COMP3218 - Game Design and Development

Game Design Vocabulary

Game Engine: software application that hides technical implementation of the graphics rendering, sound reproduction, asset management, collision detection and physics simulation aspects of game development, allowing the developer to focus on the game logic and interaction


Atoms of Game Design

Game design is influenced by many factors including:


Fullerton's Formal Elements

Fullerton's Formal Elements: model of eight mandatory elements which form the structure of games.

Players must interact with each other and usually win or lose. Many combinations of players and computers are possible.

Objectives are the motivation behind the dynamics.

Procedures are the actions or methods of play allowed by the game's rules. These can be instructions or controls specified to the player.

Rules define the game constraints, and describe what the player can and cannot do.

Resources are game objects which have value for players and help them to reach their objectives. Designers control the scarcity and utility of objects.

Conflict emerges through procedures and rules preventing the player from reaching their goal.

Boundaries are the restrictions in the game environment. Players will be restricted to certain actions or movements within map, field, board, or world.

The outcome of a game is often measurable e.g. score and uneven e.g. one team/player wins. The goal is described by a set of conditions.


The MDA Framework

  MDA (Mechanics-Dynamics-Aesthetics) Framework: framework defining and providing a formal representation of the three basic elements of game design

Designing Mechanics

Mechanics are the rules, equations, and algorithms behind a game. Rules are used to control the game and simulate/approximate complex systems through the game engine.

   Rules share 6 common features:

  1. rules limit player action
  2. rules and explicit and unambiguous
  3. rules are shared by all players
  4. rules are fixed
  5. rules are binding
  6. rules are repeatable

Salen and Zimmerman's model separates game rules into 3 categories:

e.g. players take turns to move pieces on the board
e.g. if players land on a property they may buy it
e.g. roll to hit first, then roll for damage

e.g. the game is played on an 8x8 grid
e.g. shortswords do 1d6 damage


e.g. when touching a piece the player must move
e.g. beginner players may take back a move after playing
e.g. players must space themselves out around the board

Implicit rules emerge from operational rules which are informed by constitutive rules


Core Dynamics

Dynamics: runtime behaviour of mechanics based on player input

Core Dynamic is the central dynamic in the game, and helps to build a coherent experience by anchoring the player to a major form of play. Without a core dynamic, the game's rules may appear confusing or poorly defined.

Core dynamics are often related to fundamental human needs such as survival, collecting resources to survive, pattern recognition, and competition.

Interaction Design

 Information Design

Information design concerns the amount of information given to the player and the way it is provided.

Control Design

Control design concerns the physical input and interactions with the game state.

e.g. press space to shoot

e.g. lower the price of an item to attract more customers and increase sales

Feedback Design

Feedback design concerns the changes in the game in response to control.

Level Design




Mechanics describe the rules and algorithms behind the system

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Balance and Difficulty


Fairness: quality of treating people equally, or in a way that is right and reasonable


Balance: mathematical balance between players, game elements, actions, and relations within the game mechanics

Balance differs depending on the context:

 A dominant strategy is one which is much stronger than others, and is exploited to win the game. This causes players to avoid all other strategies, making the game unbalanced and meaningless. To avoid this, dominant features can be removed or changed, and counteractive strategies can be added. Developers should perform playtesting with a large sample size to identify dominant strategies.


Transitive Relationship: relation where elements can be compared to all other elements

Transitive relationships between strategies mean that certain strategies always have an advantage over others, making the game unbalanced. To fix this we can:

Intransitive Relationship: relation where elements can be compared to sequentially adjacent elements only

  Transitive                                          Intransitive

Spock Scissors

 Feedback Loops

Feedback design concerns the changes in the game in response to control.

e.g.items, tools, equipment, experience

e.g. random respawns, health

 Positive                                   Negative


The snowball effect describes a situation where players gain feedback proportional to their ability. This causes good players to get better as positive feedback loops reward them, and bad players to get worse as negative feedback loops penalise them. This makes the game very predictable and unbalanced.

To control the
snowball effect:

 Depth vs Complexity

 Depth: variation of experiences available from the mechanics

 Complexity: mental burden put on the player


 Flow: balance between skill and difficulty which produces focus, control, and concentration


Absolute Difficulty: difficulty of a challenge compared to a trivial baseline challenge

Relative Difficulty: absolute difficulty adjusted for power

Power: player's strength, stats, and abilities

Experience: practice the player has had on a particular challenge


Perceived Difficulty = relative difficulty - experience

   = absolute difficulty - power - experience

 Sawtooth levels ensure that difficulty rises for each level

 Overlap levels 
Give breathing space 
Get back in the zone after a break from game 

 Interactive Narratives

 Narrative: spoken or written account of connected events

 Story: account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment


Narratives are split into three main layers:

Narrative Text: method of telling the story, e.g. book, film, game

Story: organisation of fabula elements in chronological order

Fabula: series of events, people, locations, and more, which make up the material of the narrative

 Narrative Text 
"a text in which a narrative agent tells a story" 
"these elements are organized in a certain way into a story. Their 
arrangement in relation to one another is such that they can produce the 
effect desired, be this convincing, moving, disgusting, or aesthetic." 
"a series of logically and chronologically related events that are caused 
or experienced by actors___ Events, actors, time, and location 
together constitute the material of a fabula."


The Story Engine is an interaction model showing the handling of inputs and outputs which control the story.

   Emergent Story Engine                                         Designed Story Engine
 The Player 
Player Events 
Drama stories 
a storytelling 
to supplement 
ard mechanics 
Narrative Events 
Storytelling Engine 
The Player 
The User Interface 
In Game Events 
The User Interface 
In Game Events 
Player Events 
Core Mechanics 
Core Mechanics

 Agency and Patterns

Agency: the ability to act or exert power

Mark Bernstein's Non-Linear Patterns is an analysis of structural patterns used by authors.


Reader returns to a previously visited node and joins a new path

Joyce's Cycle

Reader returns to a previously visited node and continues along a visited path


Combination of cycles allowing free movement between each path


Alternating voices or themes


Variety of paths where the correct choice is not provided


Layer of paths which direct the reader to certain sections or episodes


Stories are duplicated and changed to produce contrast


Collection of narratives which reinforce each other


Reader chooses from two or more paths, then returns to the original


Reader traverses a split/join embedded within a cycle

 In the Cycle, the reader returns to a 
previously-visited node and 
eventually departs along a new path. 
In Joyce's Cycle, the reader rejoins a 
previously-visited part of the 
hypertext and continues along a 
previously-traversed trajectory 
A contour is formed where cycles 
impinge on each other, allowing free 
movement within and between the 
paths defined by each cycle. 
Mirrorworlds provide a parallel or 
intertextual narrative that adopts a 
different voice or contrasting 
In Counterpoint, two voices alternate, 
interleaving themes or welding 
together theme and response. 
The Tangle confronts the reader with a 
variety of links without providing 
sufficient clues to guide the reader's 
Sieves sort readers through one or 
more layers of choice in order to direct 
them to sections or episodes. Sieves 
are often trees, but may be different 
In Montage, several distinct writing 
spaces appear simultaneously, 
reinforcing each other while retaining 
their separate identities.
The Split/Join pattern knits two or more sequences 
together. Split/J0in is indispensable to interactive narratives 
in which the reader's intervention changes the course Of 
events... Splits permit the narrative to depend on the 
reader's choice for a limited span, later returning the reader 
(at least temporarily) to a central core. 
The Rashomon pattern embeds a split-join within a cycle. 
The split/join effectively breaks the cycle, as readers explore 
different splits during each recurrent exploration, yet the 
cycle remains a prominent frame that provides context for 
each strand. 
Overviews and tours are examples Of Split/J0in where the 
rhetorical intent of each path is similar, but one side of the 
split is more detailed than the other.


Choice: manifestation of agency

Narrative Paradox: conflict between the player's freedom of choice and the author's control over the world

 Level of Agency 
Full Agency 
Influenced Agency 
Partial Agency 
False Agency 
No Agency 
Topology (Open Worlds) 
Normal Game Mechanics 
Topology (Encourage) 
Control (Quick Time Events) 
Patterns (Split/Joins) 
Patterns (Mirrorworlds) 
Topology (Restrict) 
Illusion of Choice 
Agnostic Characters 
Control (Cut scenes)

Writing Narratives

Story Arc: planned trajectory of a story, including the start, structure of events, and end

Modelling Story Arcs

The Three Act Arc divides a story into 3 acts.

The Hero's Journey is a story template where a hero goes on an adventure, is victorious in a crisis, and returns home with new skills. This is based on Campbell's 17 stages.

 1-3. The Beginning

4-11. The Journey

12-17. The Return


Pacing is controlled in a number of narrative and mechanical methods.

 classic dramatic arc follows a premise leading to rising action, a climax, and a resolution.

 Narrative Tension

 Dramatic curves can also be more complex with several peaks within the story.  

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Act 1 
Act 11 
Act 111

 Portnow states that pacing is recursive and repeats itself infinitely within games.

Pacing Techniques


Characters come in 3 main forms:

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is useful for constructing personalities.

Characters tend to follow common archetypes:


 Poetics of Game Narratives

 Narratology: study of narratives and their structure, function, and themes

 Ludology: study of games, gameplay, and players



Fixed sequence of events

Flexible arrangement of events

Variable speed

Fixed speed

Story & Fabula

Mechanics & Assets

Requires actors

Can be abstract

Narrative desire

Desire for understanding and performance

Consume once

Play many times


Immersion is determined by 3 factors:


Poetics is generally defined as the study of linguistic techniques in poetry and literature. In games, poetics is about how a game functions and comes together to produce an effect on the player.

Poetics can be supported using two approaches: