Computer Science / Software Engineering Notes Network

COMP6212 Computational Finance


This is an index for the COMP6212 Computational Finance slides (year 2020/21). Its purpose is to help you find relevant slides for a certain keyword or topic faster. Instead of looking through all the slides manually, simply search this document to quickly find the correct slide set and slide number, which is written like:

        Slide Set Name

Feel free to correct any mistakes or add any improvements.


C1 Currency Introduction

C2 Intro Crypto

C3 Blocks, Nodes and Forks

C4 Tokens, and Consensus

C5 Platforms

C6 Smart Contracts

C7 Micropayments


F1_1 Introduction to Financial Terms (Part 1)

F1_2 Introduction to Finance 2

F2_1 Introduction to Portfolios (Part 1)

F2_2 Introduction to Portfolios (Part 2)

F2_3 Introduction to Portfolios (Part 3)

F3_1 Stock Price Prediction 1

F3_2 Stock Price Prediction 2

F3_3 Stock Price Prediction 3

Machine Learning

F4_1_1 Overview of Machine Learning (Part 1)

F4_1_2 Overview of Machine Learning (Part 2)

F4_1_3 Overview of Machine Learning (Part 3)

F5_1 ML Stock Prediction (Part 1)

F5_2 ML Stock Prediction (Part 2)

F5_3 ML Stock Prediction (Part 3)

F5_4 ML Stock Prediction (Part 4)