Computer Systems I
Matthew Barnes
Physical 9
Intro to CPU structure 9
Definition 9
Functions of a CPU 9
Structure 9
Registers 9
User visible registers 10
Control registers 10
Assembler, C -> ARM 10
Data flow 11
Computer interfaces 12
Types of input 12
Analogue inputs 12
Converting analogue to digital 12
Quantisation 12
How does ADC work? 13
DAC 13
CISC and RISC 13
Architectures 13
Von Neumann Architecture 13
Harvard Architecture 14
Pipelining and branch prediction 15
Pipelining 15
Dealing with branches 16
Multiple Streams 16
Prefetch Branch Target 16
Loop buffer 16
Branch prediction 16
Delay slot 17
SSE 17
Flynn’s classifications 17
SSE 17
How SSE works 18
Superscalar 18
What is superscalar? 18
Limitations 18
Instruction issues 19
Superscalar requirements 20
Interconnection structure & bus design 20
What is a bus 20
Single bus problems 20
Bus layouts for different units 21
Types of buses 21
Control / Address / Data bus 21
Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) 22
Universal Serial Bus (USB) 22
Hard disk buses 23
Parallel ATA (PATA or IDE) 23
Serial ATA (SATA) 23
Fibre channel 24
I2C 24
Mass storage 24
Magnetic disk 24
Floppy 24
Hard disk 24
Solid State Drives 25
Optical storage and CD-ROM 26
DVD 26
Blu-ray 27
Magnetic tape 27
Storage Area Network (SAN) 27
What is RAID 27
RAID 0 28
RAID 1 28
RAID 0+1 28
RAID 1+0 28
RAID 4 29
RAID 5 29
RAID 6 29
RAID 5+0 30
RAID 6+0 30
Software RAID 30
Hot spares and hot swap 31
Stripe sizes 31
RAID controllers 31
Microcontrollers 31
What is a microcontroller? 31
Embedded systems 32
Input / Output 32
Analogue to digital inputs 32
Different types of microcontrollers 32
Arduino 32
Microchip’s PIC 32
TI MSP430 32
ARM 33
Cortex M 33
Raspberry Pi 3 details 33
Memory and RAM 33
Location 33
Capacity 34
Unit of transfer 34
Access methods 34
Sequential 34
Direct 34
Random 34
Associative 34
Memory hierarchy 35
Performance 35
Access time 35
Memory cycle time 35
Transfer rate 35
Physical types 35
Semiconductor memory 35
Dynamic RAM (DRAM) 35
Static RAM (SRAM) 36
Read-only Memory (ROM) 36
Double data rate RAM (DDR RAM) 36
Error correction 36
Simple parity bit 37
Flash RAM solid state disk 37
Parallel Processing 37
Amdahl’s law 37
Symmetric multiprocessors 38
Computer cluster 38
Process based message-parsing 39
Thread based message-parsing 39
Instruction level parallelism 39
Main dataflow 40
Code generation 40
PC architectures 41
Chipset 41
Server motherboards 41
Intel QuickPath Interconnect (QPI) 41
Onboard SSD 42
Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) 42
Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) 42
Cache 42
Definition 42
Operation 42
Size 43
Instruction / Data split 43
Three level caches 43
Mapping function 43
Direct mapping 44
Full associative mapping 44
Set associative mapping 45
Replacement algorithms 45
Write policies 46
Write-through 46
Write-back 46
Cache coherence 46
Intel’s latest CPUs 46
Multi-core CPU 47
Non uniform memory access (NUMA) 47
Loop detector 47
Hyperthreading 47
Integrated memory controller 48
Power management 48
“Turbo boost” 48
Summary of i3, i5, i7 and Xeon 49
GPUs 49
Definition 49
Why we need GPUs 49
3D rendering pipeline 49
Typical transformation maths 50
Raster operations 50
Comparison to supercomputers 50
GPUs with no graphical output 51
Replacing the pipeline model 51
Onboard Intel GPUs 51
Programming GPUs 51
Uses of GPUs 51
Logical 53
Intro to digital electronics 53
Truth table 53
Logic notation 53
Logic’s relation to electronics 53
Logic gates 53
Boolean algebra 55
Transistors 55
FET transistor 55
MOSFET transistor 56
Flip flops and registers 56
Flip flops 56
Reset-set flip flop (RS) 56
Clocked reset-set flip flop 56
D-type flip flop 56
Registers 57
Reg4 57
Shift registers 58
Serial data transfer 59
Receiving serial data 59
Sending serial data 59
Registers in modern hardware 60
Number systems 60
Definition 60
Convert decimal to binary 61
Convert binary to decimal 61
Convert hexadecimal to binary 62
Convert octal to binary 62
Convert binary coded decimal (BCD) to decimal 63
Arithmetic 63
Unsigned integers 63
Signed integers 63
Sign and magnitude 63
2’s complement 63
1’s complement 64
Biased offset 64
Floating point 65
Exponent field = 0 67
Rounding modes 67
Addition / Subtraction 67
Multiplication / Division 67
Variable types to bitwidths and ranges 68
Gates 68
Gate sizes 68
Gate speed (delays) 68
Glitch generator 68
Inertial delay 69
Karnaugh maps 69
Addition 70
Full adder 70
Ripple adder 70
Carry-lookahead 71
Multicycling 71
Binary multiplication 72
Booth multiplication algorithm 72
ARM and Assembly 74
ARM instruction set 74
Thumb2 74
ARM registers 74
Simple instruction examples 74
Status register 74
Memory access 75
Table 75
Offsetting 75
Looping 75
Stack 75
Subroutine return address 76
Subroutine call with interrupt 76
Return address using stack 76
Return address using LR register 76
LR 76
Networking 77
What is a network 77
Layered network models 77
Layer encapsulation 77
Physical & Link layer 77
Network access layer 78
Internet layer 78
IPv4 79
IPv6 79
ICMP / ICMPv6 80
Transport layer 80
TCP and UDP 80
TCP flow / congestion control 80
Application layer 81
Naming and addressing 81
DNS & ARP 81
DNS 81
ARP / NDP 82
Routing 82
Multiple paths 82
Switches 83
Other concerns 83
Monitoring 83
The Internet of things 83
Instruction sets 84
Interpretation of binary data 84
Instruction set 84
Elements of an instruction 84
Instruction types 84
Arithmetic instructions 85
Shift and rotate operations 85
Logical 85
Transfer of control 85
Input / Output 85
Types of operand 85
Instruction set architectures (ISA) 86
Accumulator ISA 86
Stack based ISA 86
Register-memory ISA 86
Register-register ISA 86
Memory-memory ISA 86
Alignment 87
Endedness 87
Address modes 88
Immediate addressing 88
Direct addressing 88
Indirect addressing 88
Multilevel indirect addressing 89
Register addressing 89
Register indirect addressing 89
Displacement addressing 89
Scaled displacement addressing 89
Orthogonality 90
Completeness 90
Operating Systems & Virtual Machines 90
About operating systems 90
Layers and views of a computer system 91
Kernel services 91
Memory management 91
Task management 91
File management 91
Device management 91
Essential hardware features for an OS 92
Memory protection 92
Timer 92
Privileged instructions 92
Interrupts 92
Scheduling 92
Context switching 92
Process control block 92
Memory management 93
Swapping 93
Partitioning 93
Physical and logical addresses 93
Paging 93
Virtual memory 93
Page table sizes 94
Translation lookaside buffer 94
Demand paging 94
Segmentation 94
Amdahl’s Law 95
The principle of locality 95
Disk caches 95
Intro to CPU structure
Stands for Central Processing Unit
Functions of a CPU
Data processing
- Data storage
Data movement
- Control
Simplified view:
Registers (units of memory for storing values in)
Control unit CU (a unit that tells other components what to do)
Arithmetic and Logic unit ALU (for maths, mainly floating point)
Internal CPU interconnection (the very sticky glue that holds it together)
Fetch instructions
Interpret (Decode) instructions
- Fetch data
- Process data
- Write data
This can be simplified to the ‘fetch - decode - execute’ cycle.
A register is a temporary storage space for the CPU to
store values.
They’re big enough to hold a full address, which is
as big as a full word.
There are two types:
User visible registers
Control registers
User visible registers
Registers that programmers can freely use like variables in
They usually have names like R1, R2, R3 ...
General purpose registers are a subset of user visible registers. They store
things like the accumulator (the result of a mathematical
There are typically between 8, 16, 32 or 128 GP
They take up processor silicon area, so we can’t have
too many of them.
Condition code registers are also a subset of user visible registers.
Each bit of a condition code register is a flag, e.g. one
bit could mean last operation was zero, another bit could
mean overflow etc.
It can be read, but it can’t be written to by
Control registers
Registers that are not accessible to the programmer. An
example would be the instruction register (it holds the
current instruction) or the memory address register (stores
addresses fetched / to be stored).
The only control register that’s visible to assembly
code is the program counter.
Assembler, C -> ARM
ARM Assembly
main() {
int a,b,c[50];
b = 2;
for( a= 0; a < 50; a++)
c[a] = a * b; }
mov r3, #2
str r3, [fp, #-16]
mov r3, #0
str r3, [fp, #-20]
b .L2 .L3:
ldr r1, [fp, #-20]
ldr r2, [fp, #-20]
ldr r3, [fp, #-16]
mul r0, r3, r2
mvn r2, #207
mov r3, r1, asl #2
sub r1, fp, #12
add r3, r3, r1
add r3, r3, r2
str r0, [r3, #0]
ldr r3, [fp, #-20]
add r3, r3, #1
str r3, [fp, #-20] .L2:
ldr r3, [fp, #-20]
cmp r3, #49
ble .L3
sub sp, fp, #12
ldmfd sp, {fp, sp, pc}
Data flow
Program counter (PC) contains address of next instruction
Address moved to Memory Address Register (MAR)
Address placed on address bus
Control unit requests memory read
Result placed on data bus, copied to MBR, then to IR
Meanwhile PC incremented by 1
Depends on the instruction being executed, but it may
Memory read/write
Register transfers
ALU operations
What happens during an interrupt?
Registers like PC are loaded onto a stack
Stack pointer is loaded to MAR and MBR written to
PC is redirected to the interrupt handling routine
Once interrupt has been handled, registers are loaded back
from the stack
Processing continues like normal
Computer interfaces
Types of input
- Sound
- Temperature
- Touch
Motion (IR etc.)
Light, images
- Magnetism
- Acceleration
Analogue inputs
Analogue inputs are things like light, sound, temperature
They can be mostly expressed like a wave
Computers are purely digital; they cannot read pure
Therefore, to get analogue input, we must convert analogue
to digital
Converting analogue to digital
Transducer: converts one form of energy into another, e.g. light into
Converter: converts analogue voltage into digital input
Analogue-to-digital converter is referred to as ADC
Digital-to-analogue converter is referred to as DAC
To ‘quantise’ something means to break it up
into ‘steps’.
- Example:

This red sine wave is of analogue format. However, the blue
wave is a ‘quantised’ version of the red sine
wave because it’s broken up into steps, or
The left blue wave is more accurate than the right blue
wave because the steps are smaller. The smaller the steps,
the more accurate the conversion is.
This ‘quantised’ wave can be represented
digitally. This is how analogue waves are converted into
digital formats.
How does ADC work?
All ADCs use one or more comparators, which take in
analogue inputs and produces a digital output depending on
the input
- Example:
If voltage 0v to 1v is found, comparator 1 produces
If voltage 1v to 2v is found, comparator 2 produces
If voltage 2v to 3v is found, comparator 3 produces output
By doing this, depending on which comparator is outputting,
the converter will know the current range of the analogue
input, and can store it digitally.
Converts digital signals to analogue by estimating curves
given certain heights.
Quantises the same way that ADC does, except it goes the
other way round.
- Example:
DAC could quantise 5v to about 20 mV
Von Neumann Architecture
Programs and data are stored together in the same
Harvard Architecture
Programs and data are stored in separate memory
Reduced Instruction Set Computer
Instructions have a fixed length, each executed in a single
clock cycle
Therefore, can do pipelining to achieve
Simpler instructions, increase clock speed, no
More minimalistic
Operations are performed on internal registers only.
Only LOAD and STORE instructions access external
- DEC Alpha
Power PC (IBM)
Itanium i860/i960
88000 (Motorola)
Complex Instruction Set Computer
Old binary code can run on newer versions
Complex instructions, can do more in one instruction
More advanced
Uses microcode
Microcode - hardware-level instructions that implement higher-level
one program instruction takes multiple cycles
Variable-length instructions to save program memory
Small internal register sets compared to RISC
Complex addressing modes, operands can exist in external
memory or internal registers
Pipelining and branch prediction
You can overlap the following operations:
Fetch instruction
Decode instruction
Calculate operands
Fetch operands
Execute instructions
Write output (result)
- Like this:
However, if there is a branch in the pipeline (like an if
statement), the pattern will have to break, similar to
RISC only has instruction fetch, instruction decode,
execute and memory access, so pipeline stalls on RISC are
less drastic.
Dealing with branches
Multiple Streams
You could have two pipelines, and prefetch each branch into
a separate pipeline.
So when you reach that if statement, you have two paths
(pipelines) to go through.
- Advantage:
It doesn’t break the pattern of pipelining
It uses up a lot more memory
If there are branches in those pipelines, you’ll need
even more pipelines
Prefetch Branch Target
Fetches where the program will branch to ahead of time
(called the target of branch)
Keeps target until branch is executed
Loop buffer
Stores the previous few instructions in very fast memory
buffer (possibly cache)
Maintained by fetch stage of pipeline
Check buffer before fetching from memory
This is used for executing small loops very quickly
Branch prediction
There are 4 ways of performing branch prediction:
1) Predicts never taken, assumes that jump will not
2) Predicts always taken, assumes that jump will happen
3) Predict by opcode
Some instructions are more likely to jump than others
Is up to 75% accurate
4) Taken / Not taken switch
Based on previous history
Good for loops
2-bit predictor:
Remembers how often jumps are made
Makes future choices based on the past
Delay slot
If a program branches elsewhere, the pipelines may still
continue going on the wrong path, executing instructions
called ‘delay slots’, while the other pipelines
are busy fetching and decoding the correct branch.
This is to avoid branch hazards. Delay slots exist because
the pipelines must be full of instructions at all times.
This is a side-effect of pipelined architectures.
Flynn’s classifications
SISD - Single Instruction Single Data
Performing one instruction on one register
Example: pipeline processors
SIMD - Single Instruction Multiple Data
Performing one instruction on lots of data values
Example: GPUs are optimised for SIMD techniques
MISD - Multiple Instruction Single Data
Performing multiple instructions on one register
Example: Systolic array, which is a network which takes in
multiple inputs and uses processor nodes to achieve a
desired result, and works similar to a human brain.
MIMD - Multiple Instruction Multiple Data
Performing multiple instructions on lots of data
Example: Multiple CPU cores
SSE stands for Streaming SIMD Extensions
It is an extension to the x86 architecture and was designed
by Intel.
It adds around 70 new SIMD instructions, used for things
image processing
video processing
array/vector processing
floating-point maths
text processing
general speed-up (depends on application)
How SSE works
You put smaller values into one big register, then perform
the SSE instruction. Then, it will perform a certain
calculation on the big register, and in turn, will perform
the same calculation on multiple smaller values.
- Example:
You put 8 x 16 bit values into one 128 bit register
You put another 8 x 16 bit values into another 128 bit
Perform the ‘add’ instruction
The result will be another 128 bit register, but with all
the added 16 bit values inside it.
You’ll now have 8 x 16 bit results in that 128 bit
This way, you don’t need 8 add instructions; you only
need 1.
What is superscalar?
These instructions do not depend on each other (they share
no registers):
(1) R0 = R1 + R2
(2) R3 = R4 + R5
Yet, traditionally, they are executed like this:
Execute (1), then execute (2)
However, since they do not depend on each other, you could
execute them like this:
Execute (1) and (2) at the same time
This is the main gimmick of a superscalar processor.
Instruction level parallelism
When instructions are independent and can be overlapped. It
is a property of the program.
Compiler based optimisation
It’s up to the compiler to decide where superscalar
techniques are possible.
If there are not enough execution resources on the CPU to
perform multiple instructions at one time, it physically
cannot happen.
True data dependency (Read-After-Write)
When multiple instructions use the same registers:
R0 = R1 + R2
R3 = R0
Similar to true data dependency, but a branch determines
what the shared register will be:
IF R0 = 1 THEN
When two instructions require the same resources at the
same time.
Example: if two instructions require the ALU
Output dependency (Write-After-Write)
(1) R3 = R3 + R5
- (2) R3 = 1
If (2) is completed before (1), then (1) will have the
incorrect output. This is output dependency. This can be
fixed with register renaming.
Anti-dependency (Write-After-Read)
(1) R3 = R3 + R5
(2) R4 = R3 + 1
(3) R3 = R5 + 1
(3) cannot be executed before (2) because (2) needs the old
value of R3 and (3) overwrites R3. This is anti-dependency.
This can be fixed with register renaming.
Instruction issues
There are 3 ways superscalar processors can decode and
execute instructions:
In-Order Issue In-Order Completion
All instructions are decoded and executed sequentially.
This is the least efficient, but it gives the other 2 a
frame of reference in terms of performance.
In-Order Issue Out-of-Order Completion
All instructions are decoded in order, but they can be
executed at the same time. Output dependency is a problem
Out-of-Order Issue Out-of-Order completion
Continues to fetch and decode as much as it can until
decode pipeline is full. Then, when an execution resource is
available, it’ll execute the next stored instruction.
This is typically the most optimised way to decode and
execute instructions.
Superscalar requirements
To support superscalar techniques, a processor must:
simultaneously fetch multiple instructions
be able to determine true dependencies with registers
be able to execute multiple instructions in parallel
have the mechanisms to process in the right order
Interconnection structure & bus design
What is a bus
All the units in a computer need to be connected somehow.
These connections are called ‘buses’.
They’re like special paths on which data travels on
from one unit to another.
They don’t carry 1 bit, like a copper wire;
they’re typically a few words long, so they’re
more like a ribbon cable. Each path the bus has is called a
‘line’. Buses have around 50+ parallel
Different types of connections are needed for different
types of units:
Single bus problems
If a device uses only one bus, it could lead to problems,
such as:
Long paths could mean that coordination of bus transfer
could affect performance
Certain data transfer could exceed bus capacity
Different devices work at different speeds, so they will be
out of sync.
Therefore devices tend to use multiple buses.
Bus layouts for different units
I/O module (mouse, CD drive etc.)
CPU connection
Types of buses
Control / Address / Data bus
These types of buses are common to all units.
Control bus
Controls access to the data and address lines. Each line
has a different use:
Memory read/write signal
I/O Port read/write signal
Transfer Acknowledgement
Bus request/grant
Interrupt request/acknowledgement
Clock signals
- Reset
Typically, each line (or each bit) would represent one of
these flags.
This is usually hidden from the programmer.
Carries the address of the related data. This is especially
prominent in RAM and disks. The number of lines this bus has
is a big factor for spatial capacity, because you can refer
to bigger addresses.
Modern CPUs can have 40-bit addresses (1TB).
Carries data from one unit to another. The number of lines
in this bus is a big factor for performance, since it would
be able to transfer more data per clock cycle.
Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe)
PCI was a type of bus that connected the processor, the LAN
adapter, all the peripherals, everything.
It’s not used so much anymore.
Now, we have PCIe.
It is a serial bus with 0.25 - 1 Gbyte/s channels
Version 4 bumped it up to 2GByte/s in 2017
Version 6 bumped it up to 8GByte/s in 2019
There are 2 - 32 channels per bus
You’d typically use this for a graphics card (16 =
Universal Serial Bus (USB)
Ideal for low-speed I/O devices
Simple configuration, simple design
- Speeds
usb2: 480 Mbit/s
usb3: 4.8 Gbit/s
usb4: 10-40 Gbit/s
The USB system forms a sort of ‘tree’
You can add USB hubs and extend the tree structure.
USB cable contains four wires
2 data lines
1 power (+5 volts) & 1 ground
“0” is transmitted as a voltage
“1” as the absence of a transition
Thus, a sequence of “0”s forms a regular pulse
stream, like this: “0101010101010101010”
A sequence of “1”s would form something that
looks like this: “0000000000” or this:
Every 1.00 ± 0.05 ms, the root hub broadcasts a new
frame. This is how the root hub ‘communicates’
with the node devices.
If no data is to be sent, just a “Start of
Frame” packet is sent, which does nothing
Data associated with one addressed device, either to or
from hub
Four kinds of frames:
- Control
Used to configure devices & inquire status
For real-time devices where data should be sent/received at
precise intervals
USB does not support “interrupts”, so this
frame is used for regular polling of devices, e.g. polling a
keyboard every 50 ms.
Hard disk buses
Parallel ATA (PATA or IDE)
PATA is a way of connecting devices to a bus
Only has 2 channels per controller (often 2) hence 4 device
2, 11, 16, 33, 100, 133 MByte/s bandwidth
Now mainly seen in old PCs for old optical/CD/DVDs
Serial ATA (SATA)
A type of serial computer bus interface that connects a
host adapter to things like hard disk drives, optical drives
and solid state drives.
A set of standards for physically connecting and
transferring data between computers and peripheral
Was mainly used in servers throughout the 80’s and
1 to 15 devices per channel
10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320 MB/s
10 – 640 MB/s
SCSI disks still available – usually high speed
Newer iSCSI also common now
Uses tcp/ip and, typically, Ethernet cables
Newer SAS – serial attached SCSI
Very common now
Fast serial SCSI, compatible with latest SATA,
Fibre channel
Fibre-channel SCSI can use fibre!
2Gbit/s ie aprox. 200MByte/s bandwidth
allows distant disk arrays
Simple two wire bus for small slow peripherals like
sensors, fans etc
Single data line and one clock line
The single data line is used to send and receive
Mass storage
Magnetic disk
Metal/glass/plastic disk coated with magnetizable material
(like iron oxide)
Different types of magnetic disk:
A small, square/rectangular type of magnetic storage
(old: 8”, 5.25”), 3.5”
Small capacity: 1.44Mbyte
Slow but cheap
Hard disk
- Universal
- Cheap
Fast external storage
Especially in RAID
Getting larger
Multiple Terabyte now usual
Hard disks have multiple discs inside it, each with tracks
running through it.
Each track is split up into sectors. A sector is the
smallest unit of storage a disc has.
These sectors contain data.
Data is read by a ‘head’, which has a magnetic
sensor that reads the sectors.
- Speed:
Moving head to correct track
(Rotational) latency (eg 4ms)
Waiting for data to rotate under head
Access time = Seek + Latency
Modern disks have 8 - 128 MB on-board RAM
Used to store whole tracks and cache r/w
acts as a buffer between disk and external I/O
Current disk range
6 - 14TB are largest disks now
10-15 k rpm fastest spins
Sustained data rates 150-170 MBytes/s
average access time 3.6 – 8 ms
- 8-12W power
15k rpm are normally only 600GB
2.5” typically 5400rpm and slower access: 11ms
Some have onboard Flash cache (eg 256MB)
1” Eg IBM Microdrive PCMCIA (historic)
- Around 1GB
3600rpm, 12ms access, around 6MB/s.
Mean time between failures (MTBF) = 114 yrs
Chance that fast disk will fail after 1 year = 0.5%
Solid State Drives
non volatile NAND logic (fast) or Flash based
- expensive
but fast access speeds, say 0.1ms
Near "zero" latency compared to HDs
sequential speed: 500-3000 MB/s
Transactions/s (IOPS) often quoted (eg 90000)
max about 1-4TB at the moment
more shock resistant, silent, lower power
can only write approx Millions of times
wear levelling – spreads the writes around so one area is not
worn out
overprovision - spare storage
file systems consider SSD issues:
TRIM command to tell SSD which blocks are not needed and
can be "erased"
erase normally only works on blocks
they need up to date firmware and drivers
Optical storage and CD-ROM
Originally for audio
650Mbytes giving over 70 minutes audio
Polycarbonate coated with highly reflective coat, usually
Data stored as pits
Read by reflecting laser
Constant packing density
Constant linear velocity
- Format:
Mode 0=blank data field
Mode 1=2048 byte data+error correction
Mode 2=2336 byte data
Random Access is difficult on a CD because it’s
designed for sequential access.
Therefore, it’s more efficient to package everything
and read one big file (e.g. zip or tar.gz).
- Multi-layer
Very high capacity (4.7G per layer)
Full length movie on single disk
Using MPEG2 compression
Movies carry regional coding and copyright
Players only play correct region films
- CD vs DVD:
Single-layer vs Dual-layer
At first, writable DVDs had trouble with standards.
Now various standards generally coexist.
Use 405nm laser – hence smaller features
15-30GB still useful for offline storage/transfer
128GB 4 layer versions exist
Can read at 70MB/s
Magnetic tape
Serial access
Slow - speed often quoted in GB/hour
- Very cheap
Backup and archive
Storage Area Network (SAN)
Like disks – block accessed
ie not like NAS which is a file server
Fast and low latency
Starting to use 16Gbit/s fibre channel
Can use 12 TB drives or even SSD
What is RAID
RAID stood for Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks, but
now it stands for Redundant Array of Independent
They’re ways of distributing data across multiple
physical drives
Different ‘strips’ are distributed across all
hard disks
Size is N * disk size
Two disks are mirrored
If one is faulty, just swap it and remirror it
The size is N * disk size / 2 (since 50% of the total
storage is being used)
RAID 0+1
You have two RAID 0 systems, and you mirror them together
using RAID 1
- Size: N / 2
RAID 1+0
You mirror every drive with RAID 1, and you use a RAID 0
system on them all as if they’re individual
- Size: N / 2
Kind of like RAID 0, but with blocks instead of
Allocates 1 parity drive
- Not used now
Like RAID 4, but the parity blocks are dynamically assigned
to the data drives through round robin
It uses the recovery mechanism of XOR for parity (in the
XOR truth table, if a column is lost, you can XOR the other
two remaining bits to get the missing one)
Even though parity is distributed over multiple disks, the
size is still N - 1
Like RAID 5, but has a double parity write, so it can
tolerate two disk failures
The size is N - 2
RAID 5+0
Multiple RAID 5 systems, all encapsulated under a RAID 0
RAID 6+0
Multiple RAID 6 systems, all encapsulated under a RAID 0
Software RAID
You can do RAID through software as well, but it takes more
CPU power.
However, this is available to most OSs.
Hot spares and hot swap
A hot spare is a disk which is not used by the RAID
system at first. In case of a failure, the system recovers
the data on the failed disk (using something like XOR for
RAID 5), and fills it in the hot spare. In other words, the
disk sits there doing nothing until one of the other disks
Typically, the broken disk gets replaced with a new one
which takes over the role of the hot spare.
In a RAID system that cannot recover data, like RAID 0, a
hot spare would be useless.
You can pull out a faulty disk and replace it while the
system is running.
When drives go faulty, the RAID system needs time to
rebuild. This is where hot swapping and hot sparing can
prevent downtime.
Stripe sizes
Files are spread over more disks
Decreases I/O rate performance
Increases transfer rate
Files tend to be on fewer/one disk/s
Better for I/O rates
Lower transfer rates
RAID controllers
Carry out SCSI channel and cache management
Many have >64MB of cache!
Take the load off the CPU and speed-up writes
Often have battery-backed-up cache
Can migrate from one level to another
RAID systems often have dual power supplies
What is a microcontroller?
A microcontroller is a self-contained computer on a
A microcontroller has:
CPU, memory, clock, I/O
often 8 or 16 bit word sizes - some now 32 bit word
slower clock eg: 32kHz – 100MHz
- small RAM
very low power
They are cheap (billions sold each year) and make up 55% of
all CPUs sold
Their memory is very limited:
registers – eg 64
SRAM: as low as 1k
Flash/EEPROM: 16-64k for programs
They are designed to run on about 1mA
Embedded systems
Microcontrollers are usually embedded into other systems
and are preprogrammed, like washing machines, printers, cars
and even clothes.
Input / Output
General Purpose Input Output
Useful for things like switches
Analogue to digital inputs
Converts analogue signals into numbers
Used for sound, light etc.
Different types of microcontrollers
Atmel ATMega series chips e.g ATMega1280, ATMega328P
easily accessible I/O
8k RAM, 16MHz, 128k Flash
Uses a variation of C
- Arduino Uno:
ATMega328P cpu
- 32KB flash
- Very popular
Microchip’s PIC
from 8 bit, 4MHz
to PIC32: 32 bit 80MHz, 32k SRAM, 512k Flash
used in PicAxe – for hobby electronics – which
runs Basic!
- 16 bit
von Neumann architecture
CC430 includes onboard radio
RISC family started in 1983
families: cortex-M, R and A (application)
more powerful: clock/RAM/32bit/cache
A series can address 4GB and has 3-5 stage pipeline
large memory means it can run OS like Linux or Windows
Mobile if needed
very common in mobile phones
approx 0.5mW/MHz
Cortex M
M0+ very low power, slower
48-96MHz typical
- 1-96 kB RAM
1-256kB flash
M4 fast, powerful (eg FPU, DSP etc)
- 50-180 MHz
- 16-256kB RAM
32k to 2MB flash
Raspberry Pi 3 details
The Raspberry Pi is more of a single board computer than a
1.2GHz 64 bit quad-core A53 SoC (quoted as 2760 DMIPS each
VideoCore IV graphics core
802.11n WiFi, Bluetooth 4.1/le
100 Mbit/s Ethernet, USB 2
HDMI video out
- Micro-SD
- Audio i/o
Camera interface
Display interface
- 40 GPIO pins
Memory and RAM
The capacity of memory is expressed in words, or
Unit of transfer
Usually governed by data bus width
Usually a block which is much larger than a word
Smallest location which can be uniquely addressed
Word internally
Access methods
Start at the beginning and keep reading forward by 1 until
you reach the desired address.
Speed is dependent on location of memory
Not used nowadays
Example: tapes
Individual blocks have a unique address, then a further
address in that block points to the desired data.
Example: graphics cards
Individual addresses are located exactly; no blocks
Access time is independent of location or previous
- Example: RAM
Compares input search data with a table that contains
pointers to the addresses of interest
Example: cache
Memory hierarchy
Access time
Time between presenting the address and actually getting
the data
Memory cycle time
Time for the memory to ‘recover’ after
retrieving data
Cycle time = access + recovery
Transfer rate
Rate at which data can be moved
Physical types
Semiconductor memory
Memory that uses semiconductor-based integrated
- RAM:
- Read/Write
Volatile – loses all data on power off
Temporary storage
Static or dynamic types
Dynamic RAM (DRAM)
In DRAM, each bit is stored as a charge in a
However, since capacitors lose their charge, they have to
be ‘refreshed’ using refresh circuits. This
slows down performance.
If the capacitors are not “refreshed”, data can
be lost. Therefore, when power is no longer supplied to
DRAM, all the data is lost.
Simpler construction
Smaller per bit
Less expensive
Slower (6-60ns)
- Main memory
Static RAM (SRAM)
Each bit is stored as an on/off switch, so there’s no
need to refresh.
Even though there’s no need to refresh, data is still
lost when SRAM loses power.
More complex construction
Larger per bit
More expensive
Faster (<1ns)
Good for Cache
Read-only Memory (ROM)
Read-only memory is a type of memory that isn’t meant
to be changed.
It’s perfect for permanent storage and hardware
Types of ROM:
Programmable Read-only Memory (PROM):
You need special equipment to program it
Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-only Memory (EEPROM):
Takes a lot longer to write than read
You can erase it and program it again if you need to
Flash memory (Not really ROM):
Erase whole memory electrically
Can be used as slow RAM
Double data rate RAM (DDR RAM)
Double data rate means that data is transferred on the rise
AND fall edges of the clock cycle.
This means double the data rate than normal!
When RAM uses this technique, it’s called DDR
DDR3 is faster than DDR2 because it has wider paths

Error correction
Eg 25k failures per Mbit per billion hours
Permanent defect – the most common
Random, non-destructive
No permanent damage to memory
Detected (and fixed) using error correcting code
Simple parity bit
An extra bit is added to the end of a byte to show if the
number of 1’s is even or not.
The extra bit is 1 if they are even, and 0 if they are
This can spot errors, but it can’t fix them and it
can only detect an even number of wrong bits.
- Example:
010110011 <- this is fine
011010000 <- this is fine
010011100 <- this is not fine
Flash RAM solid state disk
You can use non volatile flash RAM – typically very
fast random access (0.01ms)
Parallel Processing
Amdahl’s law
- Where
Tp = Total effort (time) required to complete a
Ws = Bits that absolutely have to be done
Wp = Bits that can be done in parallel
P = Number of cores
Intuitively, you’d think the more cores you have, the
faster your computer is.
In reality, due to Amdahl’s law, your processing
capabilities limits as you increase the number of cores:
Amdahl’s law suggests that it’s more efficient
to apply small speedups on a bigger part of the CPU than it
is to apply a big speedup to smaller parts of the CPU.
Symmetric multiprocessors
Symmetric multiprocessing is a MIMD system in which
multiple processors share the same memory and have access to
all I/O devices controlled by a single operating system
Hardware manages contention
Increases performance especially multiuser/thread
Reasonably scalable until bus is saturated (full)
Computer cluster
A computer cluster is a group of computers all connected
together working on the same problem.
It is controlled by software.
It is easy to build (press x to doubt), very fast, has very
large storage, but it uses up a lot of power and it is
Process based message-parsing
Messages can be sent to and from different processes
However there are problems:
Deadlock - if one process is waiting for the message to be
acknowledged and the other process is waiting for the
message, they will end up waiting forever
Buffer overflow - if the buffer of the processes are full,
it can cause problems
Thread based message-parsing
Similar to process based message-parsing, but two threads
from the same program communicate with each other.
This is useful because both threads can see all process
However, there is massive potential for data contention and
Avoiding this is the responsibility of the system
Multi-threaded: the notion of "you are here" (the
PC) becomes multi-valued (it’s harder to track the
progression of execution with multi-threading)
Instruction level parallelism
This is a type of parallelism that relies on software (more
specifically, the compiler), and is invisible to the
This requires special hardware.
Instruction level parallelism is similar to the concepts of
If you had this piece of code:
Normally you would need two instructions that require the
ALU, right? Because you’re adding twice.
However, with instruction level parallelism, the compiler
could decide to append the values of ‘b’ and
‘c’ together, and ‘y’ and z’
together, then add the two amalgamations, then split it
By doing that, only one instruction needs the ALU. The rest
is just bit manipulation, which would generally be
Main dataflow
A naive compiler will compile a program, and have every
instruction execute one at a time, one after the
This can be represented as a ‘datapath’ graph,
which is like a timeline of instructions. It represents a
program’s execution.
This means the program will work perfectly, but it’s
not very optimised.
This is why compilers optimise code through ‘code
Code generation
The compiler will compress the datapath diagram as much as
Now the compiler can see what types of instructions it
All the fundamental instructions like
‘multiply’, ‘minus’,
‘plus’ is no problem.
However, at control step 5, the program will need to divide
two values at the same time. Does the system have an
instruction like that?
Additionally, the program will have to multiply 3 times and
subtract at the same time at control step 0. Does the system
have an instruction like that?
The same can be applied to control step 4.
If the compiler doesn’t have those, the compiler will
spread out the datapath nodes, so that the instructions are
a little more simple:
At control step 1, the program must multiply twice. Does
the system have an instruction like that?
The same thing can be applied to control steps 5, 4 and
The compiler keeps reducing the datapath until all of the
required instructions are present in the system. This is one
of the ways compilers optimise your code.
PC architectures
A chipset is a set of electronic components on an
integrated circuit that controls various components, like
the processor, memory, peripherals etc.
It exists on the motherboard.
There are two parts to the chipset:
Controls things like the processor, memory, high-speed PCIe
slots (mainly for graphics cards) etc.
- Fast
Controls things like PCIe slots (mainly for things like
network cards or sound cards), BIOS, USB, Ethernet, CMOS
(responsible for keeping the date as well as some important
hardware settings) etc.
Server motherboards
More memory slots (eg 1TB RAM!)
ECC RAM – error correcting
- Onboard RAID
Dual/quad sockets for many CPUs
Web accessible - 10GB/s Ethernet
Intel QuickPath Interconnect (QPI)
QPI is a type of point-to-point processor interconnect
developed by Intel.
This means that this technology connects processors
Typically ~20 data lines/lanes
80 bit “flit” (packet) transferred in 2
Includes error detect/correct & 64bits data
2.4 to 4.8GHz clock
Allows multiple CPU chips on motherboard
Onboard SSD
6Gbit/s sata3 is about 600MBytes/s – this is a real
bottleneck for solid state drives!
Other bus types, like:
M.2 is the form factor (connector), NVMe is the
protocol. But NVMe drives use the PCIe bus, whether they are
in M.2 form factor or on traditional PCIe expansion cards.
There are also SSDs in M.2 form factor that use a SATA
connection rather than NVMe.
- PCIe
all attempt to make new SSD interface fast enough
PCs don’t even need SATA now!
Basic Input/Output System (BIOS)
The BIOS is a piece of firmware on the motherboard that
initialises hardware and performs start-up tests. It is the
first thing that runs when the system is turned on.
The BIOS is stored in flash so that it can be
After the BIOS initialises the hardware and has completed
all the start-up tests, it searches the storage devices for
a ‘boot loader’.
A boot loader is a piece of software that tells the BIOS
how to load up the operating systems. An example would be
GRUB (commonly used for dual-booting Linux).
Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)
UEFI replaces BIOS.
CPU-independent, meaning it can run on ARM, Intel, AMD
Supports 64 bit systems
Boot services and Runtime services
It stores things like date, time, NVRAM (non-volatile RAM,
so UEFI can store things)
GOP – graphics output protocol, which gives the UEFI
the ability to display a GUI, as opposed to BIOS which
relied on a coloured terminal.
Does not rely on boot sector (uses NVRAM data to boot
Cache is a small amount of memory used to make memory
retrieval quicker.
Sometimes, fetching things from RAM isn’t fast
enough. This is why cache is used.
Cache stores often-used pieces of data so that the CPU can
fetch it much quicker.
It is located between RAM and the CPU, sometimes even on
the chip itself.
CPU first requests data from an address
If the cache has the data from that address, then the cache
gives it to the CPU and is known as a
If the cache does not have it, then the cache gets it from
the RAM (slower) and is known as a ‘miss’.
The cache then stores that data, and gives the data to the
There are three levels of cache: L1, L2 and L3.
L1 is the fastest but the smallest, L3 is the slowest but
the biggest and L2 is in between.
More cache is faster
In complex caches, looking up data takes up time
Instruction / Data split
First-level cache is split up into instruction-level cache
and data-level cache. Instruction-level cache is
Three level caches
Third-level cache is shared between all cores, whereas each
core will have their own level 1 and 2 cache.
Mapping function
Cache is a lot smaller than RAM. This is why you cannot
have a one-to-one relation between the records in RAM and
the records in cache; there’s just too many slots in
RAM compared to slots in cache.
Because of this, we need to ‘map’ slots in
cache to slots in RAM. There are two ways to do this.
Direct mapping
Direct mapping uses a ‘mod’ operation to point
slots in RAM to slots in cache.
(This image is used in the following examples)
If the system needed to cache index ‘0’ in RAM,
it would put it in ‘0’ in cache.
If the system needed to cache index ‘4’ in RAM,
it would put it in ‘0’ in cache.
If the system needed to cache index ‘5’ in RAM,
it would put it in ‘1’ in cache etc.
But how would you know which address the cache came
To know which address the cache value came from, it
includes a ‘tag’ partition in its data. This
‘tag’ partition stores the quotient of the
‘mod’ operation.
- Example:
Main memory 0 = Cache memory 0, tag 0
Main memory 1 = Cache memory 1, tag 0
Main memory 2 = Cache memory 2, tag 0
Main memory 3 = Cache memory 3, tag 0
Main memory 4 = Cache memory 0, tag 1
Main memory 5 = Cache memory 1, tag 1 etc.
Full associative mapping
This is a pretty basic mapping technique.
This splits the memory address into two parts: a tag and an
offset. The most significant bits make up the tag and the
least significant bits make up the offset.
To place a block in the cache:
The system scrolls through each slot in cache, looking for
a non-valid (vacant) slot. If it’s there, it will put
the data in there.
To search a word in the cache:
The tag field of the memory address is compared with the
tag bits in the cache slots. If it exists somewhere in the
whole cache, the offset is compared and the data is taken
from cache. If not, it is fetched from RAM using an
Set associative mapping
Similar to direct mapping (as it still uses mod), but
instead of mapping RAM slots to individual cache slots, it
maps RAM slots to a partition of cache memory. All
partitions are the same size, and are called
(This image is used in the following examples)
If we needed to cache RAM index 0, we can put it in either
cache index 0 or 1.
If we needed to cache RAM index 1, we can put it in either
cache index 2 or 3.
If we needed to cache RAM index 4, we can put it in either
cache index 0 or 1 etc.
How would you know which address the cache came from?
Like direct mapping, the cache will store a
‘tag’ partition, which stores the quotient of
the mod operation.
By looking at the tag and what cache partition it is, you
can decide what cache slot points to what RAM slot.
- Example:
Tag 0, cache partition 0 = RAM slot 0
Tag 0, cache partition 1 = RAM slot 1
Tag 1, cache partition 0 = RAM slot 2
Tag 1, cache partition 1 = RAM slot 3
Tag 0, cache partition 2 = RAM slot 4
The image above is an example of two-way set associative
mapping (because each set is of size 2), but most commonly,
8-way is used.
Replacement algorithms
A replacement algorithm is an algorithm that decides
whether or not a piece of data replaces another piece of
data in the cache.
Direct mapping:
There is only one replacement algorithm here.
Since each line in RAM belongs to one line in cache, the
system will have to replace the line in cache if it needs
Full / Set associative mapping:
Least recently used (LRU)
Stores the data in cache as well as a timestamp.
If a piece of data is hardly ever used, it is
First in first out (FIFO)
Replace the block that has been in the cache the
Like a queue
Take out the block that has had the fewest hits
Write policies
A block from RAM is stored in cache. However, the data in
that block needs to be updated to a new value. What should
the system do?
Additionally, an I/O device may interact with RAM directly,
leaving cache to store old values.
The rules surrounding these problems are called
‘write policies’. Cache can deal with this in
two ways.
All writes go to RAM and the cache as well.
Multiple CPUs can monitor RAM and cache to make sure
it’s up to date.
This fixes the problem, but it’s slow and has high
Updates initially go to the cache only, and flags them for
Then, when the cache blocks are modified/replaced, the
update flag will tell the system to update the RAM.
For this to work, I/O must access cache first, not
Cache coherence
Let’s just say there are two caches between two
processors, with one main memory.
The CPU wants to fetch the value X, which has the number 5.
Cache 1 now has X = 5, and cache 2 now has X = 5.
The CPU then wants to add 3 to X. The first processor
executes this, and with the first cache, gets the value 8.
Cache 1 now has X = 8.
The CPU then wants to add 7 to X. The second processor
executes this, and with the second cache, gets the value 12.
Cache 2 now has X = 12.
Cache 1 and cache 2 now have inconsistent values of X. This
is the problem which cache coherence prevents.
There exists MESI protocols like "Snooping" which
are usually built-in to enforce cache coherence.
Intel’s latest CPUs
Multi-core CPU
Multiple processors, called ‘cores’, can be put
into one CPU, making it a multi-core CPU.
Multi-core is efficient as the integration is all in one
Non uniform memory access (NUMA)
Separate blocks of RAM
Local Ram is fast
Remote Ram is accessible but slower
Mechanisms include ccNUMA (cache coherency)
Helps reduce bottlenecks
Useful with large number of cores or clusters
Loop detector
Loops are detected in a buffer so that pipelining can be
Now, it looks at micro-operations
Sometimes, the loop detector unit can optimise.
A core can look like two cores, and take twice as much
Separate threads can run on the same core
Hyperthreading fills execution units with tasks from
another thread as well
More efficient use of units
It is not the same as having a second core! Even if OS
reports double the cores
One physical core, multiple logical cores
There are limited execution units
Hyperthreading is used on i7 processors.
Integrated memory controller
This controls the flow of memory between processors. By
using a QPI bus, memory connected to a processor can reach
another processor.
Used to be on motherboard chipset
Makes scalability easier as each CPU can have its own bank
of RAM
Remote access is 60% slower
Power management
Separate microcontroller looks after power
Can shut down cores completely
Can boost clock when needed and if it’s cool
L1 & L2 caches use more transistors each bit to save
“Turbo boost”
Basically clock speed increased for short bursts or if only
one core is in use
Depends on temperature/power
Used on i7 and i5 CPUs
e.g. Skylake Core i7-6920 2.9GHz:
1 core active 3.8 GHz
2 cores active 3.6 GHz
3 or 4 active 3.4 GHz
Summary of i3, i5, i7 and Xeon
Stands for Graphics Processing Unit
Why we need GPUs
Your typical screen resolution: 1920x1080 = 2 Million
pixels.. 6MB
3D shading and drawing requires lots of maths per pixel
(especially matrix operations)
Typically, all the operations are the same. It’s just
that there’s a lot of pixels to do them on.
CPUs are not very efficient at this repetitive task which
can be done in parallel
3D rendering pipeline
Model transformation
- Lighting
Viewing transformation
- Clipping
Projection transformation
Scan conversion
- Images
Typical transformation maths
This is a perspective transformation (so objects vanish
into the distance etc.)
When you break this down into elementary operations, this
turns into a lot of multiply, add, sin/cos etc. maths for
each set of coordinates.
Raster operations
More pixel operations than vector/3D
e.g. blends, stencils, per-pixel shading
Comparison to supercomputers
Early GPUs had parallel graphics pipelines, but now
they’ve moved to be more programmable. Now, they do
hundreds of billions of operations per second.
While clock speeds are only around 1 GHz…
Number of compute units is thousands
Bus width 256-768 bits wide or more
May need 400W of power!
Nvidia GTX 1080 => 4 teraflops
AMD radeon pro WX9100 => 12 teraflops
That’s a lot of floating point operations every
Because of this processing power, GPUs are often used in
GPUs with no graphical output
Nvidia tesla:
Kepler architecture designed more for number crunching (3-9
Performance of nvidia tesla models (green) compared with
CPU (blue)
Replacing the pipeline model
The GeForce 7800 GTX had 24 pixel shaders. However, the
raster operations were heavily used sometimes, leaving the
pixel shaders doing nothing.
That’s a waste, which is why general-purpose units
Onboard Intel GPUs
About 1/10th performance of a separate GPU
New generation has reached the same level as mid-range
separate GPUs (i7’s HD650 is about 1Tflops)
Good for lower power desktops/laptops
Programming GPUs
3D – use OpenGL, DirectX etc.
For maths/compute - OpenCL is cross platform or CUDA
for Nvidia only
Very useful for general number crunching
Uses of GPUs
Video compression
Image processing
- Modelling
Autonomous vehicles
- Consoles
Machine learning algorithms
Many repeated computes
Over many inputs
Ideal for GPUs!
Intro to digital electronics
Truth table
A truth table is a way to show the input, outputs and
patterns of a boolean formula.
Example with AND:
Logic notation
+ and . are used for OR/AND
A + B is A or B
A . B is A and B
¬ can be used as ‘NOT’, as well as a dash
above the letter, a bar above a letter or statement can also
indicate ‘NOT’.
- ¬A is NOT A
A’ is NOT A
Ā is NOT A
⊕ can be used as ‘XOR’ also known as EXOR
(exclusive OR).
A ⊕ B is A exclusive or B
Logic’s relation to electronics
0 -> low voltage
1 -> high voltage
Everything is either a 1 or a 0 (on or off, high or low).
Logic gates
Boolean algebra
Valid for OR, AND, and XOR:
A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C
A . (B . C) = (A . B) . C
A . (B + C) = A . B + A . C
A + (B . C) = A + B . A + C
¬(A + B) = ¬A . ¬B
¬(A . B) = ¬A + ¬B
Break the line, change the sign! (The line being the
‘NOT’, but you can’t see it here, because
I’m using a different notation. You can see it in the
image below, using a different notation).
You can make ANY gate out of NAND / NOR gates.
Transistors are small semiconductor devices that amplify or
switch electronic signals. They have 3 main uses:
as an electronic switch within a circuit
to switch on another part of a circuit when a change in
resistance of a sensor device is detected
as an interface device, to receive signals from low current
devices (such as ICs) and use these to turn on high current
devices (such as motors)
In the CPU, they are used to make logic gates.
FET transistor
Field-effect transistors (FETs) are digital switches that
respond to an input voltage to allow an increase in either
voltage or current.
MOSFET transistor
MOSFET transistor stands for metal-oxide semiconductor
field-effect transistor
Flip flops and registers
Flip flops
A flip flop is a circuit that stores 1 bit of data.
There are 3 types of flip flops.
Reset-set flip flop (RS)
A type of flip flop that uses ‘reset’ and a
‘set’ inputs. It can use NAND or NOR
If you have NORs, S = R = 0 is undefined, so don’t do
If you have NANDs, S = R = 1 is undefined, so don’t
do it!
If a signal is sent through ‘R’, then that sets
the output ‘Q’ to always a ‘high’
and the ‘NOT Q’ to a low.
If a signal is sent through ‘S’, then that sets
the output ‘NOT Q’ to always a
‘high’ and the ‘Q’ to a low.
Clocked reset-set flip flop
The same as an RS flip-flop, but there is an extra
‘CLK’ (clock) input. If CLK is 0, S and R will
have no effect. If CLK is 1, S and R will work normally.
This is typically used to delay the output by one clock
D-type flip flop
Like clocked RS flip-flop circuits, but instead of S and R,
there’s just D, which stands for
‘data/delay’. The rising edge of ‘D’
determines what ‘Q’ will be, and
‘clock’ is the same as CLK.
(Data/delay at the top, clock below it)
Most D-type flip flops have the capability to be force
setted and resetted by using the ‘R’ and
‘S’ inputs, similar to an RS flip flop. These
are the kinds used in registers:
Registers are just groups of flip flops.
Registers are commonly used as temporary storage in a
processor, because:
They are faster and more convenient than main memory.
More registers can help speed up complex
This is a design of register using 4 D-type flip flops, a
clock and a clear input:
However, the inputs of D are being outputted by Q on every
clock cycle. Instead of this, we could add an LD (load)
With this, when LD = 0, the flip-flop C inputs are held at
1. This means, no matter what the CLK changes to, there is
no change to the ‘C’ input. Therefore, there is
no positive clock edge, so the flip-flops keep their current
When LD = 1, the CLK input passes through the OR gate, so
the flip-flops can receive a positive clock edge and can
load a new value from the D3-D0 inputs.
But this is bad; if you wanted to set the register’s
value, LD must be kept at ‘1’ for the right
amount of time (one clock cycle) and no longer. This is
called clock gating.
To rectify this, we can modify the flip flop inputs and not
the CLK:
When LD = 0, the flip-flop inputs are the Q outputs, so
each flip-flop just keeps its current value.
When LD = 1, the flip-flop inputs are D3, D2, D1 and D0,
and this new value is “loaded” into the
Shift registers
A shift register ‘shifts’ its output once every
clock cycle.
‘SI’ is an input, telling the shift register
what to shift into the register.
This will ‘shift right’ and add the SI bit to
the left side.
- Example:
SI = 0, register = 0011 -> register = 0001
SI = 1, register = 0001 -> register = 1000
SI = 1, register = 1000-> register = 1100
SI = 0, register = 1100 -> register = 0110
SI = 1, register = 0110 -> register = 1011
We can add a parallel load, just like we did for regular
When LD = 0, the flip-flop inputs will be SI, Q0, Q1, Q2,
so the register shifts on the next positive clock
When LD = 1, the flip-flop inputs are D0-D3, and a new
value is loaded into the shift register, on the next
positive clock edge.
In summary, with a shift register parallel load, put LD to
0 if you want to shift the contents of the register, and put
LD to 1 if you want to put a new value into the register.
This isn’t really used for storing a value, like a
normal register.
Serial data transfer
Receiving serial data
The end of the serial device goes into the ‘SI’
input of a shift register
The serial device then sends bits, one by one, into the
shift register
The shift register then shifts all the bits into one word
for the computer to look at and compare.
Sending serial data
The computer sets a word in the shift register, but in
The shift register’s Q3 output is connected to the
serial device.
The shift will then keep sending the Q3 output (the most
significant bit that the shift register is holding) and
shifting the stored word (so that the next bit goes into Q3)
until all the bits has been sent to the serial device.
Registers in modern hardware
Registers store data in the CPU
Used to supply values to the ALU.
Used to store the results.
If we can use registers, why bother with RAM?
Answer: Registers are expensive!
Registers occupy the most expensive space on a chip –
the core.
L1 and L2 are very fast RAM – but not as fast as
Number systems
A number system is a way of representing numbers.
We all use decimal (base 10), e.g. fifteen is 15, seven is
7 etc.
Computers use binary (base 2), e.g. 310 is 112, 1910 is 100112 etc.
We can shorten binary using hex (base 16), e.g. 1010 is A16, 2610 is 1A16 etc. Hex is often represented as 0x[something] so you
know it’s hex.
Octal (base 8) isn’t used that much anymore
Binary coded decimal (BCD, base 10) takes every decimal
digit and just converts each of them to binary, e.g. 13 =
0001 0011 (with 0001 being ‘1’ and 0011 being
0001 0000
0001 0001
0001 0010
0001 0011
0001 0100
0001 0101
0001 0110
Convert decimal to binary
Keep dividing by two and use the remainders until you reach
quotient 0
- Example:
Convert 46 to binary
46 / 2 = 23 remainder 0
23 / 2 = 11 remainder 1
11 / 2 = 5 remainder 1
5 / 2 = 2 remainder 1
2 / 2 = 1 remainder 0
1 / 2 = 0 remainder 1
so 46 in binary is 1 0 1 1 1 0
Convert binary to decimal
Split the bits up, and assign ascending square numbers,
going from the least significant bit up to the most
significant bit.
If the bit is a 1, add that square number to the sum. If
the bit is a 0, don’t add the square number to the
- Example:
Convert 100110 to decimal
Assign ascending square numbers to the bits, from the least
significant bit to the most significant bit:
Square numbers (in decimal)
If a bit is a 1, add up that square number. If the bit is a
0, don’t add it up and move on.
Looking at the table, there are ‘1’ bits under
‘32’, ‘4’ and ‘2’. So,
we sum them up:
32 + 4 + 2 = 38
So 100110 in decimal is 38.
Convert hexadecimal to binary
Take each digit of hexadecimal and put it in a table.
Remember that each digit of hexadecimal translates to a
nibble in binary (a number with 4 bits; half a byte).
You know that A, B, C, D ... in hex is 10, 11, 12, 13... in
Just convert each digit in hex to their nibble equivalents,
then concatenate them all.
If it’s easier, you can convert each hex digit to
their decimal equivalent, then to their binary
- Example:
Convert 0x3F1 to binary
Put the digits into a table, and convert each digit
Remember that the binary ones HAVE to be 4 bits long!
Now, simply concatenate the binary values.
0011, 1111, 0001 → 001111110001
So we now know that 0x3F1 is 1111110001 in binary.
Convert octal to binary
This is pretty much the same as hex to binary, except
it’s with octal and the binary values for each octal
digit are 3 bits long.
- Example:
Convert 226 from octal to binary.
Put the digits into a table, and convert each digit
You don’t even need a decimal row, because there are
no letters in octal; each digit in octal is its own decimal
Remember that binary values here are 3 bits long!
Now, concatenate the binary values.
010, 010, 110 → 010010110
So now we know that 226 in octal is 10010110 in
Convert binary coded decimal (BCD) to decimal
Binary coded decimal is basically decimal, but each digit
in decimal has been converted to binary and appended.
To convert BCD to decimal, take each nibble and convert
them to decimal.
- Example:
Convert 1010111 from BCD to decimal
Split it up into 4’s: 101 - 0111
Oh no! It doesn’t divide evenly into 4’s!
That’s OK, just add zero padding to the last one, like
this: 0101 - 0111
Now, convert each binary nibble to its decimal
0101 - 0111 → 5 - 7
Now append the decimal digits
5 - 7 → 57
So now we know that 1010111 in BCD is 57 in decimal.
Remember: each nibble in BCD cannot have a decimal value
over 9. That wouldn’t make sense!
Unsigned integers
An unsigned integer is a normal integer that cannot be
- Example:
11011 as an unsigned integer is 27 in decimal.
Signed integers
A signed integer is an integer that can be negative. The
range of values it can be is usually sacrificed to allow
negative numbers, compared to unsigned integers.
- Example:
An unsigned 8-bit integer can hold values between 0 to
A signed 8-bit integer could hold values between -128 to
There are different ways of creating signed integers.
Sign and magnitude
The most significant bit works like a ‘flag’,
saying if the number is negative or positive. It can be
‘0’ if it’s positive and ‘1’
if it’s negative.
- Example:
11011, using sign and magnitude, is -11 in decimal.
01011, using sign and magnitude, is 11 in decimal.
This is a nice and simple way to have signed integers, but
doing proper maths with it is practically impossible, as the
most significant bit isn’t a numerical value
(it’s more like a flag).
2’s complement
Numbers are defined such that X + (-X) = 2n
-3 1101
If there is overflow, it is either discarded or used as an overflow flag.
Maths works really well with this method.
The most significant bit can still be used as a flag for
positive or negative, similar to sign and magnitude
How to convert a number to its negative counterpart:
NOT all the bits, then add one.
- Example:
Convert 001001 to its negative counterpart.
NOT all the bits: 110110
Then add 1: 110111
How to add two 2’s complement numbers together:
Add them together normally, and if there is an overflow
bit, just discard it.
To convert this to decimal, do the same square number
method as before, but make the biggest square number
negative (e.g. if you had 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 as the
table’s header rows, make it -32, 16, 8, 4, 2,
1’s complement
To get the negative number from a positive number, just
invert all the bits.
- Example:
Convert 001001 to its negative counterpart.
NOT all the bits: 110110
Similar to 2’s complement
Biased offset
Biased offset is where you define a particular binary
number to be the ‘0’, and everything below that
is negative and everything above it is positive.
- Example:
Let’s have a look at biased offset (6)
Decimal (unsigned int)
Decimal (biased offset 6)
As you can see, where the binary number is supposed to be
‘6’ (if you looked at it in an unsigned way),
it’s actually 0 (in a biased offset 6 way) and
everything below it are the negative numbers and everything
above it are the positive numbers.
To convert biased offset to decimal, convert the binary
normally to decimal first, then subtract the bias off.
Convert 1001 to decimal with a biased offset of 6
Convert it normal to decimal: 1 + 8 = 9
Then take away the biased offset: 9 - 6 = 3
So 1001 in decimal with biased offset of 6 is 3.
Floating point
Floating points are binary numbers that represent
fractions. The binary number is split up into three
Sign (just 1 bit)
Exponent (in biased offset, determines how big numbers
Fraction (also called mantissa, determines the accuracy of
the numbers)
It’s very similar to scientific notation; standard form (stuff like 1.5 x 103)
There are four formats of the IEEE standard: 754-1985 for
floating point numbers:
But the general concept is the same.
Example: convert this to decimal
The decimal equivalent is 0.15625. This will explain,
step-by-step, how to reach that answer:
The ‘sign’ determines if it’s positive or
negative. It’s a ‘0’, so we know the
number must be positive.
The ‘exponent’ determines how big or small our
number is. This number is of the single format, so it has a
bias of +127.
We can calculate the exponent by finding the normal decimal
equivalent, which is 124. Then, we subtract the bias, so
it’s 124 - 127, which is -3. The exponent is -3.
The ‘fraction’ works a bit differently. The
most significant digit is ‘1’. As you go down,
the digits actually represent fractions, like in this
Binary digits
Decimal representation
As you can see, it’s similar to a normal unsigned
integer, except the square numbers are their reciprocals
(one over something).
You may be confused as to why the binary digits in the
table above are ‘101000...’ and not
‘01000...’ like in the picture. This is because
IEEE 754-1985 has an ‘implied 1’ at the beginning of their fraction. It’s not
visible or stored physically, but when doing calculations,
it has to be taken into account. So just remember: when
doing floating point arithmetic with IEEE 754-1985, append
the ‘implied 1’ to the end of the fraction
You can think of this like a decimal point being
immediately after the most significant bit:
Normally, we would add up the decimal representations with
a ‘1’ bit above them, but there’s one
thing we have to do first.
We must apply the exponent we found earlier, -3.
Since the exponent is negative, we need this fraction to
get smaller. Therefore, we shift the bits 3 places to the right. This will make the fraction 3 places smaller.
Binary digits
Decimal representation
If the exponent was positive, we would shift the bits 3
places left, because a positive exponent means we would want a bigger
fraction. By shifting left, you would have to introduce the
integer square numbers again, like normal.
Now we can add up the decimal representations that have a
‘1’ bit above them.
This would be 1/8 + 1/32, which is 0.15625; the original
This format represents zero like this:
sign = 0 for positive zero, 1 for negative zero
biased exponent = 0
- fraction = 0
Exponent field = 0
If your exponent field is 0, then that means your number is
not normalised. That’s bad; your numbers should always
be normalised, unless you’re trying to represent 0 in
floating point.
Additionally, if your exponent field is 0, the
‘implied 1’ rule stops working, meaning you can
represent 0’s and have denormalised numbers (not that
you would).
Rounding modes
IEEE 754-1985 has 4 different rounding modes:
Round to Nearest – rounds to the nearest value; if the number
falls midway it is rounded to the nearest value with an even
(zero) least significant bit, which occurs 50% of the time
(like normal rounding in maths)
Round toward 0 – directed rounding towards zero (rounds down
if positive, rounds up if negative)
Round toward +∞ – directed rounding towards positive infinity
(everything rounds up, like ‘ceil’
Round toward −∞ – directed rounding towards negative infinity.
(everything rounds down, like ‘floor’
Addition / Subtraction
Check for zero operands (saves time)
Subtract exponents : |Ea - Eb| = d
Align the fractions : right shift the fraction of the
smaller exponent by d bits (efficient)
Simply make the floating point numbers have the same
exponent however you like (less efficient)
Add or subtract the fraction parts
Normalise : reset the alignment of the fraction part
Adjust the exponent accordingly
Sort out the rounding
Multiplication / Division
Handle NaN propagation
Check for zero operands (saves time)
Evaluate product sign
Fixed point unsigned multiplication/division on the
fractions (Basically, normal multiplication/division. You
could just convert it to decimal, do the operation, then
convert it back to binary again)
Add exponents (or subtract, if division)
Normalise fractions and adjust exponent
- Round the result
Variable types to bitwidths and ranges
Gate sizes
The AND gate is bigger than the NAND gate because
there’s an extra inversion stage
Therefore, it’s more efficient to use NANDs than
Gate speed (delays)
Gate speed depends on many things:
The time it takes to put a signal into a gate compared to
the time the gate will give an output will be different
(gate delay)
Depends on the value of other inputs (if inputs are not
synchronised it could cause delay)
Depends on load (gates in serial take longer than gates in
Depends on function (NAND is faster than AND)
Glitch generator
You’d think that A . ¬A will always evaluate to
false, right? Because when A is true, ¬A will be false
But actually, in practice, this will evaluate to true for a
split second upon changing the input A.
This is because it takes a while for an inverter to take in
input and release an output signal.
This ‘split second’ is the delay.
Inertial delay
Depending on how fast your signal is, a gate might not even
be fast enough to process an output.
Karnaugh maps
Karnaugh maps are a convenient way to represent boolean
functions with <=4 variables.
They are very helpful in simplifying boolean
It uses gray code, which is a sequence of binary numbers
starting from 0 and ascending, but only 1 bit changes at a
time, e.g: 000, 001, 011, 010, 110, 111, 101, 100 etc.
- Example:
Let’s just say we have a boolean formula: (A . B) +
(A + B) . (B . C)
We want to simplify this using a karnaugh map.
We could put this into a karnaugh map. Remember, the bits
at the top and the bits on the left must be in gray code
(only 1 bit changes at a time):
Now, use the A, B and C inputs to fill in the karnaugh map,
like a truth table:
Now, you have to group all of the 1’s together into
‘blocks’. A block can only be in the shape of a
rectangle/square, and there can only be a power of 2 (square
number) amount of elements in a block (2, 4, 8 etc.)
Here, I have grouped all of the 1’s using two blocks,
both of size ‘2’. One is in red, and one is in
blue. Notice how the blocks are rectangular shaped
Now comes the part where you simplify the original boolean
Each block represents a small boolean formula. You must
find all these boolean formulas and OR them together to get
the simplified boolean formula:
[a formula in here] + [another formula in here]
The red block encapsulates the outputs where B and C are
both true. If B and C are true, then the output will be in
the red block. Therefore, the formula that the red block
represents is B . C
The blue block encapsulates the outputs where A and B are
both true. If A and B are true, then the output will be in
the blue block. Therefore, the formula that the blue block
represents is A . B
Now we have the subformulas, we just need to OR them all
together, and we’ll have our simplified expression: (A . B) + (B . C)
We can even go one step further and use the distributive
rule, if we wanted to:
- B . (A + C)
Now we know that (A . B) + (A + B) . (B . C) can be
simplified to B . (A + C)
Full adder
A logic unit that adds three bits together: input 1, input
2 and a carry digit from before, and returns sum and carry
digit. If you imagine adding up two binary numbers,
you’re basically XOR-ing to get the sums and AND-ing
to get the carries. This is what a full adder does.
Ripple adder
If you had lots of full adders together, you could add a
whole byte. This is what a ripple adder does; it puts a
whole bunch of full adders together so that it can add
things like words and bytes.
The size is really good; it’s simple and compact. But
since it’s sequential, the delay on all the gates will
add up, making it slow.
If only there was some way to add up all the bits at the
same time...
Carry-lookahead does just as the name suggests; it uses
carry bits to ‘look ahead’ of the calculation
and determine the value of all the bits at the same
The ‘generate’ function G(A, B) is basically an
AND function
The ‘propogate’ function P(A, B) is basically
an XOR function
You can see here that you can mathematically get all of the
carry bits using just the input bytes:
This is what a carry-lookahead does. It calculates all the
caries ahead of time, then calculates the addition in one
fell swoop.
This is all combinatorial, so it hardly has any
However, the size gets increasingly big. If you had a
carry-lookahead adder of size 4, and you had another one of
size 32, the one with size 32 would be 64x bigger than the
one of size 4.
Instead of just using 1 8-bit adder sequentially to add up
all the bits, why not use 2 8-bit adders and split the byte
into two parts? That way you’ll be done twice as
Binary multiplication
You can use the ADD & SHIFT method:
Booth multiplication algorithm
Let’s just say you want to multiply 6 and 2.
Let 6 = A = 0110
Let 2 = B = 0010
Draw a table with n + 1 rows (n being the number of bits on
both inputs)
Put a P column, a B column and a B-1 column.
Fill P with a zero, B with the value of B and B-1 with 1
You compare the least significant bit in B and the value of
B-1. They are 0 and 0, so we shift everything to the
Now the two bits are 1 and 0. When this happens, we set the
P to P - A.
0000 - 0110 is 1010, so we replace P with that now:
Immediately after that, we do another shift:
The two numbers are 0 and 1 now. This means P = P +
1101 + 0110 is 0011, so we set that to P and immediately do
another shift:
The two bits are 0 and 0 now, so we just do a normal
Halt! The number of rows (not including the title row) is
5. The number of bits we’re working with is 4. When we
reach n + 1 rows, we stop. 4 + 1 = 5, so we’re going
to stop now.
Concatenate P and B together to get the answer.
0000, 1100 → 00001100 → 1100
- 1100 is 12
6 * 2 is 12, so this algorithm works!
Computers perform this algorithm with signed and unsigned
ARM and Assembly
ARM instruction set
32-bit instructions in the full ARM instruction set
Also the Thumb instruction set is a subset of the full ARM
instruction set, stored in 16 bits
The instructions operate on a restricted view of the ARM
registers (just r0 to r7, sp, lr, and pc)
Optimized for higher code density from C code (~65% of ARM
code size so useful on small sys)
Processor can mix ARM/Thumb code!
Thumb-2 is an extension to the Thumb Instruction Set
Architecture (ISA)
retains the complete 16-bit Thumb
instruction set
Adds 32-bit instructions to implement almost all of the ARM
ISA functionality
25% faster than Thumb
ARM registers
16 32-bit registers R0-R15
3 ‘special’ registers:
R15 – Program Counter (PC)
R14 – Link Register (LR)
R13 – Stack Pointer (SP)
Current Program Status Register (CPSR)
Simple instruction examples
mov r2, r1 mov r4, #7 add r3, r1,
r2 subs r3, r1, r2 B <label> cmp
r1, #7 ble <label>
r2 = r1 r4 = 7 r3 = r1 + r2 r3 =
r1 – r2 Branch to <label> Compare
r1 with 7 Branch if less or equal
Status register
sub R1,R2,R3 ← subtract R2 and R3 and puts it in
subs R1,R2,R3 ← does the same, but sets the status
register flag
You can use that status register flag for branches, so subs
is better
Memory access
MOV r1, #Table LDR r0, [r1]
Puts the address of Table into r0
Loads word from address stored in r1 into
This is like r0 = Table[0]
Note we have #Table, not a fixed address (like 23000)
LDR r0, [r1,8]
Adds 8 to the address r1 then reads the word So
this is like r0 = Table[8]
In this case r1 contains a memory address
MOV R0,#20
@load a
counter R0 with 20
@body of loop – this is a
SUBS R0,R0,#1
@decrement loop counter
BNE next
@repeat until loop count =
A stack is a last-in first-out (LIFO) data structure.
To put data onto the stack you ‘push’ it. To
get data from the stack, you ‘pop’ it.
The CPU needs to know where the stack is. It can do so by
using a ‘stack pointer’.
Register R13 is used to point to the active stack –
it is called the Stack Pointer SP
Some instructions rely on the stack
Especially pop and push
Code should not manipulate the SP
Normally called sp, not r13, in assembler
Subroutine return address
If you jump to code with a branch (or jump) – you may
need to return to the next instruction in the calling code
on completion of your subroutine
Achieved by storing contents of PC (before it is
overwritten by address of subroutine) – this is the
return address
To return from the subroutine, the return address is copied
into the PC.
Subroutine call with interrupt
Very similar, main difference is that an interrupt is
triggered by some external event (i.e. outside the CPU)
– typically I/O
In contrast, a subroutine call is always under the control
of the program running
An interrupt needs to have the address of the interrupt
routine specified somehow: still save RA and copy back into
the PC at the end of the interrupt
Return address using stack
push RA onto stack
on return, pop RA from stack and overwrite PC
works well and is widely used
supports nested calls, recursion, re-entrant code and
read-only program store
any use of stack by subroutine must be completed before
return from subroutine (else will pop off incorrect
stack manipulation introduces some delay
Return address using LR register
When code jumps to a subroutine it needs to know where to
jump back to when complete
Store Return Address in a special register
Used in ARM: R14, Link Register
Return from routine, just copy R14 to R15
Need to push R14 onto stack before another routine called
(and pop on return)
Compromise between speed and complexity – widely
(There are other mechanisms, not covered here)
Branching with BL or BLX the return address is
automatically stored in LR
So a subroutine can return with:
Or the subroutine code could store LR on the stack (push
LR) then at the end:
- pop PC
To put the LR address into the PC from the stack
What is a network
A network is one or more computers that are connected
together and can share data.
The Internet is a network of networks.
LAN: Local Area Network. Communications inside a building
or a campus
WAN: Wide Area Network
Note – the Internet != the World Wide Web
The WWW is essentially the web pages you can access on a
browser, which uses the Internet.
Layered network models
Application Layer
Transport Layer (a.k.a. Host-to-Host Layer)
Internet Layer (a.k.a. Network Layer)
Network Access Layer (a.k.a. Link Layer)
Layer encapsulation
Each layer in the TCP/IP stack adds its own header.
This becomes part of the payload for the layer below
Physical & Link layer
The physical/link layer refers to the protocols concerned
with physically transferring the data from one system to
- Examples:
LAN defined by the IEEE 802 family of standards
Ethernet (IEEE 802.3)
Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac)
Wireless Personal Area Networks (IEEE 802.15)
Bluetooth (IEEE 802.15.1)
Low-Rate WPAN (IEEE 802.15.4)
ADSL (ITU G.992 and ANSI T1.413)
VDSL (a.k.a. FTTC or Infinity) (ITU G.993)
DOCSIS (ITU-T Rec. J.112, J.122 and J.222)
Mobile 3G, LTE (a.k.a 4G)
Network access layer
The network access layer is pretty much an alias for the
physical / link layer.
Deals with the local link that a host is connected
Each host has a link-unique address (48-bit MAC
e.g. encapsulation of a packet to an Ethernet frame:
Internet layer
This layer is in charge of transporting data packets
between hosts.
Three basic functions:
Handles next-hop routing.
Passes a received packet’s payload to the correct
transport layer (the next layer up).
Provides unique addressing.
Ability to connect different types of network
The Internet layer only provides a
“best-effort” packet delivery. This is sometimes
known as unreliable.
Five main protocols operate at the Internet Layer:
- IPv4
- IPv6
- ICMPv6
Internet Protocol version 4
Each node has a unique 32-bit IP address
Written in octet-grouped dotted-decimal notation
There are too many network nodes; not enough IPv4 addresses
to pass around!
32-bit address space = about 4.3 billion addresses
Exhaustion has been anticipated since the 1980s
IANA allocated their last blocks to RIRs on
Two “solutions”:
Network Address Translation (NAT) (1993)
- IPv6 (1998)
A way to share one IPv4 address between multiple
e.g. a home router shares one public IPv4 address with
multiple devices with private IPv4 addresses.
RFC1918 “private” address space:
-, and
NAPT breaks the end-to-end principle & some
Even with NAT, we still have IPv4 exhaustion
Gives a false sense of security – NAT is not a
replacement for a properly configured firewall
Internet Protocol version 6
Each node has a unique 128-bit IP address
Written in colon-delimited hexadecimal
e.g. 2001:630:d0:f111:e07a:b1fa:68a1:80eb
Not many home ISPs support IPv6
You can use a tunnelbroker to get working IPv6 on an IPv4
Tunnels IPv6 over IPv4
Higher latency than a native IPv6 connection.
Used for diagnostic and control purposes or generated in
response to errors in IP operations.
Contained within a standard IP packet
ICMP works with IPv4
ICMPv6 works with IPv6
Used by Ping and Traceroute
Ping send simple packets to a server to test speeds
Traceroute records the path a packet takes to reach its
destination server.
Transport layer
Provides different kinds of host-to-host communication
Two main protocols:
TCP = Transmission Control Protocol
UDP = User Datagram Protocol
Some other specialised protocols:
Point to Point Tunnelling Protocol
Cubesat Space Protocol
TCP relies on a ‘handshake’ mechanism.
It’s similar to how a normal conversation would go on,
with one person saying something, the other person saying
something in response, the other person saying another thing
UDP is different; packets are just sent to the recipient
and responses are not expected, hence the term “fire
and forget”.
TCP flow / congestion control
Prevents a fast sender overwhelming a slow receiver.
Reduces send rate to cope with network congestion.
Application layer
Software that uses the network.
Generally, programmers will use pre-made libraries BUT need
to choose appropriate modes.
Python Socket Example:
#create an INET, STREAMing socket s = socket.socket( socket.AF_INET,
#now connect to the web server on port 80 s.connect("", 80)
Naming and addressing
Each layer uses a different type of addressing.
Using IP addresses in applications can be problematic
– what if you change host?
Domain Name Service provides a way to map symbolic domain
names to an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
Highly-reliable and resilient distributed service
Operates at the Application Layer
Different types of record:
Record IPv4
address record.
Record IPv6 address record
of one name to another
Record Message Transfer Agent address record (E-Mail)
Address Resolution Protocol (IPv4)
Neighbour Discovery Protocol (IPv6)
Operates at the Link Layer
Translates IP addresses to MAC addresses
You can find a MAC address for a given IP with the arp
$ arp -a ( at 00:14:1b:3d:2c:00 [ether] on eth0
When you go on a website, the packets don’t go
directly from your computer to their server; they follow a
route of various other nodes before they reach the server.
This is ‘routing’.
Occurs where there is a change in IP address spaces.
Routing occurs at the Internet layer.
Each router has an IP address in each address space it
routes between.
Routers can also have other functions: Firewalling, DNS,
DHCP, etc.
Multiple paths
There can be multiple possible paths between two
This is for redundancy, improved performance of commercial
Internet: managed by BGP
“Local”: usually RIP or OSPF
A switch is a device that inspects and forwards packets
towards their destination.
Used to connect multiple devices on one network
“Simple” switches operates at the link
Switches only forward traffic between the ports it needs
Other concerns
It’s more than just the technology:
- Privacy
- Anonymity
- Ethics
“Net Neutrality”
- Snooping
- Filtering
- Security
Sustainable Internet
Everywhere you go, the Internet makes a log of what you
Network owners need/want to know what is happening on their
Governments want to know what people are doing.
In the UK, ISPs can be required to store certain connection
information. New legislation is being considered to expand
the extent of this logging.
To stay anonymous, you could:
Still creates logs somewhere
VPN exit point can be monitored
Use something like Tor, “The Onion
Routes traffic through a (random) series of hops
Traffic is encrypted up to the exit node
Reduces performance
Not foolproof: Vulnerable to traffic analysis & exit
node monitoring
Contains other exploitable vulnerabilities
The Internet of things
Everything can be connected to the Internet nowadays,
- Light bulbs,
- Thermostats,
- Fridges,
Health monitoring,
Energy/utility monitoring
Wireless Sensor Networks
These objects need their own networking technologies and their own
security and privacy concerns.
Instruction sets
Interpretation of binary data
The binary number 0100 0010 can be interpreted in different
As a character
As a memory address
As a machine instruction
As an ‘enumerated type’ in a programming
language e.g. enum colour {red, blue, green}
As anything; it depends on the context.
Instruction set
An instruction set is a complete collection of instructions
that are understood by the CPU.
Each number represents a certain instruction
These instructions are usually used in assembly through
mnemonics (names for the instructions, e.g. instead of
saying 0110 you can say ‘ADD’)
One line of assembly typically equates to one machine
Elements of an instruction
Operation code (op code or opcode)
Next Instruction Reference (usually implicit – next
instruction in program memory)
when you have finished, do this...
Not every instruction does all of this
Instruction types
Arithmetic instructions
Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide
Signed Integer
Floating point
- May include
Increment (x = x + 1)
Decrement (x = x – 1)
Negate (x = -x)
Shift and rotate operations
Shifting binary values
E.g. 0110 → 1100 → 1001 → 0011 →
Transfer of control
Branch (may be conditional)
e.g. branch to x if result is zero
e.g. increment and skip if zero
ISZ Register1
- Branch xxxx
Subroutine call (AKA routine, function, procedure)
Input / Output
Communicating with input / output devices
May be specific instructions
May be done using data movement instructions (memory
May be done by a separate controller (DMA – Direct
Memory Access)
Much faster, data routed directly (not through ALU) and no
need to fetch I/O instruction.
Typically used for Disk or Network transfers
Types of operand
Operand - like an argument in high-level programming, but
in assembly
Types of operand:
Instruction set architectures (ISA)
Accumulator ISA
Stores results in an accumulator, a special register for
storing results of mathematical operations.
- Example:
You do ADD 5,6
- 5 + 6 = 11
11 is now stored in the accumulator
Stack based ISA
Uses a stack to perform operations
- Example:
You push ‘5’ onto the stack.
You push ‘7’ onto the stack.
You perform the ‘SUB’ operation:
‘7’ is popped off of the stack.
‘5’ is popped off of the stack.
- 7 - 5 = 2.
‘2’ is pushed onto the stack.
Register-memory ISA
One operand comes from memory, one comes from a
- Example:
You could do ADD R1, R3, B
Where ‘B’ is a location in main memory and R1
and R3 are registers.
It’s simple to generate code, but the code is
non-commutative, so source operands can be destroyed.
Systems that use this: IBM 360/370, TMS320, Intel x86,
Register-register ISA
Both operands are registers
- Example:
You could do ADD R1, R2, R3
Where R1, R2 and R3 are all registers.
It’s fast and instruction encoding is simple, but
since the instructions are simple, they result in bigger
Systems that use this: Alpha, SPARC, ARM, PowerPC, Trimedia
Memory-memory ISA
Both operands are from memory.
- Example:
You could do ADD R1, A, B
Where A and B are locations in memory and R1 is a
The code is compact, but speed could be bottlenecked by
memory fetching.
This is not used today.
Native types (ints, chars etc.) have a fixed size.
Objects (structs, classes) do not have a fixed size.
Alignment is where an object of arbitrary size fits nicely
in the addresses with no overlap.
Basically, with address size A and type size s, this is
true: A mod s == 0
Memory is typically organised on a multiple of a word
Misaligned memory access requires multiple aligned memory
Refers to the dilemma of:
How bytes in a word are ordered
How bits in a byte are ordered
We have the binary number 1011
Is this number 11 (1 + 2 + 8, LSB on the right) or is it 13
(1 + 4 + 8, LSB on the left)?
We want to store 0x12345678 into memory. We have the
starting address 0x900.
Should we store it like this (big endian)?
or like this (little endian)?
It really doesn’t matter all too much.
The systems that use big endian are:
- IBM 370/390
Motorola M680x0
Most RISC machines
- The internet
The systems that use little endian are:
- Intel 80x86
- Pentium
- Alpha
ARM (originally)
These systems support both (bi endian):
PowerPC supports both modes, and demands only that a given
process within the machine is internally consistent
ARM now includes a switch to toggle between endian
Address modes
Immediate addressing
Where a constant is hard-coded into the instruction
- Example:
ADD R1, #4, #5
R1 will have the value of 9.
Direct addressing
Where you use the address of the operand in the
- Example:
ADD R1, 4, 0x56
Adds 4 to the value stored in address 0x56 and puts it in
Indirect addressing
Where you use a register’s value as an address, and
you find the value within that address.
- Example:
ADD R1, 4, (0x56)
Adds 4 to the value that address 0x56 is pointing at and
puts it in R1.
Multilevel indirect addressing
Like indirect addressing, but there’s lots of address
- Example:
ADD R1, 4, (((0x56)))
Adds 4 to the value of the address of the address that
address 0x56 is pointing at and puts it in R1.
Register addressing
Simply loading a register.
- Example:
ADD R1, R2, R3
Adds contents of R2 and R3 and puts it in R1.
Register indirect addressing
Like indirect addressing, but with registers.
- Example:
ADD R1, 4, (R2)
Adds 4 to the value that R2 is pointing at and puts it in
Displacement addressing
You supply an address and a register. The value in the
register is added to the address, like an offset.
- Example:
- R1 = 2
- 0x56, R1
- 0x56 + 2
0x58 ← final address
displacement: Effective
address = A + (PC)
Base register
displacement: Effective
address = A + (R)
displacement: Effective
address = (A) + R
- Scaled
Scaled displacement addressing
You supply two registers and a displacement. The first
register is the initial position, the second register is the
scale, and the displacement is added on.
This is mostly used for arrays of large objects.
- Example:
The initial position is 40, the scale is 2 and the
displacement is 1.
Taking a word to be 4 units, we must go up by 2 (scale) * 4
units, which is 8 units, so we’re now at position
The displacement is 1, so we add that, making our position
If every opcode uses the same (combination of) address
modes then the instruction set is orthogonal.
Example: an orthogonal instruction set could use only
direct addressing for every instruction.
If the same set of arithmetic operations is provided for
each native type (int, real and so on), then the instruction
set is complete.
Example: There is an ADD for ints, chars, reals etc., there
is a SUB for ints, chars, reals etc., there is a MUL for
ints, chars, reals etc. and so on.
Operating Systems & Virtual Machines
About operating systems
The operating system is a program that protects the
programmer and the user from details of the hardware.
It provides an interface to the hardware, so that other
programs can make effective use of the computer
This works much better if the hardware provides support for
the OS
Operating systems and hardware have developed
Two families:
Microsoft Windows
- Unix-like
Layers and views of a computer system
Kernel services
Memory management
Allocate memory to programs
Manage virtual memory
Protect against programming errors & malware
Task management
Launch processes (process = program + state of
Maintain process table: list of running processes
Carry out time slicing and context switching
Handle interrupts
Set program privilege levels
File management
Respond to program requests to open, read, write and close
Set and check permissions
Handle buffering
Device management
Use device drivers to respond to program requests to open,
read, write and close devices such as printers, cameras,
displays, keyboard
Essential hardware features for an OS
Memory protection
To protect the OS
To allow the OS to protect programs from each other
To prevent a job monopolizing the system
Privileged instructions
Only executed by OS, e.g. I/O
Allow for relinquishing and regaining control
Scheduling: sharing the CPU usage of the processes in an
optimised manner.
Making effective use of the processor
Central facts:
Memory access is very slow compared with the processor
I/O devices are extremely slow compared with the
Multiple tasks need to share the machine
A processor can only do one thing at a time
While one task is waiting for an I/O device (or the user),
another task should be able to use the processor
Context switching
Where a process is saved and stored so that another process
can run.
Process control block
The data structure used for saving a process.
- Includes:
- Identifier
- State
Volatile environment
Program Counter
Memory pointers
Context data
- Priority
- I/O status
Accounting information
Memory management
Memory management is responsible for the management of
memory (obviously).
It exists to make the user think there are an arbitrary
number of processes running at the same time
It also makes every process think it has infinite memory;
virtual memory does just this.
The operating system stores a queue of processes wanting to
Processes on the disk, queue in the kernel
As space becomes available, the processes are loaded from
the disk
When a process finishes, it is removed from memory
A process may also be swapped out if it is stalled (for
example, waiting for I/O)
Where memory is split up into variable sized chunks, e.g.
one partition could be 2MB, another could be 16MB.
Memory is allocated as required
Fragmentation makes it harder to load incoming
Physical and logical addresses
The actual address in memory
The address relative to the beginning of the program
Fixed and variable size partitions are very inefficient, so
paging will divide the physical memory into small, equal
chunks called ‘frames’.
Then, the process will be divided into chunks (pages) of
the same size as memory frames.
The process of mapping pages → frames is efficient (in
terms of memory)
Virtual memory
Sometimes, we run out of memory.
Therefore, we can swap pages in and out using virtual
Virtual memory is a block of dedicated disk space used for
storing pages.
Seldom-used pages can be stored in virtual memory using a
‘page table’ until they are needed again. This
saves memory.
Each process have their own page table.
Logical addresses now refer to a page, and the page table
translates it to a physical address using a base
The whole point of virtual memory is to pre-emptively get
the required data into the most accessible place
Virtual memory and paging is invisible to the user
Page table sizes
You have a 4GB virtual memory address space and a page size
of 4 kB. How many entries would you need in the page
First of all, you should know that the page table requires
one entry per page.
To answer this, you can use the following equation:
It would also help to convert the numbers to powers of two
(so you only need to add/subtract exponents):
Which you can do by using logarithms (e.g. log2(4 * 1024 4kB in bytes) = 12)
Then you can put them into the equation:
Translation lookaside buffer
Most VM systems have a dedicated cache for the page table -
the translation lookaside buffer or TLB.
Demand paging
If the process tries to fetch a page that’s not in
virtual memory, then a ‘page fault’ occurs. It’s not a real ‘fault’,
like an error, it just means that the page table needs to be
updated from the disk.
If pages are demanded too much, this can cause
‘page thrashing’. This is where the system is too busy fetching
pages instead of actually processing anything.
Segmentation, unlike paging, is where main memory is split
up into variable sizes.
Segmentation is visible to the programmer
Segmentation allows the programmer to view the memory as a
set of independent address spaces (virtual memories)
Each segment can have different access rights and
Fragments of a process can be modified (recompiled)
Data/cache sharing: multiple processes can be allowed
qualified access to a segment
- Advantages:
Simplifies handling of growing data structures
Allows programs to be altered and recompiled independently,
without re-linking and re-loading
Lends itself to protection
Code segments – “pure code” (no
self-modification allowed)
Don’t need to write back to disk
Re-entrant code possible (multiple tasks or processes)
(i.e. sharing among processes)
Some systems combine segmentation and VM
Amdahl’s Law
The performance improvement to be gained from using some
faster mechanism is limited by the fraction of time the
faster mode can be used
The principle of locality
"Real" programs tend to re-use data and
instructions they have used recently
"Real" programs spend 90% of their execution time
in 10% of the code
Temporal locality: Recently accessed items are likely to be
accessed again soon
Spatial locality: Code/data that is close in memory tend to
be referenced closely in time
Disk caches
Disks are extremely complex subsystems:
They have their own processor and memory to communicate
with the bus
A layered cache subsystem provides
Copies of recently accessed parts of files on special
dedicated 'easy to get at' areas of magnetic real
Copies of recently accessed parts of files in their own RAM