Computational Biology
Joshua Gregory
1 - Introduction
Biology is big data
10² to 10¹² numbers
Lots of information stored in big databases
Protein-protein common
Protein-DNA for regulation
Protein-environment how cell senses the world
- Ecosystems
Protein complexes form machines
Life can organise into cells
Cells can organise into higher organisms
Organisms form populations that act together
Back to ecosystems
Cells chemical machines
Complex auto-regulation
- Cells divide
Can fuse sexually
- Life evolves
Almost all aspects of life governed by mechanisms
Comp Bio
Comp bio is big data problem
Tools in compsci essential to
Store the data
Make inference about the data
Tools of abstraction apply to biology too
Charles Darwin
Natural Selection
Still being understood
Tree of life
Life being related through tree like structure
Molecularly, species share a huge amount in common
Transfer knowledge between species
Not generally understood in Darwin’s time
Modern theory by Gregor Mendel
Finally widely understood it occurred through exchange of
discrete units (genes)
Mendel’s Peas Experiment
Experiments explained if:
Traits carried by discrete units (genes)
Each individual carries two copies of a gene
We inherit one copy from each parent
One gene is dominant
These not always true
Rigged experiment? Mechanism remained confused until
Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid
Crick and Watson
Discovery of double helix
Base Pairs
Double helix held together by 4 types of bases: A, T, G,
Each base form base pairs A-T or C-G
DNA Replication
What does DNA do?
Gets copied to messenger RNA through transcription
mRNA then gets translated to proteins
A lot does not code for protein
Can code for RNA molecules (ribozymes)
Used for controlling the cell
Can be junk - caused by replication
Or we’re not quite sure…
The base U is used in RNA instead of T
Transcription by RNA Polymerase
DNA unwound, mRNA encoded, DNA rewound
Exons and Introns
Exons are regions in DNA that will encode the RNA
Introns are the noncoding regions
mRNA to Protein Translation
Ribosome moves across the mRNA strand
The groups of 3 nucleotides (codons) act as the code for
amino acid molecules
Can have multiple codes for the same acid
The amino acids attached together in the right order
Then the strand of acids form the protein
DNA nucleotides -> mRNA nucleotides -> amino acids
-> protein
RNA Triplet to Amino Acids
Transcription: DNA -> RNA
Translation: RNA -> Protein
To help remember(?):
TranscRiption - creating RNA, transcribing the DNA to RNA
Translation - translating the language of RNA to the
language of proteins
What do proteins do?
Main building block of cells
Form skeleton (lipid layer of membranes)
Act as chemical machines (enzymes)
Act as mechanical machines
Large part of control mechanism
Not everything in cell is protein
There is DNA and RNA
Rna can fold up like proteins and act as catalysts
Computational challenges
A lot of challenges when trying to understand genome
Need to find coding regions (Exons)
Need to reconstruct DNA sequence from sequencing data
Need to compare different sequences
2 - Cell Regulation
Complicated machines
Still on-going understanding
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes Cell Types
Share cell membrane, DNA code, ribosome (machine for
producing proteins)
Has a true nucleus
Multiple linear chromosomes in the nucleus
Larger and more complex
Formed by fusing different cells
Can be multicellular
e.g. plant and animal cells
Do not have a nucleus
Single DNA molecule in nucleoid
- Smaller
Usually unicellular
e.g. bacteria cell
Understanding proteins
Hard to understand and sequence directly
Deduce their sequence from DNA or mRNA
Measuring protein concentration difficult:
Field of proteomics
Uses mass spectrometers to count
Protein Folding
Understand their 3D shape
- Difficult
Crystallise them and use X-ray diffraction
Predicting structure is non-local problem
(Primary Structure)
The sequence/order of amino acids
Secondary Structure
Main components make up proteins:
Alpha helices
Beta sheets
Various folds and connecting parts
Protein folding is hard because typically amino acids apart
will interact through hydrogen bonding
RNA also folds (more flexible than DNA)
RNA folding easier to solve
Look for matching sub-sequences
RNA Folding
The First Law of Protein Sequence
Similar structures perform similar functions
Learn about function of protein by comparing it with
Evolution means many proteins are common to huge number of
Converse not necessarily true: dissimilar structures can
have similar function
Sequence Alignment
Gene sequences aligned and similarities compared
e.g. mouse gene to shark gene
Finding Aligned Sequences
Compare new sequences with ones already found
Compare with large database
They are usually annotated indicating what someone thinks a
protein does in some organism
Cell Regulation
Cells must respond to environment, maintain their
environment, divide
Need control mechanism, proteins and DNA help with
Promoter Region
Basically this is a region in the DNA which helps regulate
the levels of proteins in the cell
Regulation by Signal
Regulation in Promoter Region
Many different proteins can bind to the promoter
They can either excite the expression of the protein (by
increasing the probability of RNA-polymerase binding)
Or inhibit the expression of the protein
Binding Sites
Close to the coding regions is a region where are more A-T
pairs than usual
Because A-T pairs have only 2 hydrogen bonds, they are
easier to break
This helps RNA-polymerase split open the double helix
Gene Regulation Networks
Proteins can regulate their own expression and many other
Protein A can regulate protein B which in turn regulates protein A
In general regulation forms complex circuit
To understand what’s going on we can look for
patterns or motifs
Spot common motifs by askings what patterns happen more
than by chance
Synthetic biology builds biological circuits from these
Gene regulation networks are dynamic
To understand: simulate the network
Requires knowledge of rate at which molecules are being
Many Eukaryotes are multicellular
Many cases the cells differentiate
How do they know what role they play?
How do organisms develop so cells do the right thing?
You’ll find out later
3 - Sequencing
What is it?
DNA sequencing is the process of determining the nucleic
acid sequence – the order of nucleotides in DNA.
Sequencing Revolution
Advances in DNA sequencing
Reading DNA took a while to take off since structure
discovery in 1950s
Francis Crick had speculated on how DNA might code for
By removing some number of bases from DNA he was able to
show that DNA has a three letter code
Frederick Sanger
British biochemist
1995 discovered protein sequence for Insulin
Showed proteins actually chains
Sequencing DNA
Chemically difficult as bases not distinctive
1965 when first strands of RNA read
Copying DNA and breaking into smaller sequences was
Various techniques developed in 1970s
1977 “Sanger Sequencing”
Sanger Sequencing
Use biological mechanisms for copying DNA
Would add Dideoxynucleoties (ddNTP) to a DNA chain
Modified ddNTP
Developed with a missing 3’ hydroxyl group which
prevented chain from developing any further
These marked (with radioactive phosphorus or later with
fluorescent marker)
DNA replication carried out with normal ddNTPs and a weak
concentration of these modified ddNTPs
Initially done in 4 containers, one for each base (in
container A only base A ddNTP were modified)
Later different fluorescence were used so everything could
be carried out in the same vessel
* means modified ddNTP
When DNA replicating, the chain would stop at these *
You could identify these points
Each solution added to a layer of gel
Using capillary electrophoresis different length DNA
fragments are sorted
From the distance travelled and the colour of the last
nucleotide base we can read off the sequence
Shotgun Sequencing
Saves careful preparation
Looks easy but genome very repetitive
Sanger only allows you to sequence “reads” of
around 1000bp (base pairs)
Not clear what long range ordering is
Larger genomes, “scaffold” built where position
of some genes knew
Sequence both dies of large fragment so you know
approximate relationship
Human Genome Project
Sanger Sequencing helped human genome project
Costs were predicted high
Still don't know enough to provide all benefits
Improving Sanger
- Costs a lot
Improve with massive parallelisation
Many techniques used
Sequencing Techniques
Sanger: sequencing-by-synthesis
Using DNA-polymerase a strand of DNA is replicated
It turns out this technique ultimately triumphant
Another approach is sequence-by-ligation (or
Create lots of short sections of DNA (oligonucleotides)
that will stick to an unbound stretch of DNA (or RNA)
Use in microarrays
Synthesis vs Ligation
454 Sequencer
First high throughput sequencer was Roche 454 machine
Amplified fragments of DNA attached to a microbead
These are contained in mirco-wells
Sequencing-by-synthesis is carried out
Added one type of base at a time with fluorescent
Can have difficulty distinguishing regions with repeated
Water in Oil Emulsion PCR
The dominant next generation machines are produced by
Illumina (formally Solexa)
Uses technique called bridge amplification to create
clusters of identical strands on a 2-D surface
Can sequence 100s of million clusters at once
It then uses sequencing-by-synthesis to read the
Also read the other end of the sequence by flipping
Bridge Amplification
Identifying Sequence
? low res :(
Cost Per Human Genome
2007, 2015 jump
Surpassed Moore’s Law
100,000 Genome Project
Currently NHS and Sanger centre sequencing around 70,000
human genome to identify rare genetic diseases
Can now sequence a human genome within a day
As already sequenced human genome, no longer have
difficulty reconstructing sequence
Single Molecule DNA Sequencing
Replicating DNA can bring errors and biases
Most high-throughput techniques only read short sections
(around 100bp), reconstruction difficult
Current research to create machine that can read long
single DNA strand
Zero Mode Waveguide
Uses same fluorescence dNTPs as used in high-throughput
Use micro-well smaller than the wavelength of light
Able to detect very small signal
Not high-throughput
Nanopore Technology
Force DNA through tiny pore and read out the sequence
Hand-held machines
Currently accuracy not quite good enough
4 - Sequence Re-assembly
DNA Sequencing
In shotgun genome sequencing, full genome broken into small
Pieces then read by a sequencing machine
Reads short sections (100-1000) bases
The reads are then assembled to construct the full genome
Overlapping the pieces to reconstruct. Need algorithms to do
Reads and Contigs
We are given set of reads (DNA segments)
We need to reconstruct them into contigs (set of overlapping DNA segments that form a consensus
region of DNA)
Problem as (0.1-2%) errors in reads
Shotgun important in speeding up human genome project
What data structure to use?
Digital Trees or Tries
A Trie (pronounced: “try”) or digital tree is a multiway tree data structure often used for
storing large sets of words
They are trees with a possible branch for every letter of
an alphabet
Their names comes from retrieval
Tries usually compactify the edges in the tree
All words end up with a special letter
Trie example
General Use of Tries
Implementation of sets
Quick insertion, deletion and find operations
Typically considerably quicker than binary trees and hash
Good for spell checkers, completion algorithms,
longest-prefix matching, hyphenation
Each search finds longest match between the words in the
set and the query
Tries for Sequence Analysis
Tries can be used to store DNA or proteins
For reconstruction of DNA tries are very useful for finding
the next fitting section
Useful when there are errors, as by searching small
sub-tree you can find good match
For DNA you have a four-way (5 way?) tree, which means your
tree is deep but it doesn’t waste so much memory
Example table
Disadvantages of Tries
Table-based typically waste large amounts of memory
Often table-based used for first few layers, while lower
levels less memory intensive structure
These days memory less of a problem, so table used
Many implementations of tries, each suited to particular
For DNA, tries not too wasteful (maybe though for
Suffix Tree
Suffix tree is a trie of all suffixes of a string
- E.g. banana
Importance of Suffix Tree
Fast algorithms to compute suffix trees (and the related
suffix array) are relatively new data structures
Important for string-based algorithms
Classic application is in finding a match for a query
string, Q, in a text, T
String Matching
To find a match of a query string, Q = an, in a text, T = banana, we can first construct the suffix tree of the string T
We then simply look up the query, Q, using the trie
(Image above)
Complexity of Suffix Tree
Using a regular trie for a suffix tree would typically use
far too much memory to be useful
However, by using pointers to the original text it is
possible to build a suffix tree using O(n) memory where n is the length of the text
Furthermore there is a linear time (O(n)) algorithm to
construct the trie
The algorithm is not however trivial to understand
Uses of Suffix Trees
Suffix trees are efficient whenever it is likely that you
will do multiple searches
Exact word matching is in itself is a very important
Suffix trees in combination with dynamic programming can be
used to do inexact matching (finding the match with the
smallest edit distance)
Suffix trees get used in bioinformatics, advanced machine
learning algorithms,...
(Prefix trees also exist as well lol)
New Generation Sequencers
Estimated cost in 2005 of genome sequencing was
To reduce cost, produce new sequencing machines
Read shorter sections of DNA (20-100bp)
Can these be re-assembled?
Difficulty of assembly is caused by repeates
How many repeats are there in human genome? (3.2 billions
base pairs)
Can read DNA in either directions, meaning effectively 6.4
billion bases
Important question for developing new technologies
Repeats in Human Genome
Repeats Structure
Computing Repeats
A naive program would take n² operations where n = 6.4*10⁹
This is too long
Couldn’t answer this question a few years ago, not
because of computer power, but as algorithms not been
However using suffix arrays counting repeats was made
5 - Sequence Matching
Alignment and Evolution
We want to transfer our knowledge about the function of a
protein through knowledge of similar proteins in different
Most proteins found in organism are close to those of near
relatives and sometimes not so near relatives
Practical Alignment
Alignment with known genomes is now the first task after
Done with protein and DNA
Mutation rate sufficiently high that expect no alignment
between most species except if there is selective pressure
to conserve the structure
For DNA coding proteins there are a number of
“synonymous mutations” that leave the protein
unchanged - DNA is less conserved than proteins
In proteins many amino acids behave similarly so there is
little selection pressure against mutations
Synonymous Mutations
Some amino acids are rarer than others
But some codon sequences are slightly more popular than
their synonymouse partners
They may be more robust to mutation
They may be slight biases due to the translation,
Amino Acid Similarity
Most important distinguishing property is whether they are hydrophobic (oily) or hydrophilic (charged)
Other properties such as hydrogen bonds, etc.
Many observations can compute a table giving log-odds of
one amino acids being substituted by another
Two commonly used substitution tables (matrices) are PAM
Likely substitutions are positive, unlikely ones are
Each letter represents an amino acid
It is not infrequent that we find good matches where there
has been an insertion or deletion of some part of the
We start by considering a linear cost where the cost of a
gap is proportional to its length
In biology, a linear cost model is a poor description of
Where there is an insertion, then it is often quite long
(this is a consequence of the copy mechanism in cells)
Inexact Sequence Matching
Given 2 sequences we want to find the best match between
We can measure the distance in terms of an edit distance or Levenshtein distance which measure the minimum number of moves to go
from one sequence to another
There are two cases that are commonly considered
Global matching: where we match the two complete
Local matching: we find the sub-string with the best
Algorithms for Matching
Need efficient algorithms for matching
Number of possible inexact matches is exponential in the
size of the string so we can’t exhaustively try all
Fortunately dynamical programming provides a relative
efficient algorithm
Dynamic programming is very important to a huge number of
sequence-based algorithms
Dynamic Programming
Powerful strategies for solving optimisation problems is dynamic programming
Build set of optimal partial solutions
Increase size of the partial solutions until have full
Each step uses the set of optimal partial solutions found
in the previous step
(name bad as doesn't actually have much to do with
A Toy Problem
Find minimum cost path from (0,0) to (8,0) though
- Costs in red
Cost of path is sum of weights on each link
Brute Force
Try every path
Problem with n steps we require n/2 to be diagonally up and n/2 to be diagonally down
The total number of paths is:
With n = 8 there are 70 paths
With n = 100 there are 1.01*10²⁹ paths
Building a solution
Solve problem efficiently using dynamic programming by
considering optimal paths of shorter length
Let c(i,j) denote cost of optimal path to node (i,j)
We denote the weights between two points on the lattice
We define initial cost c(0,0) = 0
Forward Algorithm
Suppose we know the optimal costs for all the edges in
column i
Our task is to find the optimal cost at column i +1
If we consider the sites in the lattice then the optimal
cost will be:
(minimum of either the total cost going up, or total cost
going down??)
This is the defining equation in dynamic programming
We have to treat boundary sites specially, but this is just
Backward Algorithm
Having found optimal costs c(i,j) we can find the optimal
path starting from (n,0)
At each step we have a choice of going up or down
We choose the direction which satisfies the
If both direction satisfy the constraint we have more than
one optimal path
Time Complexity
In our solution we had to compute the cost c(i,j) at each
lattice point
There were (n/2 + 1)² lattice point
It took constant time to compute each cost so the total
time to perform the forward algorithm was
The time complexity of the backward algorithm was
This compares with exp(Θ(n)) for the brute force
Global Matching
Needleman-Wunsch problem and solution for global
Denote costs of a substitution, a→b, by s(a,b)
For proteins we can take this to be our Blosum50
There are different substitution matrices e.g. Blosum60
used for closely related species
We will assume the cost of an insertion or deletion is
Problem Definition
We are given two strings:
a = a1a2 … am
b = b1b2 … bn
We want to find the minimum edit distance measuring how to
change a to b where the price of a substitution is s(a,b) and of an insertion or deletion d = -8
To compute this we compute a tableau showing the best
possible moves using the dynamic programming formula:
(value at i,j is the max of either substitution (diagonal),
left or right substitution or deletion)
Example Table
Then backwards algorithm (basically follow the arrows from the
bottom right):
Space Complexity
For two strings of length m and n the time complexity of dynamic programming is the
size of the tableau O(m n)
This is massively faster than exhaustive search
Unfortunately in biology we often want to match two very
long strings (particularly when looking at DNA)
The space complexity is then more of an issue than time
complexity (we don’t have enough memory to store the
Algorithms exist that use linear space complexity
Can still be too slow for DNA
6 - Local Sequence Matching
Local Alignment
We see global alignment
But nature of evolution is that often section from one part
of the genome are accidentally copied to another
Thus, we are often more interested in finding best matching
Problem known as the Smith-Waterman problem, they first
posed and gave an algorithm to solve
Dynamic Programming Solution
Surprisingly it's just a small tweak to global
assignment problem
Add the option of ignoring the match with cost 0
Gives the formula:
(essentially means there are no negative numbers in the
Example Table
Then backward algorithm starting from the highest number in the
grid till zero
Difference to Global Assignment
The forward algorithm is same except we insist F(i,j) ≥
We also store the location of the highest F(i,j)
In the backward algorithm we start at the best value and go
back until we reach 0
Easy to change global to local assignment
Repeated and Overlapping Matches
So far considered single best match
In same cases (where have repeated domain or motif) we may
have one region being repeated many times within a second
We can modify our dynamic programming to allow this
Again we may believe that one sequence should be completely
contained in a second, then we can modify our boundary
conditions to find this
Insertions are usually caused by adding a subsequence from
Deletions would result from jumping a number of bases or
treating an exon as an intron
Although these are rare events, once it happens then the
gap could be quite large
Up to now we have made a cost of a gap proportional to its
length, but this seems unrealistic
Dumb Gap Algorithm
If we assign a cost γ(g) to a gap size g then we could use the dynamic programme
Alas for two sequences of length n this is a O(n³) algorithm which is too slow for
most practical applications
- Better?
Affine Gap
If we choose a gap cost of
Then there exists a O(n²) algorithm to do
An affine transform of a variable x is of the form a x + b (i.e. a straight line) - note that γ(g) is an affine
Using d = -12 and e = -2 gives a good model
It penalises any gap, with larger gaps being slightly more
Affine Gap Algorithm
To efficiently cope with gaps we need to introduce three
matrices (rather than just F(i,j))
M(i,j) is the best score up to (i,j) given ai and bj align
Ia(i,j) is the best score given that ai aligns with a gap
Ib(i,j) is the best score given that bj aligns with a gap
Update Equation
Matching with Gaps
Different FSA
The finite automaton (FSA) description provides an elegant
visualisation of dynamic programming rules
It makes it much easier to come up with different models
that perhaps can better capture the evolutionary
But comes with cost that for each new state you need to
generate an extra matrix - slowing down matching
For affine gaps we can come up with an approximate two
state model that nearly always finds the same solution as
the three state model
Inexact Matching in Practice
Proteins area few 100 amino acids long as O(mn) is
There are 100s of millions of proteins in the main protein
database so it can take a while to look for matches against
all known proteins
DNA sequences however, are of the order 10⁵ up to
Using dynamic programming on a large genome is not
Approximate Matching
Various techniques have been developed to find approximate
Not guaranteed to find the best inexact match
Use heuristic of searching for sections with some exact
Once these sections are identified they are extended and
combined to find good matches that are polished using
These algorithms are a rag-bag of heuristic techniques that
are very effective if not very elegant
FASTA is an approximate matching algorithm for both
proteins and nucleotide sequences
It firstly checks for short (k-mer) exact matches between a
query sequence and a target (k=2 for proteins and k=4-6 for
Local regions identified with high density of k-mers
Local regions extended by looking for inexact matches
Ungapped regions are combined into gapped region
Finally plausible regions are rematched using dynamical
BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) is the most
commonly used tool for alignment (mainly superseding
After removing low-complexity regions that might give high
matches, exact matches (slightly larger than FASTA) are
BLAST builds up high scoring “words” from the
exact matches
These seeds are extended into regions which can then be
combined (in BLAST2) to find gapped regions
Again these are polished with Smith-Waterman
Are Matches Real?
By chance we are likely to find some good matches even
between random sequences
What we would like to know is the probability of finding a
particular match by chance
This is used in algorithms like BLAST to decide which
matched regions it should keep
The problem is non-trivial because we are choosing the best
match that we found
Probability of a Match
Computing probability of an exact match between two random
strings is possible if we know the frequency of occurrence
of all the elements
For inexact matching this requires a bit more work
The BLOSUM50 scores are designed to give the
(log-)probability of a particular match between amino acid
A lot of effort went into creating matching schemes that
give probability of a match
But what is the probability of the best of n matches being greater than Z?
Extreme Values
Extreme Value Distribution
The distribution of extreme values (best of k) is known as the extreme value distribution
Similar to the central limit theorem (which states that the
sum of random variables will be normally distributed), it
turns out that asymptotically (k→∞) the extreme
value of random deviates converges to a small number of
extreme value distributions
The most common is the Gumbel EVD given by:
Using EVD
Extreme value distributions become more accurate when we do
a large number of trials
In matching the number of matches are exponential in the
string length so we are in a situation where EVDs are quite
The probability of observing a match with a score at least Z is: