COMP6212 Computational Finance
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C1 Currency Introduction
Currency - what it is, what we use it for: 4
Pre currency
Exchanging goods for services: 5
Currency instead of exchanging: 6
Middle way between exchange and today’s currencies:
Downside: Only means of exchange, no standard of value:
Historic uses: 9
First coins: 10
Given out by the government, more value than material is
worth: 11
Controlled release into the market: 12
First paper money: 13
Dustrust in Europe until 1700s: 14
Backed vs non-backed money
Gold backed currencies: 15
Fiat money - not backed by anything: 16
Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe: 17, 18
Non-physical money - Western union, credit card: 20
Exchange rate - different currencies: 21
Control - supply/demand, inflation: 22
Foreign exchange market: 23
Benefits of forex: 24
Comparison fiat money, crypto, gold
Cryptocurrency vs fiat currency: 26
Gold vs fiat vs crypto: 27
C2 Intro Crypto
Backbone of economy - traditional centralised ledger,
history: 3
Distributed ledgers technology (DLT)
Introduction, decentralised network, cryptographically
secured: 4
Usage, classes of distributed ledgers: 5
- Corda DLT: 6
Advantages: 7
Downsides of current centralised system: 6
A layer on top of the internet: 8
Series of encrypted blocks with hash values: 9
Transfer money with public-key cryptography, wallet:
Consensus - why do we need it: 11
History: 16, 17
Definition, regulated vs unregulated: 13
Virtual currencies: 13
Crypto is parth of virtual currency, what it uses
cryptography for: 15
Avoiding central authorities, consensus: 18
How transactions are recorded on the distributed ledger:
How transactions are verified / can be trusted,
confirmation, validator: 20
The six conditions for a cryptocurrency system: 21,
Properties - cryptographic security: 23
Transactional properties: 24
Monetary properties: 25
Advantage - cross border transitions: 28
Concerns - anonymity used for criminal activity: 29
Regulations worldwide - by country: 31
How traditional markets work: 27
Cryptocurrency Example
Issue of double spending: 32
Introduction of blockchain: 33
Details of a block: 34
Validity of a translation - adding cryptography: 35
Immutability of coins: 36
Removing the central owner: 37
C3 Blocks, Nodes and Forks
Cerity, Track, Set rules, Use it - no middleman: 4
Definition: 5
- Size: 11
Structure: 12
Ledgers: centralised vs. decentralised
Centralised ledgers - definition, drawbacks: 8
Definition: 9
Public vs. private blockchain, permissioned/permissionless:
Bitcoin vs. Etherium: 13
Node types
Overview / diagram: 14
Full nodes, lightweight nodes: 15
Archival nodes, pruned nodes: 16
Master nodes: 17
Mining nodes: 18
Staking nodes: 19
Authority nodes: 20
Consensus - hard fork vs. soft fork:
Hard fork: 21
Soft fork: 22
Why they happen - upgrading or changing: 23
C4 Tokens, and Consensus
What is a token: 3
Features - digital, programmable, asset-backed: 4
Tokens are not coins - they are on top of coins: 5
How do tokens work
The cycle of tokens: 6
- Example: 7
Currency of decentralised applications (Dapps), how to
obtain them, programmable: 9
Types - intrinsic, application, asset-backed: 10
Issuing tokens:
Types of issuers: 11
ICO process of Dapp: 12
Tokens on a classical network vs. on blockchain network:
Examples: 14
Three properties: security, fault tolerance, real-time
value: 15
Rules / requirements: 16, 17
- Protocols
Overview - applications: 18
Proof of work: 19
Proof of stake: 20
Proof of work vs. Proof of stake: 21
Delegated proof of stake: 22
Proof of burn, proof of authority: 23
Byzantine Fault Tolerance, Practical Byzantine Fault
Tolerance, Federated Byzantine Agreement: 24
- Raft: 25
C5 Platforms
Private vs. public blockchain: 3
- Etherium
Overview: 3
Smart contracts: 5
DApps - distributed apps: 6
Gas - specifying computing power for transactions: 7
Overview: 8, 9
Chaincode - smart contracts: 10
Archival nodes types: 11
Consensus: 12
Overview: 14
CorDapp - smart contracts: 15
Consensus: 16
Comparison table Etherium vs. Hyperledger Fabric vs. R3
Corda: 17
- Bitcoin
Overview: 19
Transaction: 20
Consensus: 21
Overview: 22
MoneyGram partnering: 23
Main usage - central currency for cross-border
transactions: 24, 28
Consensus: 25, 26
Comparison with Bitcoin: 27
Comparison with Ethereum: 28
Comparison table Bitcoin vs. Ripple: 29
Issues of Crypto
Scalability: 30
Consensus, built-in cryptocurrency: 31
C6 Smart Contracts
A special account controlled by code: 3
Application in ethereum: 4
Example scenario - payment of employees
Introduction: 5
Contract PayThem code: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Deployment: 12
Minimal design - only put necessary things on the
blockchain: 14, 15
What to define in a smart contract: 16
Example of when to not use a smart contract: 17
What the smart contract should ensure: 18
Simplicity means clarity and avoiding defects: 19
Why bugs are an issue: 20
How to avoid bugs or other problems: 21
General strategies to avoid failure
Check time / whether contract is still active: 22
Emergency stop - by admins: 23, 24
Rate limiters: 25
Delay actions: 26, 27
Limit the balance: 28
Inconsistent UX for different crypto currencies: 30
Users require knowledge of crypto currency: 31
Poor payment network - scalability issues: 32
Lack of regulations - advantage and problem at the same
time: 33
Why UX design is important: 34, 35
C7 Micropayments
Moving money internationally - with distributed
- Bitcoin
Advantages recap: 10, 11
Bitcoin as an alternative platform: 12
Micropayments Overview - definition: 13
Vending machines: 14
Artists, writers, charities, tipping: 15
Still small solutions / early day: 16
Crypto for micropayments in the future: 17
Financial crash - how it helped crypto to become more
popular: 19
Will crypto take over fiat currencies? 20
Hype around crypto - downsides: 21
Deflation risk: 22
Benefits: 23
Advantages as a medium of exchange: 24
Cryptocurrency as a commodity?
Transfers, credit money to commodity money: 25
Credit relationships, demand for central bank money:
The role of central banks - monetary policy: 27
Central banks response to crypto: 28
China banned initial coin offerings (ICOs) - mining in
China: 29
Chinese Renminbi becoming a cryptocurrency: 30
One day everyone will use China’s digital currency:
Cryptocurrency as a financial instrument - ICO: 32
Future - stable coin: 33
F1_1 Introduction to Financial Terms (Part 1)
Stock market - definition: 3
Equities - stocks, IPO: 4
Secondary market - shareholder meetings, dividends: 5
Definition: 6
Advantage - steady and reliable income: 7
Risk free, basic rate: 8
Definition - future contracts: 9
Usage - budgeting, volatile market, risky: 10
Definition - underlying assets: 11
- Futures
Definition - insurance: 12
- Risks: 13
Definition - exchange cash flows or liabilities: 14
- Risks: 15
Definition - time sensitive: 16
- Example: 17
Call options: 18
Put options: 19
Advantages: 20
Disadvantages: 21
Stock valuation - absolute vs. relative: 22
Market index
Definition: 23
Stock market index - example: 24
Example for Asian index: 25
Market cap (capitalization)
Definition: 26
Characteristics: 27
Small market cap, mid market cap: 28
Mutual funds: 29, 30, 36
- Investing
Definition: 32
Value investing: 33
Minimum investment, goals and risk: 34
Brokers charging commission - there’s no free lunch:
Diversify and reduce risks: 37
F1_2 Introduction to Finance 2
Definition - stock prices reflect information: 3
Hypothesis - stocks always trading for fair value: 4
Why it is not always true: 5
Definition - price differences in markets: 6
Example: 7
How you can benefit: 8
Bullish markets - optimistic about stock rise: 9
Bearish markets - pessimistic about a stock or market:
Definition - reducing risk, trade-off: 11
Practices: 12
Diversification: 13
Trade-offs: 14
Spread Hedging: 15
- Risks: 16
Definition - buy in the future for predetermined price:
Contract may gain or lose value: 18
Calculating return
Expected stock price: 19
Expected return: 20
Expected return including carry costs: 21
Expected return including dividends: 22
- Example: 23
Definition - speculation that stock will go down: 24
What can go wrong - risks: 25
Definition - measuring the stock’s intrinsic value:
Quantitative and qualitative data: 27
Random walk
Definition - past data cannot be used for prediction: 28,
Example - goat in a field: 29
Relating the example back to finance: 30
Criticism: 32
Technical analysis: 33
Fundamental vs. technical analysis: 34
F2_1 Introduction to Portfolios (Part 1)
Returns, standard deviation: 3
Downside risk, risky stock: 4
Time horizon - long vs. short: 5
Motivation: 6
Definition of net present value: 7
Example - money deposit in bank: 8
Comparing investments with net present value: 9
Definition - assign numbers to alternatives: 10
Total utility - definition and example: 11
Marginal utility
Definition: 12
Explanation with graph: 13
Total vs. marginal utility: 14
Economic utility - determines the price: 15
Expected utility
Hypothesis: 16
Expected return: 17
Utility function and indifference curve
The utility function plotted as indifference curve:
- Example: 19
Definition of indifference curve: 20
Definition - risk neutral, risk averse, risk seeking:
Utility and investments - formula: 22
Expected return vs standard deviation: 23
Definition: 24
Approach - diversification: 25
Investment portfolio goals: 26
Portfolio analysis: 27
Portfolio return: 28
F2_2 Introduction to Portfolios (Part 2)
The portfolio optimization problem: 3
- Variance
Definition, formula: 4
Total variance - systematic risk and non-systematic risk:
Correlation and Covariance
Definition - what they have in common: 6
Definition: 7
Formulas for two stocks: 8
Example with two stocks: 9
Definition: 10
Formula linking covariance and correlation: 11
- Formula: 12
Expected return and variance
Formulas for two asset portfolio: 13
Example: 14, 15
Relationship between return and variance
What does it mean: 16
Assumptions: 17
Definition: 18
Two assets example
Variance, covariance: 19
Weight, portfolio return, correlation: 20
How correlation impacts risk with different weights:
What a correlation of 1, 0 and -1 means: 22
Variance for 3 assets: 23, 24
Variance for many assets: 25
Definition - diagram: 26
Further explanation of diagram: 27
CAL (capital allocation line)
Adding risk free assets to portfolios: 28
Diagram showing CAL lines added: 29
Definition: 30
Bond vs. portfolio risk: 31
Lending vs. borrowing: 32
Optimal Investor Portfolio
Risk vs return - indifference curves: 33
Combining indifference curves with efficient frontier: 34,
Capital Market Line (CML)
Definition: 36
What the CML shows: 37
Example of CML and formulas: 38
Tangency portfolio - most efficient portfolio: 39
F2_3 Introduction to Portfolios (Part 3)
Definition - formula: 4
Security return vs market return plot: 5
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
Definition - relationship between systematic risk and
expected returns: 6
Risk measure beta: 7, 11
Assumptions: 8
Example: 9
Calculate the price of a risky asset - formula: 10
Example company expected returns: 12
Caveats / downsides: 13
Definition - formula: 16
How to use it - measure performance of portfolio: 17
Definition - formula: 18
Only uses historical data: 19
M-Squared - Definition, formula: 20
Jensen’s Alpha
Definition - formula: 21
Interpretation: 22
Sortino Ratio - Definition, formula: 23, 24
Definition: 27
Probability density function: 28
- Example: 29
Standard normal distribution
Definition: 28
Normal distribution of a portfolio: 29, 30
Multivariate Gaussian Distribution
Motivation, definition: 32
Example plots: 33, 34
Linear transformation of multivariate Gaussian: 35
Portfolio return as a linear transform: 37
Putting stock data into matrix - calculating mean price:
Calculating covariance: 40
Calculating standard deviation: 41
What weighting is being used? 42
Summary - calculating the expected return and variance:
Optimization through adapting the weights
Example plot: 44
Monti Carlo Simulation: 45
Recap Monti Carlo: 46, 47
Constrained optimization: 48
Estimating parameters: 49, 50
Transaction costs: 51
F3_1 Stock Price Prediction 1
Recap - put and call: 3
What’s the point of options? 4
Call option
- Example: 5
Call pay off diagram 6
Example: 7, 9
Put pay off diagram: 8
Put call parity - relationship between put and call
Definition: 10
Formulas, example: 11, 12
The lattice model - definition: 14
Assumptions: 15, 16
Price calculation
Calculating up and down prices: 18
- Example: 19
Probability calculation - example: 20
Calculating a call option (1 year): 21, 22
Multiple periods
Example lattice: 23
Definition: 24
Price year 2: 25
Price year 3: 26
Probability year 2: 27
Probability year 3: 28
Calculating the price - backwards: 29 - 34
Less rigour: 35
Recap of lattice based model: 37, 38
F3_2 Stock Price Prediction 2
Ito’s process - definition, stochastic,
non-stochastic: 4
Formula: 5
- Examples
Basic example: 6
Example forward price: 7, 8
Example lognormal process: 9, 10
Combination of bond and stock: 13
Incorporating wiener process: 14
Calculating the call option at a specific time: 15
The Black Scholes PDE (Partial Differential Equation):
Boundary conditions for call options: 17, 18
Assumption: 19
Put call parity: 20
Example Put Option price: 21, 22, 23
How to find d1 and d2: 24
Options and dividends: 25
Definition: 26
Finding volatility: 27
Secant numerical method: 28
Algorithm: 29
- Overview: 30
Delta - sensitivity of the stock: 31
Gamma - sensitivity of the delta: 32
Vega - sensitivity to the volatility: 33
Theta - sensitivity in time: 34
Rho - sensitivity to interest rates: 35
Greek letters and Black Scholes model: 38
F3_3 Stock Price Prediction 3
Definition - time series: 3
Discrete-time stochastic process: 4
Seasonal variation, serial dependence: 5
Simple technical moving averages (smoothing)
Definition - formula: 6
Application, when buy/sell: 7
Example with plot: 8
Trend lines: 9
Momentum indicators - speed at which price changes:
Exponential Moving Average (EMA)
Definition - formula: 11
Usage / application: 12
Example: 13
Definition - fitting a line to a series of data points:
Linear regression
Definition - relationship between two variables: 16
- Formula: 17
How to fit the line - least squares approach: 18
Assumptions: 19
Goodness of fit: 20
Polynomial trending: 21
Other curve fitting - logarithmic, power, exponential:
Statistical analysis of time series
Application of models in price forecasting: 24
Autoregressive (AR)
Application - good for noisy systems: 25
- Formula: 26
Finding the order of the AR term: 27
Autocorrelation and Partial Autocorrelation
Predict the monthly cost of a product: 28
- Formula: 29
Correlogram: 39
White noise: 31
- Sessions: 32
What MA models capture: 33
- Formula: 34
Definition: 35
- Examples: 36
ARMA (combination of AR and MA)
Definition: 37, 41, 42
- Example: 38
Example using Lag Operator: 39
Lag Operator - Backshift operator: 40
Formulas: 43, 44
Machine Learning
F4_1_1 Overview of Machine Learning (Part 1)
What is machine learning? 3
Supervised vs unsupervised learning
Definition: 4
Supervised - visualisation, examples: 5
Unsupervised - visualisation, examples: 6
Data issues, algorithmic issues: 7
Underfitting, overfitting: 8
Nominal data - labels: 10
Ordinal data - ordering is important: 11
Interval data - numeric scales: 12
Ratio data: 13
Classification vs Prediction
Definition, application: 15
Training and testing: 16
From the data to the model: 17
Prediction/classification of unseen data: 18
Testing and validation
Measuring generalisation power, k-fold cross validation:
Using training and testing data: 21
Percentage split of available data into training, testing,
validation: 22
Cross validation, stratified cross validation: 23, 26
Example: 24, 25
Time series cross validation: 27
ZeroR, OneR: 29
- Example: 30
Accuracy of ZeroR used as a baseline - examples: 31
Definition: 32
Building a decision tree - building and pruning phase:
Definition: 34
Example: 35, 36
Linear classification: 37
Support Vector Machine
Definition - caveats: 38
Usage / application: 39
Linear separable data as a requirement: 40
Defining the margin: 41
How to deal with nonlinear separable data: 42
- Kernels: 43
Why accuracy sucks as a sole performance metric: 44
Confusion matrix: 45
F1 score: 46, 47
Precision/recall trade-off: 48
F4_1_2 Overview of Machine Learning (Part 2)
Definition: 5
Equation format: 6
How the model is created - example data: 7
The aim is to minimise the error: 8
Limitations: 9
Definition: 10
Equation, visualisation: 11, 12
Introduction of slack variables, definition of minimization
problem: 13, 14
Using a kernel to enable linear separation: 15
Example plot: 16
Underfitting: 17
Overfitting: 18
How to determine the degree? 19
Performance measures - RMSE, MAE: 20, 21
Artificial Neural Network
Definition: 22
Multilayer Perceptron (MLP): 23, 24, 25
Association Rule (Unsupervised Learning)
Definition: 27
Rule measures - support and confidence: 28
Association rule mining task, algorithm: 29
Usage with Weka: 30, 31
Clustering (Unsupervised Learning)
Definition: 33
Objectives, distances, example plot: 34
Algorithms: 35
K-Means - iterative distance-based clustering: 36, 37
Different clusterer modes: 38
Classes-to-cluster evaluation: 39
Other unsupervised learning in finance - factor analysis:
F4_1_3 Overview of Machine Learning (Part 3)
Activation functions (in Neural Networks)
Definition - linear, non-linear: 3
Sigmoid or Logistic Activation Function: 4
Tanh or hyperbolic tangent Activation Function: 5
Example results - Sigmoid Based Neural Network: 6
Vanishing Gradient Problem
Definition: 7
Why this problem occurs: 8
Definition - reason why we use it: 10
- Example: 11
Maxout: 12
Leaky ReLU: 13
Single layer perceptron - gradient descent: 14
Choices to make for training - window size, hidden layers,
epochs: 15
Mitigation against slow training: 16
Overfitting in linear regression: 17
Underfitting vs overfitting: 18
Ridge regression for a better fit: 19
- Lasso: 20
Avoiding overfitting
Overview: 21
Using regularization: 24
Using drop out: 25 - 32
Definition, usage - filtering out noise from data: 34
Visualisation: 35
Formulas - prediction, correction steps: 36, 37, 38
Extended Kalman Filters (EKF): 39
Particle Filters - monte carlo technique: 40
F5_1 ML Stock Prediction (Part 1)
Overview - ML in finance: 3
Model - simplified description of a system: 4
Algorithms - process that uses mathematics techniques:
Advantages of ML in finance: 6
Application of ML in finance: 7
Automatic Trading
Motivation: 8
Impact - most transactions automated: 9
Advantages - humans are emotional: 10
Back testing - investigate wrong results: 11
Training - sliding windows: 12
Efficiency: 13
High Frequency Trading (HFT): 14
Disadvantages: 15, 16
Usage in ML, definition, components: 18
Trend, Cycle: 19
Seasonality: 20
Irregularity: 21
- Analysis
Charts - example: 22
Technical and fundamental analysis, patterns: 23
Definition of terms - opening price, high and low prices,
closing price, volume, adjusted closed prices: 24
Definition: 25
Example: 26
F5_2 ML Stock Prediction (Part 2)
Binary tree structure: 3
Inputs and output: 4
Splitting the tree by feature, Gini score: 5
Regularization to improve generalisation: 6
Instability - sensitivity to the data: 7
Application / usage: 8
Definition - combination of multiple classifiers: 10
Requirements to classifiers and training data: 11
Tips to improve performance: 12
Random Forest: 13
Advantages - bagging and pasting: 14
Stacking: 15
Why they are useful, training through backpropagation:
Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs)
- Overview: 18
Disadvantages: 19
Radial Basis Function (RBF) Networks
Definition: 20
Activation function, output, advantages: 21
Formula, visualisation: 22
Common radial basis functions: 23, 24
Structure: 25, 26
How a RBF classifies: 27
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
Overview: 29
Feeding back the output into the input: 30
Unfolding RNNs: 31
Usage for stock price prediction: 32
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
Definition - memory cells: 33
Visualisation - gates: 34, 35, 36
Four main elements - memory cell and three logistic gates:
Memory cell replaces the “traditional” neurons
in hidden layer: 38
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN): 39
F5_3 ML Stock Prediction (Part 3)
Machine Learning (ML) vs. Statistical Models (SM)
Differences: 3, 4
Comparisons of predictive performance: 5
SMs favouring additivity: 6
When a statistical model is a better choice: 7, 8
When machine learning is a better choice: 9, 10
Hybrid Models
Definition: 11
Example: 12 - 21
Definition: 23
Visual representation - possible positions in different
dimensions: 24
Dimension reduction with projection: 25
What is dimensional reduction: 26
Supervised: Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
Definition: 28
Primary aim, visualisation: 29
Unsupervised: Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Definition: 30, 31
How it works: 32
Right number of dimensions, incremental PCA: 33
Importance of normalisation / standardisation of data:
Calculation of the PCA components: 35, 36, 37
- Example: 38
Kernel PCA: 39
RBF Kernel PCA: 40
F5_4 ML Stock Prediction (Part 4)
Definition: 3
Why they are important: 4
Properties: 5
Example: 6
Definition: 7
Properties: 8
Extensions of work by Hutchinson et al.
Introduction: 9
Additional features added: 10
Visualisation: 11
Data used: 12
How exogenous variables are used: 13
How exogenous variables influenced the model: 14
The role of sentiment in decision making - heuristics,
framing, market inefficiencies: 16
Prizes: 17
Analysis of media streams: 18
How it is used in finance: 19
Overview of steps
Visualisation: 20
Polarity Detection, Natural Language Processing (NLP):
Simple NLP: 22, 23
Analysis of the article: 24
Sentiment analysis for the stock market
How this benefits you: 25
Emotion in the stock market: 26
Market Sentiment
What it is: 27
VIX Index, CBOE Volatility Index, Put Call Ratio: 28
Safe haven assets, risk on / risk off trade: 29
High-Low index, stock price breadth: 30
Indicators on CNN website: 31