectionist Revival (1986 -)
Parallel distributed processing (Rumelhart & McClelland
Multi-level perceptrons and backpropagation learning
Language, reasoning, perception, control + a little
Robust behaviour, graceful degradation
No representations? Sub-symbolic AI…
90s: Elman pioneers layered recurrent nets
90s: Fully recurrent networks and robot control (e.g.,
Ultimately… “neural” networks as
data-mining, statistics…
Rodney Brooks and other roboticists challenge the
formalist, “representational” orthodoxy
Elephant don’t play chess, Brooks
Why not the whole iguana?, Dennett
Nevermind the blocksworld, Cliff
Situated, Embedded, Embodied cognition
Inspired by simple insects, rather than chess and
Anti-representationalist, anti-reasoning,
Evolutionary robotics, artificial life, “the new
Intelligent Agents (1995 -)
Combined whole organism perspective with a rational
utility-maximising framework borrowed from economics.
A response to nouvelle AI?
An empty label?
A hybrid? A bolt-hole for formalists? A
“How does an agent act/behave embedded in real
environments with continuous sensory inputs”
Data, Data, Everywhere (2000 -)
Massive amounts of raw power and raw data fuel advances in
machine learning:
Corpus linguistics
Kernel methods
Computational learning theories
Offline vs. Online AI?
Pattern Recognition in a Bucket?
Local Search
So far we have been looking at searches for an optimal
However, sometimes only the goal state matters
It is irrelevant how you get to this state because the goal
state itself is the solution
For these kind of problems the state space is the set of
complete configurations
We will look for a configuration that satisfies certain
For example, in the n queens problem the constraint is that
no two queens can be on the same row, column or
To find a solution we use local search algorithms
We have a single current state which we try to
For instance, for the n queens problem we could go through
states (configurations) like this:
Let’s look at some algorithms
Hill-climbing Search
Hill-climbing search is one of those algorithms that tries
to find the solution of a problem by gradually improving an
initial state
This requires that we have an objective function that
determines how good each state is, i.e. that computes the
fitness of each state
The algorithm works as follows
We will start at some (possibly random) initial state and
let this state be the current state
Then we will check the neighbour of the current state
The neighbour state is the highest valued successor of the
current state, determined by the objective function
We are not going to check any states which are further away
than our neighbour
If the value of this neighbour state is higher than the
current state we will assign the neighbour state to the
current state and go back to the last step
If the value of the neighbour state is lower than the
current state we will stop and return the current state as
the solution
This is because there is no better state within our
neighbours that we can reach
If you would like to see some pseudo code, here it
The main problem of this algorithm is that it can get stuck
at a local maximum if you use certain initial start
This is because of the way the algorithm works: It improves
intermediary solutions but stops as soon as it has reached a peak
However, sometimes you have to go through some worse
intermediary solutions in order to find the global
I will illustrate this as a graph
The arrows illustrate in what direction the algorithm is
going to improve the current solution
If you start in the red area, you will end up at the local maximum
However, if you start in the green area, you will end up at
the global maximum
To show how big this problem is, take the 8-queens
For random initialisation of the start state, hill climbing
gets stuck 86% of the time!
Simulated Annealing Search
Simulated annealing is an algorithm that tries to solve the
main problem of hill climbing
The idea is to sometimes allow “bad” moves (in
contrast to hill climbing) but gradually decrease the
likelihood of making such a “bad” move
In the optimal case we will use the “bad” moves
to escape from local maxima
The probability of taking a bad move is controlled via a so
called “temperature”
At the start the temperature will be high, meaning that bad
moves are likely to happen
Over time we are going to reduce the temperature / cool
down, meaning that bad moves are less likely to happen
The algorithm works as follows
We will start at some (possibly random) initial state and
let this state be the current state
We will check if the temperature is 0
If it is 0 then we will return the current state as the
We will randomly select a successor of the current node as
the next node
We will check if the next node is better or worse than the
current node
If it is better, we will select it, i.e. assign it to the
current node
If it is worse, we will only select it with a probability
denoted by the temperature
We will go back to the second step
If the temperature decreases slowly enough, then simulated
annealing search will almost certainly find a global
The time complexity is exponential in the problem size for
all non-zero temperatures
Some use cases are VLSI layout, airline scheduling,
training neural networks
Local Beam Search
The idea of local beam search is to keep track of k states
rather than just one
K is called the beam width
The algorithm works as follows
We start with k randomly generated states and let them be
the current states
If any of those current states is the goal state then
return this state
Otherwise, generate all their successors let the k best children
be the current states
Go back to step 2
This is like breadth-first search with the difference that
by keeping only the k best children
Genetic Algorithms
At the beginning, we start with k randomly generated
These are called the population
A state is represented (encoded) as a string over a finite
Often it is a string of 0s and 1s
We need an objective function (fitness function) to
“rate” states
A higher value means that the state is better
A successor state is generated by combining two parent
Methods for generation are selection, crossover and
Let’s look at an example for the 8-queens
The numbers indicate the positions of the queens
The nth number = the nth row
The number itself notates the column
The fitness function is the number of non-attacking pairs
of queens
The minimum is 0, the maximum is 8 x 7/2 = 28
The percentage next to this value indicates how good the
solution is compared to other solution of the
For the first one: 24/(24+23+20+11) = 31%
For the second one: 23/(24+23+20+11) = 29%
- etc
Let’s look at the following selection and cross-over
step graphically:

Constraint satisfaction problems
In a standard search problem, the state is viewed as a
black box
A state can be any data structure that supports
a successor function
an objective function (fitness function)
and a goal test
In CSP (constraint satisfaction problems) we will define
the data structure of the state
In particular, a state is defined by variables
with values from the domain
In the goal test we will use a set of constraints
The constraints specify the allowable values for the
Some examples are the graph colouring problem and the
n-queens problem
Now we will look at the example of map colouring
In map-colouring we try to colour regions with three
different colours such that adjacent regions have a
different colour
For this map, the problem is defined as follows:
Variables are the regions: WA, NT, Q, NSW, V, SA, T
Domains are the three colours:
Constraints: adjacent regions must have different
For example, WA and NT cannot have the same colour
Solutions are complete and consistent assignments
Complete: Every variable is assigned a value
Consistent: No constraint is violated
This is an example solution for the problem:
Clearly, every region has a colour and no two adjacent
regions have the same colour, so this solution is complete and consistent
We can also generalise this problem as a constraint
The nodes are the variables and the edges are the
No two connected nodes can have the same assignment
In addition, the resulting graph is a binary CSP because
each constraint relates two variables, i.e. each edge
connects two nodes
CSPs come in different variants
If the CSP has discrete variables
We have
variables and the domain size is
, therefore there exist
complete assignments
Examples are boolean CSPs, including boolean satisfiability
(SAT, kind regards from theory of computing) which is NP-complete
and the domain is infinite
Examples for infinite domains are integers and
An example for such a CSP is job scheduling where the
variables are the start/end days for each job
The constraints could be defined like this:
If the CSP has continuous variables
An example is start/end times for Hubble Space Telescope
The constraints are linear constraints solvable in
polynomial time by linear programming
Constraints come in different variants as well
Unary constraints involve a single variable
For example, a certain variable cannot be equal to some
E.g. SA
Binary constraints involve pairs of variables
For example, two variables must not be equal
E.g. SA
This is the type of constraints we used in our
map-colouring example
Higher-order constraints involve 3 or more variables
For example, the addition of two variables must be equal to
a third variable
Some more real-world CSPs are
Assignment problems, e.g. who teaches what class
Timetabling problems, e.g. which class is offered when and
Transportation scheduling
Factory scheduling
Note that many real-world problems involve real-valued
(continuous) variables
Let’s start to develop an algorithm for CSPs
We are going to look at a straightforward approach and will
then fix/improve it
States are defined by the values assigned so far
The initial state is the empty assignment
The successor function assigns a value to an unassigned
variable such that there is no conflict
This function will fail if there are no legal
The goal test is that the current assignment is complete,
i.e. all variables have been assigned a value
This is the same for all CSPs
Every solution appears at depth n with n variables
In our first approach we will use backtracking search to
find the solution
This is conceptually very similar to depth-first search as
you will see
We will use recursion to implement backtracking
Our inputs are the current variable assignment and the
The function will either return a solution or a
If the assignment is complete then return the assignment
This is a base case - we have found the solution!
Select any unassigned variable
It doesn’t matter which one you select first in order
to find a solution
However, it will matter for performance reasons as we are
going to explore later
For each value of all values in our domain
If the selected variable would be assigned this value: Is
it consistent with the assignment according to constraints,
i.e. does it not violate any constraints?
Add it to our assignments
Recursively call this function with the new assignments
set, and store whatever it returns as a result
If it didn’t return a failure (so it returned a
solution), then return the result
If it returned a failure, then remove this particular
assignment from our assignments set
This is the backtracking part of the algorithm
It means that we have gone down a path that didn’t
lead to a solution, therefore we are going to undo what we
have tried
Return a failure since we have already checked all values
for the unassigned variable
This is another base case - there doesn’t exist any
The main difference between backtracking and DFS is how
they expand nodes
DFS expands all successors of a node at the same time, and
puts them on the fringe
Backtracking only expands one successor of a node and, if
necessary, will return to this node later to expand further
nodes, if available
Backtracking is the basic uninformed algorithm for
Let’s improve this algorithm
Which variable should be assigned next?
In what order should its values be tried?
Can we detect inevitable failure early?
Improving means reducing the amount of search by pruning
the search tree
Let’s start with: Which variable should be assigned
Improvement: Choosing the most constrained variable
It means choosing the variable with the fewest legal values
This is called a minimum remaining values (MRV)
Because these are the variables that are most likely to
prune the search tree
In this example, after we coloured WA red, we want to
continue with either NT or SA because these are the most
constrained territories:
Further improvement: Choosing the most constraining variable
This is a useful tie-breaker among the most constrained
It means choosing the variable with the most constraints on
remaining variables first
Similar reason: Because the variable involved in the most
constraints is most likely to prune the search tree
In this example, after we coloured SA blue and NT green, we want to continue with Q because it further
constrains the value of NSW
Now think about: In what order should its values be
Improvement: Least constraining values
Given a variable, assign the least constraining value to
That is the value that rules out the fewest values in the
neighbouring variables
We want to introduce as few restrictions as possible for
our neighbours
In this example, we are going to choose red for Q in order
to allow blue for SA
With these improvements so far, the 1000-queens problem is
already feasible
Now think about: Can we detect inevitable failure
Improvement: Forward checking
We are going to keep track of remaining legal values for
all unassigned variables
Terminate search as soon as any variable has no legal
For example, we will terminate the search after 3
assignments have been made because there are no options
remaining for SA
However, we do not have early detection for all kind of
For example, NT and SA cannot both be blue here:
We would eventually find this out via search, but there is
a faster way
Improvement (of forward checking): Arc consistency
We will check the consistency of connected nodes
Two connected nodes X → Y are consistent if and only
if for every value x of X there exists some allowed y
We will check all neighbours of X every time X loses a
In our map example, we have arcs between all neighbouring
regions, e.g. between NSW and SA
When NSW loses a value, we have to check all neighbours,
which is SA only:
If NSW is going to be red, then blue is a valid option for
However, if NSW is going to be blue, we have no valid
option for SA
Therefore, we can rule out the blue option for NSW
Because NSW has just lost a value, we now need to check all
neighbours of NSW
V is such a neighbour we need to check
We can cross out the red option for V, otherwise there
wouldn’t be a valid option for NSW left
SA is the next neighbour we have to check
We can now see that we have a problem here: SA and NT both
have only blue remaining, which violates our
Therefore, we can already give up and detect the
This is way earlier than if we just used forward
A different approach to CSPs is to use local search
Hill climbing and simulated annealing typically work with
“complete” states, i.e. states where all
variables are assigned but some constraints are
Therefore we have to allow constraint violations for
intermediary states until we reach the goal state
We will continuously select a conflicted variable and
change its assignment
We will select the variable to change randomly
We will select the value for this variable using the
min-conflicts heuristic
Choose the value that violates the fewest constraints
E.g. hill climb with the fitness function being equal to
the total number of violated constraints
For example, in this 4-queens problem we randomly select a
conflicting queen and move it in it’s column such that
we reduce the conflicts the most
The number of conflicts is evaluated by our fitness
function h
While we are not at a solution
Choose a random conflicted queen
Pick a row for this queen that has minimum conflicts
This strategy works surprisingly well on the n-queens
It is almost independent of problem size due to the dense
solution space
Adversarial Games: Minimax
So far, we have concentrated on unopposed search
Now we will look at some games with opponents
Game playing is a traditional focus for AI
We must take account of the opponent
Let’s take a look at the game of nim
We start with a pile of seven matches
Each player takes it in turn to take a pile of matches and
split into two differently-sized piles of matches
The last player who is able to make a move is the winner
This is a very small and simple game because there are few
legal states and few legal moves from each state
The game doesn’t last long (only a few turns)
Player who plays second has an unfair advantage
We can construct a tree representing all the states of the game
Our strategy is to always stay on the bold path, and to win
by reaching the state with the grey background
In general we will use game tree search to win
Initial state is the initial board state
Goal states are all the winning positions
There is one action for each legal move
The expand function generates all legal moves
The evaluation function assigns a score (fitness) to each
board state
Minimax search is form of game tree search
MAX is traditionally the computer player
The computer picks the moves that maximise his winning
They pick moves that minimise the computer’s winning
We can divide the game tree into MIN and MAX nodes
In Minimax search we are going to search to a given ply
(depth-limited search)
Reason is that the game tree usually is too large to
completely search it
We will evaluate the heuristic for leaf nodes and then
propagate the values towards the root of the tree
MAX nodes take the maximum of their child values because we
will make the best move we can
MIN nodes take the minimum of their child values because we
assume that our adversary makes the move that is worst for
We can write an recursive algorithm for minimax search by
defining functions for max and for min value
Here is an animated example
If we want to use this strategy for Nim we are going to use
an evaluation function that is
+1 for a winning move for MAX
-1 for a winning move for MIN
We have assigned the values this way by only looking at the
leaf nodes and then back-propagating the values
Since the root is +1 we can see that the computer (who is
second) always wins the game
Let’s take a look at some properties of minimax
Yes (if the tree is finite)
O(bm) (depth-first exploration)
Yes (against an optimal opponent)
For chess,
for “reasonable” games
Exaction solution completely infeasible
Evaluation functions are typically a linear function in
which coefficients are used to weight game features
It is unlikely that there is a perfect, computable
evaluation function for most games
Games with uncertainty (backgammon, etc) add notations of
Evaluation Function
Noughts and Crosses
(or Tic-Tac-Toe for the foreigners)
The number of potential nought lines minus the
number of potential cross lines
c1 * material + c2 * pawn structure + c3 * king
safety + c4 * mobility …
Where c1 to c4 are some constants
Each of those sub-functions (material etc.) are
other linear functions
Do you remember that I mentioned “search until a
given ply” earlier?
We cannot exhaustively search most game trees because they
are huge
Therefore, we can only search to some given ply depth
However, significant events may exist just beyond that part
of the tree we have searched
This is called the horizon effect
The further we look ahead the better our evaluation of a
If we are searching the game tree to a depth of n ply, what
happens if our opponent is looking n+1 moves ahead?
It might be the case that we are fucked have a problem
In order to counteract the horizon effect we can use the
following two techniques
quiescent search
Quiescent search is varying the depth limit
of the search
For noisy (interesting) states, the tree is
searched deeper
For quiet (less interesting) states, the
tree is not searched this far
We will use a heuristic function to
distinguish between noisy and quiet
singular extensions
Explore a move in greater depth if
One move is significantly better than the
There is only one legal move
The following graphic illustrates the importance of ply
depth in chess
The branching factor of a game is the number of actions
which can be chosen
Nim (our first example) has a very low branching factor,
but many games do not
Chess: about 36
Go: about 200
This significantly affects the complexity of decision
making with increasing tree depth
Alpha-beta Pruning
We are now going beyond minimax
We have strong and weak methods to improve minimax
Strong methods take account of the game itself
E.g. board symmetry of tic tac toe
Weak methods can apply to any game
One of those is called alpha-beta pruning
Before we are going to explore alpha-beta pruning we are
going to take a look at board symmetry of tic tac toe
A part of the full game tree looks like this:
However, some of those states are redundant: we can achieve
them easily by rotating the game board
The redundant states are marked red:
By removing the redundant states we can prune the search
tree a lot
However, not every game allows for pruning this way,
therefore we need a more general method to reduce the amount
of search…
So now we will dive into alpha-beta pruning
Minimax explores the entire tree to a given ply depth
It evaluates the leaves
It propagates the values of the leaves back up the
We have seen this procedure in the last chapter
Alpha-beta pruning performs DFS but allows us to
prune/disregard certain branches of the tree
Let’s define alpha and beta
Alpha represents the lower bound on the node value. It is
the worst we can do
It is associated with MAX nodes
Since it is the worst, it never decreases
Beta represents the upper bound on the node value. It is
the best we can do
It is associated with MIN nodes
Since it is the best, it never increases
If the best we can do on the current branch is less than or
equal to the worst we can do elsewhere, there is no point
continuing on this branch
Now we can define recursive functions for calculating alpha
and beta values
If you compare this with the minimax search functions we
defined earlier, you can see that these functions are very
similar to them
The difference is that when we check the successors we
return immediately if our alpha/beta values allow us to do
For the max-value function we return alpha if alpha
beta because beta used to be the best we can do so
far, but we have just found a better value.
For the min-value function we return beta if beta
alpha because alpha used to be the worst we can do so
far, but we have just found a value that is even
Let’s look at an example tree
Animation pls
Alpha-beta is guaranteed to give the same values as
The only difference is that we can reduce the amount of
search a lot
If the tree is ordered, the time complexity is
Minimax is
This means that we can search twice as deep for the same
However, perfect ordering of the tree is not possible
If it was we wouldn’t need alpha-beta in the first
First define what a plan/planning is
A plan is a sequence of actions to perform tasks and
achieve objectives
Planning means generating and searching over possible
The classical planning environment is fully observable,
deterministic, finite, static and discrete
Planning assists humans in practical applications such
Design and manufacturing
Military operations
- Games
Space exploration
What are the problems/difficulties of planning in the real
In the real world we have a huge planning environment
We need to think about which parts of this environment are
relevant for our planning problem
We need to find good heuristic functions so that we can
reduce the amount of search
We need to think about how to decompose the problem
In order to define plans, we need a planning language
What is a good planning language?
It should be expressive enough to describe a wide variety
of problems
It should be restrictive enough to allow efficient
algorithms to operate on it
The planning algorithm should be able to take advantage of
the logical structure of the problem
Examples of languages are
The STRIPS(Stanford Research Institute Problem Solver)
ADL (Action Description Language)
What general language features do we want?
We have to represent states
We do this by decomposing the world in logical conditions
and represent a state as a conjunction of positive
For instance, to represent that one plane is at Melbourne
and the other plane is at Sydney we can write

We will assume that everything that is not part of the
model does not exist, i.e. every other predicate not
included is false
For instance, the predicate “plane 3 is at
Sydney” is false because it is not in the model
This is called closed world assumption
We have to represent goals
The goal is a partially specified state
If the state contains all the literals of the goal then the
goal is satisfied
For example, the goal could be defined as
We do not care about where plane 1 is, and this goal would
be satisfied with the state given above
We have to represent actions
Actions consist of a precondition and an effect
If the precondition is true, we can use the action to
achieve the effect
Let’s define an example action Fly:
The precondition says “p must be a plane and from must be an airport and to must be an airport and p must be at from”
As you can see we also have to do something like type
checking in the precondition because the definition of the
action does not specify any types
The effect is then “p will not be at from and p will be at to”
How do actions affect states?
An action can be executed in any state that satisfies its
There needs to exist a substitution for all variables of
the precondition
For example for the action fly we need to substitute p,
from and to
When we execute the action it will change some part of the
We will add any positive literal in the effect of the
action to the new state
We will remove any negative literal in the effect of the
action from the new state
We will not change any literal that is not in the effect,
i.e. every literal not in the effect remains unchanged
For example, given the following state:
We can execute fly because the state satisfies the
precondition for p = p1, from = JFK and to = SFO:
Let’s execute
The effect is
And therefore the resulting state is
Note that we added
and we removed
due to the effect of the action
Let’s look at some more examples
Air cargo transport
Initial State
Goal State
Example plan
Spare tire problem
Initial State
Goal State
Example plan
How can we design an algorithm that comes up with a
There are two main approaches: forward and backward
Progression planners do forward state-space search
They consider the effect of all possible actions in a given
They search from the initial state to the goal state
Regression planners do backward state-space search
To achieve a goal, what must have been true in the previous
They search from the goal state to the initial state
Progression algorithm is nothing more than any graph search
algorithm that is complete, e.g. A*
Regression algorithm
How do we determine predecessors of actions?
We have to find actions which will have an effect that
satisfies the pre-conditions of the current action
Actions must not undo desired literals
The main advantage is that only relevant actions are
Therefore, the branching factor is often much lower than
forward search
Heuristics for progression and regression algorithms
Neither progression nor regression are very efficient without a good heuristic
The heuristic could be the number of actions needed to
achieve the goal
The exact solution is NP hard, therefore we should try to
find a good estimate
There are two approaches to find admissible
The optimal solution to the relaxed problem, e.g. where we
remove all preconditions from actions
The sub-goal independence assumption: The cost of solving a
conjunction of subgoals is approximated by the sum of the
costs of solving the sub-problems independently.
Partial-Order Planning (POP)
Progression and regression planning are totally ordered
plan search forms
They cannot take advantage of problem decomposition
Decisions must be made on how to sequence actions on all
the subproblems
We can improve this by specifying some actions which can be
done in parallel
For these actions it doesn’t matter which one comes
Let’s look at an example to understand this
Shoe example
Initial State
Goal State
We want our planner to combine two action sequences
LeftSock and LeftShoe
RightSock and RightShoe
Therefore our planner can create a partially ordered
A partially ordered plan contains actions which can be done
in parallel, without fixing which action comes first
Here is a comparison between a PO (partially ordered) and a
TO (totally ordered) plan:
Let’s look at POP states in a search tree
Each state in the tree is a mostly unfinished plan
At the root of the tree we have an empty plan containing
only start and finish actions
Each plan has 4 components
A set of actions (steps of the plan)
A set of ordering constraints
A set of causal links written as
or A → p → B
A set of open preconditions
If the precondition is not achieved by any action in the
For our shoe example, a final plan would look like
Actions = {Rightsock, Rightshoe, Leftsock, Leftshoe, Start,
Those are all the actions that are available plus a Start
and Finish action
Orderings = {Rightsock < Rightshoe; Leftsock <
Read as “Rightsock has to come before
Links = {Rightsock → Rightsockon → Rightshoe,
Leftsock → Leftsockon → Leftshoe, Rightshoe →
Rightshoeon → Finish, …}
Read as “Rightsock achieves Rightsockon for
When is a plan a solution, i.e. when is a plan final?
A consistent plan with no open preconditions is a
A plan is consistent when there are no cycles in the
ordering constraints and no conflicts with the links
A POP is executed by repeatedly choosing any of the
possible next actions
Next, we are going to look at search in POP space
We will start with the initial plan that only
Actions Start and Finish
No causal links
All preconditions in Finish are open
Picks one open precondition p on an action B
Generates a successor plan for every possible consistent
way of choosing action A that achieves p
More on how to generate a successor plan a bit later
We need to test if we have reached the goal
Why should we search in POP space rather than FOP
(fully-ordered) space?
The number of fully-ordered plans can be exponentially more
than the number of partially ordered plans
Look at the sock example above, there is one POP but 8
Therefore, searching in space of POPs is much more
efficient because the search space is much smaller
Also, when the plan is executed, there is more flexibility
because there is no strict order of all actions like in a
How do we generate a successor plan (a successor node in
the search tree)
We have to add the causal link A → p → B
We have to add the ordering constraint A < B
If A is new we also add Start < A and A <
Try to resolve any conflicts between the new causal
link and all existing actions.
If A is new also try to resolve any conflicts between A and
all existing causal links
Here is a summary how to process POP
- Operators
Add link from existing plan to open precondition
Add a step to fulfill an open condition
Order one step with regards to another to remove possible
Gradually move from incomplete/vague plans to
complete/correct plans
Backtrack if an open condition is unachievable or if a
conflict is irresolvable
Recent Advances in AI
We want to recognise the type of situation we are in right
Credit card transaction: Is it a fraud or not?
Autonomous weapons: Should it shoot or not?
There are two main approaches, top-down and bottom-up
Top-down takes inspiration from higher abstract
Bottom-up takes inspiration from biology like neural
Decision Trees
A decision problem is a problem that can be represented as
a yes-or-no question.
How do we humans get an answer to such a decision problem,
like checking whether a person shown in a picture is a
professor or not?
We check certain attributes of the person shown in the
For example clothes, beard, glasses, etc.
We check them in a certain order
We keep checking them until we are certain that we can make
a decision
Decision trees work exactly like that
The main idea is to check some attributes in some specific
order until the algorithm can make a yes/no decision
A decision tree takes a series of inputs defining a
situation, and outputs a binary
A decision tree spells out an order for checking the
properties (attributes) of the situation until we have
enough information to make a decision
It is a top-down classification algorithm as we start at
the root of the tree and work down towards reaching a
We use the observable attributes to predict the
In which ordering do we check the attributes?
This is an important question as we want to check as least
attributes as possible to make a decision
We can achieve this by first checking those attributes from
which we learn the most
We want to gradually reduce our uncertainty until we can
make a decision
We want to do this as quick as possible
So we should choose the attribute first that provides the
highest information gain
This example decision tree is about a high or low risk of
getting an STD:
So why are the questions ordered in this particular
For example, in the above example, why don’t we ask
about sinus tachycardia before asking about systolic blood
The answer is because we learn a lot more about our input
by asking that question, so we ask it first.
This question provides the highest information gain
Alright, that’s pretty easy. But what if we have a
problem with 1000 attributes? Are we going to read each one
and pick out an order? We’ll be there all day!
Instead, we will define how to calculate the information
gain, which we will use to define the order of
But first, we need to define the entropy and the
conditional entropy.
Entropy is a measure of how much uncertainty there exists
in a system.
The equation goes like this:
Where we input a set of probabilities that represent our
problem X into H like
and you get the entropy in “bits”.
A bit is simply a unit for entropy; the higher it is, the
more uncertain is the event. When we are certain, the
entropy is 0.
For example, if we have the following table for the weather
with respective probabilities:
Let’s calculate the entropy for all of the three
1.58 (bits)
1.29 (bits)
0 (bits)
What do these entropies tell us now?
Well, as defined before, the entropy denotes the
uncertainty in a system
If we look at the probabilities of the weather in
Birmingham, they are 0.33 for each type of weather.
That means if we were to predict the future weather based
on this data, we cannot be certain at all, i.e. we are very
uncertain about our prediction
This is reflected in the calculated entropy, which is
High entropy means a lot of uncertainty, and this is the
highest of the 3 cities.
Now look at the probabilities of the weather in
Southampton. This time the probabilities are not distributed
This means that if we were to predict the future weather
based on this data, we can surely be more certain compared
to Birmingham. However, we will still have some uncertainty
in our prediction
The entropy is 1.29, so the second highest.
Finally look at the probabilities of the weather in
Glasgow. The probability for terrible weather is one.
This means that if we were to predict the future weather
based on this data, we can be absolutely certain that the
weather is going to be terrible.
The entropy is 0, meaning we have no uncertainty in our
weather forecast.
Conditional Entropy
We have seen that the entropy denotes the amount of
uncertainty in a system.
Another measure which we will need later is the conditional
The conditional entropy denotes a possible new level of
uncertainty, given that some other event is true.
It is defined as follows:
p(x, y) is the joint probability of two events, i.e. the
probability that both events are true
p(y | x) is the conditional probability, i.e. the
probability of y given that x is true
Information Gain
Now that we have defined the entropy and the conditional
entropy, we can finally define the information gain.
This will denote how much information we gain for some
prediction when we query a specific attribute.
It is defined as follows:
Y is the event that we want to predict and X is the
Another way to think of information gain is this:
let’s say you’re playing 20 questions and you
know the object is a type of fish.
If you ask some dumbass question like “Can it live in
water?”, you won’t learn anything new, because
they’ll almost always answer with
If you ask a really good question, like “Does it live
in fresh water?”, you’ll learn a lot from the
answer, so it has information gain.
Let’s look at one example
We want to predict whether a user will read an email
We have recorded the following data in the past:

Now we want to find out what the information gain would be
if we chose the attribute “Thread”
For the Thread attribute, we have recorded the following
read/skips behaviour
Row total
7 (70%)
3 (30%)
2 (25%)
6 (75%)
This table gives the probability that an email is going to
be read, or is going to be skipped, given that we know the
email is new or is a reply to another email.
To calculate the information gain for the event read of the attribute Thread, we need to calculate the following:
G(Read, Thread)
= H(Read) - H(Read | Thread)
First we need to calculate H(Read), the entropy of
We have 18 emails in total, in 9 cases they are read and in 9
cases they are skipped
Therefore the probability for read and skip is 0.5
We have to consider exactly these two cases
Let’s calculate:

We also need to calculate H(Read | Thread), the conditional
entropy of read given that we know the thread.
We have to consider 4 cases because read/thread can be
We will need the conditional probability, so remember the
following rule:
Let’s calculate:

Back to calculating G(Read, Thread)

So our information gain is 0.15
The higher this value is, the better
It cannot be below 0. 0 means we gain no information at
After we have calculated the information gain for all
attributes (Length, Thread, Author) we will eventually come
up with this decision tree:
This means that Length has the highest information gain,
followed by Thread and Author
Nearest Neighbour
Let’s take a look at a different way of
Humans usually categorise based on how similar a new object
is compared to other known things, e.g. dog, cat, desk,
So we want to find an algorithm which does the same
Our algorithm needs to be able to identify the degree of
The idea is to define some geometric representation of the
data points
The degree of similarity = geometric distance between the
How to define the metrics?
Let’s start with an example and look at the map of
Southampton’s air quality:
We will pick out some areas (where we measure the air
quality) and can draw a line to separate the
“good” from the “bad” areas.
In many cases we only have some local information, i.e.
only some local points where we measure the air
Now we want to predict the air quality of another
The main idea behind this prediction is that physically
close locations are likely to be similar.
We will choose the k nearest neighbours to predict the air
quality at this point
Let’s look at another example, a town that is on the
border of Belgium and The Netherlands
We want to predict a person’s nationality based on
the following data:
First we will be looking at a case where nearest neighbour
is wrong:
We are trying to predict the nationality of a person living
at the green marked spot
Because we only look for the very nearest neighbour, we
only find a person with Dutch nationality
Therefore we wrongly predict Dutch for the green marked spot
We can see on this map that the correct answer is
In K-nearest neighbour we choose the K closest known
We use majority voting to determine the outcome
As you can see in the example, it is crucial what the value
of K is
Let’s continue with our example, but this time we
choose K=5
This means that we choose the 5 nearest known persons and
make a decision based on the nationality of the majority.
Our 5-nearest neighbours are 4 Belgian and 1 Dutch
Because the majority is Belgian our prediction will be
This time our prediction is correct, as you can see on the
There are three big questions when it comes to K-nearest
How large should K be?
What distance metrics should be used?
Can we use anything other than majority voting?
How large should K be?
Unfortunately there is no general way to go
If k is too small, your output will be noisy
If k is too big, you lose all structural details
e.g. if k=all people, you predict everyone to be
In practice, you try multiple values of K
What distance metrics should be used?
For geographical based problems like the last two examples,
we can use the euclidean/physical distance between two
However, there are some other cases where the euclidean
distance is not obvious
Data points can have multiple dimensions
E.g. a sales person has an age and sold items
Age is between 0 and 100, sold items is between 0 and 1
The latter clearly dominates the former if we put this into
the euclidean space
Therefore we need to normalise the data first
Normalisation of data can be done by rescaling
We can make all dimensions values between 0 and 1
What should we do if the data is categorical?
Categorical data describes the membership of a group.
An example is country = United Kingdom, Austria, Hungary,
Greece, Spain, Thailand, ...
The groups are distinct and may be represented with a code
number but they can’t be ranked
The practical consensus is that we simply don’t use
kNN for these cases
kNN is typically good for using continuous data like
location coordinates (see the examples above)
Can we use any other distance metrics?
- Yes
We could use manhattan distance for example, like here (all
lines represent the same manhattan distance, except
Can we use anything other than majority voting?
We can choose the median or average
We can also use weighted majority voting, i.e. some data
points will have more weight than others
We can set the weights in many different ways
For instance, we could prefer the closer data points rather
than the ones further away
Or we could weight them by their importance
There also exist other more specific voting rules
kNN is a simple example of lazy learning
The system does not maintain a generic model. Instead,
whenever there is an evaluation request on a new data point,
the system will only provide a (local) model for that
particular data (e.g., using distance metrics in k-NN)
Neural Networks
Decision trees and nearest neighbour were top-down
classification algorithms
Now we will look at a bottom-up approach: Neural
Neural networks are inspired by how the human brain
Our main component will be the neuron
Each neuron takes some inputs and produces a single output
based on some activation function
There are different types of neurons, each type has a
different kind of activation function
The first type of neurons we will be looking at is called a
It will take several inputs x1, x2, x3, …
Each input will be multiplied by a corresponding weight w1,
w2, w3, …, which is a real number
It will produce a single binary output which is determined
by the activation function
For instance, a perceptron with 3 inputs looks like
How is the activation function defined?
The activation function checks if the weighted sum of the
inputs is above some threshold value
The output of the activation function is binary, i.e.
either 1 or 0 depending on the threshold value
That’s all there is to how a perceptron works
Perceptron: Example
Let’s look at some example
Suppose the weekend is coming up, and you’ve heard
that there’s going to be a cheese festival in your
city. You like cheese, and are trying to decide whether or
not to go to the festival.
You make your decision by weighing up three factors
Is the weather good?
Does your boyfriend/girlfriend want to accompany you? (since we’re comp sci students, this isn’t
Is the festival near public transit (you don’t own a
Those three factors can be represented by corresponding
binary variables x1, x2 and x3
Now, suppose that some of these factors are more important
than others. For instance, you might go without your
boyfriend/girlfriend and even take a taxi but you absolutely
hate bad weather
One way to do this is to choose some weights for the
Weather: w1 = 6
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: w2 = 2
Public transport: w3 = 2
Finally, suppose you choose a threshold of 5 for the
This perceptron implements the desired decision-making model, outputting 1 whenever the weather is good
and 0 when the weather is bad. It makes no difference
whether your boyfriend/girlfriend wants to go or whether
there is public transport
By varying the weights and the threshold we can get
different models of decision-making.
For example, suppose we instead chose a threshold of 3.
Then the perceptron would decide that you should go to the
festival whenever the weather was good or when both the
festival was near public transport and your
boyfriend/girlfriend was willing to join you.
Perceptron: Rewriting the Activation Function
Back to our perceptron: We can simplify the activation
function, which is currently defined as
First, we will rewrite the sum
into a dot product of two vectors x and w:
The second change is to move the threshold to the other side of the
inequality, and replace it by what’s known as the
perceptron’s bias, b = -Threshold
We can rewrite the activation function as follows:
You can think of the bias as a measure of how easy it is to
get the perception to output a 1. Or to put it in more
biological terms, the bias is a measure of how easy it is to
get the perceptron to fire.
For a perceptron with a really big bias, it's extremely
easy for the perceptron to output a 1. But if the bias is
very negative, then it's difficult for the perceptron to
output a 1.
Perceptron: Visualisation of the Activation Function
Graphically, we can imagine the activation function as
If we only have one input, we’ll get an equation of a
line on a plane:
If we have multiple inputs, we will get a hyperplane
So in general, our perceptron can model any straight-line
(hyperplane) relationship between input(s) and the
The activation function will output a 1 if our function
computes a value above the line/hyperplane and 0 if the
value is on or below it
Perceptron: Defining Weights and Bias
How can we define the weights and the bias of a
Initially, we will use random weights and a random
Then we will try to find weights/bias such that we can
model the linear relationship between inputs/output as
accurate as possible
We won’t get a perfect result because it’s very
unlikely that all data points lie on a straight line
Therefore we will try to find a line of best fit, which
goes through the centre of the cloud of points
This process is called linear regression
For instance, take the following scatter plot:
How do we get the line of best fit? How can we measure the
efficiency of a particular regression line?
There is a measure called “mean squared
For every data point, we can measure the difference
(y-offset) between the data point and our line
We will then square this difference, repeat for all points
and calculate the average
This will give us a measure of how good our regression line
Minimising this value is the training method for optimising
weights/bias of the perceptron, at which we will look
For example, we could end up with a regression line that
looks like this:
Perceptron: Expressiveness
Continuing our basketball example, the perceptron predicts
“Is this person (based on the height) able to play
basketball or not?”
As mentioned earlier, for every input above the line it
will say “yes” and for every input below or on
the line it will say “no”:
What sorts of problems can it solve in general?
Well, it maps the input values to True or False, so it can
solve logic problems.
In fact, we can model a logic AND gate or a OR gate like
Perceptron: Training with the Delta-Rule (Widrow-Hoff
Now we will look into minimising the MSE (mean squared
error) of the perceptron
We want to train the perceptron by showing it examples and
somehow getting it to learn the relevant pattern
This is where the perceptron learning rule (delta rule,
Widrow-Hoff rule) comes in
It is defined as follows:
E is some error function, e.g. MSE
We will start with random weights
Then we present an example input to the neuron and
calculate the output
Then we compare the output to the target value (i.e. y) and
nudge each weight slightly in the direction that would have
helped to reduce the error
How much we adjust the weights is denoted by the learning
We repeat this procedure until we are happy with the
So this is a kind of gradient descent algorithm
Perceptron: Limits
A perceptron cuts its input space into a “high
output” region where it outputs a 1 and a “low
output” region where it outputs a 0.
The cut is linear (straight line, hyperplane) so the
perceptron can only solve linearly separable problems, i.e.
problems where the regions are linearly separable
This means that there are problems a perceptron can’t solve
For example look at the XOR gate
Where should we place the line? There is no position such
that we don’t get at least one value wrong
Or look at the map of Southampton’s air quality map:
We can’t place a line to seperate all good areas from
all bad areas:
What can we do to overcome this problem? We’ll see in
multi-layered networks
Types of neurons (activation functions)
There also exist other neurons other than the perceptrons we have seen so far
The difference is the type of activation function they
It should be 0 if x<= -0.5 at Piecewise-Linear Function
The sigmoid neuron is very popular, as we will see in
multi-layered networks
Multi-layered Neural Networks
One solution to overcome the limitations of a single neuron
is a multi-layered neural networks
Instead of having inputs feeding directly into output
neurons, let’s add some intervening hidden neurons in
The brain is certainly similar to that
A single perceptron divides the space into low vs high with
a single line, so multiple layers of perceptrons essentially
give us multiple lines to divide our space
Non-linear separation can be approximated by a set of
linear lines
A multi-layered net can look like this:
Note that we can have multiple hidden layers, not only
Multi-layered Nets: Training
Sounds good so far, but how can we train this complex black
Because we could have multiple hidden layers, our delta
rule approach does not work anymore
Instead we need to backpropagate the errors
We will extend the delta rule:
Our error function E = sum of squared differences between
the actual and target output values
We will calculate the partial derivative of E with respect
to each weight
Therefore we need a differentiable activation
In practice we use the sigmoid function in this case
We can thus know which way we need to nudge each weight for
a given training example
Further Issues of Neural Networks
How fast should the learning rate be?
How many hidden neurons do I need for a given
Some guidelines for these problems are available but the
only reliable approach is to try out different values and
see how it goes
Other issues are
Large datasets
Large input space
Computational issues
Deep Learning
The main idea of deep learning is to transform the input
space into higher level abstractions with lower
We have many layers of hidden layers, hence the name deep
Each layer is responsible for a space transformation
By doing so, the complexity of non-linearity is
However, this is very expensive in terms of computational
power. For instance, we need to compute on GPUs or use grid
Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning
In supervised learning, we use some training set for
learning purposes
The training set is a set of examples with correct
input-output pairs
Thus it contains labelled data: each input data is labelled
with its correct output
Here are some examples of training sets:
In unsupervised learning, there are no training sets and
thus no labelled data
We just predict the outcome of some input and there is no
correct output
There also exists semi-supervised learning, which is a
combination of both
However this is not covered by this module
Offline vs. Online Learning
In offline learning, all the inputs are available from the
beginning; the system can compute it all in one big chunk
In online learning, the inputs come into the system as some
stream; the system can work with one bit of input at a time,
implementing the model as they go
Generalisation & Overfitting
We want to have good performance on both training data and
never-seen-before data
It is called “overfitting” when we have high
accuracy on training data but low quality in
It means that our function is too specific/too complex and
thus will only work efficiently on the training data
Instead, we should aim to find a more general function that
also works well with the data it has never seen before
It might make some errors on the training data, but
it’s more important that it there is no great
difference between the performance on training data vs. the
data it hasn’t seen before
Training vs Testing
How can we know if our model is general enough?
In other words, how can we know if our model performs well
on the data it has never seen before?
We could do this by taking out some of the training data
and using it as testing data
We know what the outcome should be because the training
data is labelled
One issue is that we reduce the training data, which is a
big issue if the training data set is small in the first
We could also do this by separating the training data into
multiple sets and then use some sets for training, and some
sets for testing
This is called K-fold cross validation
We partition the training data into K disjunct
(non-overlapping) sets
We use k-1 sets for training and the kth one for
We repeat this k times such that each partition is the
testing data once
Reasoning is about updating our belief model
There are different approaches to reasoning
One way is logic/rule based
We build up basic rules (axioms) using some form of
We can then derive other rules from the above, which is
where the reasoning happens
Another way is stochastic reasoning
This means reasoning based on probabilities
One example is Bayesian reasoning, which we will explore in
more detail now
We are going to define Bayes’ Theorem, Bayesian
belief update and Inference in Bayesian networks
Bayes Theorem
We will define total probability, conditional probability
and Bayes’ rule
Total Probability
The total probability of an event B is defined as
The total probability for event B is the sum of the
probabilities for event B and all cases of event A
We can also rewrite this with conditional probability of B,
as we can see in the definition below.
Conditional Probability
The conditional probability of event B is defined as

P(A|B) means “the probability of event A given that
event B is true” and P(B|A) means “the
probability of event B given that event A is
Why is the conditional probability defined like this?
Let’s look at some example
We have a bag with red and blue marbles, and we want to
know the probabilities of drawing a red/blue marble
We can visualise the probabilities for 2 consecutive draws
like this:
So what’s the probability of drawing a blue marble
and then another blue one?
Well, it’s a chance of ⅖ followed a chance of
¼ . We multiply the two probabilities and get the
result of 1/10.
Now define event A to be “draw a blue marble
first” and define event B to be “draw a blue
marble second”
We have just calculated P(A and B) = P(A) * P(B|A):
Bayes’ Rule
Bayes’ rule is defined as follows
Using the formulas for conditional probability, we can
derive Bayes rule
In the numerator we have P(A and B), which we can write as
P(A|B) * P(B)
In the denominator we have P(A)
So dividing these two probabilities will give us the
probability for B given that A is true
We can re-think Bayes’ rule as follows:
We can calculate the probability of our hypothesis based on
some evidence
The evidence are some events which we have observed
Don’t worry about this form yet because we will come
back to it later
Example: Monty Hall Problem
Suppose you can choose a door from a total of three
There is a prize behind one door and behind the other two
doors there is a goat
The host of the show knows where the prize is
You choose door 1
The host opens door 2 and has a goat behind it
You are given a chance to swap with door 3
Now the question is, should you swap or should you stick
with your original choice?
We want to calculate P(win), the probability that you
P(win) if you choose to stick with door 1 is ⅓
because when you made your choice you picked one of the
three doors
What’s P(win) when we choose to swap to door 3?
We can use the law of total probability to find out:
Let B = win and A = the car is behind door 1. Then we
is 0 because if the car is behind door 1 we
won’t win as we switched to door 3
is ⅓ because there exists 1 car and 2
is 1 because if the car is not behind door 1 it can only be
behind door 3
is ⅔ because door 2 has been opened by the
The probability that we win if we switch is ⅔, so we
should definitely switch
Example: HIV test problem
We know the following about HIV lab tests:
99% sensitivity: If a patient is HIV+, then the probability
that the test has positive results is 99%
99% specificity: If a patient is HIV-, then the probability
that the test has negative results is 99%
HIV is rare in patients in our population: About 1 out of
1000 is positive
The situation is: A patient does a HIV test and gets a
positive result
What are the chances that the patient is indeed HIV+?
Let’s put this into maths
We know the following probabilities:
We want to calculate the following

We can use Bayes’ rule to calculate this:

As you can see, we are missing P(positive), but we can
calculate it using the rule of total probability:

Now we have all the values to calculate P(HIV+ | positive):

So as we calculated, it’s only around 9% that the
patient is HIV+ even if the test is positive!
Why is the result so counterintuitive?
You probably focus on the sensitivity of the test
You’re neglecting the background or base rate of HIV
Bayesian Belief Update
In Bayesian reasoning, we always keep a belief model when we make our decisions
We use probabilities to capture uncertainty in our
We also need to update our belief model after we have seen
some more evidence
How do we update our belief after each observation?
We know all the probabilities of the right side:
P(model) is called the Prior. It is the probability that
the model is true without taking any observation into
P(observation|model) is called the Likelihood. It is the
probability that the observed event occurs given that the
model is true
P(observation) is the probability that the observation
occurs in general
We want to calculate the left hand side
P(model|observation) is called the Posterior, It is the
probability that the model is true, given that we have seen
the observation
Complex Knowledge Representation
So far we only considered a simple correlation between
What if we have a much more complicated network of
How can we apply inference in complex networks, i.e. how
can we apply Bayes’ rule there?
We can use Bayesian networks (Bayes nets)!
However, before we look into Bayesian networks, we will use
a simpler method: Joint distribution
Joint Distribution
The simplest way to do inference is to look at the joint
distribution of the probability values
Here is an example from an employment survey with three
M = the person is a male
L = the person works for long hours
R = the person is rich
We will show the joint probabilities in a distribution
table of all three variables
Now we can ask questions like: What is the probability that
the person is rich?
We need to calculate the total probability of P(R)
Since we have the table, we can just sum up all
probabilities where R = T
P(R) = 0.13+0.10+0.01+0.02 = 0.26
What is the probability that a person works for long hours
given that he is a male?
We need to calculate P(L|M), which is equal to P(L and
We can easily find P(L and M) and P(M) in our table
P(L and M) = 0.13 + 0.11 = 0.24
P(M) = 0.13 + 0.11 + 0.10 + 0.34 = 0.68
P(L|M) = 0.24/0.68 = 0.35
We can do any inference from joint distribution
However, the issue is that it doesn’t scale well in
For example, if we have 30 variables, we need a table with
2^30 entries…
Also, if one event is independent from other events, we can
discard those other events completely
What does it mean for random variables to be
Two random variables are independent if their joint
probability is the product of their probabilities:
Therefore, the conditional probabilities of A and B are
equal to the probability of the event itself:
Bayesian Networks
Time to talk about Bayesian networks :)
We can graphically represent the network like in the
following example:

Let’s define our events as follows:
S = Studied for exam
M = Lecturer is in good mood
H = High marks
So every circle (node) is a random variable
Every directed edge from node A to B means that B depends
on A
Therefore, H depends on both S and M
If there is no directed edge between two random variables
then they are independent of each other
Therefore, S and M are independent
Note that P(A, B) means P(A and B) and P(!A) means P(not
Suppose we want to calculate the following: Given high
marks, what is the probability that the lecturer was in a
good mood? That is, P(M|H) = ?
We will use Bayes’ rule:
We know that P(M) = 0.3, but we don’t know P(H) and
P(H|M) yet!
Let’s start with P(H|M), which we can calculate with
the rule of total probability:
P(H | M) = P(H | M, S) * P(S) + P(H | M, !S) * P(!S)
= 0.9 * 0.8 + 0.5 * 0.2
= 0.82
Now calculate P(H), which we can calculate with the rule of
total probability as well:
P(H) = P(H | M, S) * P(M, S)
+ P(H | M, !S) * P(M, !S)
+ P(H | !M, S) * P(!M, S)
+ P(H | !M, !S) * P(!M, !S)
Since M and S are independent, we know what their joint
probability is: It is just their product. Therefore we
P(H) = P(H | M, S) * P(M) * P(S)
+ P(H | M, !S) * P(M) * P(!S)
+ P(H | !M, S) * P(!M) * P(S)
+ P(H | !M, !S) * P(!M) *
= 0.9 * 0.3 * 0.8
+ 0.5 * 0.3 * 0.2
+ 0.4 * 0.7 * 0.8
+ 0.05 * 0.7 * 0.2
= 0.216 + 0.03 + 0.224 + 0.007
= 0.477
Now we can finally calculate P(M|H)
P(M | H) =
(0.3*0.82)/0.477 = 0.516
So the probability that the lecturer was in a good mood,
given high marks, is about 52%
Properties of Bayesian Networks
Here are some properties of all Bayesian networks
Bayesian networks must be directed acyclic graphs
The major efficiency of the Bayesian network is that we
have economized on memory
They are also easier for human beings to interpret than the
raw joint distribution
Pros and Cons of Bayesian Networks
Why it is good to use Bayesian?
It captures the uncertainty of our knowledge about the
environment in a very elegant and simple way
We can integrate our prior knowledge into the reasoning
process by using the prior distribution (which represents
our prior knowledge)
We can always update our belief about the world by using
Bayes’ Theorem, the more we observe
Why it is bad to use Bayesian?
If we use a wrong prior, it will be difficult to get the
right answers
The calculation includes integrals and summing up over all
the possible situations, which is typically computationally
very expensive
Decision Making
So far we looked at classification and updating our belief
Now we will look into actual decision making and updating
our decision making policy
We will do this by using 2 simple models
Multi-armed bandits (bandit theory)
Markov decision process (reinforcement learning)
Bandit Theory
Let’s start with an example
Suppose we want to outsource a robbery
There are three different guys from which we can choose
one, but we don’t know how effective they are
The expected reward per robbery is:
First guy: 50
- Second guy: -10
Third guy: 30
But remember that we don’t know that
Also the expected reward is an average value, meaning that
they won’t always achieve exactly this value. In other
words, the actual reward is random but on average they
achieve these rewards.
Therefore, our goal is to find out that the first guy is
most effective via repeated robbing in multiple rounds
Each round we can choose exactly one guy
The question is, who should we hire each round?
It is called exploration when we just try out different guys and record their
As you can see, we will find out what their expected reward
is if we do this for a lot of rounds
However, the problem is that there is a limit on the number
of rounds
Also we want to find the best guy as soon as possible so
that we can maximise our total reward
It is called exploitation when we always choose the one which we think is
There is going to be a trade-off between exploration and exploitation
If we focus too much on exploration
We can accurately estimate each guy’s expected
But it will take too much time, and we’ll end up with
a low total reward
If we focus too much on exploitation
We focus on maximising the total reward
But we might miss a bandit with a higher average reward
The key challenge is to efficiently balance exploration and
exploitation such that we maximise the total reward
Multi-armed Bandit (MAB) Model
There are multiple arms with different distributions, i.e.
probabilities that we win
We don’t know the distribution of the arms
Here is an example model with 3 arms
We are going to “play” with the arms for
multiple rounds, where we can select one in each round
Our objective is to maximise the total reward
Exploration: We want to learn each arm’s expected
Exploitation: We want to maximise the sum of the
MAB is the simplest model that captures the dilemma of
exploration vs exploitation
How can we solve the MAB problem?
We don’t have knowledge about the expected reward
values at the beginning.
What is the optimal total value?
Can we achieve the optimal total value?
Our goal: design algorithms that are close to the optimum
as much as possible (= good approximation)
There are two different approaches to solving this:
Epsilon-first and Epsilon-greedy
MAB: Epsilon-first Approach
Suppose the number of rounds T is fixed, i.e., we can pull
the arms T times
Choose an epsilon value: 0 < epsilon < 1 (typically
between 0.05 and 0.2)
In the first epsilon*T rounds, we only do exploration
We pull all the arms in a round robin manner
After the first epsilon*T rounds, we do exploitation
We choose the arm with the highest average reward
We only pull this arm for the rest of (1-epsilon)*T
Here is an example: Suppose epsilon is 0.1 and T is
In the first 10 rounds (0.1*100) we pull all three arms in a round robin manner
After the first 10 rounds we calculate the arm with the
highest average reward
In the last 90 rounds (0.9*100) we pull this arm only
MAB: Epsilon-greedy Approach
Choose an epsilon value: 0 < epsilon < 1 (typically
between 0.05 and 0.2)
For each round, there’s a 1-epsilon probability we
pull the arm with the current best average reward value, and
an epsilon probability we pull one of the other arms
uniformly at random.
We repeat this for each round
Here is an example: Suppose epsilon is 0.1
With a probability of 0.9 we pull the arm with the current
best average reward
With a probability of 0.1 we select a random arm
MAB: Epsilon-first vs. Epsilon-greedy
Explicitly separates exploration from
Exploration and exploitation are in an
interleaving manner
Observation: epsilon-first is typically very
good when T is small
Observation: epsilon-greedy is typically
efficient when T is sufficiently large
Drawback: we need to know T in advance
Drawback: slow convergence at the beginning
(especially with small epsilon)
Drawback 2: sensitive to the value of
Drawback 2: sensitive to the value of
Other Algorithms
There are also other algorithms than
One example is Upper Confidence Bound (UCB), which combines
exploration and exploitation within each single round in a
very clever way
Another example is Thompson-sampling:
maintain a belief distribution about the true expected
reward of each arm, using Bayes’ Theorem.
Randomly sample from each of these beliefs, then choose the arm with highest sample. We repeat this
at each round
Performance of Bandit Algorithms and Regret
How can we compare the different algorithms?
How can we measure the goodness of an algorithm in
Can we always achieve the optimal solution (i.e., the best
Spoilers: We cannot achieve the best possible
Our aim is to design algorithms that have close performance
to that of the best possible
One measurement to quantify the performance is called
Regret is the difference between the performance of an
algorithm with that of the best possible, for a certain
number of time steps taken
R = Optimal Reward - Actual Reward
Let’s go back to our robbery example
We have these three arms and we pull 100 times:
Remember that we don’t know what the expected reward
The best possible algorithm will choose arm 1 for 100
times, so our total reward will be 50*100 = 5000
Suppose our algorithm chooses arm 2 20 times, arm 3 10
times and for the rest it pulls arm 1. The total reward is
20*(-10) + 10*30 + 70*50 = 3600
The difference of the total reward, i.e. the regret of our
algorithm, is 5000 - 3600 = 1400
Because we pulled 100 times, our number of time steps is
So we can say the regret for this algorithm in 100 time
steps is 1400
Does there exist a no-regret algorithm?
At first you might think no, but wait for the
A no-regret algorithm is an algorithm where its average
regret converges to 0 when the number of time steps
approaches infinity
The average regret is defined as the regret divided by the
number of time steps, i.e. it measures how much the regret
is on average at each time step
For example, suppose we measure the following regrets for
an algorithm:
In general, for this algorithm the regret is defined as the
square root of T
In order to calculate the average regret, we need to divide
the regret by T
As T goes to infinity, this value goes to 0

Therefore, this algorithm is a no-regret algorithm
Why is a no-regret algorithm a good one?
No-regret means that the more time we have, the smaller the
average regret becomes
After a while the average regret is so small that it is
almost 0
This indicates that, on average, we will always pull the
best arm
So on average, a no-regret algorithm will start to behave
like the optimal (the best possible) algorithm, which is
what we want
Extensions of the Multi-armed Bandit
There are some extensions to the multi-armed bandit
One of these is the budget-limited bandit
We have to pay a cost to pull an arm
We have a total budget limit
Another one is dueling bandits
We choose 2 bandits at each round
We only see which one is better, but not the reward
Each comparison result is independent
Initially, we don’t know the comparison
probabilities, but we find them out over time
Another one is best-arm bandit
We aim to identify the best arm
We do this by pure learning: only exploration, no
Reinforcement Learning & Markov Decision Process
How do humans learn? Well, they learn from
For instance, the baby will learn that the radiator is hot
after touching it
Let’s start with an example problem: An agent wants
to find the way out from a maze
At each time step the agent
Chooses a direction
- Makes a step
Checks whether it’s the exit
It’s a standard search problem
Let’s set a new goal for our problem: The agent wants
to find the shortest path from A (entrance) to B
What we want to have is a policy of behaviour
At each situation it will tell the agent what to do
Reinforcement Learning
In reinforcement learning, the agent receives feedback on
how good the chosen action was, i.e. there is continuous
feedback until the goal is reached
It lies between supervised and unsupervised learning
The agent repeatedly interacts with the environment
It gets some feedback (positive or negative), hence
It is a learning problem because we try to find a good
policy based on the feedback
A policy is a set of rules that tells the agent what to do
at each state
For example, take chess or go: The computer needs some
policy so that it can make a good move:

However, there are some difficulties with reinforcement
How do we know which actions lead us to victory (our
And what about those that made us lose the game?
How can we measure which action is the best to take at each
time step?
We need to be able to evaluate the actions we take and the
states we are in
States, Actions and Rewards
Let’s define states, actions and rewards
We can think about the world as a set of states
There are good and bad states
For example, the exit of the maze = good, but other
locations are not so good
With an action, we move from one state to another one
For example, we move from one spot in the maze to the next
The reward is the feedback of the environment
It measures the “goodness” of the action
If the new state is good the reward will be high, if it is
bad the reward will be low
We want to maximise the sum of collected rewards over
Temporal Difference Learning
Suppose we try to find the shortest path for some
There are six states where one is the terminal state (i.e.
the exit state)
We will start at state A and try to reach state F, which
gives a reward of +100
All the other states have 0 reward initially
We want to maximise the rewards over time, which is
equivalent to finding the shortest path
At the beginning we don’t have any prior knowledge so
we have to start with a really simple policy: just randomly
move at each state
Later, when some states have values, we will always move to
the state with the highest value
At a certain point we will eventually arrive to F, for
which move we would receive a reward of +100
What is the last state before we got to F? Surely this
state must be good as well, because it made us go to F in
the first place!
We will then update the value of that state to be
If we repeat this process, we are performing
“temporal difference learning”
We maintain the value V of each state
They represent how valuable the states are (in the long
We update these values as we go along
How are we going to update our estimate of each
state’s value?
Immediate reward is important. If moving into a certain
state gives us a reward or punishment, that obviously needs
But future reward is important too. A state may give us
nothing now, but we still like it if it is linked to future
Also important not to let any single learning experience
change our opinion too much.
We want to change our V estimates gradually to allow the
long-run picture to emerge, so we need a learning rate.
The formula for Temporal Difference (TD) learning combines
these factors.
Current reward
Future reward
Learning rate
Suppose we go from state i to state j, then we will update
the value of state i as follows:
What is the learning rate?
It determines to what extent newly acquired information
overrides old information
If we choose a=0, then the agent learns nothing
If we choose a=1, then the agent only considers the most
recent information
So ideally, we want to choose some value between 0 and
Suppose our current values of the states are as
Now suppose we move from A to B, as indicated
We will update the value for A as follows:
Why do we get 0 for A again?
Well, the value of B is 0 as well and there is no reward
for moving there, so we will get 0 for A
Next suppose we are moving from C to F
Our new value for state C is 10, because we got a reward of
Since F is the exit, we restart the game in the next
We don’t need to update the value of state F but we
will keep all the other values
After a fair amount of repetitions we are starting to get
sense of where the high-value states are:
But then, after 500,000 steps, we might get something like
What happened?
Eventually from any state we can get to F sooner or
In the long term, all the states are equally valuable
So what we need is a way to distinguish paths that require
less moves from paths that require more moves
States that lie on shorter paths have a higher value
The solution to this issue is to introduce a discount
factor for future rewards which is called lambda
We basically “forget” a bit of what we have
learned about the state so far by reducing its value a
It will be a value between 0 and 1
So our new, updated formula for calculating the value of
the last state will be the following:
Now, even after 500,000 steps, we will get the
In some cases, we also need to learn the outcomes of the
This is the case if we don’t know which actions will
take us to which state
In other words, we want to learn the quality of taking each
action at each state
This is called the Q value for a specific action and a
specific state
The Q value for state i and action k, which leads to state
j with actions x, is calculated as follows:
Here is a graphic representation of i, j, k and x:
Markov Decision Processes (MDP) and Markov Chain
In real world problems, the state transitions are often
In other words, the outcome of an action in a specific
state also depends on some random chance
So the transition from one state into another is not only
defined by some action but also by some probability
Here is an example: You as a student want to graduate
within 4 years
Obviously there are actions that you can take to achieve
this goal
However, there will be some random chance which plays some
role as well
We can model the probabilities of taking a certain action
in a Markov chain
Here is an example of such a Markov chain
Suppose the current state is state 3. If we take the
action, there is a probability of 50% that we go to state 1
and a probability of 50% that we go to state 4.
If the probability of arriving at the next state only
depends on the current state and current action, then the
process has a so called “Markov property”.
In other words, if we have a “Markov property”
the past states do not influence the next state at
We can also model the probabilities in an n by n matrix P,
being the probability of making a transition from
state i to state j
For our example above the corresponding matrix looks like
Now that we have defined the matrix, we can also calculate
the probability of being in each state after k steps
In our example, we take state 1 as start state and model
this as vector
Now, to calculate the probabilities of being in each state
after k steps, we will simply calculate the following:

We will get a new (column) vector with the respective
probabilities of each state:
We can also apply temporal difference and Q learning to
MDP, but we need to add the probability for the state
We’re nearly there!
So we’ve seen a Markov chain. What’s a Markov
Decision Process?
Basically, for each state, we have paths to multiple
actions. Those actions, like normal Markov chains, have
probabilities that lead to different states.
Here, let me show you an example:
The green bits are the states
The red bits are the paths to the actions
The yellow bits are actions, where different possible
transitions can take place
The blue bits are the different possible transitions that
could take place depending on chance
The numbers in the diamond-shaped actions are the
“reward” for going on that action. Does this
look similar to temporal difference and Q-learning? It
We could use temporal difference or Q-learning to update
the values, but in the next section, we’ll see how we
can use Monte Carlo.
During exploitation, each node will pick the action with
the biggest reward, effectively reducing the Markov decision
process down to a Markov chain:
Or, to better show that it’s now a Markov
Monte Carlo Simulation (multi-armed bandits)
How do we update the values in MDPs?
Since the state transition is stochastic, we don’t
know in advance what the state will be if we take action
If the system is real, and we can only control the actions,
then just take the action, and observe the next state
However, in many cases, the system is a simulation, and
thus, we need to control the state transition as well
How can we simulate the state transition process?
We can apply Monte Carlo Simulation!
When we want to transition into a new state, we use a
random generator that generates a value between 0 and
Each next state has a certain probability
Depending on the value, the probabilities and some ordering
of the states, we will choose the next state.
Here is an example: Suppose we are in state i and we take
action k. We can either land in state J1, J2 or J3 with
probabilities 0.5, 0.2, 0.3.
We will order the states as follows:
Then we generate a random value
If the value is < 0.5 then choose J1
If the value is >= 0.5 and < 0.7 then choose J2
If the value is >= 0.7 then choose J3
Extensions of Reinforcement Learning
There also exists some extensions of reinforcement learning
Partial observable MDPs (PoMDPs): We don’t know which
state we are in but we maintain some belief about the
possible states we can be in (Bayesian)
Decentralised MDPs (DecMDPs): Multiple agents working
together in a decentralised manner
DecPoMDP is a combination of the two above
Inverse reinforcement learning: We have the optimal policy
but what is the underlying system?
Mathematical techniques (not examinable)
Functions, Limits, Derivatives
A limit is a value to which the terms of the sequence tends
It will never reach that value, but it’s obvious that it’s trying to as x approaches
More formally, L is said to be the limit of the sequence
{xn} if for every e there exists an N(e) such that for every n
> N(e) it holds that |L - xn|<e.
A function is continuous if limn→m f(n) = f(m)
Basically, a function is continuous if the value of a limit
is the same as just plugging in that value into the function
Functions like x+6, 2x + 3, x^2 etc. are all
However, a function like 1/x is not, because you can limit
to x = 0, but you can’t do f(0).
If a function is not continuous, it must have at least one
discontinuity that makes it not so.
There are different kinds of discontinuities:
Type of discontinuity
Visual aid
it curves away and doesn’t come
the graph has a prick in it
it does a \tp
You can use limits to calculate derivatives:
TODO: Fill in derivatives of trig functions, ln(x) and
Linear combinations of functions

More derivative rules
Chain rule
it’s, like, a thing within a thing
Product rule
timesing the things together
Quotient rule
dividing the things together
Inverse rule
like, one is an inverse of the other and you
can do the derivative of it and stuff
What is a vector?
basically length of a vector
Scalar product
some formula you gotta use
Linear independence
it’s, like, linear, and it’s independent
no, really, you have a set of vectors, and if you can map
every point on the grid with those vectors then
they’re linearly independent
however if you can make one of those vectors with the other
vectors then it’s linearly dependent
A basis is a set of linearly independent vectors.
The number of vectors in a basis is the number of
dimensions they cover.
You can get pretty much any vector from the vectors in a
basis, as long as it’s in the same dimensions that
basis covers.
- Examples:
{ (1,0), (0,1) }
{ (1,1), (0,1) }
{ (1,0), (1,1) }
An orthonormal basis is a basis in which all vectors:
have length 1
are perpendicular with each other
{ (1,0), (0,1) }
{ (0,0,1), (0,1,0), (1,0,0) }
How do you find coordinates of vectors in given
(orthonormal) bases?
There’s a really simple trick to do it! It involves
scalar products.
Linear maps
If you have a function (map)
that takes a vector and outputs another vector:
It’s a linear map if this holds true:
are vectors.
In English, this means that applying a scalar
transformation and then applying the function is the same as
applying the function and then applying the scalar
Let’s define this a bit more formally:
Let’s say the basis of
and the basis of
Let’s start at
. You can represent any vector using these basis
The linear map
converts the vector space
into the vector space
That means, by using
, for every
, we can convert it to the vector space
where it’s just:
- or
So if we convert all the basis vectors
into basis vectors
by using the above formulas, let’s have a look
at our vector
from before:
Our vector
is now different! By changing the basis vectors from
, we’ve effectively pushed our vector
through the linear map
. That’s basically what a linear map is; it just maps one set of basis vectors to another with linear equations (e.g.
So what really defines
are those coefficients,
, because those basis vectors could be anything; it
doesn’t really change
If we can represent
with just those coefficients, and those coefficients
can be referenced in a 2D grid using
, we can represent
as a matrix, where each element of the matrix is
is the row and
is the column:
For every linear map, there is a matrix that defines it the
same way, and vice versa.
It is possible to convert a linear map to a matrix and a
matrix to a linear map.
Scalar fields
those pictures with the colours on them
Vector fields
those graphs with all those arrows
those big box things with numbers in them
Partial derivatives
A partial derivative is simply a derivative with respect to
a variable. All the other variables are treated as normal
They are represented as
, where
is the function and
is the subject.
For example, if you had
, then
Gradient descent
it’s where you, like, go down
Application, optimisation and regression problems
Hey guys, welcome back to the TL;DR section!
This time, I’ll skip the maths bit because
It’s not examinable
It’s not even finished
Remember guys, this is a summary.
Be sure to read the above notes at least once, or else
everything below will fly over your head!
- Good luck!
Classical AI
Blind Search
Blind search: a form of search where the state space is represented as
a tree
Types of classical AI problems:
problem Deterministic Observable
Sensorless / multi-state
problem Deterministic Non-observable
problem Non-deterministic Partially observable
problem Unknown state space
A single-state problem is defined by four items:
Initial state
Actions / successor function
- Goal test
- Path cost
State: a representation of a configuration of a problem
Node: a data structure constituting part of a search tree used
to find the solution
- state
- parent
- action
- depth
- cost (maybe)
Search strategies are evaluated with the following:
completeness - does it always find a solution?
time complexity - how long does it take?
space complexity - how much space does it take?
optimality - does it always find the best solution?
Time + space complexity are measured in terms of:
b: how many children each node can have in the search tree
(maximum branching factor)
d: depth of the least-cost (optimal) solution
m: maximum depth of the state space (could be
Breadth-first search (search from row to row)
Yes, if
branching factor is finite
Time? O(bd+1)
Space? O(bd+1)
Optimal? Yes,
if step cost is
Depth-first search (search from column to column)
No, infinite
depth = infinite search
Time? O(bm)
Space? O(bm)
Optimal? No,
may find deeper
Depth-limited search (like DFS, but it has a depth limit)
No, solution
may be deeper than limit
Time? O(bn)
Space? O(bn)
Optimal? No,
same reason as
Iterative deepening search (keep doing DLS, increasing limit by 1 each
Time? O(bd)
Space? O(bd)
Optimal? Yes,
if step cost =
If you don’t spot repeated states, your search could
go down infinite loops or go down unecessary paths.
Bidirectional search: two searches are performed, one at the initial state and
one at the goal state. The search concludes when one node is
found by both searches.
Heuristic Search
Best first search: each node has a ‘desirability’ property which
decides whether it’s selected on a search compared to
other nodes.
Greedy best-first search: a type of best-first search where the
‘desirability’ property is a heuristic function,
such as the straight-line distance from the node to the
No, it can
get stuck in loops if heuristic is bad
Space? O(bm)
Optimal? No
A* search: a type of best-first search where the
‘desirability’ property is the cost to get up to
the node + the heuristic function.
Complete? Yes
Time? Exponential
Space? Exponential
Optimal? Yes,
if heuristic is admissible
Admissible heuristic: a heuristic that always guesses better than the optimal
Consistent heuristic: a heuristic that’s always shorter than any
dominates heuristic
if, for all nodes of
Relaxed problem: a mutation of an existing problem with easier
restrictions. Solutions to this can be used as a
History and Philosophy
Turing used clever heuristic search to break Nazi messages,
and he and the government studied AI in secret
After WWII, some smart people modelled artificial neurons,
a really smart guy built the first neural network computer,
and Turing’s book “Computing Machinery and
Intelligence” was published
In 1956, Dartmouth Workshop brings 10 super nerds on
automata theory (probably Gennaro) to work on AI and they
dominated the field for 20 years
Between 1952 to 1969, They made general problem solvers,
had success with checkers, invented Lisp, and made
microworlds like vacuum world and blocks world
Around 1966 people got sad and started to give up
Around 1969 people got happy and made stuff like
In 1980, AI becomes more cognitive
In 1986, AI started to look more like neural networks
In 1988, people start using insects as inspiration instead
of logic
In 1995, they made them better
Fast forward to today, when AI is used pretty much
Local Search
Sometimes we don’t care how we get there, we just
want to get to the goal state.
Local search: a type of search where the state space is the set of
complete configurations
Hill-climbing search: a search that finds a solution by improving an initial
state by comparing it to its neighbours.
Hill-climbing can get stuck at a local maximum:
Simulated annealing: a search that uses a “temperature” value to
determine whether to randomly select a worse successor
Big β, low temperature
Small β, high temperature
Local beam search: like hill-climbing, but you simultaneously keep track of
‘k’ random states. ‘k’ is the beam
Genetic algorithm: an algorithm that finds new states by combining two
parent states
Objective function (fitness function): “rates” states; the higher the value, the
better the state is
Constraint satisfaction problems
Constraint satisfaction problem (CSP): a problem with the following components:
State: an assignment of variables to domain values
Variables: entities within the problem
Domain: a possible ‘value’ a variable can be
Constraints: a condition about variables and domains that must be
satisfied for a solution
Complete: every variable is assigned a value
Consistent: no constraint is violated
Binary CSP: a CSP where each constraint only relates to two
Constraint graph: a graph representing a CSP, where nodes are variables and
arcs are constraints
finite domains
infinite domains
Discrete variables
complete assignments
variables are integers, strings etc.
Continuous variables
start/end times for Hubble Space Telescope
Unary: involves a single variable
Binary: involes a pair of variables
Higher-order: involves three or more variables
Assignment problems
Timetabling problems
Transportation scheduling
Factory scheduling
Standard search formulation: an algorithm to solve CSPs by assigning values to
unassigned variables, such that the constraints are not
broken, until all variables have been assigned values.
Every solution appears at depth
Backtracking search: depth-first search for CSPs with single-variable
Improve backtracking efficiency by picking:
Most constrained variable
Most constraining variable
Least constraining value
Forward checking: keep track of possible values of unassigned variables,
and detect failure if there are any variables with no legal
Constraint propagation / Arc consistency: repeatedly checking the constraints against the possible
values when doing forward checking.
Local searches work for CSPs as well, under the following
states with constraint violations are allowed
the heuristic is “min-conflicts”, fewer
constraints violated = better heuristic value
states must have all variables assigned
Iterative min-conflicts: while we’re not at a solution, pick a conflicted
variable, and change its value to the one that gives minimum
conflicts. A type of optimisation for local search with
Adversarial Games: Minimax
Minimax search: a form of game tree search that assigns heuristical
values to the states of a turn-based two-player game, the
heuristic being “which node would lead us to victory
better”. It searches moves to a given depth.
MAX: the player (that’s us), and always picks the higher
heuristic so we can win
MIN: the enemy, and always picks the smallest heuristic to
make us lose
Complete? Yes
(if the tree is finite)
(depth-first exploration)
Optimal? Yes,
against an optimal opponent
Horizon effect: significant effects lying just beyond the depth of our
Counteractions to the horizon effect:
Quiescent search: search deeper for interesting states, search less for
boring states, use a heuristic to tell between
awesome/boring states
Singular extensions: explore more if one move is significantly better than the
others or if there’s only one legal move
Branching factor = number of actions which can be
Alpha-beta Pruning
Strong method: a method that applies the rules of the game itself
Weak method: a method that can be applied to any game
Alpha-beta pruning: like minimax, but with alpha and beta values
Alpha: the worst we can do, modified by MAX
Beta: the best we can do, modified by MIN
If beta ≤ alpha, then prune the branches because we can
do better elsewhere
Time complexity:
Planning: generate and search over possible plans
Features of language:
States: the configuration of the world
Goals: how do we know when we’ve “won”?
Actions: how to change the world
Initial state: a bunch of predicates which are true at the start
Goal state: a condition that, when true, means we’ve
Actions: effects that can change the state if the precondition is
Forward state-space search: start at the beginning, go through each effect until the
goal is reached. Can use any state-space search, like A*.
Used by progression planners.
Backward state-space search: start at the end, go backwards, see what must have been
true in the previous states. Used by regression
Heuristics for state-space search:
Optimal solution for a relaxed problem
The sub-goal independence assumption (the cost of a bunch
of sub-goals is the same as the cost of their independent
Partial-order planning (POP): a planning algorithm that can place two actions into a
plan without fixing which comes first
POP states in a search tree are unfinished plans.
The root of the tree is an empty plan containing only start
and finish actions.
We want to build up our empty plan into a fully complete
partial-order plan.
Partial-order plan has 4 components:
A set of actions (steps of the plan)
A set of ordering constraints
(A must come before B)
A set of casual links
(to do B, you must do A which makes p true, and p must be
kept true until you do B)
A set of open preconditions preconditions that we’ve yet to achieve
A plan is consistent if there are no cycles in the ordering
constraints and no conflicts with the casual links
Consistent plan with no open preconditions = solution
In a partial order plan, you can repeatedly execute any
possible next actions
Initial plan: contains Start and Finish, Start < Finish, no casual
links, all open preconditions are open
Successor function: pick an open precondition p on action B, then generate
successor plans for every action A that achieves p. Add
casual links and order constraints between A and B as you go
POP is more efficient and has a smaller search space than
Recent Advances in AI
Top-down approach: AI based on higher abstract levels
Bottom-up approach: AI based on biology like neural networks
Decision trees
Decision problem: a problem that can be answered with a yes or no
Decision tree: top-down approach featuring a tree that takes a series of
inputs and outputs a binary decision/classification
Check the attribute that provides highest information gain
Entropy: a measure of how much uncertainty there exists in a
Conditional entropy: what is the entropy given an event is true?
Information gain: how much information we gain for some prediction when we
query a specific attribute.
Nearest Neighbour
Nearest neighbour: top-down approach about inferring the properties of new data points based on known
neighbouring ones
K-nearest neighbour (kNN): a type of nearest neighbour that looks at k neighbours,
and uses majority vote to determine the new data point
Practise multiple values of k
Use other distance metrics if you need to, like manhattan
Instead of majority voting, you can use median or average,
or use weights
kNN is a simple example of lazy learning
Eager learning: the system produces a generic model for all problems,
based on data taken in
Lazy learning: the system does not store a model and instead creates a
“local” model only for that data based on the
data itself
Neural Networks
Neural networks: bottom-up method using a set of neurons that takes in a
set of inputs and returns a single output based on some
activation function
Perceptron: a kind of neuron that takes in several inputs, multiplies
weights to them all, then sums them to decide what to
output. If the sum is higher than a threshold value, 1 is
returned, otherwise 0 is returned.
Perceptron’s bias: a measure of how easy it is for a perceptron to fire
(output a 1).
How to find the right weights and bias?
Put all of our data into a line graph
Draw a line of best fit
Minimise the mean squared error of the graph and the
Delta-rule (Widrow-Hoff rule): start with random weights, then give the network inputs.
Nudge the weights in the direction that would reduce the
error. This is a type of gradient descent algorithm.
Learning rate: a constant in the delta-rule that measures how much to
nudge the weights by
Threshold function neurons
Piecewise-linear function neurons
Sigmoid function neurons
Multi-layered Neural Networks: a neural network with lots of layers of neurons, all
linked in to each other, with some neurons’ outputs
being the inputs of others.
Extended delta-rule: change the error function to the sum of squared
differences between the actual and target output values.
Requires a differentiable activation function, as you need
to calculate the partial derivative of E with respect to
each weight.
Issues with neural networks:
Speed of learning rate
How many hidden neurons
Large datasets
Large input space
Computational issues
Deep learning: use lots of hidden layers to transform input space into a
higher level abstraction
Feedforward architecture: the process of feeding the output of neurons into the
input of other neurons in the next layer
Supervised learning: the training set has correct input-output pairs
Unsupervised learning: the training set does not have pairs because
there’s no one correct output
Offline learning: all inputs are available from the beginning
Online learning: the inputs come into the system as some stream
Overfitting: when our model is tailored so specifically to the
training data that it only works on the training data and
not on the real data
How to test if our model is general enough?
Take some training data and use it as testing data
K-fold cross validation
K-fold cross validation: split the training data into K disjoint sets, and use k -
1 sets for training and the last for testing. Repeat this k
times such that each partition was the testing data at least
Total probability: the probably of an event B, independent of everything
Conditional probability: the probablility of an event given that another event is

Bayesian belief update: updating our belief model based on our current existing
model and an observation:
P(model) = Prior
P(observation | model) = Likelihood
P(model | observation) = Posterior
Joint distribution: infering facts using a distribution table and
Bayes’ rule
It does not support independent variables and can scale in
size badly
Two variables are independent if:
It also means P(A | B) = P(A) and P(B | A) = P(B).
Bayesian network (Bayes net): a directed acyclic graph (DAG) representing events and
their dependencies.
If there is a path from A to B, then B depends on A.
If there is no path from A to B, then A and B are
You can use Bayes’ rule to infer properties about the
situation using the network.
Decision Making
Bandit Theory
Exploration: focusing on trying out bandit and recording their
Exploitation: focusing on picking which bandit we think is best
Multi-armed Bandit (MAB): a model where there are multiple arms with different
reward distributions. Each turn, we can pick an arm to reap
a reward, and our objective is to maximise the total
Epsilon-first approach: pick a number, epsilon, between 0 and 1. T is the number
of rounds. In the first epsilon * T rounds, do only
exploration and pull all arms in a round robin manner, and
after, do only exploitation and only pull the arm with the
highest average reward value.
Good when T is small, but we need to know T in
Epsilon-greedy approach: pick a number, epsilon, between 0 and 1. Each round, pull
the best average reward value arm with probability 1 -
epsilon, and otherwise pull the other arms uniformly.
Efficient when T is large, but has a slow convergence at
the beginning.
Regret: the difference between the performance of an algorithm
and the best possible performance over the span of n
No-regret algorithm: an algorithm where the average regret converges to 0 when
the number of steps approaches infinity
They’re good because, on average, they will always
pull the best arm and will behave like the optimal
Budget-limited bandit: have a total budget, and it pays a cost to pull an
Dueling bandits: pick 2 bandits to duel each round, we only see which is
better, not the actual reward values
Best-arm bandit: find best arm by pure learning; only exploration, no
Reinforcement Learning & Markov Decision Process
Reinforcement learning: giving the agent feedback based on how good the chosen
action was. There is continuous feedback until the goal is
Lies between supervised and unsupervised
which actions lead us to the goal?
which actions make us lose?
how to measure each action?
Use states, actions and rewards!
Temporal difference learning: giving each state a ‘value’ by repeatedly
traversing through the state space, updating the values
based on ‘rewards’.
Normal version:
Q-learning: Like temporal difference learning, except the actions
have values:
Markov chain: a model of states and probabilistic actions to those
A matrix P that models the probabilities is such that
is the probability of making a transition from state
i to state j
Calculate the probabilities of being in each state after k
steps with:
Temporal difference and Q-learning together with MDP:
Markov property: a property that is present when the probability of
arriving at the next state only depends on the current state
and the current action.
Stochastic: having a random probability distribution or pattern that
may be analysed statistically but may not be predicted
Markov decision problem: like a Markov chain, but includes multiple actions and
rewards. Can be reduced to a Markov chain on
Monte Carlo Simulation: partition the next states by their probabilities and set
ranges. Get a random number between 0 and 1, and whichever
range that number lies on, go to the state that corresponds
to that range.
Extensions of reinforcement learning:
Partial observable MDPs (PoMDPs)
Decentralised MDPs (DecMDPs)
Good luck!