Mathias Ritter
Oli’s Part 4
Introduction 4
Web Applications 13
Vulnerabilities 18
Information Exposure 18
SQL Injection 19
Authorisation Bypass 21
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) 22
Insecure Cookies 23
Insecure Sessions / Session Vulnerabilities 24
Insecure File Upload 25
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) 26
Internal Information / Information Leakage 29
Parameter Manipulation 30
Application Logic 30
Out of Date Software 31
File Inclusion 32
Open Redirects 33
Brute Force 33
Tools & Techniques 34
Penetration Testing 39
Ed’s Part 46
Threats - range and type 46
Malware 48
Trojan Horse 49
Virus 50
Computer Worms 51
Bots and Botnets 53
Adware and Spyware 53
Scareware 54
Hoaxware 54
Ransomware 54
Backdoor/Trapdoor 55
Keylogging 55
Rootkits 56
Additional forms of malware and topics 56
Introduction to Cryptography 57
Encryption - symmetric and asymmetric 58
Historical and simple ciphers 60
Codes and ciphers 61
One-Time Pad (OTP) 61
Random Numbers 62
Data Encryption Standard (DES) 62
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 66
Galois Field (GF) 68
picoAES5 69
picoAES7 70
picoAES8 73
AES continued 75
Multi-Block Ciphertexts & Block Cipher Modes 76
Asymmetric Encryption 77
RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adelman) 77
Message Authentication - Cryptographic Hash Functions 78
SHA-1 79
SHA-2 81
Key Exchange 81
Authentication Protocols 82
Digital Signatures and Electronic Contracts 83
X.509 Certificates and Certificate Authorities 84
Nawful’s Part 86
Authentication 86
Models 87
Types of Authentication 87
Authentication Systems 88
Passwords 89
Physical Biometrics 90
Behavioral Biometrics 91
How Biometrics Work 91
Biometric Issues 92
Threats to Authentication Procedures and Data 93
Morris and Thompson paper 95
Encryption Guidelines 95
Pervasive Monitoring (PM): From Bad to Worse 96
Definition and Introduction 96
Examples 96
Motivation 97
Pervasive Monitoring and other Stuff 97
Defense 98
Why it will not go away 99
Consequences 99
Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) 99
Definition 99
Sponsors & Attackers 100
Discovering APT 101
Technical & Behavioral Characteristics 101
Anatomy 102
Zero-day Vulnerability 103
Discovery & Defending APT 103
Use Case - Stuxnet 104
Stages of Attacks, Killchain and Mitre Att&ck 105
Diamond Model 106
Use Case 106
Security Engineering - Landscape and Policies 113
Introduction 113
Framework, Model & Policy 113
Maturity Model 114
Security Architecture - Reference Diagrams 115
Threat Analysis 118
Policy Planning 118
Oli’s Part
Welcome to Cybersecurity
Why do we need this? Let’s just take a look at the
US voting machines are easy to hack
Vulnerabilities were reported over a decade ago but are
still present
Machines have accessible USB ports and are running Windows
XP, so you can plug in a USB drive with an auto executable
file and it will run
Unfixable iPhone exploit re-opens world to
You can get root access to the system and install any
software you want
Are security exploits a good or a bad thing?
It’s good if you are a security researcher and you
need to gain more (i.e. root) access to the system
It’s bad if you download some software and it
includes malware that can get the same access
Iraq's government websites were hacked
In total almost 30 websites were attacked
Tory Party app leaks private attendee information
It allowed you to log in as other people with simply using
their email addresses
E.g. you could log in as Boris Johnson and gain access to
all personal information and even make modifications

Now, let’s talk about the most popular CMS WordPress
CMS stands for Content Management System
That’s basically something a lot of people use to
make their own blog
It’s a system full of vulnerabilities!
About 55% of all vulnerabilities are from plugins, 30% are
from the WP core and 15% are from themes
What are the most popular vulnerability types? Let’s
look at the following graphic
If you don’t believe me, take the WordPress
Get a new domain
Install WP as well as the top 10 featured plugins and the
top 3 themes
Wait a few days and your website will be hacked!
So the TLDR is: just say no to WordPress!
News shows importance of cybersecurity
Read it and stay up to date
Cybersecurity doesn’t exist in a bubble
As an employee you can use past incidents to argue that the
company needs to invest a lot of money to protect themselves
against attacks
What is cybersecurity all about?
It’s about electronic data and abuse and misuse
Security is still an IT system, so you have to
- Technology
Procedures and
- People
All of those 3 need to be addressed to make a system
Cyber security is about electronic data abuse and
Security is still an IT system
It’s about technology, procedures and people
An example for a bad procedure is having one shared drive
with read & write access for all employees in a
As we have just seen the news with all those hacks, the
question is: Which company can you still trust?
These are just the more recent attacks, if you go to the
page and compare them to older attacks you can see that
attacks get a lot more frequent and bigger
You might think that an attack is not bad if they just got
a small amount of information from you, like name, address,
email, telephone number and location.
However, you can do a lot of damage with this
For example, suppose an attacker gets access to your email
How many other accounts can they reset with sending a link
to your email?
Exactly, probably almost every account
Even if they don’t have access to your email account,
they could probably just ring up companies and ask for the
account to be reset
They have your name, address, and maybe your date of birth
and that’s enough for most companies to believe that
the attacker is you!
So the TLDR is: stealing your identity with this
information is easy
If the news wasn’t enough for you yet: there is a lot
of more sadness out there
In one of the university system, this is how the login is
One could easily perform an SQL injection to log in as an
arbitrary user
I’ll explain SQL injection later, but basically you
can manipulate the query by providing a certain
Disclaimer: Do not try to find out which university system
this is, or you can get into trouble…
What would happen if your phone was hacked?
All your personal info can be stolen
Access to all your accounts, because you can reset
passwords via email ( like I mentioned above) and your
emails are on your phone
You could be blackmailed
The attacker could pretend to be you
If you have access to some business (because you are an
employee) this data is at risk as well
Many people don’t update their mobile phone OS,
making it easier for hackers to exploit
Android phones tend to be more out of date than
Pegasus spyware gives you remote access to any phone
without the user noticing anything on their phone
There are probably even a few people who read these notes
right now and have malware running on their phones without
knowing it...
Let’s look at some more numbers that are related to
3.2 billion
This is the estimated amount of current internet
This number keeps growing and growing
This is the number of mobile malware apps in total
There is still a steady growth of new malware
They are getting clever: Attackers sending a custom
tailored email to you so you think it’s really from
your provider
They claim you should download a voice mail app to listen
to a message
Once you install the app it has full access to your
This is the amount of websites powered by Wordpress,
This is the duration of the longest DDOS attack ever
… is never the answer to anything!
How is cybersecurity defined?
It is the detection, protection and prevention against
digital threats and attacks
As mentioned above, we have to consider technologies,
procedures and people - basically the entire digital
What kind of threats are there?
Visual surveillance - someone watches you when you enter
your password
Wiretapping - a software logs your keyboard inputs and
sends them to the attacker
Key interception
Impersonation - you log into a website that looks like the
real one but it’s fake and from the attacker
Social engineering
Physical security
- Malware
Combinations of attacks
Who is affected by those threats?
Basically everyone can be...
National security and infrastructure
Government and public bodies
- Banks
The everyday citizen including you!
Criminals or terrorists
Hackers or ethical hackers
Employees, former employees, contractors, competitors or
Government or whistleblowers
Remember that a system is only as strong as its weakest
What does the future hold?
In the future, we’ll have even more systems that can
be attacked and data that will need to be protected
Just think of the Internet of Things
If you don’t know what that is: it basically means
connecting all different sorts of systems to the
Examples are home appliances, vehicles, medicine,
The number of users is growing constantly
Digital technologies are replacing physical things
You don’t need to have the physical debit card and
the PIN when you can just make a payment with the card
number online…
Attackers are selling card details and paypal accounts
There are going to be more infrastructure attacks
Malware can be used to attack oil, gas, electric grid
Healthcare, finance and energy systems can be attacked as
University attacks are growing
States are getting more and more involved
E.g. USA, Russia, China, …
What are new solutions to threats?
We can focus on resilience - accept that there sometimes
isn’t a solution and reduce the impact when a breach
We can outsource the problem - move it to the cloud and
it’s someone else’s problem
We can send phishing emails to our own employees to test if
they can spot them - otherwise we need additional training
for our employees
We can use artificial intelligence to discover
We can get more people involved
For now, here is what you need to do
You need to find your (the system’s) weaknesses
Yes it is going to take time and money
But it’s better to find it yourself (penetration
testing) rather than having someone else find it and attack
your system
How do we deal with threats?
We use security policies and mechanisms to keep a system
We also use risk management
What is the probability that an attack occurs, and what
would be its impact?
Once we identified this for all threats we need to figure
out how we want to control the risk
We can try to avoid it, we can minimise it and/or we can
define what to do to mitigate it in case the attack
Here is an example
Customer database linked to online shop
Customer details could be stolen by
How to avoid?
Encrypt database so only encrypted details
could be stolen
How to minimise?
Penetration testing to reduce risk of public
Mitigation if it occurs?
On detecting a breach, immediately shut down
What are security policies?
A security policy is a statement of what is or is not
We want to ensure confidentiality, integrity, availability
and authenticity
How do we ensure security policies?
We use principles and guidelines
More on this topic later
What kind of security mechanisms can we use?
Authentication - something like a login
Authorisation - is the user allowed to perform this
- Encryption
- Firewalls
Network segmentation - don’t put everything in the
same network
- Backups
Updates and patches
Training and education
How can we detect a threat?
Hashes and digital signatures - more on this topic
Intrusion detection systems - detect that an attacker has
made it into a network
Malware/antivirus scanning
Monitoring systems
Honeypots - some fake system that acts as a trap
Disclosure policies
Why are backups good?
There are many reasons but since this is cybersecurity
let’s look at ransomware
Ransomware encrypts all your files and demands a payment
from you to decrypt them
If you have a backup you can just restore the files
If you don’t have a backup you are basically
An example of ransomware is Cryptolocker
It is estimated that it raised over 30 million dollars in
43% of all users in a survey said that they had paid the
fine to decrypt their files
Why is it a good idea to train the users?
Well, take this scenario for example
How do you get cybersecurity right?
Don’t make assumptions
Don’t be a perfectionist
Remember the users of the system
Engage with the users
Build up multiple layers of security so that if one fails
you still have other layers
KISS - no, not the guy next to you - it stands for Keep It
Simple, Stupid
Be realistic
Don’t keep secrets - security through obscurity is
Remember that the weakest link defines how secure your
system is - so try to keep it as strong as possible
Web Applications
First, a little news update
FIFA: personal information of 1,600 people was leaked
through a signup form because it was pre-filled with other
people’s data in some cases
Toms shoes website was hacked and the attacker had access
to the whole company network including info about their
3 American hospitals infected by malware so they had to
turn away non-emergency patients
All of these things could have been easily prevented by
using up-to-date software, proper procedures and penetration
What does the average user do on your web
Follows the steps through
Enters the right information and clicks the right
Always puts in the correct information at each stage
Follows the process through from the beginning
Basically, they just do everything in the way you would
expect as a developer
Now here is the bad news: they don’t exist!
In comparison, here is the non-average user
Doesn’t follow any of the steps
Presses the worst buttons at the worst possible time
Inputs the incorrect information at each stage
Ignores any process you’ve tried to put into
Basically, they do everything wrong that can be done
Unfortunately, these users do exist, and sometimes you need to be one of those to find
security vulnerabilities
10 years ago websites were full with vulnerabilities
They were constantly being hacked, personal data was
Cross-site scripting, SQL injection, no user input
validation etc, it was all in there!
So you think it’s all water under the bridge?
Unfortunately, websites today still have the exact same
Yes you read that correctly, it means that a lot of
developers haven’t learned anything from the past 10
We still face the same vulnerabilities nowadays
Alright, so what exactly do you mean by “web
It’s not just websites you can view and interact with
in your browser
We count everything that communicates via the web (e.g.
using HTTP)
More examples are APIs, mobile apps and other internet of
things devices
There is a lot of off the shelf web software that anyone
can use to host a web application, check out the graphic
below for examples
Have you spotted it? Of course, WordPress is one of those
as well 😨
If you don’t know why it’s bad, read the
introduction bit of the notes
So we mentioned communication using HTTP. How does that
HTTP is used to send requests to the server, and to receive
back some information in responses
HTTP requests and responses contain of a header and a body
section, however, the body can be omitted
The body usually contains the HTML from the server or any
user inputs from the client (but it can be empty as well as
The body is not the only place in which information can be
transmitted - more on that later
This is how an HTTP request looks like - this one has just
a header and no body
And here is the response - you can see the header and below
the beginning of the body which is separated from the header
by a blank line
Let’s look at the first line of that HTTP request
above since it’s the most important one
GET denotes the type of the request (more on
that below)
/ is the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). You
basically have different URIs for different
information so you can tell the server what you
want. They work just like paths, so the slash
denotes the root of the web server.
HTTP/1.1 denotes the protocol and the
Now, let’s look at the first line of the
HTTP/1.1 denotes the protocol and the
200 OK
200 is the status code and OK is the
description of it. So the status code 200
basically means that the server says everything
is OK, here is your response.
A quick guide to status codes
200 OK: request was successfully served
4xx: client side error - It is your fault, you sent a wrong
request to the server
5xx: server side error - It is not your fault, something
went wrong on the server
There are different types of HTTP requests, here are the
most important ones
Request Type
What it should be used for
Query a resource
Get a user’s profile data
Create a resource
Sometimes also: Update a resource
Create a new user
Sometimes also: Update a user’s
Update a resource
Update a user’s profile
Delete a resource
Delete a user
One thing to note is that these are only conventions
You as a developer should follow them
However, you could still implement something like deleting
a user using a GET request
When you enter a URL in your browser and hit enter, your
browser will send a GET request
When you click a hyperlink to navigate to another page, it
will be a GET request as well
When you submit a form, it is usually a GET or a POST
With JavaScript you can send any sort of request, e.g. on
clicking a button
The body of an HTTP response usually contains some
If you want to view the HTML code of a website, right click
and select inspect
And you will see that a window like this will open
In a response the data can only be in the header and body,
however, you can transmit information in a request in more
In total there are 4 places where you can transmit
information in a request, as shown with examples in the
table below
URI parameter
Values in the URL separated by
View the user with the id “5”
Query parameter
Key value pairs separated by
Search for “Southampton”
{ name: “Oli” }
E.g. JavaScript object (JSON)
Can be anything as long as the server knows how
to understand it
Create a new user with name
Authorization: Basic QWxhZGR
E.g. a string
Key value pairs separated by
Send a token for authorisation
Query parameters are also called GET parameters
Parameters in the body are also called POST
So without further ado, let’s look at the most common
Information Exposure
It basically means accidentally leaking some
For example, you left a test file on the server
- testing.php
- phpinfo.php
- info.php
- debug.php
Or, you left backup/swap files on the server such as
- index.bak
- ~index.php
How can you discover it? Here are some things to look out
Is there anything in the headers?
Can you find anything in the HTML source code?
Can you find any other directories?
Can you find any testing files?
Can you find any backup files?
Well just don’t leave those files on the server
Check all directories for any files that shouldn’t be
SQL Injection
Before we talk about SQL injection a brief introduction to
how a web application uses SQL
SQL is used when an application uses a database
It’s a way to retrieve data from the database
You can also add or update data
So most of the time we use SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE
statements to achieve this
A SELECT request is used to query the data and usually
contains the following clauses
SELECT columns
[INTO new table]
FROM table or view
[WHERE specific rows or a join is created]
[GROUP BY grouping conditions (columns) – HAVING
group-property (specific rows)]
[ORDER BY ordering criterion ASC | DESC]
Here are some examples
SELECT Column,Column2… FROM Table
SELECT Columns FROM Table WHERE Conditions
Specify conditions on results returned
SELECT Columns FROM Table LIMIT Number
Limit the number of results
The part where it gets interesting is when user information
directly goes into a SQL query
For instance, say you are developing a page that allows to
view some user's profile by username
There is going to be some input provided by the user of
your application that determines which profile is going to
be displayed
This information will go into the SQL query
Suppose the query is SELECT * FROM users WHERE
username=“<USERNAME INPUT>”
Now, if the input provided is Bob
The query will become SELECT * FROM users WHERE
This is fine and will work
However, suppose someone provides the input Bob”; DROP TABLE users; --_
Then the query will become SELECT * FROM users WHERE
username=“Bob”; DROP TABLE users; --_”
This will delete the entire user table!
Why? The SELECT query gets executed but we appended another
query that deletes the table
At the very end we use the double dash to comment out the
remaining quotation mark
Here is another example - take the login functionality of a
web app
The user provides a username and password and the
application will look for a match in the database
Here are 3 inputs, the first one is okay and the other two
use SQL injection to bypass the password check
Username = Oli
Password = something
username=‘Oli’ AND password=‘something’
User logged in if username and password
Username = Oli
Password = something’ OR 1=‘1
username=‘Oli’ AND password=‘something’ OR 1=‘1’
User will be logged in as Oli because the OR
binds tighter and 1=’1’ evaluates to
Username = Oli’ --_
Password = something
username=‘Oli’ -- ’ AND password=‘something’
User will be logged in as Oli because
everything after the username gets commented
through using the double dash
How do you find an SQL injection vulnerability?
Find any inputs that look related to the database
Think about how the queries are being constructed
Try putting in special characters
These will break the query
Can you get the application to break?
Can you get the query to do something else?
How can you fix this vulnerability?
The best solution is to use prepared statements
Prepared statements have placeholders in them, which get
substituted by the user input
By using prepared statements you are telling the database
what shape of query to expect
Therefore, it won’t allow any inputs that alter the
functionality of the query
sqlmap is a tool which given a single SQL injection can
extract the entire database out for you
So it only takes 1 SQL injection vulnerability to expose
the whole database
Authorisation Bypass
Many web applications have a restricted area that is only
accessible for some users
These require authorisation to access but can we bypass
this authorisation somehow?
We can try to just guess a URL
Where might the admin pages be located?
Maybe it’s at /admin?
We look at the URLs found so far and then we can maybe spot
a pattern and thus guess the right URL
We can also try to submit forms - or in general to send any
sort of HTTP requests - to URLS we shouldn’t be
allowed to
Can we create a new admin if we send a POST request to
How to fix this vulnerability
For every action think about the authorisation they
On the server side check if the user is allowed to perform
this action
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
XSS is when the user can not only provide text but also
code for some input which is used as an output somewhere
Thus, it will execute the HTML/JavaScript code provided by
the user
We are basically “reprogramming the page”
There are two main types of XSS
Reflected XSS: The input is displayed back
Stored XSS: The input is stored in a database and displayed
back later
For example, suppose that a user can set a personal
greeting on the profile page
The user enters “My name is Oli” and the page
will display this greeting to every user that visits this
That’s fine, so where is the issue?
Suppose the user enters “My name is
Now it will show “Oli” with the marquee
We could put any code there (including JavaScript) and it
would get executed!
How to find XSS vulnerabilities?
How to prevent XSS vulnerabilities?
We can use libraries that sanitise the user input
For example, the < and > brackets can be replaced by
the HTML entities < and >
Insecure Cookies
Many applications use cookies to remember that you were
logged in
It is important to implement this functionality the right
way otherwise your application is vulnerable
For example, an application stores the username of the user
currently logged in in the cookies
Cookies are stored in your browser
You can change everything that is stored in the
Just change the username to something else and you will be
logged in as someone else
Obviously, this is a huge vulnerability!
How can you find insecure cookies?
Check what cookies are being set
What values do they have
How do they change with different accounts?
What happens if you change them?
Sometimes cookies contain encoded information
Can you decode it?
Sometimes it’s just a base64 encoded string
Encoding does not make it more secure
You can decode, change the value, encode it and change the
value of the cookie
How to fix this vulnerability
Make sure that the user cannot make any damage or cause
unexpected behaviour if they change the cookies
Do not use any information in the cookies without
validating it again on the server
Insecure Sessions / Session Vulnerabilities
This related to the insecure cookies vulnerability
How do sessions work?
When you log in with your username and password you are
given a session
It is this session which keeps you identified to the
If someone can steal your session, they become you!
Session vulnerabilities arise when sessions are possible to
steal or capture
How to find this vulnerability?
Figure out how the session is stored
Usually this is done using a cookie
What happens when you log out and back in?
Is the session cookie always the same?
Can you guess the value of the session cookie?
Are there any patterns to the sessions
How to fix this vulnerability
Use a randomly generated session ID to identify users
There shouldn’t be any patterns or anything else that
enables you to guess what the session ID of another user
Insecure File Upload
What is it: Insecure upload functionality
You can upload something you shouldn’t be allowed
Why is it bad: You can upload arbitrary content to the
Can set up your own phishing site on that domain
Can execute php on the server
Look for any upload forms and give them what they are not
In particular, check the following
- Filename
Does it change the filename that you give it?
These are sent by the browser so you can easily manipulate
Try double extensions
Try archives like zip files
If it expects an image embed something else
Manipulate the EXIF headers, e.g. change the Comment with
Extensions are important!
If you want to be able to upload a PHP script for the
server to run, it needs to end in .php
If you upload a php file as a jpg it won’t get sent
to the PHP processor to execute it. It’s just an
invalid image at this point
Unless you have the ability to run things on the server in
another way – then you can upload whatever you want
wherever you want and then require/include/execute it
For example, take the upload functionality for the
user’s avatar
Let’s upload a PHP script!
If it just checks the MIME type let’s fake that as
MIME type is sent by the browser so we can send
Use a whitelist not a blacklist
Check the files in as many ways as possible
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
This means tricking the browser into doing something you
didn’t intend to do
Actions are performed without verification or awareness of
the user
For example, you are logged in to and click on
a link that goes to
Your browser sends a GET request to this URL
The thread will be deleted!
For example, here is the admin panel for adding a new
This is a very simple form that sends a POST request with
username and password to admin/adduser.php
Now here is the page from the attacker
I’m sure you want to see more, so you click on
“Show More Kittens”
What you don’t realise is that when you press the
button you submit a POST request to admin/adduser.php
There are 2 hidden fields with username and password, which
will be sent in the POST request
If you are logged in it will create the user!
How do you find this vulnerability?
Are there any GET requests that manipulate data? GET
requests should only be used to show data
Are there any forms that do not have a CSRF token? (more on
this below)
How do you fix this vulnerability?
If you find any GET requests that manipulate data, change
Make sure to add a CSRF token to all actions that
manipulate data
A CSRF token is a random token that is generated by the
When the page loads a random one-time CSRF token is
It should not be possible to guess what the CSRF token of a
user is
Every request that manipulates data should contain the CSRF
We will include the CSRF token as a hidden field in every
Now every form is different because it will have a
different CSRF token
When the server receives the request it will validate the
Only if the CSRF token is correct we will allow the
This way an attacker cannot just send you a link or make
you submit a form to perform an action on behalf of
Here is a secured version of the admin/adduser.php
CSRF token is called nonce here
Internal Information / Information Leakage
Have you ever visited some website and seen something like
this before?
No, I don’t mean Internet Explorer, I mean the error
message on that page
It exposes a lot of internal information about the
The standard user should not see any of this
It first it does not look like a big deal when you expose
all this information
The attacker needs information
The more information, the easier to attack
If the attacker knows the version of the software you are
running they can look up known vulnerabilities for it
Maybe the error message includes your database credentials
as well…
Make sure that all errors are handled
Don’t show any error messages (with internal
information) or stack traces to normal users
Instead show very generic error messages
Parameter Manipulation
Parameter manipulation means changing the values of any
parameters (user input) used in the application and thus
causing it to do something unexpected
This works when inputs are not (properly) validated on the
It is not enough to only have client-side validation
This includes client-side scripts, form controls etc
An example is using a combo box to limit choices
An attacker can edit the contents of the combo box!
TLDR: You can never trust the client!
How to find this vulnerability
Work through all form fields
Try manipulating all form elements and parameters and see
if you can pass data they shouldn’t allow
Think about what validation is or should be done
Some things you can try out…
Different data types - text instead of a number
Decimals instead of a number
Go out of range - negatives, positives, zero
Leave out a parameter
Add a new parameter
Overflow the input with an extremely long input
SQL injection
Commands - JavaScript, PHP, Bash etc
Anything else that isn’t expected
Application Logic
This one is related to parameter manipulation
It is about breaking the logic of the application or
finding logic bugs
Attackers cause unexpected behaviour in your
They get where they shouldn’t be
Example: Creating an unpublished blog post in the admin
Can a normal user see it on the home page?
Can a normal user see it when searching for a word that is
in the text?
Can a normal user see it when showing all posts for a
certain category?

The problem here is that the account from which the money
will be taken comes from the form
An attacker can change the “from” account to
any account they like
The “from” account shouldn’t come from
the form but be based on the user that is currently logged
in (session)
Where user input is processed not just queried/stored
Multi-step processes
Any parts of the application logic which the user can
Is there any application logic which the users can affect
through user input?
Basically don’t introduce bugs into your application,
easy innit 🤷♂️
Jokes aside, that’s one of the reasons why you should
test your application
Make sure you got the logic right
Use the current session to identify the user that is
currently logged in and do not use any (hidden) form fields
for this purpose!
Out of Date Software
This one is actually so easy to fix but yet responsible for
so many compromises
It’s so easy to set up a website, install some
software, get it running and everyone is happy
Until it’s still running (the same versions) 3 years
And the software is full of security holes
There are multiple layers that can be out of date
The core of the web application
- Libraries
Operating system
Is the software out of date?
Is any components or underlying software out of date?
Signs of what software the site is using
Signs of the version they are using
Any vulnerabilities in that version that can be
Once an attacker knows what software and version you are
running they can use the national vulnerability database to
find known vulnerabilities
How can you get updates to deprecated software?
Don’t make it obvious which software and version you
are running
File Inclusion
File inclusion is when you can include files on a site that
you shouldn’t be able to access
That’s a bit vague, let me illustrate this with an
A page includes (shows) a file based on a query parameter -
the file name comes from that parameter
Say you go to /help?topic=cybersecurity so the page loads
the file cybersecurity (located in the current directory)
and displays its contents
However, what happens if you try to include any files
outside of the current directory?
So if you enter a topic like ../../allpasswords will it
show this file as well?
If it does you just found a file inclusion
How to find this vulnerability
Are there any places in the application that include
Is this done based on user input?
Can you only include the files that you want to be
Can you change what is included?
Sometimes you might need to encode or double encode the
parameter to exploit this vulnerability
Poor security mechanisms only decode once
How to fix this vulnerability
Make sure there is absolutely no way of including files
outside of the current directory
Do not allow any slashes in the parameter because a file
can’t have slashes in its name and you don’t
want to allow directory traversal!
Open Redirects
An open redirect is when you can get the application to
redirect you to another third party website
And that is the website from the attacker
For example, after a login the user gets redirected to
The query parameter home defines the destination of the
redirect, thus it will redirect the user to /home
What if you put /postlogin?destination=//
(possibly encoded or double encoded)
If the website redirects the user to then
you have found an open redirect vulnerability!
How to discover this vulnerability
Find any redirects, you can identify them by 3xx status
To find a redirect with input, look at the request
Can these URLs be redirected to other pages?
How to fix this vulnerability
It’s best to create a white list with allowed
If the destination doesn’t match, don’t
redirect or redirect to a default location
If you can’t use a white list then don’t allow
any slashes in the destination (think of encodings and
double encodings as well)
Brute Force
Are there any actions that can cause damage when repeated
many times?
Example: Login form
Just spam 1000s of requests to find out a user’s
Use recaptcha after a certain amount of failed login
Limit the amount of requests a user can send
Tools & Techniques
Let’s look at some tools that make it easier for us
to discover vulnerabilities
The first tool we are going to look at is Burp Suite
It is an intercepting proxy
All your traffic goes through it and you can manipulate
It collects information and builds a site map
You can check what you have done so far
In order for this to work you need to set up your browser
Your browser needs to send all traffic to Burp
For HTTPS to work you should add the certificate from http://burp/cert
Using Burp we will try to find vulnerabilities in the
online shop robtheshop
This is what it will look like when Burp logs a
From this we can already spot that it sets a cookie User=1,
which might be a vulnerability
Burp can also show us URLs that are commented in the HTML
and thus not rendered in the browser
We have just found that there exists an
We might come across a login so we can try to perform SQL
We find the request that sends the username and password to
the server and manipulate it in Burp
Using the Intruder and a list of dodgy inputs we try
different values for username and password until we find
that there is a vulnerability
The response preview shows that we are logged in
Trying out different values from a list called
We use lists of dodgy inputs that have been precompiled by
We can use this for SQL injection but also for XSS
We can use other lists to guess URLS
In order to find out when we have succeeded we can look at
the response length or use a filter like grep to match with
phrases like “logged in”
As mentioned above we can use other lists to guess
This is helpful to find any leftover files or authorisation
bypass vulnerabilities
To find the auth bypass, we could just use this big list,
however, let’s enter the realms of informed
We know that there is an admin folder
We know that all the file names end in .php
We know that the site uses the term “item” to
refer to things in the shop from what we have seen
When we put all those things together, we can drastically
reduce the amount of stuff we need to guess/test out
While we can do this manually, there is also a tool called
“dirb” that can do the work for us
As you can see above, it found the admin directory
Now we can use dirb to find pages in this directory
And we have found that /admin/index.php and
/admin/items.php exists
Alternatively, you can find the same using content
discovery in Burp
When using word lists for fuzzing be careful that you
don’t send too many requests!
This might trigger intrusion detection or firewalls
How do we keep track of where we can enter data?
We can use filters in Burp to only show parameterised
Let’s take a closer look at the quantity parameter on
the buy page
What happens if we specify 0 as the quantity? What happens
if we specify a negative amount?
When trying to find XSS we try loads of special characters
and check how the website handles it
Does everything come back as we input it?
Penetration Testing
How do you approach penetration testing
Define the scope clearly
You don’t want to access machines you shouldn’t
You don’t want to miss out systems you should
Application logic: Where is some processing involved that
could lead to a vulnerability?
URL structure: Are there some frameworks being used that
introduce a certain pattern
Inputs and outputs: Are there some hidden inputs? Are all
inputs validated?
Error handling: How are errors handled? Do you get any
Sessions and cookies: How do they work? What happens when
we change cookies
Identify vulnerabilities
Exploit: eliminate false positives
Post-Exploit: what can you do now?
Some ideas for your thought process
Be systematic: Make a list of all possible inputs so you
make sure that you don’t miss anything
Be logical: What is the code behind the logic? If you were
the developer, what code would you write to implement this
Map out what you’re doing: Create a spreadsheet to
show the structure of the page
Use tools to help you, e.g. Burp Suite
Be the anti user: Test user inputs that are usually not
expected, e.g. a negative number, a string when there is a
number expected etc.
Intercept and manipulate: Use tools like burp suite to
change the request
Cheat: Use cheat sheets
Don’t give up
We will look at these steps in detail
Be systematic
Know what you are looking for
There is a list of top vulnerabilities
Check if the application you are testing has any of
Can we find out what software is running?
Can we find vulnerabilities for that software?
Can we find exploit code for that software?
Can we find anything that’s hidden on pages?
What are the error messages like?
What are the unexpected error messages like?
What are the sessions like?
Are they using their own system or the language built in
Some people think they can make something better
They usually fail
What parts of the site use the database?
What inputs do I have into those parts?
Where can I input data into the site?
Where am I inputting data into the site without
Cross-site Request Forgery
GET requests aren’t supposed to change state
Can you find any GET requests that do?
Do the forms seem protected?
Authentication Bypass & Authorisation Bypass
What should I be able to do as a guest/user/admin?
What can I actually do?
Is the process protected the whole way through?
File Upload Vulnerabilities
Fake fake fake fake!
Fake the content, fake the type, fake the filename, fake
the headers, fake the properties – fake it all!
And then fake some more!
Be Logical
Continue from being systematic
- Think about
What is the code doing?
What interactions are taking place?
Where could the vulnerabilities be?
What might we have in the database?
Which parts take user input?
Which parts of the size does this occur on?
Map out what you’re doing
You are testing a system you have never seen before,
it’s like going to a new city
Before diving in trying to find and exploit things, you
want to map out the system
Use the tools to help you do this
But sometimes some pen and paper is good to
What areas of the website are there?
How does each area link to each other?
What forms do they have?
What URL parameters are there?
What GET parameters are there?
What are the different types of pages?
Static pages - they always remain the same
Dynamic pages - they change based on logic and/or user
inputs or some other application state
Logic - any page where the input is processed
Write it down in a structured way!
Write down each page and tag them with what we might find
For instance, use tags P for URL parameters, R for
reflected XSS and D for database and so on…
We think that we might find those 3 vulnerabilities on the
accounts page so we write down
(/accounts/view/<id>) [P] [R] [D]
Once we start testing we go through all the pages and tags
to see if we can find any vulnerabilities
We can also put this in a spreadsheet
Use tools to help you
There are lots of great tools out there
Find the ones that work best for you
There is no perfect tool
It depends on how you work and what you want to do
One such tool is Burp Suite
Be the anti-user
You’ve been logical, now it’s time to be
See a number? Let’s try a string
Or maybe a negative number
Or a number that’s too large for the database
See a value? Let’s leave it empty
Or maybe lose it all together… Oops
See a field? Let’s overflow it
Intercept and manipulate
Use the browser developer tools for the basics
Use Burp Suite for the more advanced manipulation
Turn on intercepting and see what is being sent and what is
being received
Then mess with it!
People have done a lot of this work before
There are cheat sheets out there to make your life
Particularly when it comes to XSS
XSS isn’t always as simple as
Check the next step for an example
Don’t give up
Be exhaustive – it’s not always that
Sometimes you have to be clever
Run through htmlspecialchars, that’s still
So when it bungs the url inside the <img> tag, we
<img src=“$url”/>
<img src=“http://blah.png”
And when the user moves the mouse over the image they
execute the javascript!
Ed’s Part
Threats - range and type
A security system is only as strong as its weakest
Your are the weakest link ….. okay we already had
this one before
Perfect security doesn’t exist
It is a compromise between usability/accessibility and
You have a laptop and you want no-one to be able to access
the data, so why don’t you put it in a block of
concrete and throw it in the sea?
If you want to find vulnerabilities, think like an
There are usually multiple lines of defense in a well
secured system
Some potential threats are
Visual surveillance: Just watch someone typing in their
Wire-tapping: Install a keylogger on a system
Key interception: You obtain a key that is used to encrypt
the data
Impersonation: Pretend to be someone else
Data duplication: You are not dealing with the original but
with a copy
Cryptanalysis: Try to crack the encryption
Social engineering: Gather personal information about the
victim and use it to your advantage
Physical security: If you can just walk in, then
what’s the point of cyber security?
Malware: Malicious software
Combinations of the above
Who are potential attackers?
- Criminal
- Competitor
Hacker (or cracker)
- Government
- Terrorist
Ethical hacker: You should get written permission
Former employee: Someone who has been fired
Employee: Someone who is to be fired soon
- Customer
Contractor: Edward Snowden was a contractor for the
Or maybe just everybody?
Who represents the greatest threat to your security?
Your own staff!
Why? Because they have been in your company for ages (at
least some of them)!
There might be poor policies, poor training, complacency
and/or incompetence (or stupidity)
Security products (like anti virus) often appear to offer
an illusion of cyber security
What systems can be attacked?
Stand-alone computers (no network connection)
A system that is not connected to any network
Is there physical security?
Is it password protected?
Can you remove data?
Where does it get its software upgrades from?
How do you ensure physical security?
Solid walls and doors (multiple?)
Entry via roof or underground available?
Use solid locks and have good key control
Have CCTV cameras and alarms
Are there security guards 24/7?
The same applies for backup/other locations
Distributed computer (private network)
A system with a network connection but no connection to the
outside world / internet
The same threats as before plus
You can compromise a private network
In a lot of cases another system with internet access is
introduced later, e.g. for the convenience of installing
software updates.
People totally forget about the initial security motivation
for the isolated network!
If the system is connected to the internet, this fact makes
it even more vulnerable
Now it’s much easier for an attacker to launch the
attack via the internet
DDOS attacks
If the system has a website on it (website), there are even
more threats
Can exploit vulnerabilities on the website software
OWASP lists more potential threats
Distributed computer (internet)
A system with a network connection to the outside world /
The same threats as before plus
It is now much easier for an attacker to launch an attack
via the internet
It is now also vulnerable to (D)DOS attacks - (Distributed)
Denial Of Service
Server with website (internet)
A server with a network connection to the internet for the
purpose of offering a service, e.g. a web server
The same threats as before plus
Even easier for an attacker to exploit a vulnerability
because the website software and web application itself are
vulnerable as well
Common vulnerabilities were discussed in Oli’s
It’s short for malicious software
It has the purpose of causing unwanted effects on your
For example it disrupts computer operation, collects
sensitive information (also called “spyware”)
and accesses private computer systems
Malware may take many forms
“Virus” is the most well-known example
More about it below
Often, it is designed to remain undetected
You should protect systems using firewalls, anti-virus
Why do people make malware?
The purpose is taking some control
Usually it only takes partial control because otherwise the
malware may be revealed
Usually for the benefit of someone else (money)
It may send spam to other users
It may steal your passwords or identity, e.g. access your
bank account
It may store illegal content on your system
It may track all your activities
It may use your system to launch a DDOS attack
What malware variants are there?
- Virus
- Worm
- Bots
Trojan Horse
- Rootkit
- Adware
- Scareware
- Ransomware
- Keyloggers
Trojan Horse
It was used to defeat Troy defences
Soldiers were hiding in the Trojan Horse and attacked the
city once inside
Hence, it is something that is not what it appears to be
and contains a hidden threat
Malware can infect systems just like the Trojan Horse
Ken thompson demonstrated another Trojan horse technique in
the 1970s when working on Unix
He changed the unix login command so that it would accept
either the correct password or a master password he
He could not just write this in the code because it would
be obvious in any code reviews
Therefore, he modified the C compiler to insert this code
automatically when the code is compiled
Now, the Trojan cannot be detected by inspecting the source
code of the login program
Modern examples of Trojan software range from simple to
For example a phishing email that claims to have come from
your bank, asking you to logon
The logon screen they provide looks exactly the same as
your normal bank logon screen - but of course it
Once you enter your credentials they are sent to the
attacker and thus stolen
It is important that the attacker redirects you back to the
real banking site once they have your password so that you
don’t change your password once you realise that you
have been conned
Are links safe to click on?
Go to Google and search for “ECS soton”
You will see this result
When you click on the link, does it actually go to directly?
As it turns out, it doesn’t!
It goes to this link
It’s a man-in-the-middle exploit that you have
allowed Google to do - check the terms &
A virus is malware that attempts to spread by making copies
of itself - into other programs, data files, memory, disk
drives or over a network
It does not always have a malicious payload
Early viruses propagated by floppy disks or programs shared
on bulletin boards
The first reported virus was in 1982 “Elk
Cloner” running on Apple II machine
The first PC virus was in 1986 (MSDOS)
The infection mechanism defines how a virus spreads
The trigger mechanism is what causes the payload to be
activated - A virus may remain dormant until the trigger
The payload defines what the virus does actually do - e.g.
collecting information or installing software
Today a considerable threat are email viruses
Virus is in the attachment
Recipients are usually tricked into opening them
An .exe file can be disguised in windows as (say)
Macro viruses exploit the active content available on some
applications (e.g. Microsoft Word or Excel)
An example of an email virus
“I love you” (2000) was an email attachment
Not a txt file but a visual basic script!
.vbs is often hidden on Windows systems so users were
tricked into thinking it is just a text file
Image files overwritten, copy of email sent to first 50
users in the Microsoft Outlook address book
“social engineering” – emails appear to
come from friends and relations, so safe to open?
Damage estimated at over $5B worldwide
It is estimated that around 10% of all internet-connected
computers (in 2000) were affected
Computer Worms
What are computer worms and how are they different from
A worm can just go straight across the network, it does not
have to use a mechanism like email
Basically, they can spread themselves without user
A worm gains access to distant networks by exploiting
vulnerabilities in services
The first computer worm was a “proof of
concept” but a code error lead to multiple
Developed in 1988 by Robert Morris Jnr - Cornell PGR
Maybe 6,000 machines affected (a guess)
Morris convicted of felony, $10,000 fine + 3 years
probation + 400 hours community work
Just 99 lines of code
Connected to another computer using vulnerabilities, run at
new location, repeat
The vulnerability was a buffer overflow in fingerd combined
with password guessing and a sendmail backdoor
“Code Red” (July 2001) - attacks Microsoft IIS
(Internet Information Services) web servers
About 360k infected hosts at peak (in 14 hours)
Exploited Vulnerability in IIS indexing software using a
buffer overflow
There was a security patch released a month earlier but
many customers had not installed the update
The payload defaced the web site then the further action
depended on the day of the month
On day 1-19 it would look for more IIS servers
On day 20-27 it would launch DOS attacks on several fixed
IP addresses like the white house
As you can see vulnerabilities are often caused by buffer
In case of the “Code Red” worm a long query
parameter caused the buffer overflow
%u0003%u8b00%u531b%u53ff%u0078%u0000%u00=a HTTP/1.0
The string of N’s is used to overflow the
After the N’s is where the payload is, which is
interpreted as computer instructions that propagate the
In August 2001 there was another worm called “Code
Red 2”
It was completely different software but it exploited the
same vulnerability
The payload was boot-resistant backdoor (more below)
The targets were pseudo-randomly chosen - targets in own
subnet were preferred
How did the Code Red 2 Backdoor work?
It replaced “explorer.exe” with a modified copy
on C: and D: drives
It copied “cmd.exe” to special
It modified the registry to give special directories full
system access
Full access is now possible by running cmd.exe in special
The worm continues to run in the background and resets the
registry entries every 10 minutes
The nimda (“admin” backwards) worm surfaced in
September 2001
It was the most widespread virus/worm in just 22
It used multi-mode propagation - in total 5 methods
IIS servers from infected clients
Direct copy via open network shares
Email + virus payload to address book
Modifying web pages on host server (attempt to infect web
server clients using JavaScript exploit)
Code Red 2 backdoor
Next, the SQL Slammer worm was spread in January 2003
It exploited a buffer overflow in Microsoft SQL
There was a patch to fix this which had been released six
months earlier…
It infected 90% of vulnerable hosts in 19 minutes
The worm was very small: Just 376 bytes, it fits inside a
single IP packet and hence can use UDP
Many internet routers collapsed under very high traffic
caused by the worm - over 15% packet loss at peak
The Conficker worm is from November 2008 but is still
active because the propagation strategy continually
It is estimated that over 1 million systems are still
It propagates using flaws in Windows software and
dictionary attacks on admin passwords
Even some military systems got infected!
It used various self-defence strategies such as disabling
Windows update, killing anti-malware software. It also scans
every second to detect patches or diagnostic utilities
Later versions are designed to install botnet client
Bots and Botnets
They were first detected in 2001 and are a serious problem
since 2009
Once a host machine has been compromised by malware (e.g. a
virus or worm) it installs malware to become a botnet client
(also called bot or zombie)
A very large number of such bots will be created
A botnet master (or bot herder) will send commands to the
clients from a command-and-control (C&C) server
C&C servers were originally using IRC (Internet Relay
Chat) but today they usually use HTTP
A botnet is typically used for
DDOS attacks
Sending email spam
Running spyware
Hosting illegal content
Mining bitcoins
A botnet can be hired out to other criminals
An entire black economy was created
There is a lot of infrastructure and market places
Modern botnets now use P2P (peer-to-peer) messages,
distributed and replicated C&C servers, greater emphasis
on stealth to avoid detection - and they can detect attempts
to disable the network
Adware and Spyware
Adware is any software advertising something
It is legitimate if it does so with the user's consent
and knowledge
However, it is malware when it is unwanted
Can be just annoying but also be a more serious
What if user activity is recorded and reported back as well
“We have detected that your computer has been
infected with a virus! Click here for a removal
This is how scareware can get onto your computer
Usually the claimed virus is bogus - as is the downloaded
The victim either pays for the worthless package or
unwittingly installs dangerous malware
“There is a dangerous virus going around! Quickly,
email all your friends to warn them about
A typical example of hoaxware
“I got this message about a virus that can produce
lot of dammage [sic] to your computer. If you follow the
instructions which are very easy, you would be able to
"clean" your computer. Apparently the virus
spreads through the adresses book .
I got it, then may be I passed it to you too, sorry. The name
of the virus is jdbgmgr.exe and is transmitted automatically
through the Messanger and addresses book of the OUTLOOK.
The virus is neither detected by Norton nor by Mc Afee. It
remains in lethargy ("sleeping") for 14 days and even
more, before it destroys the whole system. It can be eliminated
during this period.”
Ransomware restricts access to infected computers - or
their files
The computer (or files) is held hostage
Payment is required to criminals to restore access
Money needs to be untraceable so usually bitcoins, western
union or premium-rate telephone numbers are used
Simple ransomware is just a little more than
More advanced ransomware is a serious problem
Files are encrypted with “hard”
You better have a backup otherwise you need to pay
An example is Cryptolocker
The control server creates a 2048-bit RSA key pair and
sends the public half to the malware
The malware generates a new 256-bit random key for each
file on the computer, encrypts the file using 256-bit AES,
encrypts each random key with the asymmetric public key and
stores the encrypted key before deleting the unencrypted
random key and the original files
Ransom of 2 bitcoins (around $2k in 2013) was required to
release the private key
Petya – 2016 – spread via infected email
Wannacry – 2017 - $300 ransom – 7 day
‘EternalBlue’ exploit (ex-NSA, bug in Windows
SMB protocol – patched by Microsoft) plus backdoor
infected 230,000 computers in 150 countries
Notpetya – 2017 – $10B damage worldwide
spreading techniques including EternalBlue
ransomware – files can’t be recovered
Bad Rabbit – 2017 – bogus Flash update
A backdoor is anything that avoids the normal
authentication mechanism
Hence it allows for illegal access without a password
An example is the Ken Thompson Unix backdoor
Check the section about the Trojan Horse above
Keylogging or keystroke logging means recording keystrokes
as keys are pressed on a keyboard - without the user being
They can capture passwords as they are typed
Different mechanisms can be used to log key strokes -
software and hardware
Each keylogger needs a way to communicate captured
keystrokes to whoever installed the keylogger without being
A similar logging mechanism called “Tempest”
can detect computer activity by the electromagnetic
radiation emitted by all hardware
It does not just work with wireless devices
It does not need any hardware connection - It just needs to
be sufficiently close
and without any hardware connection
It is not a new technology - military and national security
agencies have been actively using it since the
This is why military etc. computers are specifically
hardened to prevent this attack
“Tempest” now usually refers to the entire
field of emission security
A rootkit is software that allows for continued privileged
access to a computer
It’s usually malware but not always (can be installed
by an administrator for other purposes)
The key objective is stealth
The existence of the rootkit and payload are hidden and
It typically modifies the OS kernel together with system
tools capable of detecting changes
For example, in unix there would be modified versions of
ps, who, passwd etc
The removal of rootkits is difficult
You might as well just reinstall the OS from scratch
Additional forms of malware and topics
You download something but what you don’t notice is
that you download something else as well - the malware
The software vendor has not detected the vulnerability, is
working on a patch or released a patch but users
haven’t installed it yet
A form of phishing that is specifically tailored to an
individual using social engineering techniques
Man-in-the-middle attacks
Intercept communication “in the middle” -
between sender and receiver - and make sure that they
don’t notice
An attack based on information gained from the
implementation of a system rather than weaknesses in the
The time a system takes to process data depends on the
amount of data that is being processed
An attacker can thus gain information about the amount of
A communication channel which allows to transfer
information out of a secure system
Logic bomb (and time bomb)
Malware that is designed to cause damage under certain
conditions, e.g. on a certain day
Early anti-virus software used signature detection
However, modern viruses are polymorphic - the virus
modifies itself to defeat signature detection
Nowadays, multiple detection techniques are used
Examples are sandbox detection and data mining to classify
No algorithm can perfectly detect all possible viruses
In IPv6 address scanning is no longer attractive because
the the large address space
Introduction to Cryptography
Cryptography is “the art and science of
This section will be non-mathematical but you still need a
basic understanding of
modular arithmetic
number systems
matrix multiplication - remember that in general M1 * M2 is
not equal to M2 * M1
Cryptography alone is not the solution....
It is often mis-used
People use strong cryptography but all that the bad guys
have to do is use the back door
“A security system is only as strong as its weakest
Yes, this is the 3rd time I mention this
You often find the digital equivalent of a bank vault
fitted to a tent
Designers of secure systems need professional paranoia -
need to design against the bad guys
The primary security issues are
Confidentiality: The message has to remain private
Integrity: The message must not be modified
Authentication: Confidence in the identity of the parties
Non-repudiation: Parties cannot deny having generated the
message/data - often includes a timestamp - this is evidence
acceptable to a court of law
Some terminology that will be used in this section...
P or P/T: plaintext
C or C/T: ciphertext
- K: key
P → C: process of encryption (enciphering)
C = E(K, P): getting the ciphertext from encryption using a
C → P: process of decryption (deciphering)
P = D(K, C): getting the plaintext from decryption using a
For symmetric encryption, P* = D(K, E(K, P)) and P* = P
get the same plaintext back if you first encrypt it and then
decrypt the result
Encryption - symmetric and asymmetric
Is done for confidentiality and integrity
Using an encryption algorithm and an encryption key you go
from plaintext (unencrypted message) to ciphertext
(encrypted message)
For a given plaintext message, the encrypted version will
differ for different keys (if you use the same
Is also known as “secret key”
It uses the same key for encryption and decryption
There’s only one key known to the sender and
It’s very easy to implement and very fast but also
quite vulnerable because how do you safely exchange the
Examples are DES, 3DES, AES
Is also known as “public key”
It uses a private and a public key - that’s 2 keys
compared to only 1 key in symmetric encryption
Messages are encrypted using the public key and decrypted
with the private key (or vice versa for the digital
signature - more about it later)
The private key is locked away but the public key is
distributed (it’s not secret)
It’s significantly slower than symmetric but more
An example is RSA
A main problem is the key distribution problem
It’s clearly a problem with symmetric keys: Sender
and recipient need the same key but how do they safely
exchange it?
It’s also a problem with asymmetric keys: Here the
question is how do you know that a key you receive is from
the person you are expecting it from?
How do you know who you can trust?
Often, a symmetric session key is used
It is randomly generated (not pseudo-random, more about
that later)
It’s only used for a short time
The symmetric key is exchanged using a public key
Historical and simple ciphers
The earliest cypher is from Julius Caesar
It’s an example of a monoalphabetic substitution
cypher: Take letters and replace them with other
In this case, the alphabet is shifted by a certain number
the sender and recipient agrees on
For example, if we agree on 3 and the P/T is
“BAD”, then the C/T is “EDG”
It is highly susceptible to cryptanalysis
If you know the language used you know which letters are
most common, thus you can guess what the shift is
If you don’t have a clue you can just generate 26
plain texts and find the one that makes sense (brute force
Slightly more complex is the affine cypher
It’s still a monoalphabetic substitution cypher
The key is made up from two numbers (a, b)
Each character in the P/T is mapped to a number, e.g. A..Z
is mapped to 0..25
The variable m denotes the number of characters in the
alphabet, in this case m = 26
For each character
we are going to create an encrypted character
as follows:
a and m must be co-prime, which means that the only
positive integer that divides both must be 1
If you choose a = 1 you get the Ceaser cipher
There are just 286 non-trivial affine ciphers for the
English alphabet
How many possible alphabets are there available for
monoalphabetic substitution ciphers?
If the letters can be in any position, then there are 26!
possible alphabets available for use
Surely such a large number would make cryptanalysis
(cracking it) very difficult?
No, because a cryptanalyst has many techniques available to
reduce the number of possible alphabets drastically
For example, as mentioned above, if you know the plaintext
is in English you also know that certain letters are much
more frequent than others
In English, E, T, O and A are more frequent than J, Q, X,
Codes and ciphers
For a cipher it is always true that the lengths of the
plaintext is the same as the length of the ciphertext
Codes work differently, they require a dictionary or look
up table instead of a key
If the codes are shorter than plaintext then you can use it
for compression
An example is the Huffman coding which is used for
compression, not security
Just steal the codebook - but don’t take the
original, make a copy!
Intercept messages and try to find out what the codes
One-Time Pad (OTP)
That’s the only unbreakable cipher
It’s also called “Vernam cipher”
It was first proposed in 1882
It uses exclusive or (XOR) with the key to go from P to C
and from C to P
The cool thing about XOR is that you can take any of the
two columns above, XOR them and you’ll get the
remaining column!
Therefore, if XOR is used twice you get back the original
- P XOR K = C
- C XOR K = P
There are three requirements
The length of the key must be equal to (or greater than)
the length of the plain text
The key must be random, not pseudo-random (more about that
The key must never be reused
The key length is a major disadvantage
It must be as long as the plaintext
How do you securely distribute the key? (key distribution
If you start reusing the key it’s no longer
Random Numbers
All computers (or programming languages) have a random
number generator (RNG) or pseudorandom number generator
A PRNG cannot be used for any cryptographic application,
because it is deterministic
It generates random numbers based on a seed you give it
once at the beginning
Deterministic means that it always repeats the same
sequence of random numbers
Thus you can reverse-engineer to discover the algorithm
being used
We require a truly-random process, e.g. thermal noise in
electronic device, radioactive decay, roulette wheel
The first UK lottery in 1957 used thermal noise
More recently, machines for the UK national lottery select
random numbered balls
There also exists a cryptographically secure pseudo-random
number generator (CSPRNG), which we can use
It starts with a random input from a high-quality source
and essentially expands it
One must not be able to reverse-engineer
Data Encryption Standard (DES)
What’s the difference between a stream and a block
Stream cipher converts one symbol at a time
Block cipher converts a group of symbols together
How to achieve a secure cipher?
Have confusion and diffusion!
Confusion means that there is a complex relationship
between the C/T and the key - there is no obvious
Diffusion means that the P/T structure is spread over the
whole C/T - change one bit in the P/T and on average half
the C/T bits change
Both is usually achieved by a series of repeated
substitutions and permutations
The Data Encryption Standard (DES) was developed by IBM in
It is a symmetric cipher
It is a block cypher with 64-bit blocks and a 56-bit
It had a major influence on modern cryptography
DES was originally designed for 10 years but it was only
replaced in 2002 by AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
US Government agencies were required to switch from DES to
DES is still perfectly acceptable for many legacy
In most of those cases triple DES is used
The algorithm was published but that does not make it
Why? Kerckhoff’s principle
Kerckhoff’s principle says that “A cryptosystem
must be secure even if everything about the system (apart
from the key) is public knowledge”
The entire cryptographic community worldwide has been
trying to break DES for over 40 years with very little
If the algorithm was secret it would not make it more
There are many examples of secret systems that were broken
despite the secrecy
An example is the Japanese Purple cipher in WW II
Nowadays DES is not considered secure because of the short
key length of 56 bits
Despite the short key length there is still no real
algorithmic weakness known after 40 years of study...
There exists Triple DES (3DES/TDES) which remains
effectively unbreakable (hence secure)
AES has a minimum key size of 128 bits to address this
How can you attack (the normal) DES?
One possible attack is to brute force it
Assume that we know both P/T and C/T
The key can always be discovered through trying out all
possible keys - search the entire key space
DES has 2^56 possible keys
A DES cracker that searches the entire key space was
proposed in 1977 and built in 1998
Nowadays, the focus of security attacks shifts to obtaining
How long does it take to test the DES key space?
The key is 56 bits long so we require up to 2^56
On average we will find the key after testing half the
Assume 1 million tests every second
There are 31*10^6 seconds in a year, hence an exhaustive
search would take 2000 years
However, the DES cracker runs 43,000 of those tests in
A key length of 56 bits was long enough in 1977, but not
with modern hardware…
Another way to attack many ciphers is called differential
It was invented by Biham and Shami in 1990
This method attempts to discover non-random behaviour by
changing the input and exploiting this to recover the
It was successful against many ciphers in common use
However, DES cannot be cracked this way
DES was designed to protect against such attacks
Both IBM and NSA knew about the technique in 1974 but kept
it secret
Can we make DES more secure by using double DES?
We just encrypt twice - encrypt with 1 key, then encrypt
again with another key
Do we get an effective key length of 56 * 2 = 112
No! The effective key length is only 57 bits because of the
“meet in the middle” attack (see below)
How does the meet in the middle attack work?
We assume that we know both the P/T and the C/T
(“known plaintext attack”)
Take the P/T and encrypt it by using all possible keys
(2^56), store all resulting intermediate ciphertexts
Take the C/T and decrypt it by using all possible keys
(again 2^56) and look for a match with the intermediate
ciphertexts that are stored
Therefore, we need to run up to 2 * 2^56 tests, which is
the same as 2^57
And yes, we do need a huge storage space for the
intermediate texts
So double DES is not secure, what can we do to make DES
more secure?
We use triple DES!
We can either use 3 different 56-bit keys to obtain an
effective key size of 112 bits
Or we can use 2 different 56-bit keys to obtain an
effective key size of about 80 bits
Triple DES is secure and currently widely used for
financial transactions
It is estimated that it is secure up to about 2029
For many government agencies it will be disallowed after
How does DES actually work?
It uses a combination of permutation and substitution
The permutation uses a so called P box with 32 inputs and
32 outputs
The substitution uses a S box with a 6-bit input and a
4-bit output - we will use 8 S boxes in parallel
The algorithm used is a Feistel cipher
Used in many block ciphers - but not AES
The following bit lengths are specific to the DES
First, we split the plaintext into 64 bit P (plaintext)
We take each of the plaintext blocks and split it into a 32
bit L (left) and 32 bit R (right) block
Now, we are going to start the first round
We take the 56 bit key and generate a 48 bit round key
through key expansion
We feed the R block and the round key into a round function
F to generate a 32 bit M block
We XOR the L and M block and get a new R block for the next
We just copy over the old R block and it becomes the new L
block for the next round
Now we are done with the first round, and we repeat this
process 16 times since there is a total of 16 rounds
Look at the graphic above, you can see that the bottom L
block and the top R block (both in green) are the
Using the cipher key we can generate the round key
With the round key and the top R block we can get the M
Now we XOR the M block with the bottom R block to get the
top L block
We repeat this process 16 rounds to get the plaintext
How do we get the round keys?
The 56 bit cipher key is expanded into 16 48 bit round
There is one round key for each round
How do we get the M block (i.e. what is the round function
The 32 bit R block is expanded into 48 bits and XORed with
the round key
The 48 bit result is split into 8 sets of 6 bits, these are
the inputs to the S boxes
Each S box has a 4 bit output so we end up with 32 bits
from all S boxes
These 32 bits go through the P box
The output of the P box is the M block
S and P boxes are unchanged between the rounds
The S box provides a “one way” function
The 4 bit output of the S box could have come from any of
four different 6 bit inputs
The S box function is similar to hashing (N inputs map to 1
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
In 1997 there was an open call for proposals for a DES
There were five finalists
The winner of the competition was Rijndael
The main reason was that it was faster than the other
competing algorithms
AES is a symmetric block cipher
The blocks are 128 bits each
The key can be either 128, 192 or 256 bits
It uses substitution and permutation like DES does,
however, the S and P boxes work completely differently
Each 128 bit block is also known as the
It is represented as a 4x4 grid (or matrix)
Each cell in the grid is one byte
AES encrypts/decrypts text in a number of rounds
There are 10/12/14 rounds, depending on the key
We generate a bunch of round keys from the original key
Before the first round, we XOR the initial round key with
the plaintext
For each round we substitute bytes (S box), shift rows, mix
columns (both P box) and XOR the current round key
The last round is an exception - We do not mix
Each step is reversible so we can decrypt by running the
algorithm backwards
How does substituting the bytes work (SubBytes)?
The S box provides confusion through substitution
Each byte (entry in the grid) is looked up in a table
There are 256 entries in total
How does shifting the rows work (ShiftRows)?
We take the state and shift each row by a certain amount of
cells to the left
When we shift the leftmost cell to the left, it becomes the
rightmost cell
How far do we shift each row?
We shift row 0 (top row) by 0 cells (stays the same)
We shift row 1 by 1 cell, row 2 by 2 cells and row 3 by 3
How does mixing the columns work (MixColumns)?
Each column of the state is a vector
We multiply a matrix M with each column vector to get a new
[new_column] = [M] [old_column]
For decryption we use the inverse matrix M’
We use Galois Field arithmetic - GF(2^8) or GF(256), more
details below
How does adding the round key work (AddRoundKey)?
There is a round key for each round, plus an initial round
key that is applied before the first round
We generate these round keys from the full length key,
which is called key expansion
We add the round key to the current state but perform this
addition in a Galois Field (GF, more below)
If we are in GF(2^k) - more details below - the addition
operation becomes an XOR operation
Galois Field (GF)
We consider operations on a set with a finite number of
elements as operations on a finite field or Galois field
It is defined as GF(p^k) where p is a prime number and k is
a positive integer
A GF contains numbers from 0 to (p^k) - 1
A field is a set in which addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division are defined
When we do operations on a GF we do them as in regular
arithmetic but we may have to reduce the result if it lays
outside the GF
The reduction function we apply depends on the value of
If k = 1 then we use modulo p as the reduction function
(see example below)
For cases other than k = 1 we need to reduce through the
subtraction of a prime (or irreducible) polynomial - more
about it later
For example, take the set {0, 1}, which is called GF(2^1)
or just GF(2)
We will use mod 2 as the reduction function because k = 1
and p = 2
GF(2) addition is the XOR function
Take two numbers a and b from the GF and calculate a +
If the result is >= 2 then take it mod 2
For instance, 1 + 1 = 2 but 2 is not in our GF so we need
to reduce it using mod 2
2 mod 2 is 0, which is our final result
Therefore, in GF(2), 1 + 1 = 0
You’ll see that the result is the same as if you do a
GF(2) subtraction is XOR as well
GF(2) multiplication is AND
GF(2) division is AND as well except that it is undefined
for a zero divisor
In the OTP (one-time pad), the encryption is the GF(2)
addition of the key whereas the decryption is the GF(2)
subtraction of the key
How about GF(2^k) and k is not 1?
This is slightly more complicated compared to when k = 1
(see above)
Because p is 2, all addition and subtraction is done using
the same operation as in GF(2), which is XOR
However, the result is still in GF(2^k) which means it can
be any number between 0 and 2^k - 1
Multiplication must be by “shift-and-add”
(explanation follows in picoAES8)
If we need to reduce then we need to subtract a prime (or
irreducible) polynomial, which means subtracting some
This is an ultra-simplified version of AES
The state is just 2x2 and each element is a number between
0 and 4
All arithmetic uses GF(5)
Shifting the rows is just swapping the elements in the
bottom row
For example, for mixing the columns we will use the
following matrices
Note that picoAES (this and the other versions below) is
not an official standard
It is made up to demonstrate the core operations of
If you see it in an exam it might be defined in another
Thus, I don’t think there is any point in memorising
matrices or S boxes
Another ultra-simplified version of AES
This is the same as picoAES5 but in GF(7)
Note that GF(7) is GF(7^1), so p = 7 and k = 1, which means
that the reduction function is modulo 7
One round of encryption is defined as follows
- SubBytes
- ShiftRows
- MixColumns
- AddRoundKey
Apply the inverse operations backwards for decryption
For the following example, we are given
The following S box - for instance, 1 will be replaced by
The mix column matrix and its inverse
For the given plaintext state below, what is the state
after one encryption round?
We substitute the numbers of the state using the S
box provided above to get a new state
To substitute a number “n” take the nth index of
the S box
We shift the bottom row by one to the left (swap
elements) to get a new state
We multiply the mix columns matrix M with each column
of the state to get a new state
If any result is >=
7 we need to mod 7 it
First, we start with the left
column of the state
We continue with the right column of the state
We combine both columns to get the new state
We add the round key to the state
If any result is >= 7 we need to mod 7 it
For the given ciphertext state below, what is the state
after one decryption round?
The inverse of AddRoundKey, so we need to subtract the key from
the state
If any number becomes < 0 we need to add 7
Same as MixColumns except that we use M’ (the inverse of
M we used in MixColumns) for the multiplication
First, we start with the left column of the state
We continue with the right column of the state
We combine both columns to get the new state
Same as ShiftRows except that we shift in the
opposite direction (right not left)
For picoAES it doesn’t matter whether we shift left or
right as we just swap the bottom two elements
Same as SubBytes except that we substitute in the other
Therefore, we substitute the number through the index of where
it appears in the S box
inverse substitute
final state
A simplified version of AES
The state is just 2x2 and each element is a number between
0 and 7
All arithmetic uses GF(2^3) or GF(8)
All addition and subtraction is done in GF(2)
For multiplication, we need to use an irreducible
polynomial for reduction - don’t worry if you
don’t understand what this is, I’ll explain the
process below
In order to do multiplication, we are going to create a
lookup table for multiplying two numbers x and y
Later, when we are encoding/decoding and need to multiply
two numbers, we use the table to look up the result of the
Without further ado, let’s compute the lookup table
for two numbers x and y
We compute the first two rows (row 0 and row 1) as
These two rows are essentially our base cases for building
up the table
They don’t require any reduction because we never
exceed 7
From now on we will build upon the base cases and rows we
have already computed
If we are in row n and n is an even number then we take the
results from row n/2 and multiply those by 2
Multiplication by 2 is done by shifting one bit left
So how do we compute row 2?
We take the results from row 1 (2/2) and multiply those by
2 (shift 1 bit left)
In the explanation below, “←” means shift
one bit left
If the result after shifting is >= 8 we need to reduce
by subtracting (XORing) the irreducible polynomial x^3 + x +
1, which is 1011 in binary
The reduction is indicated by the “-” sign in
the table below
0001 ←
0010 ←
0011 ←
0100 ←
1000 -
1011 =
0101 ←
1010 -
1011 =
0110 ←
1100 - 1011 =
0111 ←
1110 -
1011 =
If we are in row m and m is an odd number then we take the
results from row 1 and add the results from row m-1
Therefore, to compute row 3 we are going to add results
from row 1 and row 2 (3-1)
Adding is done using a bitwise XOR operation, which
basically comes down to adding two numbers but dropping the
carry bit if there is any
0001 +
0010 =
0010 +
0100 =
0011 +
0110 =
0100 +
0011 =
0101 +
0001 =
0110 +
0111 =
0111 +
0101 =
We can continue to follow this procedure until we computed
the whole table
For example, we use the following S box (for substitution):
For shifting rows we just swap elements in the bottom
For example, for mixing columns we use the following
AES continued
In AES we use GF(2^8) or GF(256)
Addition and subtraction is still in the underlying field
of GF(2)
For multiplication we use shift-and-add just as in
As before, if the shift result ever exceeds 255 we need to
reduce by subtracting a prime polynomial
AES uses x8+x4+x3+x+1 (0x11b)
The following matrices are used for mixing the
M is used for encryption whereas M’ is used for

“Confusion” comes from the s-box and round key
addition steps, while ‘diffusion’ comes from the
row shift and column mix steps
Without the row shift, the column mix would always be
operating on the same 32 bits – this would introduce a
serious weakness
GF(256) multiplication usually done by using look-up
Multi-Block Ciphertexts & Block Cipher Modes
Most ciphertexts will require a number of blocks (e.g. 128
bit AES block = 16 ASCII characters)
Therefore we need to split the P/T into blocks first
To reduce the number of blocks use compression before you
start encrypting
This practice also helps to hide the actual message
There are different block cipher modes to split up our
Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode
Do NOT use this!
It splits the P/T into - for example - 128 bit blocks, each
gets enciphered independently
It cannot detect missing/duplicated/reordered C/T
Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode
Each P/T block is XORed with the previous C/T block before
The reverse is done when decrypting
What do we do about the first P/T block (we don’t
have a previous C/T block)?
We precede the C/T with an initialisation vector and use
this as the previous C/T block for the first
We want the initialisation vector to be random so that for
identical P/T and identical key we get a different C/T every
time we encrypt
Output Feedback (OFB) mode
Generate a key stream (KS) which can be XOR’d with
the P/T (similar to how the one-time pad works)
The key stream starts with a random initialisation
To generate the next block, we encrypt the previous block
using the key
Repeat this procedure to generate the whole KS, which can
be pre-computed
P/T can be sent in smaller blocks (even bytes)
Message Authentication Code (MAC)
This is not about encryption but rather about the
authenticity of the message
It’s about the identity of the sender and that the
message has not been modified
The simplest system is to encrypt using CBC, then throw
away everything except the final block, which is the
The recipient repeats calculation on the message: If the
MAC computed is identical to the one sent, then the message
is confirmed and also the identity of the sender (assuming
that the key is secret)
Asymmetric Encryption
With symmetric encryption, if n parties need to communicate
each pair of users needs their own separate key
A total of n*(n-1)/2 keys are required
This results in a significant key management/distribution
One potential solution is using a key distribution center,
another one is asymmetric encryption
With asymmetric encryption, each user has two keys, a
public and a private one
The public key widely distributed while the private key is
always kept secret
We can encrypt with the public and decrypt with the private
key, which is what we use to make sure that only the
recipient can read the message
Somebody sends you a message encrypted with your public key
- only you have the private key to decrypt it
However, we can also encrypt with the private and decrypt
with the public key to ensure the authenticity of the
You encrypt a message with your private key and send it and
the recipient decrypts with your public key - only you could
have sent it
RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adelman)
RSA uses asymmetric encryption
It’s based on the difficulty of factoring very large
numbers (hundreds of digits)
It’s typically 10,000 times slower than symmetric
This is why we can use asymmetric encryption to exchange a
key which we then use for symmetric encryption
Key lengths for equivalent security of symmetric/asymmetric
encryption cannot be directly compared - asymmetric key
needs to be about ten times longer
It was introduced in 1978
How are the public and private key created?
They are always created together (key pair)
The private key consists of two numbers d, n
The public key consists of two numbers e, n
First, choose p and q - both large primes - larger than
- n = p * q
z = (p-1) * (q-1)
e = any number relatively prime to z (means that it has no
common factor with z apart from 1)
d = a number such that (e*d) mod z = 1
How does encryption/decryption work?
Encrypt: C = P^e mod n
Decrypt: P = C^d mod n
Message Authentication - Cryptographic Hash Functions
Cryptographic hash functions are also known as message
It generates a small digest or fingerprint
Any input change should produce a different digest
It’s a one way function → extremely difficult to
go backwards
It must provide good collision resistance - i.e. must be
extremely difficult to find another message that produces
the same digest, even though there are an infinite number of
messages that all produce the same digest
Cryptographic hash functions are the basis of the digital
They are used to ensure non-repudiation
e.g. electronic contract that has the same legal validity
as a signed written contract (can be enforced by the
Encrypt the message digest with your asymmetric private key
and publish with the document
Anybody can check the validity of the document by
decrypting using your (published) public key and checking
against the digest produced from the document itself
If they are identical, then the document is authentic
Examples: MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2 (“Secure Hash
SHA-1 produces a 160 bit digest
It was developed by the NSA and published by NIST
It’s very hard to find another plaintext that
produces the same 160 bit hash
Collision attacks should require 2^80 hashes, but 2005
research suggested that only 2^69 hashes are required
How do we compute the digest?
We start with 160 bit of pre-set state
We will divide our state into H0, H1, H2, H3 and H4 - each
of these is 32 bits long
We consume 512 bits of our message at a time and keep
changing our internal state using a compression
Once we consumed the whole message we output the final
How does the compression function work?
Our first input is H0 … H4 (from the state) which we
copy into A … E - we use these as a working
Our second input is a 80-word long array, which we create
by expanding our 512 bit message (which is 16 32-bit
Using both inputs, we then perform 80 rounds of
Finally, we will update H0 … H4 (our state) by
adding A … E to it (modulo 2^32 addition)
One round of compression works as follows
<<< is a left bit rotation by the number of bits
F is a nonlinear function that varies
Wt is the expanded message word of round t (take the word
at index t from the 80 words long array)
Kt is the round constant of round t
The red grid denotes addition modulo 2^32
What do we do if our message length is not a multiple of
512 bits?
We need to add some padding to make the length a multiple
of 512!
For the padding we need to know the length of the original
We can then add padding at the end of the message as
We first add a single 1
At the end of the block we add the message length (in
We fill up the empty space between with 0’s
Here are two examples that show that even a slight change
in the plaintext results in a big change of the hash
Input: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
SHA1: 2fd4e1c67a2d28fced849ee1bb76e7391b93eb12
Input "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cog"
SHA1: de9f2c7fd25e1b3afad3e85a0bd17d9b100db4b3
Even though we just changed “d” to
“c” 81 bits have changed!
The first SHA-1 collision was published in February
It took around 2^60 calculations to find it - over 6,500
hours of CPU time
Two different PDF files that produce the same SHA-1
SHA-2 is the successor of SHA-1
It was recommended for US government use after 2010
It was not widely used until early 2017 - after the SHA-1
collision was published
SHA-3 was defined in 2012 - just in case SHA-2 becomes
unsafe to use
It produces a digest of either 224, 256, 384 or 512
Key Exchange
Suppose you are A and want to send a symmetric key K-S to
A and B have an asymmetric key pair
A has asymmetric
keys K-pub-A and K-priv-A
B has asymmetric keys K-pub-B
and K-priv-B
First, A encrypts K-S by using its private key K-priv-A - I
will call this “signed”
Then, A encrypts the result by using B’s public key
K-pub-B - I will call this “encrypted”
A sends this encrypted & signed message over to B
B first decrypts with its private key K-priv-B - only B can
do this!
B then decrypts with A’s public key K-pub-A - only A
could have sent the message!
Another way to exchange keys is the Diffie-Hellman key
exchange protocol
It was first published in 1976
How does the Diffie-Hellman key exchange work?
Alice and Bob wish to agree on a shared secret key
First, they agree on two values “m” and
“m” is a large prime number and (m-1)/2 must
also be prime and “g” is an integer
Alice generates a large random number “a”,
which is kept secret
Alice computes x = g^a mod m and sends the result to
Bob generates a large random number “b”, which
is kept secret
Bob computes y = g^b mod m and sends the result to
Alice computes K1 = y^a mod m
Bob computes K2 = x^b mod m
Note that K1 = K2
Here is a simplified example (with very small
This process is vulnerable to a “man in the
middle” attack
Suppose Trudy is in the middle of Alice and Bob
Alice thinks she is talking to Bob but is actually talking
to Trudy and negotiating a key with him
Bob thinks he is talking to Alice but is actually talking
to Trudy and also negotiates a key with him
Now Trudy can decrypt and encrypt all messages between
Alice and Bob, without them knowing
Authentication Protocols
We use Authentication Protocols to ensure that the other
party in an exchange is who they claim to be
Challenge response protocols are widely used for this
They work with both symmetric and asymmetric encryption
(for symmetric encryption we assume that the key has been
exchanged successfully)
How does a challenge-response protocol work?
Assume there are two parties A and B
A sends an encrypted nonce (a truly randomly generated
number that will only be used once) to B
B decrypts the message and makes some prearranged
modification to the number, e.g. it will add 1 to the
B encrypts the result and sends it back to A
Now A can trust B
For B to have confidence in A repeat the process in the
other direction
Digital Signatures and Electronic Contracts
A digital signature must be unforgeable
Check if the signature is correct
The signature makes sure that ...
… no alterations are possible to document
… no reuse is possible
Asymmetric encryption is one solution (check section
“Key Exchange” above for an example)
Usually the message digest is signed
This is also done in electronic contracts (see directly
In an electronic contract between A and B both first agree
on a hash function H
They both calculate a message digest MD = H(contract) to
get MDa and MDb
A and B already have asymmetric key pairs so each now signs
the digest with their own private key
SMDa = E(K-priv-a, MDa), SMDb = E(K-priv-b, MDb)
Exchange these signed digests, each now signs the other
signed digest with their own private key
DSMDa = E(K-priv-a, SMDb), DSMDb = E(K-priv-b, SMDa)
Now append these two double-signed digests to the
If a third party (e.g. a court of law) wishes to verify the
contract they compute
TPMD1 = H(contract)
TPMD2 = D(K-pub-b, D(K-pub-a, DSMDa))
TPMD3 = D(K-pub-a, D(K-pub-b, DSMDb))
If TMPD1 = TMPD2 = TMPD3 then the contract is valid
X.509 Certificates and Certificate Authorities
Maybe there is a respected individual you already know who
introduces you to someone else
Therefore, you can now trust this other person as
The same idea is used to validate a public key
The key and the identity are bound together in a
certificate, signed by the “respected
A widely used mechanism are X.509 certificates
In X.509 the “respected individual” is replaced
by a certificate authority (CA) or certification
In return for a fee, the CA will verify your identity and
issue you an X.509 certificate
This certificate ties together your identity with your
public key (and the public key matches your private
What does a X.509 certificate contain?
version number
serial number
validity period
unique identifier of the certificate holder
certificate holder public key algorithm
public key for the certificate holder
unique identifier of the certificate issuer
signature algorithm description
certificate signature
Here is an example certificate of
It works by creating a chain of trust
Eventually there must be a root CA that you have to
All browsers have self-signed certificates issued by the
major CA’s built into them
If one of these CA’s is compromised it is a serious
Nawful’s Part
First, a definition of a few things which are commonly
mixed up
What is authentication?
It’s checking a claim of identity
Example: Is the person who logs into the system really the
person they claim to be?
Common problems are that sometimes you forget the password
or you enter it incorrectly
It’s checking whether something is legit
Example: Is the email from my colleague really from
It’s checking whether the data has not been
Example: Is the email from my colleague unchanged?
It’s checking whether you (the user) are allowed to
do what you are trying to do
Example: Are you allowed to access the admin panel?
We use access control mechanisms for authorisation
You can be authenticated to a system but not authorised to
perform certain actions
It’s tracing/logging every action that happens
Example: Every log-in attempt is logged
The parties involved in a data exchange cannot deny the
fact that they were involved
Example: The email came from the university because it is
digitally signed with the private key of the
It’s making sure that only the intended people can
read a message
Example: I send an email to a friend and encrypt it so that
only they can read it because it contains sensitive
It’s the guarantee of reliable access to information
by authorised people
Example: I can access the shared cloud drive that contains
sensitive documents reliably
There are different cyber security models
CIA model: Three key principles which should be guaranteed
in any kind of secure system
- Integrity
AAA model: Three key principles for access to a secure
- Accounting
AIN model: I couldn’t find anything about it online,
but my guess is: Three key principles to ensure secure
communication between parties
- Integrity
Types of Authentication
How can we perform authentication?
There are different types of stuff we can use
Information or data which is known only to you
Examples: Passwords, PINs
Problems: Easy to hack if they are short, poorly selected,
can be shared with other people, can be forgotten
A physical object which belongs to you
Examples: ID cards, smart cards
Problems: You can forget them, the scanner does not
Your unique physiological and behavioural
Examples: Fingerprint, iris recognition, facial recognition
Problems: Hard to implement, expensive hardware
You can use additional factors to make the authentication
This is called multi factor authentication
The combination of multiple techniques improves the
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is widely used: An attempt
to logon first requires a password, the system then sends a
text message you have to enter
Other factors are your geolocation or browser you are
Authentication Systems
Passwords: How to choose a good one?
Use all characters (not just a-z)
Choose long passwords with at least 10 characters
Don’t use actual names or words
Choose an unlikely password
Don’t tell anybody
The user authenticates once per session, the original
system then authenticates user to all other systems
The strength of the SSO system determines the strength of
the overall system
You need to trust whoever provides the SSO
Example: At work you log in once, then you can access all
company services
A small portable unit that generates a one-time password on
Therefore, a possession mechanism
The password will be valid only for a short period of
Needs time-synchronisation between the device and the
server and must not be possible to reverse-engineer
You distribute a list of passwords to the users
Whenever a user logs in they use a password from the
Each password can only be used once
It was used for remote banking systems to validate
However, it is inconvenient to have long lists of passwords
and ensuring that the list is safe and secret
How do you save passwords securely? We will hash all
passwords and store those hashes!
How does the hash function work?
Basically, this was already discussed in Ed’s
The idea is that you have a one-way hash function
(can’t go backwards) to produce a hash from the
plaintext password
The function is designed so that it is computationally
intensive to find the plaintext from a given hashed value -
you’d have to use brute force to find out
How do you verify hashed passwords?
When the user provides a password for log-in we compute the
hash from the password provided and compare it to the hash
If both match, we grant access
When we hash passwords, we also add a
This is a random number which we use when we hash the
We also store this random number (together with the
It has the effect that two identical passwords result in
two different hashes - provided that the salt used is
It protects against searching for hashes against rainbow
tables of hashed passwords
A rainbow table contains mappings from plaintext passwords
to their hashes (which were hashed without salt)
What are some threats and bad practices?
Users can be persuaded to tell you the password
Users often write passwords down
Users re-use passwords for different systems
Users use simple passwords
Systems store passwords as plaintext
Backups have lower security measures
What are some typical password attacks?
Brute force: Try every possible combination
Null authentication: Can you log-in by providing no
password at all?
Username and password are the same: This one is
Social engineering: What are the most likely passwords for
a user? The name of their child, brother, sister, pet? Or
you just call the person and ask to verify their password as
a “security check”
Dictionary attacks: Try out common words
Common passwords list: Try out common passwords
The following table shows how long it takes to brute force
an 8/10 character password made up from upper & lower
case letters and digits
Online attack
Offline attack
Massive cracking array scenario
The attacker has to send requests to a server
to check the password attempt
The attacker has the hashed password
The attacker has the hashed password locally
and uses supercomputers
Number of guesses
One thousand guesses per second
One hundred billion guesses per second
One hundred trillion guesses per second
8 character password
70.56 centuries
36.99 minutes
2.22 seconds
10 character password
2.71 hundred thousand centuries
3.25 months
2.37 hours
Physical Biometrics
There are different physical biometrics we can use
A fingerprint is made up of ridges and furrows located on
the fingertips
The uniqueness of a fingerprint can be determined by the
pattern of ridges and furrows
Facial recognition is an automated method to record the
spatial geometry of the distinguishing features of the
The features can be based on the location and shape of
facial attributes (e.g. eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips, chin)
and their spatial relationships
Measuring the blood vessel patterns in the retina at the
back of the eyes
Unique for every individual
Each iris is unique: right and left eyes are
Complex patterns with many distinctive features such as
furrows, ridges, crypts, rings, coronas, freckles and
How do we acquire physical biometrics?
Through a live scan of the biometric feature by a biometric
The acquired biometric image is used by a feature
extraction module to compute the feature values
corresponding to the position and orientation of certain
critical points
These points are known as minutiae points
In the matching stage, the minutiae patterns extracted from
the user’s biometrics are compared with those in the
How can physical biometrics be attacked?
Using masterprints
Harvesting unsecured images
Harvesting organs
Using forged biometrics
Exploiting software vulnerabilities
Reusing residual biometrics
Behavioral Biometrics
There are different behavioral biometrics we can use
Signature verification
An automated method of examining the way an individual
signs his or her name
Data collected using a stylus (pen) and a sensor pad
The sound of a human voice is primarily based on physical
characteristics such as vocal tracts, palate, teeth, nasal
cavities, lips and mouth
The physical characteristics of human speech are invariant
for an individual, but learned behavioral patterns change
over time because of age, medical conditions and emotional
Measures dynamics such as typing speed and pressure, the
total time of typing a particular password, and the time a
user takes between hitting certain keys
How can behavioral biometrics be attacked?
Human beings are predictable
Signatures can be forged
Voice synthesisers can be trained
Exploiting software vulnerabilities
How Biometrics Work
Biometrics can be used for both Authentication and
Identification is about finding out who the person is
The identity of the person is unknown until we search the
Many matches must be searched
Ideally, we need a database containing everybody
What functions are provided?
Enrolment function: Acquire a user’s biometric raw
data, create a biometric template and save it
Authentication function: Acquire a user’s biometric
raw data, create a biometric template and compare it to the
stored template
Matching score function: A matching score quantifies the
similarity between the input and the stored template. The
higher the score, the greater the confidence that the
samples belong to the same individual
How is the accuracy of matching expressed?
There are two measures: False Match Rate (FMR) and False
Non-Match Rate (FNMR)
The FMR is the rate of individuals who are matched even
though they are not the same - also called false accept rate
(FAR) or false positive
The FNMR is the rate of individuals who are not matched
even though they are the same - also called false reject
rate (FRR) or false negative
In a perfect system both FMR and FNMR are 0 - but no
biometric system is perfect
If you increase the threshold of the match scoring function
you will make the system more secure but increase the
If you decrease the threshold you will make the system more
tolerant to input variations but the FMR will increase
Biometric Issues
The seven key biometric issues are
Universality: All human beings have the same physical
characteristics, e.g. fingers, face, iris, etc.
Uniqueness: For each person their physical characteristics are
Permanence: These characteristics remain largely unchanged over
Collectability: A person’s unique physical characteristics need to
be measurable and able to be collected reasonably
Performance: The identification accuracy must be acceptable before
the system can be made operational. Other performance
metrics include speed and resource requirements
Acceptability: The user population and the public in general should
have no (strong) objections to the measuring/collection of
the biometric data
Resistance to circumvention: In order to provide acceptable security, the system
needs to be robust and to withstand fraudulent attacks
The accuracy, retrieval and storage must be
Two samples of the same biometric characteristic from the
same individual will not be exactly the same because of
imperfect measurements, changes in user characteristics,
user interaction with sensor, noise, etc.
Biometric data could be used for purposes for which it was
not intended, e.g. medical diagnosis
Subjects could be identified when they didn’t want to
be (without consent)
Governments build large databases - do we trust them?
Is the identity of the person enrolled correct?
Is the enrolment process secure?
Is the database storage secure?
Is the template transmission secure?
Is the authentication process secure?
What about the accuracy of recording and matching?
Threats to Authentication Procedures and Data
What confidence tricks are there?
Phishing emails: Victim clicks on a fake email and installs
malware or enters password
Telephone phishing: “Hello, this is Microsoft
support, please tell me your password so I can fix your
Person-to-person phishing: The attacker asks the victim in
person or uses physical attacks
Typographic attacks: Spoof a URL, e.g. looks
almost like
What are some remote technical tricks?
Spoof techniques: Those are used in phishing emails. E.g.
the attacker sends a link to a fake site that looks like the
real deal
Cross frame scripting: The attacker embeds another page in
an iFrame and can then spy on the victim
Infected software: Well, malware basically
DNS poisoning: Infecting DNS servers so they answer with
the attackers IP instead of the real one
Traffic sniffing: Capture traffic in your network, can read
all the unencrypted stuff
Exploiting outdated technology: Make use of well-known
security vulnerabilities
What are some local technical tricks?
Software vulnerabilities: Again, exploiting known security
Browser “toolbars”/extensions: They might have
unrestricted access to what you enter on a page
Trojans: Covered in Ed’s part
Viruses: Also in Ed’s part
Authorised exploitation: Some authorities mistakenly
thought that some malware was safe, so the victim believes
it is safe
Visual tricks: Spoofing the URL or hiding the address bar
in a browser
Hardware attacks: Attaching a physical devices such a
keylogger device
What are some common mistakes that victims make?
Writing down passwords
Telling people passwords
Picking weak passwords
Inattentiveness when entering passwords: Entering them on a
fake website, not checking whether someone is watching them,
Permitting accounts to be “borrowed”
Physical attack: Getting mugged
Allowing weak procedures for when they need to recover the
Using outdated technology
Here are the common implementation oversights
Unsafe lost password procedure
Insecure cookies
Trusting form data without validation
Accepting sensitive info over non-SSL
No brute force protection
Not blocking logins from certain locations (this does not
apply always)
Allowing users to save login data in their browser
XSS vulnerabilities
No input data sanitisation
No output data sanitisation
Cryptographic oversights - e.g. using pseudo-random
Not encrypting sensitive data
Sometimes users get blocked/locked out of the system
DOS (denial of service) attacks can be used to perform
failed logins, which result in the user being locked
They can also be used to acquire the user to reset their
Enrolment attacks can be carried out by a deliberate
wrongdoer who creates a new set of credentials
Or they can be carried out by identity squatters who
register your name/nickname/persona before you do
What can compromised authentication lead to?
Interception: The attacker can intercept the messages. This
is an attack on confidentiality
Interruption: The attacker can make the system unavailable.
This is an attack on availability
Modification: The attacker can alter the messages. This is
an attack on integrity
Fabrication: The attacker can make up messages. This is an
attack on authenticity
Morris and Thompson paper
Morris and Thompson suggest the following things
Have a solid authentication system.
Encrypt passwords.
Make sure your local/remote users database is secure.
Make sure its resilient to dictionary attacks.
Varied character types (Lower Case, Upper Case, Numbers
& special characters).
Use password manager suggestions. (might be destructive if
forced on the users.)
Use proper encryption and Key size.
Chose a long password.
Use Salted passwords
Don’t feedback if username is correct
Use a computationally expensive encryption.
Encryption Guidelines
Which encryption should be used for which case?
Check the following table
Pervasive Monitoring (PM): From Bad to Worse
Definition and Introduction
What is pervasive monitoring?
It’s basically monitoring people constantly
It can be considered as an attack
It’s good for some applications, e.g. medical
However, what if that was compromised?
What if it’s also used for malicious purposes?
Pervasive Monitoring can be an attack or can be used as
part of an attack
It is not the only security or privacy issue we need to
work on (Spam, Malware, DDoS, …)
However, mitigations for Pervasive Monitoring can also help
a lot with other problems
Pervasive monitoring targets everyone and at a massive
If there is more than one way to carry out PM they will try
all of them
Data is collected even offensively
What does it take to justify pervasive monitoring?
1 tea spoon of terrorism
2 tablespoons of fear mongering
½ tea spoon trespass on civil liberties
3 or 4 politicians
2 pounds of the press
A small dash of public approval
For example, GCHQ (UK intelligence agency) intercepted
millions of Yahoo webcam images
With aid from the NSA they intercepted and stored the
webcam images of millions of users
Users were not suspected of wrongdoing
This was carried out under the surveillance program was
codenamed Optic Nerve
The program collected still images of Yahoo webcam chats in
bulk and saved them to agency databases, regardless of
whether individual users were an intelligence target or
Example: GCHQ faces new Belgacom (telecommunications
company from Belgium) hack allegations
Leaks from NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden reveal that
the alleged GCHQ cyber-attack on Belgacom used Regin
It was undiscovered for two years before it was
There are new concerns that the clean-up operations was not
Snowden revealed in 2013 that Belgacom had been hit by an
advanced persistent threat (APT) attack - more about APT
He says this was the work of the UK’s GCHQ
Example: State Funded Firmware Hack “Sonic
Screwdriver & LoJax”
The CIA apparently developed an implant for Apple’s
computers that used the Extensible Firmware Interface
(predecessor of UEFI)
It required physical access to the targeted computer and a
malicious Thunderbolt Ethernet adapter called the
“Sonic Screwdriver”
LoJax, however, is an entirely different animal
It was built to be deployed remotely
It can read and overwrite parts of the UEFI
firmware’s flash memory
I actually don’t know why the title of this section
is “Motivation” (it’s from the
Here are the names of some countries that are watching
The '5-Eyes': The US, the UK, Canada, New Zealand
and Australia
The '9-Eyes': The '5-Eyes' group plus
Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands and France
The '14-Eyes': The two above groups plus Germany,
Sweden, Belgium, Spain, and Italy
What are the different branches of intelligence?
Signals intelligence (SIGINT)
Defence intelligence (DEFINT)
Human intelligence (HUMINT)
Geospatial intelligence (GEOINT)
Pervasive Monitoring and other Stuff
PM vs. targeted monitoring
Most people are against pervasive monitoring, but all right
with targeted surveillance (e.g. under warrant
This is also often called “lawful
However, lawful interception can be, and has been used for,
pervasive monitoring
PM vs. pervasive advertising
Data driven advertising will always be a breach of your
It will collect even more data than government agencies
Government agencies can convince or coerce companies into
Google’s core business is around advertising so how
can we convince internet business not to use
How to balance toxicity of data vs. data- mining
“The problem that we face today is not data, or how
to acquire it. The Problem is what it means.”
The Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal was a
major political scandal in early 2018
It was revealed that Cambridge Analytica had harvested the
personal data of millions of people's Facebook
They didn’t have their consent and used it for
political advertising purposes
What can we do against PM?
RFC 7258/BCP 188 state that PM will be considered as an
attack in the design process of all protocols
Furthermore, it states that IETF (Internet Engineering Task
Force) will work on introducing new and revising existing
protocols to mitigate PM by design
RFC 7435 defines “Opportunistic Security”
Any system with OS will try to encrypt all communication
when talking to other systems
If this doesn’t work, it has to fall back to
cleartext communication
IAB (Internet Architecture Board) recommends to
Design for confidentiality by default - encrypt
Create a PM threat model document
DNS Privacy: DNSSEC does not encrypt the payloads of DNS
queries or responses but provides a method of validating the
authenticity of the information
Some other non-technical solutions are
User education
Free and open source software
Legislation (e.g. GDPR)
Clever cryptography
Why it will not go away
Government or corporate espionage is not going away
Privacy invasive commerce (legitimate and not) is very
Lack of legal accountability mechanisms
Its not well understood so it keeps getting worse which
leads to badly-informed decision makers
Slow Government regulation of businesses (e.g. Data
Protection Agencies)
Slow Commercial reaction to user privacy requirements
Low attention to NGOs working to enhance privacy.
Technical privacy enhancing/enforcement mechanisms are
still in their infancy
Tighter export control on information
News blackout on revolution
Arrests and assignations of activists
More power to authoritarian regimes
Corruption and wasted public funds
VOIP applications like WhatsApp and Viber might get
Sometimes internet access might be restricted
There’s plenty of it around
Advanced Persistent Threats (APT)
What is an Advanced Persistent Threat?
The FBI getting around measures you took to be anonymous,
focusing on your identity and physical location
The CIA, suspecting you to be a spy, breaking into your
hotel room and installing spyware on the laptop that you
thought was secure in the hotel safe
What is not an Advanced Persistent Threat?
Your housemate posting “I love cybersecurity”
using your Facebook account
A script-kiddie uploading a bunch of malicious scripts,
with little to no comprehension of what they
A hacktivist group that regularly DDoS websites of
organisations they don’t like
Random hackers who spam a pre-scripted, highly
platform-dependent attack at government organisations
As you can see, APT is some pretty serious shit
Let’s breakdown APT
- Advanced
Attacker adapts to the victim’s efforts
Attacker can develop or buy zero-day exploits
Attacks are highly sophisticated
Attacks are objective and specific
Attacks will continue until the goal is reached
Attacks are intended to maintain long term
The threat is not just the malware/exploit/attack
This is more about the entities behind the attack
The common methods used are (more about them later)
- Kill Chains
- Diamonds
Mitre Att&ck
Zero-day exploits (explained later)
- Rootkits
Sponsors & Attackers
Who sponsors APT and who attacks?
Potential sponsors are
Commercial companies (e.g. competing company)
- Military
Intelligence agencies
Attackers are both well funded and highly skilled
What is the motivation behind APT?
- Espionage
- Sabotage
Brand Damage
Attacker is late to the market (At least I think
that’s what the slides mean)
Discovering APT
Here is a cool graphic that shows the typical stages people
go through when they discover the APT
Technical & Behavioral Characteristics
- Linux
- Windows
- OS X
- Firmware
What are the main technical characteristics?
It’s customised code and not a common code
It’s focused on objectives and not
It may use multiple zero-day exploits
The deployment is controlled by human intervention and not
fully automated
It operates in low and slow manner to remain stealthy and
What are the main behavioral characteristics?
It’s directed at political and military targets
It uses multiple vectors of attack
It causes low to zero downtime to systems
It operates very stealthy
It’s persistent
Here is a very exciting picture showing the different parts
of APT
What is command & control?
The ability for the remote attacker to direct tasking and
configuration of the implanted malware, to download new
payloads and to provide malware updates
What is process injection?
The most sophisticated APTs don't operate as
applications or processes, but attach themselves to an
existing application or process that's running in
An APT wants to remain invisible for as long as possible,
and operates as a low and slow attack, stealthily extracting what it needs, with as little impact on
the host computer, and without generating regular or
predictable network traffic
APT is designed to collect information, and it needs to
send it back to its control server
A good Exfiltration system will not only encrypt the
information being sent, so that it isn't seen by any
monitoring systems, but it may also hide it in the kind of
packets that are normally ignored, such as HTTP or DNS
In order to remain operational for a period of time, an APT
needs to restart when the system is rebooted, or if the
system administrator attempts to remove it
Zero-day Vulnerability
What are software vulnerabilities?
Jk, I’m fairly sure you know what they are by
When you find a vulnerability, you should …
Notify the vendor of the vulnerability
Provide the vendor a reasonable amount of time to fix
Disclose the vulnerability publicly (a while after the fix
has been released)
What if the vulnerability is not disclosed?
Then we can call this vulnerability a zero-day
This is a vulnerability that has been discovered but the
vendor has not been informed or has not found it yet, and it
has not been published
Zero-days are dangerous because
We don’t know about them so we might fail to detect
attacks that make use of them
We don’t have patches for them
How can we discover zero-days?
We can set up a honeypot or honeynet - that is a fake
system that appears to be legit to the attacker and when it
gets compromised we know there is an attack
We can closely monitor the hacking community on the dark
web - zero-days are often advertised/discussed there
We can use testing frameworks and debug tools
We can carry out firmware analysis and stress testing
How do attackers exploit zero-days?
Obviously, you have to know about a zero-day vulnerability
to exploit it
You need to have the skills
You need to have the tools
The window of vulnerability is the time between the
discovery of a zero-day vulnerability and the release of the
security update
Discovery & Defending APT
How and when are APT found?
To find an APT focus on each stage of the kill chain (more
about it later), this will provide the opportunity for early
APTs are usually found when network monitoring detects the
installed malware attempting to connect to its command &
control server
Nevertheless, the average time it takes to detect an APT is
measured in months
How to defend against APT?
Build a strong security foundation
Implement strong encryption
Use rigorous monitoring
Maintain proper configuration
Regularly patch and update and check what has been fixed in
Have a good defense to at least delay the attacker
Maintain proper backups
You will still fail to defend against APTs because
You don’t have knowledge about zero-day
You are not well funded - compared to the attackers
You are not well organised - compared to the
Use Case - Stuxnet
Stuxnet was an APT detected in 2010
It was designed specifically to target centrifuges in the
Iranian nuclear program
It was targeting the Siemens industrial plant equipment
used in nuclear fuel enrichment which was used in the
uranium enrichment facility at Natanz, Iran
The US admitted in 2012 that it was responsible, together
with Israel, for developing Stuxnet
Stuxnet had its own rootkit
It had 7 means of communication/propagation
Peer-to-peer communication and updates
Infecting WinCC (Siemens system) machines via a hardcoded
database server password
Propagating through network shares
Propagating through the print spooler
Propagating through the Windows server service
- USB stick
Project files
It recorded all data and used it for machine learning
It was very stealthy and activated only once every 27
It worked offline
It made use of 4 previously unknown zero-day
It targeted the Siemens SCADA (supervisory control and data
acquisition) system
When Stuxnet was active it repeatedly sped up and slowed
down the centrifuges, causing the aluminium tubes to expand
and contract, eventually destroying between 900 and 1000
Stages of Attacks, Killchain and Mitre Att&ck
An active cyber attack can be divided into 5 different
stages (simplified version)
There also exists a so called kill chain that denotes 7
different stages
Finally, there’s also 12 stages of “Mitre
These three models can be mapped to each other as shown in
the following table
Active Attacks
Kill Chains
Mitre Att&ck
1 Reconnaissance
1 Reconnaissance
2 Scanning
2 Weaponization
3 Gaining Access
3 Delivery
1 Initial Access
4 Maintaining Access
4 Exploitation
2 Execution
5 Installation
3 Persistence
4 Privilege Escalation
5 Defence Evasion
6 Credential Access
7 Discovery
8 Lateral Movement
9 Collection
6 Command and Control
10 Command and Control
11 Exfiltration
5 Clearing Tracks
7 Actions on Objectives
12 Impact
You are asking yourself why these models can be mapped like
I don’t know. I just write the notes.
Diamond Model
We got yet another model, wohooo 🥳
The diamond model is an intelligence-centric paper that
- Tactics
- Techniques
- Procedures
It focuses much more on understanding the attacker
What tools do they use?
What infrastructure do they have?
What are their motivations?
The model looks like this:
Use Case
Alice, an employee, calls you to say that she is having
problems opening a document from the new head of
You wander over, sure it’s a PEBKAC error
(“Problem exists between keyboard and
You ask her to demonstrate the problem
She double clicks the attachment of the email
You see a long pause and then a blank PDF document
You realise that something is wrong
You ask alice to open the email again and you see that the
domain of the email address is wrong
Also, the message is rather brief, just “see
You open task manager and see that Internet Explorer is
running, however, no window is open
You reach around the back of the PC to pull the network
cable, preparing for the worst
Congrats, you’ve just reached the first stage of
discovering an APT - Denial & Shock
We map the email to the diamond model & the
The email is the delivery stage in the killchain
To map to the diamond model, the yellow highlighted bits is infrastructure and the green highlighted bits is capability
Moving on to the exploit/install stages of the
Link in the body of the email = http[:]//mail-
File named as runme.exe, with an MD5 hash of
Using what we have seen so far, we can create a table
including the delivery, exploit and install stages of the
kill chain
Kill Chain
Thread-Index: [Value]
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2013 00:50:49 -0800
X-Mailer: mlx 5.1.7
Boundary: [Value]
In addition, we will gather more information after checking
the network logs and the PC, which we add to the following
Kill Chain
Email address:
Sender IP:
Attachment: runmex.exe
Network traffic: GET /callhome.php
We can also visualise this information graphically (using
the diamond model)
Now we reach the second stage of discovering the ATP:
Attribution & Retribution
You create an IDS (intrusion detection system) signature
for the network traffic, ensuring that the relevant IP
addresses, email addresses and domains are blocked
You submit the attachment to the antivirus provider
You send out an email warning people that the company is
being targeted by spear phishing, with pointers to
We move on to the third stage: Investigation &
After reviewing the logs of the mail server and firewall
you see a few more attempts to deliver other attacks
We can create another table with these new findings
Kill Chain
GET /aotj/581/link.php?a=5&z=SGVsbG8gV
29ybGQ&f=476f6f6462796500 HTTP/1.1
User-agent: Mozilla 4.4
Here is a summary of results after you have finished
investigation & discovery
You have some quarantined emails from other IP addresses,
so you added those IP addresses to the block lists
You updated the IDS models
You tested your mail server
You ran the attachments in a sandbox and checked the
network traffic
You searched the mail server’s logs to see if there
has been any previous attack from the same IP
You found similar emails containing malware and quarantined
You come back the next morning and reach the Realisation
You examine what your IDS has logged overnight
You find another email
You find another attachment (with the same malware)
You find new domains and IP addresses associated with the
You find that the attack started at 07:50 - before Alice
got into the office
You find common header artefacts from the emails
You put these new findings into another table
Kill Chain
Email address:
Email headers: X-Mailer: enom1856 &
Sender IP: 2001:0DB8:1de:ad00::1
Attachment: update.pdf.exe
Exploit / Install
Network traffic
GET /callhome.php HTTP/1.0
POST /callhome.php HTTP/1.1
Act on Objectives
Domains and IPs
Destination IP for FTP
Act on Objectives
There is a human driving the attack
The attackers are persistent
The attackers work office hours
The attackers only used one tool so far
The attackers aren’t risking their better-quality
tools until they know their current tools won’t
The e-learning package on spotting phishing attacks
isn’t working
The attackers have exfiltrated a large volume of data
The attackers have done their research on the target before
they started the attack
Moving to the final stage “Resolution”
The group operating the attack is called BASILISK GAZE, a
relatively new and immature group operating in the UTC+06:00
The targets have all been in the energy sector or
supporting sector
The attack method is always an attachment in email and so
far, it’s always executables
Only 2 implants have been observed, the other being Poison
Ivy with the default password
All observed exfiltration has been over FTP to an IP in the
Security Engineering - Landscape and Policies
What is security by design (default)?
Design the system with security in mind from the
What is privacy by design (default)?
Consider the privacy of all data that you collect when you
design the system
What are software requirements?
Specifications of what the software is supposed to do
What are the policies that you must comply with at the
University of Southampton?
For example, you must not give your password to anyone
In security engineering we follow these steps
Select a framework
Select a maturity model
Develop a security architecture
Prioritise security investment and effort
Framework, Model & Policy
A framework provides tools to implement/build a
Security frameworks are ISO 27001, NIST, BSI
A Model is a description of the system you want to
Models utilise some features that are offered by some
Examples are IoT (Internet of Things), Blockchain,
Policies are created based on a model
It is a statement that reflects the rules that everyone
should abide by
Good policies include a purpose, policy compliance, date
tested, date updated and a contact
We first select a security framework, then develop a
security model and finally define the policies - this is
what the triangle shows
Maturity Model
What is a maturity model?
It is used to measure how good the security of your system
There are different maturity models
Here is one for networking, called the SANS security
maturity model
Here is one for code, called the cybersecurity capability
maturity model (C2M2) that shows different maturity
indicator levels (MILs)
Security Architecture - Reference Diagrams
We use reference diagrams to visualise the security
- We need to
define hosts
define network(s)
define stakeholders
We can reuse (parts of) it
We can illustrate threats
We can show the impact on assets
We can show the impact on stakeholders
We can show them to managers
What are hosts (or hosts assets)?
Host assets are typically equipment that has an operating
system and does not typically include firmware
Here is an example showing different kinds of hosts
Network assets are used to enable communication
Here is an example showing different kinds of network
Stakeholders are people involved in the day to day
operation of the organisation
Here is an example showing different kinds of
Now that we have seen all the different bits, here is a
full reference diagram
Threat Analysis
Once we have a reference diagram we can use to to carry out
threat analysis
Here is an example reference diagram with threat
Policy Planning
We can write policies for
Policy planning for people is education about the best
security practices
Policies for networks should be
- Proactive
- Continuous
- Measurable
However, in industry it is often
- Random
Reactive (after an attack has happened)
The main rule for distinguishing between users and network
policies is asking yourself the question: Is this policy
measureable/checkable (by some system)?
If it is measurable then it is a network policy otherwise
it is user policy
For example: The password must be at least 8 characters
This is a network policy because it can easily be
measured/checked by a system
This is it, you have just reached the end of the
cybersecurity notes
Good luck for the exam!