Algorithmic Game Theory
Matthew Barnes
Appendix 2
Normal / Extensive Form Games 3
Normal Form Games 3
Extensive Form Games 6
Intro to Algorithmic Mechanism Design 7
Auctions as Mechanisms 9
Intro to Bayesian Games 9
Basics of Mechanisms 12
Bayesian Game Settings 12
Bayes-Nash Equilibrium 15
Dominant-Strategy Truthfulness 18
Vickrey-Clarke Groves (VCG) Mechanism 19
Direct Quasilinear Mechanisms 19
Groves Mechanisms 21
Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) Mechanisms 22
VCG Examples 24
Properties of VCG 27
Truthfulness 27
Individual Rationality 28
Budget Balance 29
Revelation Principle 31
Revelation Principle 32
Characterisation of DS Truthful Mechanisms 34
Dominant Strategy Implementation 36
Implementable Choice Rules 36
The Case for Unrestricted Quasilinear Settings 38
The Case for Single Dimensional Settings 40
Optimal Auctions 43
Example of an Optimal Auction 44
Myerson’s Theorem 46
Stable Matching (SM) 48
Gale-Shapley Algorithm 50
GS Returns Stable Matching Proof 52
Extensions of Stable Matching 53
Optimal Stable Matchings 55
DS Truthfulness 57
Hospital Residents Problem (HR) 60
Resident-oriented GS (RGS) 62
Hospital-oriented GS (HGS) 63
Theorems 64
Hospital Residents Problem with Couples (HRC) 65
Stable Roommates (SR) 66
Irving’s Algorithm 68
Phase 1 69
Phase 2 70
One-Sided Matching 74
With Initial Ownership 74
Top Trading Cycle (TTC) 75
You Request My House - I Get Your Turn (YRMH-IGYT) 77
Without Initial Ownership 78
Random Serial Dictatorship 78
Probabilistic Serial Mechanism 82
Secretary Problem 86
Calculating P(Si) 87
Calculating P(S) 89
Optimal k for smaller values of n 89
Sponsored Search Auctions 90
Generalised Second Price 90
Voting 91
Social Choice Theory 91
Voting Algorithms 91
Majority Rule 91
Condorcet’s Method 91
Plurality Voting 91
Borda Count 91
Sequential Pairwise Voting 91
The Hare System 91
Approval Voting 91
Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem 91
Hi there! Welcome to the Game Theory Notes.
Before you continue, be sure to check out the Appendix of this notes document.
It contains examples, proofs, non-examinable content, and
other optional stuff that would otherwise bloat these
If I ever refer to a proof or example from the Appendix,
I’ll link it, so don’t worry.
Normal / Extensive Form Games
Normal / Extensive Form Games were already covered in my
Intelligent Agents Notes.
If you haven’t done Intelligent Agents, then
they’re in sections Pure Strategy Games and Mixed Strategy Games. You can go to those notes here.
Here, I’ll just include a brief summary of the Game
Theory slides.
Normal Form Games
A set of n players (typically 2)
A set of (pure) strategies for player i
A set of outcomes:
Game rule:
Two ways to represent games:
Normal form (strategic-form): players move simultaneously
Extensive form: players move sequentially
Bimatrix game representation shows utility of both players:
Better response strategy: strategy which produces a more favourable outcome for a
player than another strategy (given opponent strategy is already decided)
Best response strategy: strategy which produces the most favourable outcome for a
player (given opponent strategy is already decided)
Strategy s1 strictly dominates s2 if it gives the player strictly better payoff
Strategy s1 is a dominant strategy if it strictly dominates all other strategies
They don’t always exist.
Pure Nash Equilibrium: Where each player has chosen a strategy in which no
player can benefit by changing strategies (while other players keep theirs).
Mixed strategy: A probability distribution over pure
Mixed Nash Equilibrium: A Nash Equilibrium where players pick mixed
Expected utility (EU): the average utility yielded by a mixed strategy
a0,0, b0,0
a0,1, b0,1
a1,0, b1,0
a1,1, b1,1
Payoff matrix for row player
Payoff matrix for column player
: row player strategy, probability of playing pure strategy
: column player strategy, probability of playing pure
is Nash equilibrium if:
For any
, then
For any
, then
Support of a strategy: The set of pure strategies that the player can play with
positive probability
⇒ pure strategy
⇒ mixed strategy
Support Lemma (Indifference Principle):
is a mixed Nash equilibrium if every pure strategy in
is a best response to
and vice versa.
For any
There exists
(possibly mixed) such that
such that
is a Nash equilibrium.
Saddle point: A deterministic Nash equilibrium in the context of a
payoff matrix (A or B).
Linear programming duality:
Primal problem
Dual problem
For any feasible
Duality gap:
is the opt solution of Primal, and
is the opt solution of Dual, then
Every finite game has a mixed Nash equilibrium.
Proved using Brouwer fixed-point theorem and
Sperner’s Lemma.
is a Nash equilibrium of the game if:
For any
, then
For any
, then
is an ε-Nash equilibrium of the game if:
For any
, then 

For any
, then 

Computing Nash equilibrium:
2-player zero-sum games (polynomial time):
Eliminate dominated strategies
Look for dominant strategy
Look for saddle point (pure Nash)
Always solvable with linear programming (mixed Nash)
2-player non-zero-sum games:
Linear complementarity problem
Exponential time
Simplicial subdivision method (path-following method derived from Scarf’s
von Neumann - Morgenstern Utility Theorem
This is covered under the Utility Theory section of the Intelligent Agents notes, but this is how the slides put it:
- Four axioms:
If these four hold, there exists a unique function
assigning each outcome a real number, so for any two
From ordinal preference to cardinality preference
Extensive Form Games
Extensive Form Games are sequential.
Two variants:
Perfect information extensive-form games
All players know game structure
Imperfect-information extensive-form games
There is uncertainty about moves
“Turns” represented as a tree:
Pure strategy is a complete specification of which deterministic
action to take at each node.
Can convert to normal form:
Nash Equilibrium of normal form is not very good.
Subgame Perfect Equilibrium: game where every subgame is a Nash equilibrium.
Find these using Backward Induction.
Finding NE of a normal-form game is exponential time.
Backward induction is linear time in the size of the
Intro to Algorithmic Mechanism Design
Every system we use was designed at one point.
Someone had you in mind when they designed that
They designed with goals in mind, but your (the user’s) goals might not align with theirs...
In other words, systems need to be designed so that users
can’t exploit rules and go against their own interests
and the designer’s wishes.
1994 Carribean cup qualification
A good example is a football cup:
Goal of participating teams is to win the
Goal of designer is to make it fun
The designer’s goal is not to have
participants scoring their own goals,
because that’s no fun...
... but will that stop them?
To go through, Barbados needed to win with
a goal difference of ≥ 2.
Barbados leads 2-0. So far, they go through, and Grenada is
Grenada scores, making it 2-1. So, Barbados is out!
Barbados deliberately scores into their own
net, making it 2-2!
Grenada figures out what Barbados is
planning to do, and they come up with a plan
of their own: if they score a goal in either
net before 90 minutes is up, they go
Barbados has to defend both nets from the
goal! No goal is scored!
Barbados scores a goal in overtime, which
counts twice, making it 4-2 and qualifies to the next round.
Grenada is out!
If none of that meant anything to you, then
just think of it like this:
Barbados exploited the rules of the game
and scored in their own goal so they could
increase their chances of winning.
Isn’t the whole point of football to
score in your opponent’s goal? That’s how it was
You shouldn’t have to score own-goals
to try and win...
If you don’t like football, then
perhaps watch some speedruns at GDQ. Speedrunners break design rules all the
Bahar likes football, so football examples it is.
Goal: design rules so that strategic behaviour by participants
leads to a desirable outcome.
Roughly speaking, assuming unknown individual utilities, we
ask whether we can design a game such that, no matter what
the secret utilities of the agents actually are, the
equilibrium of the game is guaranteed to have a (set of)
certain desired properties.
Basically, players do what we want them to, to win.
Here’s some well-known systems where this
- Elections
Internet search auctions (ad auctions)
Wireless spectrum auctions
Matching medical residents or interns to hospitals
Matching children to schools
Kidney exchange markets
Mechanism: an algorithm, the input of which is withheld by strategic
selfish agents.
Back to our football example, the football cup could be a
mechanism. The agents are the football teams, and the input
is their strategies.
Algorithmic Mechanism Design (AMD) lies at the intersection of economic game theory and
computer science.
We create a mechanism because:
We want to solve an optimisation problem, but
the inputs to this problem are the private information of
self-interested agents
We must design it such that:
the mechanism solves the optimisation problem while
inducing the agents to act as the mechanism designer wishes (ideally revealing their information truthfully)
AMD considers computational constraints:
Mechanisms that can’t be implemented in polynomial
time are not considered as viable solutions.
Analytical tools, such as worst case analysis and approximation ratios, are employed.
Auctions as Mechanisms
An auction is a great example of a mechanism!
We have our optimisation problem: how to allocate
resources, and our input comes from self-interested
Again, I covered auctions in greater detail in the Intelligent Agents notes in the Auctions section.
But, as I’m so nice (and have nothing better to do) I’ll write a quick summary below.
Intro to Bayesian Games
When you have an auction (English, Vickrey, etc.) and bidders, you now have a Bayesian game.
So, we have your typical normal-form game:
A tuple
- where:
is a finite set of agents
is the set of all action profiles, where
is the set of actions for agent
, where
(reals) is the utility for agent
However, Bayesian games take things a step further:
A tuple
- where:
is a finite set of agents
, is the set of all action profiles, where
is the set of actions for agent
is the set of all type profiles, where
is the type space of player
is a common-prior probability distribution on
, where
(reals) is the utility for agent
Whoa whoa... slow down there.
What are those new things in the Bayesian games? Type
Players can be an int or a char now?
Not quite. A player’s type represents their private information that they
don’t share with the other players.
Sometimes, it’s the same as their valuation, but sometimes it’s not (it is when we’re talking about direct quasilinear
mechanisms, but more on that later).
is the set of all possible types that player
could have, so
’s type is chosen according to the
probability distribution over
There are three stages of a Bayesian
Ex-ante: the player knows nothing about
anyone’s types, even their own
Interim: the player knows their own type, but
nobody else’s.
Ex-post: the player knows all players’
Typically, when we reason with Bayesian games,
we’re referring to the interim stage.
For more information, I suggest checking out this cheat sheet.
Usually, agents don’t know the other agents’
What they do know is the probability distribution,
. So they could make educated guesses.
is not known; that is, we have no probabilistic
information in the model.
That would give us a Bayesian Game with Strict Incomplete Information.
Sheriff’s Dilemma Part 1: Phantom
Bayesian Game
Here is a simple example of a Bayesian game
I found on Wikipedia.
A sheriff faces off against an armed
Both decide whether to shoot the other or
not (we’ll call not shooting
The suspect has two types: ‘civilian’ or ‘criminal’.
The sheriff only has one type:
The suspect knows that the sheriff is of
type ‘sheriff’, but the sheriff
doesn’t know the suspect’s
They could either be civilian or criminal, for all they know.
The chance of the suspect being a criminal is
(so the chance of being a civilian is
The sheriff would rather shoot to defend
themself if the suspect shoots, but will
idle if the suspect idles (even if they’re a criminal).
The suspect would like to shoot if
they’re a criminal, but would like to idle if they’re a civilian (even if the sheriff shoots).
← sheriff and suspect both shoot
← sheriff shoots, suspect does not
← sheriff does not shoot, suspect shoots
← sheriff and suspect don’t shoot
  ← sheriff vs criminal
  sheriff utility if suspect is civilian and
both shoot
  suspect utility if criminal and only
suspect shoots
Here are the utility grids, given the two
types for the suspect:
Type =
Type =
pew pew 🔫
Basics of Mechanisms
Bayesian Game Settings
A Bayesian Game Setting is a tuple
is a finite set of agents
is a set of outcomes
where i is the type space of player i.
is a common-prior probability distribution on
, where 

(reals) is the utility function for player
What’s the difference between a Bayesian Game and a
Bayesian Game Setting?
Bayesian Games have a set of actions, but Bayesian Game Settings have a set of outcomes.
In addition, the utility function is defined over the set
of outcomes.
Settings define the players, and how they feel towards
certain outcomes, but it doesn’t specify what they can do.
A (deterministic) mechanism (for a Bayesian game setting
) is a pair
is the set of actions available to agent
maps each action profile to an outcome
More abstractly, a mechanism defines what each player can
do (their actions), and what will happen when each player picks an action (resulting outcome from an action profile).
They don’t always have to be deterministic; you could
, which returns a probability distribution over the
outcomes. However, we’ll focus on just deterministic
mechanisms for now.
The only action available to these gears
in this mechanism is to keep on turning.
A direct mechanism is a mechanism in which the only action available to
each agent is to announce their private information.
The types are the actions.
Whether they want to play truthfully, and pick the action
that actually is their respective type, is up to them.
Direct mechanisms are just special kinds of mechanisms,
for each
More formally, it’s a pair
is the set of actions available to agent
maps each action profile to an outcome
In other words, your actions are like declarations of your
opinion. You are declaring your opinion to the mechanism and
other agents, and the mechanism makes a decision based on
everyone’s declared opinions.
Examples of direct mechanisms are:
An auction (you are declaring how much you think something is
A vote (you are declaring your preference over a set of
In a quasilinear utility setting:
The set of outcomes is
(realsn) for a finite set of choices
When outcome

is chosen, the utility of an agent
given type

So, an outcome has two components: choice and payment.
The choice,
, is the result of the optimisation problem of our
The payment,
, is the cost
of this outcome for each player
When we assume independent private values (IPVs), we can
write agent
’s utility function as
We can then write the valuation of agent
for choice
Following on from this, the utility of agent
of an outcome
is their valuation minus their payment: 

Remember that the type isn’t always just
the valuation!
The valuation is the maximum price that player is willing to pay for the mechanism to
choose choice .
The type represents the private information of the
player and determines what utilities /
valuations that player has.
The valuation isn’t the type, but the
valuation does depend on the type.
A quasilinear mechanism is a triple
is where
is the set of action profiles where
is the set of actions available to player
is the choice function that maps action profiles to choices.
(realsn) is the payment function that maps action profiles to payments for each
So, in a normal mechanism with a quasilinear utility setting, we map action profiles to outcomes, and outcomes are made
up of a choice component and a payment component.
In a quasilinear mechanism, we split the outcomes up: we have two functions that map
action profiles to choices, and action profiles to payments.
Sheriff’s Dilemma Part 2: Bayesian Game
Setting and Mechanism Tendency
To better explain these concepts,
I’ll “instantiate” them
with the Sheriff’s Dilemma example we
explained above.
Above, we modelled this game as a Bayesian
Here, we’ll model it as a Bayesian
Game Setting and mechanisms, with a
quasilinear utility setting.
We’ll say someone is dead if they are shot, and alive if someone is not shot.
First, let’s model the Bayesian Game Setting:
← sheriff and suspect are dead
← sheriff is dead, suspect is alive
← sheriff is alive, suspect is dead
← sheriff and suspect are alive
  ← sheriff vs criminal
Now, we have a setting.
The choice here is who lives and who
The payment here is a guilt value that
weighs down on a murderer. The sheriff,
being a person of justice, feels more guilt
than the suspect.
The sheriff and the suspect have utilities
about being dead or alive, but there’s
no way to actually kill anyone yet.
That’s where the mechanisms come
There’s many different mechanisms we
can make to model this game.
We’ll start with a normal, deterministic mechanism:
← sheriff and suspect both shoot
← sheriff shoots, suspect does not
← sheriff does not shoot, suspect shoots
← sheriff and suspect don’t shoot
← sheriff and suspect kill each other
← sheriff kills the suspect
← suspect kills the sheriff
← nobody shoots, and nobody dies
We have now defined a mechanism in which
players can kill each other: if you shoot,
the other player dies. If the other player
shoots, you die.
A direct mechanism doesn’t work in a game like
In a direct mechanism, actions directly
correlate to types.
This could work with the suspect, by
shooting the “criminal” action
and idling the “civilian”
However, the sheriff must also choose
between shooting or idling. The sheriff only
has one type, and since the action set and
the type set must be the same, there are too
many actions to the sheriff’s one
Direct mechanisms only apply to certain
games, for example: auctions, where your
type is your valuation.
This doesn’t apply here, so
we’ll move on.
We could change our mechanism to a quasilinear mechanism:
← sheriff and suspect both shoot
← sheriff shoots, suspect does not
← sheriff does not shoot, suspect shoots
← sheriff and suspect don’t shoot
Phew... that’s a lot to take in.
So, you can think of a Bayesian Game Setting as a situation
where everyone wants to win, but they don’t know how
to play (they don’t have any actions).
Also, you can think of a mechanism as a game that
nobody’s playing at the moment.
Players with no game, and a game with no players,
What if we put them together? Bayesian Game Setting +
Bayesian Game Setting:



is a utility function defined as 

Why, that combination tuple looks so familiar...
... it’s a Bayesian Game!
Bayesian Game Setting + Mechanism = Bayesian Game
Bayes-Nash Equilibrium
In normal-form games, we have Nash equilibrium.
In Bayesian games, we have Bayes-Nash equilibrium.
What’s the difference?
Not much, to be honest!
A Bayes-Nash equilibrium is a mixed-strategy profile
such that each
is a best response to
It’s a little more complicated to calculate, because
you need to take into account the probability distributions
over the types
Let’s have a think about what we’re actually
When we make a mechanism, we are:
Performing an optimisation problem, given that the values of inputs are unknown (held by
Designing a game that implements a particular social choice function in equilibrium, given that the designer does not know
agents’ preferences and the agents might lie.
Bayesian Game settings and social choice settings are very similar.
The difference is, in a social choice setting, agents can
only provide ordinal preferences (e.g. strawberry
chocolate) and the result is based purely off of those
Bayesian Game settings extend social choice settings; agents have actions and
types, can be strategic, and hence, can be dishonest (agents can be dishonest in social choice settings too, but
only if the social choice function picked is
There are also dominant strategies in Bayesian games. They
work much in the same way as normal-form games:
strictly dominates
if for all
it is the case that
weakly dominates
if for all
it is the case that
, and for at least one
it is the case that
very weakly dominates
if for all
it is the case that
For all the above cases, we say that is a
strictly dominated strategy if another strategy strictly
dominates it.
A strategy is strictly dominant for an agent if it strictly dominates all
other strategies for that agent.
This is the same for weakly and very weakly
Sheriff’s Dilemma Part 3: Bayes-Nash
Equilibrium Crusaders
Let’s take a look at our utilities
for our Sheriff’s Dilemma again:
Type =
Type =
Here, we can identify some strictly
dominated strategies.
For example, when the suspect is a
civilian, idling strictly dominates
When the suspect is a criminal, shooting
strictly dominates idling.
So, we can eliminate those:
Type =
Type =
Now that we’ve eliminated those, we
can decide what’s the sheriff’s
best strategy.
When the suspect is a civilian, they
won’t shoot, so it’s best to
When the suspect is a criminal,
they’re going to shoot, so the sheriff
should defend themselves and shoot
The sheriff’s best choice depends on
the civilian’s type.
Let’s calculate the average payoff of
each action for the sheriff.
If the sheriff shoots:
(utility of sheriff shooting civilian *
probability of civilian)
(utility of sheriff shooting criminal *
probability of criminal)

(utility of sheriff idling to civilian *
probability of civilian)
(utility of sheriff idling to criminal *
probability of criminal)

If the average payoff of shooting is
greater than the average payoff of idling,
the sheriff should shoot.
Therefore, if
  , then the sheriff should shoot.
Rearranging this, the sheriff should only
shoot if
In layman’s terms, only shoot if
there is greater than a third chance that
the suspect could be a criminal.
This makes up our Bayes-Nash
A mechanism
implements a social choice function
in dominant strategies if for some dominant strategy equilibrium of the
induced game, we have that the mechanism
chooses the same outcome (given action profile of the agents) as does
(given true utilities of the agents).
What does that even mean?
Let’s say we have a Bayesian game. We also have a
social choice setting that is equivalent to our Bayesian
game setting, with a social choice function.
If we take the mechanism from our Bayesian game, and strip
all the strictly dominated strategies, then if the mechanism
picks all the same outcomes as our social choice function
through equilibria, then we say that the mechanism implements the social choice function in dominant
Dominant-Strategy Truthfulness
A strategy profile
in which every
is a dominant strategy for agent
is called an equilibrium in dominant strategies.
Dominant-strategy (DS) truthfulness: A direct mechanism is dominant-strategy truthful if, for
every agent
, telling the truth (i.e. revealing the true valuation) maximises
’s utility, no matter what strategy the other players
strategy-proof mechanism
dominant-strategy incentive-compatible mechanism
truthful mechanism
If mechanism
is dominant-strategy truthful, then truth-telling (the action that correlates to your actual type) is always at least a very weakly dominant
Let’s have a look at a single-item auction
For each bidder
, bidding
’s utility, no matter what bids the other bidders
Uh... English please?
This means our utility by picking
will always be greater than the utility of any bid
other than
, no matter what bids our opponents make.
We can rewrite this as:
Ooh boy. What does this one mean?
It’s a slightly more restrictive version of the
equation before it.
This means our utility by picking
will always be greater than the utility of any bid
other than
, even if all the opponents play truthfully.
If you’re playing a Bayesian game with a
truthful mechanism, you should tell the truth.
Alright, we’ve just seen thetas and bi’s and argh, where’s the examples?
How about I suggest a mechanism that is dominant-strategy
If you’ve done Intelligent Agents, you know this
It’s the Vickrey auction!
I’ve already proved that the Vickrey auction is
truthful here.
If you’re lazy, then just remember that in a Vickrey
auction, you will maximise your utility by playing
truthfully (bidding your valuation), making it dominant-strategy truthful.
Vickrey-Clarke Groves (VCG) Mechanism
We know what a direct mechanism is.
We know what a quasilinear mechanism is.
What if we put them together?
Direct Quasilinear Mechanisms
A direct quasilinear mechanism is a tuple
is the choice function that maps type spaces to choices.
(realsn) is the payment function that maps type spaces to payments for each
Because direct mechanisms define
, we can substitute the two in a quasilinear mechanism to
get a direct quasilinear mechanism.
So, more succinctly, a direct quasilinear mechanism is just
a quasilinear mechanism defined as
With direct quasilinear mechanisms, our types are a bit
more specific.
Our types are our valuations
In other words, our type / valuation tells us how much the
agent is willing to pay for a given outcome.
Because it’s a direct mechanism, agents are asked to
declare their type. In other words, declare their valuation
for every choice
These declared valuations are labelled
, whereas our actual, true valuations are labelled
If we’re lying about our valuation to the mechanism,
then our declared valuation will be different to our true
denotes the declared valuations of everyone except
Because valuations are types, and we’re mapping types
to choices and payments, we can map valuations to choices
and payments.
There’s different properties that a direct
quasilinear mechanism can have:
English pls
(Strict Pareto) Efficiency
Social-welfare maximising
A quasilinear mechanism is efficient (or social-welfare maximising) if, in equilibrium, it selects a choice that maximises .
It picks the choice that maximises the sum of
everyone’s valuations for that
Dominant-strategy truthful
Tell the truth
A direct quasilinear mechanism is dominant-strategy truthful (or just truthful) if for each agent , declaring maximises ’s utility, no matter what other agents
Agents should declare their true valuation to
maximise their utility.
Ex interim individual rationality
I won’t lose
A mechanism is ex interim individually rational if, in equilibrium, each agent ’s utility is at least 0, given an
estimation of using a known distribution.
Formally, it’s when
where is the equilibrium strategy
No agent will receive negative utility,
calculated using an average estimate of everyone
else’s valuations.
This is weaker than ex post individual
rationality, so:
Ex-post IR ⇒ Ex-interim IR.
Why do we estimate?
The “interim” stage means the
player knows their own type (valuation), but not anybody else’s.
Therefore, to calculate their utility in this
stage, they must estimate everyone else’s
valuations using a known distribution.
Ex post individual rationality
No-one will lose
A mechanism is ex post individually rational if, in equilibrium, the utility of each
agent is at least 0.
Formally, it’s when
where is the equilibrium strategy
No agent will receive negative utility and lose
by participating in the mechanism.
In the “ex-post” stage, everyone
knows everybody’s valuations. Therefore,
true utilities can be calculated without
Budget balance
Mechanism breaks even
A quasilinear mechanism is budget balanced when , where is the equilibrium strategy
The mechanism won’t receive any profits
or losses; it’ll break even.
Weakly budget balance
Mechanism breaks even or profits
A quasilinear mechanism is weakly budget balanced when , where is the equilibrium strategy
The mechanism won’t lose money;
it’ll only profit or break even.
Feasible to run
A quasilinear mechanism is tractable if for all , and can be computed in polynomial time.
It’s computationally feasible; the
algorithm complexities are fast enough to run
and be used in-practice.
Groves Mechanisms
There is a class of mechanisms called Grove mechanisms that are both:
efficient and
dominant-strategy truthful.
Grove mechanisms are direct quasilinear mechanisms
defined as follows:
So, what does this mean?
These two lines define the choice function and payment
function for Groves mechanisms.
The choice function
to select the choice
that maximises the sum of all declared valuations for
that choice
(a.k.a, the social-welfare), making Groves mechanisms efficient.
According to the payment function
Pays Clarke tax (that’s the
Is paid the social welfare of other agents for the chosen
The Clarke tax is some amount that agent
must pay that doesn’t depend on their own
Because of this, the agents’ costs depend on other
agents’ valuations, making Grove mechanisms truthful (a proper proof of this later).
In settings where agents may have unrestricted
quasilinear utilities, Groves mechanisms are the only mechanisms that are both:
efficient and
dominant-strategy truthful.
Here’s the formal statement if you
Suppose that for all agents any (reals) is a feasible preference. Then an
efficient quasilinear mechanism has truthful
reporting as a dominant strategy for all agents
and preferences only if it is a Groves
Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) Mechanisms
The Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism is a direct
quasilinear mechanism
In other words, VCG is a Groves mechanism where
VCG is a specific mechanism within the class of
Groves mechanisms (the most famous mechanism within this
Some people refer to Groves mechanisms as VCG
mechanisms (which is confusing IMO).
Vickrey auction is a special case of VCG, and
hence VCG is sometimes known as the
“generalised Vickrey auction”.
In fact, single-item VCGs are literally just
Vickrey auctions!
The choice function hasn’t changed, but the payment
In simpler terms, the payment function is basically:
Optimal social welfare
of other agents
if agent didn’t exist
Optimal social welfare
of other agents
if agent exists
Every agent pays their social cost (their cost for existing).
VCG is also called a pivotal mechanism.
Agents whose payment
is greater than 0:
They make things worse for others by existing (relatable), and have to pay
Agents whose payment
is 0:
They don’t affect the choice of the mechanism.
Agents whose payment
is less than 0:
They make things better for others by existing, and get
in terms of social welfare
Remember from quasilinear utility
Utility is:
If we substitute everything with VCG stuff, we
can represent utility in terms of social
Type (we assume agent is being truthful, because
it’s a dominant strategy)
The utility is the social welfare of the
current choice minus the social welfare if agent didn’t exist.
VCG Examples
These should probably go in the Appendix 🤔
Eh, whatever.
VCG In Action: Auction
Let’s say we have an auction, and we
want to run it using the VCG
There’s two items:
A cheese grilled sandwich
A Bahar wig
Jie Zhang
Bahar Rastegari (not sure why she’d want a wig of her
own hair but whatever)
Let’s assume that bidders only care
about goods they receive, so their valuation
is 0 when they get nothing.
Therefore, we can specify agent
’s valuation using three
(S for sandwich and W for wig)
What choice will VCG pick, and what
First of all, let’s define the
valuations for Jie
and Bahar :
To get the choice, we need to find the
choice that maximises social welfare.
That choice would be Jie getting the
sandwich and Bahar getting the wig:
So now we know who gets what, but
what’s the payments?
Let’s do Jie first.
(others’ social welfare if Jie
didn’t exist) - (others’ social
welfare if Jie exists)
What would be the social welfare if Jie
didn’t exist?
It’d be 5, because the choice that
maximises social welfare would be Bahar
getting both the sandwich and the wig.
What would be the social welfare for others
if Jie did exist?
It’d be 4, because Bahar is getting
the wig.
Now we can calculate the payment:
We can do the same with Bahar.
Others’ social welfare if Bahar
didn’t exist is 6, with Jie getting
both items.
Others’ social welfare if Bahar
exists is 3, with Jie getting the
It seems Jie has to pay £1 for the
sandwich, and Bahar has to pay £3 for
the wig.
VCG In Action: Vickrey Auction
Let’s look at an example of a
single-item VCG being Vickrey.
We’re selling a single item,
A Greggs veggie bake
We’ll have three agents this
Jie Zhang
Bahar Rastegari
Markus Brede
Let’s declare their valuations for
our veggie bake:
Jie had a big breakfast earlier, and Markus
is a little short on cash at the
But Bahar is pretty hungry, and just
received a pay bonus the week before!
Let’s calculate the choice.
The choice that maximises social welfare is
giving the veggie bake to Bahar, making the
welfare 6.
So, Bahar wins.
Let’s calculate the payments:
The others’ welfare without Bahar is
4, because Markus would get the bake.
The others’ welfare with Bahar is 0,
because nobody else is getting
The others’ welfare without Markus is
6, because Bahar would get the bake.
The others’ welfare with Markus is 6,
because Bahar.
For the same reason as Markus,
In conclusion, Bahar wins the veggie bake,
and has to pay Markus’
Seems awfully familiar to Vickrey,
doesn’t it?
VCG In Action: Shortest Path
You know, VCG can do more than just
If you have an optimisation problem that
can be solved with money, VCG can be
This includes the shortest path
Our optimization problem is finding the
shortest path from A to F.
The set of outcomes is all possible paths
from A to F.
Each arc is an agent, and the arc weights
are negative valuations for that arc agent
if they exist in the shortest path.
For example, AB has a negative valuation of
-3 for the choice ABDF, but CE would have a
valuation of 0 for it (because it’s not in the path).
What path does VCG pick, and what are the
It’s VCG, so the choice will maximise
social welfare.
Because all the valuations are negative,
the choice will minimise how much the agents
have to collectively pay.
The choice should be ABEF, with a social
welfare of -5.
We won’t go over everyone’s
payments; only a few.
How much does AC have to pay?
Well, what’s the others’ social
welfare when AC doesn’t exist?
The choice when AC doesn’t exist is
still ABEF, so it’s -5.
What’s the others’ social
welfare when AC exists?
Again, it’s -5.
Would you look at that? Their payment is
That means AB has no effect on the
mechanism. Whether they exist or not would
not change the fact that ABEF is the chosen
Every arc that’s not in the shortest
path has a payment of 0 (that includes CE, CF, and DF).
How much would AB have to pay?
First, what’s the others’
social welfare when AB doesn’t
The new shortest path is ACEF, which
imposes a cost of -6 on everyone else.
What’s the others’ social
welfare when AB exists?
That’d be the valuation of BE + EF,
which is -2.
So, AB is actually being paid 4 to
and .
BE and EF have the same costs; why does EF
earn more than BE?
That’s because EF has more market power than BE.
The other agents would be far worse off
without EF than without BE.
That’s a bit awkward for BE and EF. I
wonder if they can still be friends.
Properties of VCG
VCG is a Groves mechanism.
Since Grove mechanisms are truthful, VCG is also truthful.
But why are they truthful?
Let’s prove that now!
Every other agent
picks some arbitrary strategy
(they don’t have to be truthful).
is still deciding in their strategy
The best strategy for
is one that solves:
In other words, a strategy
that maximises agent
’s utility.
Substituting in the payment function from the Groves
mechanism, we have:
has nothing to do with
, so it’s virtually a constant in this setting.
It’s sufficient just to solve:
The only way
influences this maximisation is through the choice
the mechanism picks. So
would like to pick a strategy
that will lead the mechanism to pick a choice
that solves:
But look! If we turn our attention to the choice function
in Groves mechanisms, and rearrange it a little:
Hey, look! The Groves mechanism already picks a choice that
maximises our function, so long as we declare our true
Instead of finding the choice and maximising that function
ourselves, we let the mechanism itself do that by declaring
This proof does not depend on declarations of other agents,
so truth-telling is a dominant strategy for agent
Because agents are paid the valuation of other agents under
an alternative choice, they have an incentive to maximise
everyone’s utility rather than just their own.
In DS truthful mechanisms, agents’ declarations are
used to choose the choice, and set other agents’
VCGs may seem like the best thing ever,
Well, it’s rarely used in practice.
This is because it has a long list of
One of its biggest weaknesses is that finding
the social-welfare maximising choice might be
NP-hard, so it doesn’t have tractability (not feasible). This is especially true in combinatorial
Individual Rationality
VCG is not ex post individual rational.
This means, generally speaking, agents in VCG might not
always have utilities greater than 0 in equilibrium.
The utilities could be less than 0, in which case,
it’s better to just not take part.
However, VCG can be individually rational if the setting
satisfies two constraints:
English pls
Choice-set monotonicity
Less people, same/less choices
A setting exhibits choice-set monotonicity if .
Removing an agent will never grant more
No negative externalities
No participation? No worries!
A setting exhibits no negative externalities if .
Every agent has zero or positive utility for
choices made without their participation.
The VCG mechanism is ex-post individual
rational when the choice-set monotonicity and no negative externalities properties hold.
Let’s prove this theorem!
If you remember from the “
in terms of social welfare” note above, our
utility can be expressed as:
If we can prove that this is always positive or zero, then
we can prove that VCG is individually rational.
maximises social welfare, meaning its social welfare
is at least as big as
’s social welfare. Because of choice-set
monotonicity, no better choice would appear without agent
. We can represent that as:
Because of no negative externalities, agent
has zero / positive utility on a choice made without
their participation. We can represent that as:
Therefore, if we split up the equation before:
Because we know
is positive, we can subtract it from the right side
and the equality will still hold:
Boom! We’ve proved the above, showing that VCG is
individually rational when choice-set monotonicity and no
negative externalities is satisfied by the setting.
Budget Balance
VCG is not budget balanced.
This means VCG may have profits or losses.
VCG is not weakly budget balanced.
This means VCG may incur losses.
Here’s another setting property:
English pls
No single-agent effect
Please leave.
A setting exhibits no single-agent effect if there exists a choice that is feasible without and that has .
Welfare of agents other than is increased by dropping .
In an auction setting, agents are better off
when one other agent drops out, because
there’s less competition.
Therefore, auction settings exhibit no
single-agent effect.
The VCG mechanism is weakly budget-balanced
when the no single-agent effect property holds.
To prove that VCG is weakly budget-balanced, we need to
show that the sum of all payments (the mechanism’s income) is greater than or equal to zero:

From the no single-agent effect, the social welfare of the
choice without
should be greater than the social welfare of the
choice with
, because everyone is better off removing other

If the left is greater than the right, then that means left - right must always be non-negative.
left - right appears in the sum of all payments above. That means,
to get the mechanism income, we’re summing all
zero/positive numbers. Therefore, the mechanism income will
also be zero / positive.
This proves VCG is weakly budget-balanced when no
single-agent effect holds!
Wanna hear some good news?
What? No! It’s not the end of the module yet!
I meant this:
Krishna & Perry, 1998
In any Bayesian game setting in which VCG is ex
post individually rational...
... VCG collects at least as much revenue as
any other efficient and ex interim
individually-rational mechanism.
This means if we have a VCG that is ex-post individually
rational, then it’ll collect at least as much revenue
as any mechanism that is efficient and ex-interim
individually rational.
ANY mechanism.
That includes Bayes-Nash mechanisms.
Here’s another: VCG is as budget balanced as any efficient mechanism can
It satisfies weak budget balance in every case where any
dominant strategy, efficient and ex-interim individual
rational mechanism would be able to do so.
Wanna hear some bad news?
Huh? Well, yes, there is still some content left to learn,
but I have other bad news.
I meant this:
Green-Laffont; Hurwics
No dominant-strategy truthful mechanism is always both efficient and weakly budget
balanced, even if agents are restricted to the
simple exchange setting.
Simple exchange setting: a setting of buyers and sellers with quasilinear utility
functions, all interested in trading a single identical unit
of some good.
Brace yourself; there’s more!
No Bayes-Nash incentive-compatible mechanism is
always simultaneously efficient, weakly budget balanced and ex interim individually rational, even if agents are restricted to quasilinear
utility functions.
The class of Bayes-Nash incentive-compatible mechanisms
includes the class of dominant-strategy truthful
Revelation Principle
Not quite... I’ll tell you.
Revelation Principle
So, we have dominant-strategy (DS) truthful
They’re cool because:
as a participant, it’s easy to figure out how to play (just be truthful, no need to calculate any ultimate
as a designer, it’s easy to predict outcomes (assuming everyone is rational)
That’s the aim of the game here: make DS truthful mechanisms.
When we have a DS truthful mechanism, we make two
Every participant has a dominant strategy, no matter the
private valuation
This dominant strategy is direct revelation, where the participant truthfully reports all of its
private information to the mechanism.
Everyone has dominant strategies
Those dominant strategies are truthful
Wow. Dominant-strategy truthful means we have dominant
strategies that are truthful.
“People die if they are killed”
We have mechanisms that satisfy the first point: everyone has dominant strategies.
However, it’s harder to prove the second one: those dominant strategies are truthful.
What if I told you that you don’t need to prove it? We get it “for free”?
The Revelation Principle has your back!
So long as you have dominant strategies, you can make an
identical, direct, truthful mechanism!
Revelation Principle
For every mechanism in which every participant
has a dominant strategy (no matter what their private
information), there is an equivalent direct dominant-strategy truthful
How can that be the case?
Well, do you remember reductions from ToC?
That thing where you convert one problem to another using a
Turing machine to show decidability?
Well anyway, this is similar to that.
Let’s say we have a mechanism already, Liar’s
Mechanism, that has dominant-strategies, but isn’t
Each agent
has a strategy
function that, given a type, plays a dominant
strategy (not a truthful one).
Everyone has types (private information)
It doesn’t even have to be a direct mechanism.
So, right now, all the agents are lying to get what they
want in this Liar’s Mechanism.
What if we wrapped this mechanism in another mechanism that
plays dominant strategies for us, with our best interests at
These new mechanisms are revelation mechanisms.
What should we call this mechanism... well, it’s like
an ‘agent’ for us, so let’s call it Enrico.
We’ve now created a new direct DS truthful mechanism
out of our old Liar’s Mechanism!
We’re still playing the Liar’s Mechanism, but
we’re doing so indirectly through this
“Enrico” mechanism.
It’s a mechanism where you tell it your type, and
it’ll play the best dominant strategy for you.
So it’s like having a perfect robot that plays for
you, so long as the robot knows what you truthfully
The mechanism before wasn’t direct; you just played
However, now the mechanism is interfaced with
All “Enrico” asks is your private information,
and if you give it to “Enrico”, it’ll play
the best dominant strategy for you!
In that case, maybe I should’ve called it
“Google” instead...
In the words of the slides, “The agents don’t have to lie, because the
mechanism already lies for them”.
What’s so good about the revelation principle?
It means that truthfulness is not a restrictive
We can consider only direct truthful mechanisms, because
all mechanisms can be made directly truthful.
In addition, indirect mechanisms can’t do
(inherently) better than direct mechanisms.
There is one small problem though:
The set of equilibria is not always the same in the
original mechanism and the revelation mechanism.
The revelation mechanism does have the original equilibrium
of interest, but there may be new, bad ones, especially with
indirect mechanisms.
So... that’s it? We’ll never see an indirect
mechanism again?
- Not so fast!
A direct truthful mechanism ‘forces’ agents to
reveal their private information.
In real life, some people might not be comfortable with
Government people
Paranoid people
People who berate you for not using Arch Linux
So, this places an unreasonable burden on the communication
In addition, to compute a revelation mechanism, it needs to
know the agents’ equilibrium strategies, or else it
wouldn’t know which strategies to pick.
So there’s also a burden absorbed by the mechanism,
which could be enough to make this concept not viable in
real-life situations.
Characterisation of DS Truthful Mechanisms
So far we’ve been focusing on implementing an
efficient (i.e. social-welfare maximising) outcome.
What other social choice functions can we implement in
dominant strategies?
Maximising social welfare is pretty hard (it’s NP-complete).
But there are social choice functions that approximate the maximum social welfare.
In some settings, the mechanism designer might optimise
other objectives:
- Revenue
Some kind of fairness metric
Makespan (in scheduling applications)
Now, let’s move on to something completely different
and talk about this theorem.
denote the set of choices that can be selected by the
choice rule
given the declaration
by the agents other than
(i.e. the range of
A mechanism is dominant-strategy truthful if
and only if it satisfies the following
conditions for every agent and every :
The payment function
can be written as
Alright, I just hit you with a great wall of maths jargon.
What is this?
Let’s say we have a mechanism, and every agent that
has already decided and locked in their
is the set of choices that the mechanism may pick,
depending on agent
’s final decision.
The first condition states that payments can only depend on
other agents’ declarations and the selected
The declaration of agent
still indirectly affects the payment, but only
through the choice of the mechanism.
The second condition states that, from agent
’s point of view, the mechanism always selects the
choice that maximises their utility (in other words, the mechanism optimises for each
What’s the proof of this?
The proof is split into two parts: the ‘if’
part, and the ‘only if’ part.
If part
Only if part
Let’s say that agent can either be truthful and declare , or lie and declare .
Now, let’s walk through what’s
going to happen to agent :
If picks , their utility will be .
If picks , their utility will be .
If yielded a greater utility for , then the mechanism would’ve picked instead of when declared truthfully.
Therefore, it’s a dominant strategy for to declare .
First condition:
Let’s assume, for the sake of
contradiction, the payment function did depend
on ’s declared valuation, .
That means there could be a truthful strategy and a untruthful strategy where they both yield the same choice , but the truthful strategy has a higher
payment than the untruthful strategy .
Then could increase their utility by being
untruthful, as they could get the same result
and pay less.
So, as per this proof by contradiction, the
payment cannot depend on ’s declaration if this mechanism is DS
Second condition:
Again, for the sake of contradiction,
let’s say player declares truthfully, but the choice does
not maximise their utility.
That means there could be some other untruthful
valuation that picks the choice that does maximise their utility, .
Then could increase their utility by declaring
the untruthful valuation and getting the choice
that maximises their utility.
As per this proof by contradiction, the
mechanism must pick the choice that maximises
utility if this mechanism is DS truthful.
In summary, if you want to make a DS truthful mechanism,
all you need are those two conditions in the theorem, and
Dominant Strategy Implementation
Implementable Choice Rules
Remember when I talked about implementing other social
choice functions?
Let’s talk about those.
There’s two theorems that go with WMON:
WMON is necessary for DS truthfulness
If a mechanism is DS truthful, then satisfies WMON.
DS truthful → WMON
When WMON is sufficient for DS
If all domains of preferences are convex sets (as subsets of Euclidean space) then for every social choice function that satisfies WMON there exists payment
functions such that is DS truthful.
WMON → DS truthful (if preferences are convex sets)
What do these two theorems mean?
They show that:
WMON is necessary for DS truthfulness
WMON is sufficient for DS truthfulness (when preferences are from convex sets)
Oof, there’s a lot to pick apart here.
Let’s start by explaining what I mean by
‘necessary’ and ‘sufficient’.
“p is necessary for q” means “if we don’t have p,
we don’t have q”. It’s equivalent to
“q implies p”.
“p is sufficient for q” means “if we have p, we have
q”. It’s equivalent to “p implies
Simple enough; it’s just a different syntax for
The first theorem is easy enough to understand: if a mechanism is DS
truthful, then the social choice function of that mechanism
satisfies WMON as well.
You don’t have to fully understand the second theorem, because it’s not examinable to know, but it
If domains of preferences
are convex sets, then every WMON social choice has
payment functions such that the mechanism is DS
To simplify even further, you could say “if preferences are from convex sets, then WMON
→ DS truthful”.
But what are convex sets?
They’re simply regions where every point on a line
segment drawn between two points in the region also lies
completely in the region.
Wahoo yes convex set
Boo no convex set
If the agents’ preference vectors also work like
that, then WMON → DS truthful.
Great, so WMON is good.
If we have a social choice function that satisfies WMON,
we’re closer to a DS truthful mechanism (we’ll even have a DS truthful mechanism if the preferences are convex
Which social choice functions satisfy WMON?
We don’t know generally, but we do know it for two
extreme cases, under:
Unrestricted quasilinear settings where
(set of reals)
Single dimensional settings
The Case for Unrestricted Quasilinear Settings
Affine maximiser: A social choice function
is an affine maximiser if for some subrange
, for some agent weights
(set of positive reals), and for some outcome weights
has the form:
English please?
An affine maximiser is simply a choice function from Groves
mechanism, but with weights. It’s also called a weighted VCG.
A subset of choices
have weights,
Each agent has weights too,
Let me remind you of the choice function in Groves
Check out the middle:
In Groves' mechanisms, we maximise everyone’s
In affine maximisers, we maximise this:
In affine maximisers, we also maximise everyone’s
valuations, but with respect to weights on outcomes and
Affine maximisers = DS truthful?
“Any affine maximiser social choice
function can be implemented in dominant
strategies; i.e. there exists payment functions where is DS truthful.”
Can we prove it? You bet we can!
VCG is truthful. What if we just stick the
affine maximiser choice function into VCG and
see if that works?
On the right track, but... hmm, no. That
doesn’t feel right.
It’s not rigorous enough.
Let’s have a closer look at what makes
VCG and affine maximisers different.
Let’s take the choice function of VCG and
abstract it a little:

Here, I’ve defined a social welfare function for VCG, and substituted it in
the choice and payment functions.
Now, how do we “transform” our VCG
to an affine maximiser?
We should create a new, refined function, of course!
Can you see how substituting our new function results in the affine maximiser
choice function?
Well, we’ve substituted it in the choice
function. The payment function used too, you know. Let’s sub it in
there too:
There we have it! A payment function that, when
paired with its respective affine maximiser , creates a DS truthful mechanism (because we effectively have VCG, which is
We could factor out out of the payment function, but since
it’s just a scalar, it shouldn’t
affect the truthfulness of the mechanism.
Source; slides 15 to 19
(what, you thought I came up with this on my
Alright, VCG with weights. What’s so special about
I’m glad you asked:
If there are at least three choices that a social choice function will choose
given some input, and if agents have general quasilinear preferences, then the set of (deterministic) social choice functions implementable in
dominant strategies is precisely the set of affine maximisers.
In other words, if a social choice function has to pick
from at least three choices, and all the agents have general
quasilinear preferences (each agent can have any valuation for each choice
), the only DS-implementable social choice functions are
affine maximisers.
Under these conditions, all DS-truthful mechanisms have
affine maximiser choice functions.
Efficiency is an affine-maximising social choice function for
In other words, the social choice function that maximises
social welfare is the same as an affine maximiser with all
agent weights equal to 1 and choice weights equal to 0. So
basically, the choice function from Groves mechanisms.
Since affine maximising mechanisms are really just weighted
Groves mechanisms, we can’t stray very far from Groves
if we focus on this setting.
So then, let’s try a simpler, more restrictive
The Case for Single Dimensional Settings
With single dimensional settings, there is no valuation ‘vector’.
Only a single number determines the valuation vector
We can generalise this in many different ways, but
let’s just say:
You can “win”...
... or you can “lose”.
Agents have different scalar values for
“winning”, and this value is 0 for
Each agent has a subset of winning alternatives, which are choices
) that are all equivalent to each other in terms of
value to agent
. Choices
yield a value of 0.
In other words, winning alternatives are choices where
There are many examples of single dimension settings:
Single-item auctions where agents only care if they receive
the item or not.
is a singleton, with the choice where
wins the item.
A combinatorial auction where agents are only interested in
a specific bundle of items.
contains choices where the agent gets their bundle
and/or more.
Selfish routing setting where the mechanism wants to buy a
For now, we’ll be looking at single-parameter domains:
Each agent
has winning alternatives
and a range of values
, which are both publicly known.
are used as lower and upper bounds for the valuation
, but don’t worry; they’re not important
values all
(which is private knowledge), and 0 for everything else.
We will now define monotonicity in single-parameter
I’m going to define something new: critical values.
What? No, it’s not when you deal a critical hit on a
Groves mechanism!
It’s this:
For a monotone function
, for every
for which agent
can both win and lose, there is always a critical
below which
loses and above which they win.
wins for every
, then the critical value at
is undefined.
In simple terms, critical values are points where the
result of agents’ valuations turn from either losing
or winning.
Mechanisms are normalised if the payment for losing is always 0.
That is,
Every DS truthful mechanism can easily be turned into a
normalised one.
Let’s characterise normalised mechanisms:
Remember that we’re not restricted to
affine-maximisers anymore.
We can do stuff like:
This gives us flexibility to design tractable (computationally efficient) approximation mechanisms whose exact optimisation is
computationally intractable.
So instead of being forced to be completely optimal, like
affine-maximisers and Groves would make us be, we can be way
more computationally efficient and simply approximate.
Something like this might be useful for:
Task scheduling: allocating tasks among agents to minimise makespan
Bandwidth allocation in computer networks: allocate real-valued capacity of a single network link
among users with different demand curves
Multicast cost sharing: share the cost of a multicast transmission among the
users who receive it
Two-sided matching: pair up members of two groups according to their
preferences, without imposing any payments, e.g. students
and supervisors, hospitals and residents, kidney donors and
Optimal Auctions
So far, we’ve ignored the revenue of the
By this, I mean how much the seller earns from the
However, in some auctions, it’s desirable to maximise
the seller’s revenue.
Mechanisms that are designed to maximise seller’s
expected revenue are called optimal auctions.
Economists designing optimal auctions
Independent private valuations (IPVs) (valuations do not depend on others’)
Risk-neutral bidders (bidders have no preference to playing risky or safe)
Each bidder
’s valuation is drawn from some strictly increasing
cumulative density function
with a PDF (probability distribution function)
that is continuous and bounded below.
We allow
(asymmetric auctions)
The seller knows each
Optimal auctions maximise seller’s expected revenue
subject to some form of individual rationality.
Example of an Optimal Auction
We’re going to give an example of an optimal auction,
but first, let’s prepare the setting:
We shall run a single-item second price auction (Vickrey)!
We have 2 bidders,
is uniformly distributed on
(each possible valuation has an equal chance of being
In this auction, we’re using fractions of money.
Let’s just say we’re using some kind of bitcoin
variant or something.
There is a reserve price
between 0 and 1, where:
There’s no sale if both bids are below
Sale is at price
if there’s one bid below and one above
Sale is at second highest bid price if both are above
The aim of the game is this: what value of
will maximise expected revenue?
In other words, which value of
makes this an optimal auction? 🤔
Buy BaharCoin while it’s still low
Remember, we’re still truthful. Let’s go over
each case:
2. One bid is below and one is above
The chance that one valuation is drawn above is .
The first case is player 1’s valuation
being drawn below and player 2’s valuation being
above ; the probability of that is .
The second case is the opposite: player
2’s valuation being below and player
1’s being above. The probability of that
is also .
Either the first case could happen OR the
second case, so we add them up (both cases are mutually exclusive) to get the total probability that one bid
is below and one is above: .
3. Both bids are above
Both players draw valuations above , so the probability is , which is .
The expected revenue of this case is derived
from the expected minimum valuation drawn, given
that both bids are above . In maths language, that’s .
If you want to know why it’s , then read the appendix section for this. If you really don’t care and are
willing to accept it for what it is (how to derive it is not examinable), then you’re ironically wiser than I am
and should simply read ahead.
To get the expected revenue of this auction, we sum the
products of probability and revenue for each case.
Expected revenue =

Expected revenue =
Now that we have the expected revenue, we want to maximise it.
Do you remember from GCSE / A level maths on how to find
the maximum of a function?
Find the turning points!
(Careful! There’s two turning points; this is the
maximum, but the other (
) is a minimum.)
There you have it: this is an optimal auction when
When the reserve price is
, the seller will get on average
When the reserve price is
, the seller will get on average
This is neat, but you lose sales if bids are below
, but it would’ve been low revenue anyway and
that’ll only happen
of the time.
On the flip side, we could increase our reserve price when
one bidder has low value and the other high, which happens
of the time.
If a bidder bids 0.8 and the reserve price is 0.5,
wouldn’t it be smarter to bump up our reserve price a
When you think about it, a reserve price is like adding an
extra bidder. Except that bidder is us.
Myerson’s Theorem
That was cool and all, but it seems a little clumsy just to
make an optimal auction.
Isn’t there a way of characterising optimal auctions,
so it’s easier to make them?
Why yes, I’m glad you asked!
What? You didn’t ask? Well, uh, just read on, I
’s virtual valuation is
“Virtual”? We’re doing auctions in VR
Chat now?
Not quite; this metric is used for determining the reserve
price for each bidder.
We will assume that this is increasing in
(every time
goes up, the virtual valuation
will go up too)
In our BaharCoin example, where valuations are uniformly distributed
between 0 and 1, the virtual valuation is always
What’s that bit we’re minus-ing from the
It’s ‘shaving off’ a small bit from our
valuation to make our virtual valuation.
The top is the probability of drawing a valuation above
The bottom is the relative frequency that we draw this
given value of
If you don’t fully get it, don’t worry; its
main purpose is this:
Virtual valuations increase weak bidders’ bids (bids from bidders who don’t bid much; with lower
expected valuations), making them more competitive.
In fact, it’s possible for a weak bidder to win the
auction, even if they’re technically bidding less than
other bidders.
This means strong bidders (bidders who bid high; with higher expected
valuations) will have to bid more aggressively.
This is good for the seller because this maximises the
revenue of the auction.
’s bidder-specific reserve price
is the value for which
It’s the minimum a bidder can bid while still being
able to win.
If they bid any lower than this, they can’t win. But
more on that in a sec.
Myerson (1981)
The optimal (single-item) auction is a
sealed-bid auction in which every agent is asked
to declare their valuation.
The good is sold to the agent , as long as .
If the good is sold, the winning agent is charged the smallest valuation that
they could have declared while still remaining
the winner, i.e.:
Let’s go over these two conditions for an optimal
The winner is the agent with the highest virtual valuation,
so long as it’s non-negative (the valuation is above the reserve price).
If everyone’s virtual valuation is negative, the
seller keeps the item and the seller’s revenue is
The winner has to pay the smallest valuation they could have declared while still remaining the winner.
This is very similar to the second-price auction, but not
quite the same, especially if the bids are discrete.
Very cool! So those are the conditions for an optimal
Time for an optimal auction FAQ:
No, it’s not efficient.
In this auction, weak bidders’
valuations are inflated by the virtual
valuations to make strong bidders bid more
This means if a weak bidder wins (and they can, even if they bid less than
others), the outcome won’t maximise social
This is effectively a Vickrey auction, but
with a reserve price and virtual valuation
space. Neither of these depend on the
agent’s declaration, so just like how
Vickrey is truthful, optimal auctions are
truthful also.
What happens in the special case where all
agents’ valuations are drawn from the
same distribution?
We’ll just have a normal Vickrey
auction, with a reserve prices that
Since everyone will have the same reserve
price, it’s effectively like
in our BaharCoin example.
What happens in the general case (valuations are drawn from different
distributions; asymmetric auctions)?
Like I said above, stronger bidders will
have to pay more aggressively to keep up
with the inflated virtual valuations of the
weak bidders.
In a way, it exploits how much people are
willing to bid on something they really
want. A bit mean, when you think about
So, optimal auctions are the best thing ever, right?
We actually use these, right?
We’re not just learning about these and are never
going to see these again after this module, right?!
Alas, no... they’re not used in real life.
- Why?
They are not detail free.
That means the seller needs to know bidders’
When you go onto an eBay bid, do you think the seller is
going to know your exact bid distribution when you bid on a
pair of socks?
Heck, do you even know your own bid distribution on pairs of socks auctions?
No. The website would have to build a profile on you to
figure that out.
Saying that, if Google or Microsoft ever made an auction
site, they’d probably use optimal auctions.

You heard it here first, folks: Google’s optimal sock
What does an optimal auction actually do?
It puts pressure on strong bidders to bid more aggressively
to maximise revenue, right? It’s extra
Can’t we achieve the same thing by just having more bidders?
In symmetric IPV settings, sometimes it’s better to
just attract more bidders than calculate everyone’s
valuation distributions and run an optimal auction.
Stable Matching (SM)
In this section, we’re going to cover an algorithm
for the stable matching problem.
It goes like this:
There’s a set of leaders
There’s a set of followers
Each leader has strict preferences over followers
Each follower has strict preferences over leaders
All preferences together make a preference profile.
The objective is to find a one-to-one stable matching.
The objective is what again?
One-to-one: each leader is paired with at most one follower, and vice
versa (everyone is paired with someone)
Stable matching: no pair
wants to deviate
Let’s go into more detail on this ‘stable
What is a stable matching exactly?
“There is no leader-follower pair, each of whom would
prefer to match with each other rather than their assigned
“A matching with no blocking pairs”
It’d be easier with an example:
Let’s say there’s two leaders, red and orange, and two followers, blue and purple.
They have the following preferences:
red : blue > purple
orange : blue > purple
blue : red > orange
purple: red > orange
In summary, red is the most popular leader, and blue is the most popular follower.
It makes sense that the most popular leader and
follower would want each other.
However, check out the pairing on the right: blue is paired with orange, and red is paired with purple.
Blue and red would rather be paired with each other.
This is a blocking pair.
Now, look at the pairing on the left. Blue and red are now paired, so it’s not a
blocking pair anymore.
Sure, purple would rather be with red, and orange would rather be with blue, but blue and red are happy where they are, so those
aren’t blocking pairs.
You can think of a blocking pair like a couple that want to
elope together. Like Romeo and Juliet.
Cool, so stable matchings are the best thing since the
cavemen discovered fire.
Given a leader-follower problem, how do we get these stable
How do we know matchings like these even exist?
Can we get one efficiently?
Questions, questions, so many questions...
... allow me to answer them all with the Gale-Shapley (GS) algorithm!
Gale-Shapley Algorithm
Myerson (1981)
A stable matching always exists, and can be found in polynomial time.
How do we find stable matchings in polynomial time?
We use this algorithm:
Gale-Shapley algorithm pseudocode (leader-oriented)
Assign all leaders and followers to be free // Initial state
while (some leader l is free and hasn't proposed to every follower)
f = first follower on l's list to whom l hasn't yet proposed
// next: l proposes to f
if (f is free)
assign l and f to be engaged // tentatively matched
else if (f prefers l to their fiancé l')
set l and f to be engaged
set l' to be free
f rejects l // and l remains free
output the n engaged pairs, who form a stable
There’s an example showing how this algorithm works in the Appendix.
You don’t wanna miss it!
Before we go over why GS returns stable matchings,
let’s go over:
How to find blocking pairs given a non-stable
The first thing to do is to gather all the possible
Then, we filter out the matchings that were already matched
in our non-stable matching (I’ve already highlighted them in green above):
Now, we sequentially go through each matching and check if
it’s a blocking pair.
Yeah, this method is a bit ‘brute force’, but
it works.
Let’s go over two examples instead of all six:
a blocking pair?
To find out, we ask ourselves two questions.
This matching is a blocking pair if the answers to both questions are ‘yes’:
to its current matching,
Looking at
’s preferences,
is before
So, yes,
to its current matching,
Looking at
’s preferences,
is before
So, yes,
Since they both prefer each other,
is a blocking pair.
a blocking pair?
to its current matching,
to its current matching,
None of them prefer the other, so this is not a blocking
We do this to all matchings, and we eventually get the
Where greens are blocking pairs.
GS Returns Stable Matching Proof
I’ve been telling you that GS returns stable
matchings, but how do we know?
Can we prove it?
Of course we can; why else would this section have
“Proof” in the name?
To prove this, we split the proof into three
1. The algorithm always terminates
2. The algorithm returns a matching
3. The matching it returns is stable
We notice two things about GS:
Leaders propose to followers in decreasing
order of preference
Once a follower is matched up, they never
become unmatched; only “trades
Because of this, the algorithm terminates after
at most iterations of the while loop, where is the number of leaders (and thus, the number of followers too).
Because for each leader, they propose to followers, worst-case. If there’s
also leaders, then there are , or , proposals.
This is also a proof for GS being in polynomial
In this proof, we’ll show that GS returns
a one-to-one matching, meaning that each leader has at
least one follower and vice versa.
This will be split into two parts:
1. In GS, all leaders get matched.
Let’s do a proof by contradiction.
Let’s say there’s some leader in the output matching that is
That means there must be some follower that’s also unmatched (pigeonhole principle; a leader can’t be matched with more
than one follower).
If is unmatched, that means they were never
proposed to.
But, is unmatched, so they should have
proposed to every follower.
A contradiction!
2. In GS, all followers get matched.
As proved before, all leaders get
If all leaders are matched, then they all must
be matched to unique followers.
But followers are all we have!
Therefore all followers must be matched.
We can prove that the returned matching is stable by showing that there’s
no blocking pairs.
Consider any pair that is not in .
There are two possibilities for the pair :
1. never proposed to
proposes in decreasing order of
preferences, so must have proposed to first before .
is not blocking.
2. proposed to
must have rejected , either right away or after they matched up
once, because prefers to .
is not blocking.
In either case, is not a blocking pair.
Extensions of Stable Matching
Did you know that all executions of leader-oriented GS lead
to the same stable matching, even though an instance could
have several stable matchings and GS is non-deterministic?
Wait, why is GS non-deterministic?
Because when you have multiple free leaders, the algorithm
can pick any leader arbitrarily.
This doesn’t affect the outcome, though.
In fact, you could create a parallelised variant of GS
where all free leaders propose at the same time.
But we’re here to talk about Extensions of Stable
One of which is Stable Matching with Incomplete Lists (SMI), which is where preferences might not include all members
of the opposite group (some leaders might find some followers unpreferable, and
vice versa).
An agent would rather be unmatched than matched with an
unpreferable (or unacceptable) partner.
Such possible preferences might look like this:
What algorithm can be used for SMIs?
We can use a variant of the GS algorithm (changes are highlighted):
Gale-Shapley algorithm pseudocode (leader-oriented, SMI)
Assign all leaders and followers to be free // Initial state
while (some leader l is free and hasn't proposed to every follower they find acceptable)
f = first follower on l's list to whom l hasn't yet proposed
// next: l proposes to f
if (f is free and finds l acceptable)
assign l and f to be engaged // tentatively matched
else if (f prefers l to their fiancé l')
set l and f to be engaged
set l' to be free
f rejects l // and l remains free
output the engaged pairs, who form
a stable matching
There’s also Stable Matching with Ties (SMT), which is where agents may be indifferent on which
partners they get.
No! 🤦♂️ It’s not where we match
office ties...
An example of such preferences are:
(The partners in brackets are the ones whom the agent is
indifferent to).
How many kinds of blocking pairs can we define with
There’s three, actually.
They are, given blocking pair
strictly prefers
to their current follower, and
strictly prefers
to their current leader
strictly prefers
to their current follower, and
is indifferent between
and their current leader
is indifferent between
and their current follower, and
strictly prefers
to their current leader
Which definition of blocking pair we pick depends on our
problem domain, I suppose.
We usually pick the first one though, where both
preferences must be strict.
What if we have both?
A Stable Matching problem with Ties and Incomplete Lists
Almost the same algorithm for SMI works for SMTI (and thus,
The only difference is that we need to break ties
Optimal Stable Matchings
For a given instance, there may be many stable
Here, there are two stable matchings: green and purple.
are achievable to
is achievable to
Wait... what’s ‘achievable’?
Achievable: A leader
and a follower
are achievable if there exists some stable matching where
are matched.
But back to our green and purple matchings.
Don’t you think the purple one favours the leaders
way more than the green does?
On the other hand, the green matching looks pretty good for
the followers.
- What gives?
The purple matching is a leader-optimal matching: a stable matching in which each leader receives their
best achievable partner.
The green matching is a follower-optimal matching: a stable matching in which each follower receives their
best achievable partner.
When preferences are strict, all executions of
leader-oriented GS return the leader-optimal matching.
Can we prove this? You bet...
So our claim was “leader-oriented
GS’ return leader-optimal
To do a proof by contradiction, we need to
consider “a leader-oriented GS does not
return a leader-optimal matching”.
Leaders propose in decreasing order of
preferences, so therefore some leader is going
to be rejected by an achievable partner during
GS (this doesn’t always happen, but it
happens most of the time. We’ll consider
it in this example).
Let’s say we have some leaders and some
followers, and we’re running a GS.
All of the sudden, some leader is rejected by their first achievable
partner (this is the first ever rejection by an
achievable follower in this run. Remember
Since and are achievable, there must be some stable
matching that contains the matching .
Now, when rejected , why do you think did that? It’s because was proposed by some leader they prefer!
We’ll call this leader .
We now know prefers to
In our ‘other’ stable matching, , let’s say is matched to some other follower, .
When was rejected by , hadn’t been rejected by any
achievable partner yet. That’s because
we’ve already defined the rejection of by to be the first in this run (remember? ;D).
So, had never been rejected yet, before they
proposed to and made reject .
If had never been rejected yet, then they
must prefer over .
Why? Because if they preferred , would’ve proposed to first, and would have had to be rejected
by in order to propose to in the first place!
We now know prefers to
Let’s summarise what we’ve found
out so far:
is supposed to be a stable matching. Can
you spot the contradiction?
There is a blocking pair: , but is meant to be a stable matching. A clear
Therefore, leader-oriented GS’ must
return leader-optimal matchings.
Because of this, we now know that:
When preferences are strict,
all executions of leader-oriented GS
return the same stable matching.
When preferences are strict, there
a leader-optimal stable matching
a follower-optimal stable matching
We have leader-optimal and follower-optimal, but we also
Leader-pessimal matching: a stable matching in which each leader receives their
worst achievable partner
Follower-pessimal matching: a stable matching in which each follower receives their
worst achievable partner
Myerson (1981)
When preferences are strict, the leader-optimal
matching is the follower-pessimal matching, and
vice versa.
We’ve already said that when preferences are strict,
there exists:
a leader-optimal stable matching and
a follower-optimal stable matching.
But what about when there’s ties, in SMTs?
In SMTs, there might not be any leader-optimal or
follower-optimal stable matchings.
Here’s an example:
Are there any leader-optimal matchings?
prefers purple, but
prefers green
Are there any follower-optimal stable matchings?
prefers green, but
prefers purple
So, there aren’t any leader or follower optimal
DS Truthfulness
In GS, is it a dominant strategy to report truthful
It depends which version of GS you’re using.
Dubins and Freedleader; Roth
The mechanism that yields the leader-optimal stable matching (in terms of stated preferences) makes it a dominant strategy for each leader to state their true preferences.
Similarly, if we’re using a mechanism that yields the
follower-optimal stable matching, then followers should
state their true preferences.
If we have ties in the preferences, but a leader-optimal
stable matching exists, then leader-oriented GS is DS
truthful for leaders.
So, leaders should tell the truth for leader-oriented, and
followers should tell the truth for follower-oriented. Seems
simple enough.
But that means followers can misreport with
leader-oriented, and leaders can misreport with
Roth, 1982
No stable matching mechanism exists for which
truth-telling is a dominant strategy for every
So no matter what mechanism you use here, someone can
benefit from lying:
Roth and Sotomayor, 1990
When any stable mechanism is applied to a
marriage market in which preferences are strict
and there is more than one stable matching, then at least one agent can profitably misrepresent their preferences, assuming others tell
the truth.
Can we prove the first theorem?
Why would I say that if we couldn’t? Of course!
Here, we have two leaders and two
This instance has two stable matching:
Green, leader-oriented
Purple, follower-oriented
Every stable matching mechanism must choose
either green or purple.
Suppose that our mechanism picks green.
Now, if changes their preferences so they only
like , the mechanism will pick purple: the follower-oriented matching that likes.
Similarly, if declares that they only like , the mechanism can only pick green: the leader-oriented matching that likes.
In this scenario, at least one agent benefits
by lying.
That proof is cool and all, but it assumes we can have
incomplete lists.
It’s a proof for SMI, not SM!
Is there a proof, like this, but for general SM?
Yeah; it’s on the Coursework 1 answers PDF.
What? You’re too lazy to open it up and you want to
read it here?
Nngh... it’ll take a while to write.
Fine. But only because you asked so nicely!
Here’s yet another way to word the same
“No stable matching mechanism exists for which it is always an equilibrium for every agent to state their true preferences”.
So, that sucks. No matter what, people can lie.
Who do we trust?
Does that mean we can never apply to universities
Residents can never apply to hospitals?
Men and women can never be truthfully matched up?
- Not so fast!
Roth and Peranson found that, in practice, very few
students and hospitals can actually benefit by submitting
false preferences.
For example, in 1996, out of 24,749 applicants, only 21 of
them could affect their match by lying.
That’s only around 0.08%!
So, it’s not the end of the world:
Immorlica and Mahdian, SODA 2005
The number of students that have more than one
achievable hospital vanishes. Therefore, with
high probability, the truthful strategy is a
dominant strategy.
Here’s a better explanation of that theorem:
Let’s say there’s
students applying to
Each student has an arbitrary complete preference
Each university has a random list of
The expected number of students who have more than one
achievable university is bounded by a constant that only
depends on
, and not
Therefore, as
gets larger and larger, the proportion of such
students gets smaller and smaller, until it’s
practically zero.
Here’s another brain teaser:
If a follower misreports their preferences to benefit
themselves, would their misreport harm any of the other
Gonczarowski and Friedgut, 2013
In an instance of SM (no ties or indifference), and assuming that lying is only possible by
permuting one’s preferences: if no lying
follower is worse off then
No follower is worse off
No leader is better off
In other words, if there are followers who lie (and lie well), none of the other followers suffer from it, but none of
the leaders will benefit from it either.
So, the only people who will suffer detriment from lying
followers will be the leaders.
Hospital Residents Problem (HR)
There’s different variants, or extensions, of the
stable matching problem:
Stable Matching problem with Incomplete lists
Agents may declare some candidates
unacceptable, represented by preference lists of
only some choices
Stable Matching problem with Ties
Shin Megami Tensei
Agents may be indifferent among several
Stable Matching problem with Ties and Incomplete lists
Both incomplete lists and indifferences are
Hospitals / Residents problem
Many-to-one stable matching problem with
incomplete lists
Hospitals / Residents problem with Ties
Many-to-one stable matching problem with ties
and incomplete lists
In this section, we’ll focus on HR and HRT!
The namesake comes from junior doctors applying
and doing training in hospitals..
First off, what actually is the Hospital Residents problem (HR)?
We have a set of
We have a set of
We want to match up residents to hospitals by their
find each other acceptable if they are in each others’ preference
Each hospital has a capacity.
Residents rank hospitals with strict preferences, and
hospitals do the same with residents.
We assume unacceptability is mutual: if
unacceptable, then
The difference between HR and SM is that hospitals have a
This makes SM a subset of HR (SM is just HR with capacity 1).
A matching
is a set of resident-hospital pairs such that:
find each other acceptable
No resident appears in more than one pair
No hospital appears in more pairs than its capacity
Here’s an example setting:
An example matching of this setting could be:
Like before, matchings can be stable if they have no blocking pairs.
is a blocking pair if:
find each other acceptable
- Either:
is unmatched in
to their assigned hospital in
- Either:
is undersubscribed in
to its worst resident assigned in
Here’s three examples of blocking pairs:
is a blocking pair because
, and
is a blocking pair because
is unmatched, and
is a blocking pair because
is unmatched, and
is unmatched.
An example of a stable matching would be:
Resident-oriented GS (RGS)
So how do we find stable matchings?
There’s two: one of which is resident-oriented GS (RGS).
Resident-oriented Gale-Shapley algorithm
M = ∅ // assign all residents and hospitals to be
while (some resident ri is unmatched and has a non-empty list)
ri applies to the first hospital hj on their list
M = M ∪ {(ri,hj)}
if (hj is over-subscribed)
rk = worst resident assigned to hj
M = M \ {(rk,hj)} // rk is set free
if (hj is full)
rk = worst resident assigned to hj
for (each successor rl of rk on hj’s list)
delete rl from hj’s list
delete hj from rl’s list
output the engaged pairs, who form a
stable matching
When preferences are strict:
All executions of resident-oriented GS (RGS) return the resident-optimal (stable) matching (residents get their best possible choices).
All executions of hospital-oriented GS (HGS) return the hospital-optimal (stable) matching (hospitals get their best possible choices).
The hospital-optimal matching is the resident-pessimal matching, and vice versa (residents get their worst possible choices).
In other words, whether the residents or the hospitals get
the better choices depend on which algorithm you’re
using: RGS or HGS.
However, in both cases, you still get stable
Yes, as you’ve probably guessed, since there’s
a resident-oriented GS, there exists a hospital-oriented GS
Hospital-oriented GS (HGS)
Here is the pseudocode for hospital-oriented GS (HGS):
Hospital-oriented Gale-Shapley algorithm
M = ∅ // assign all residents and hospitals to be
while (some hospital hi is under-subscribed and has non-empty list)
si = qi - |M(hi)| // the number of available seats in hi
hi applies to the first si residents on its list
foreach (rj that hi applies to)
if (rj is free)
M = M ∪ {(rj,hi)}
else if (rj prefers hi to her current hospital h’)
M = M ∪ {(rj,hi)} \ {(rj,h’)} // h’ is set free
if (rj is not free)
for (each successor hl of M(rj) on rj’s list)
delete hl from rj’s list
delete rj from hl’s list
output the engaged pairs, who form a
stable matching
Here’s a comparison of the resident-optimal and
hospital-optimal matchings:
Resident-optimal matchings and hospital-optimal matchings
Can you see how the resident-optimal matchings give crap pairings for the hospitals, and the hospital-optimal matchings give crap pairings for the residents?
Rural Hospitals Theorem
(Roth, 1984; Gale and Sotomayor, 1985; Roth,
In a given instance of HR:
The same residents are assigned in all
stable matchings.
Each hospital is assigned the same number
of residents in all stable matchings.
Any hospital that is under-subscribed in
one stable matching is assigned exactly the
same set of residents in all stable
Here’s some more ‘layman’
If you get a HR stable matching where a subset of the
residents get assigned hospitals
and the rest do not get assigned, then for all stable matchings in that HR problem, all residents in
will be assigned and all other residents
will not be assigned.
For all stable matchings in our HR problem, the number of
residents assigned to hospital
is the same.
Given any stable matching in our HR problem, if we have a
who has matchings with
and is undersubscribed, then all stable matchings have the exact same matchings with
Remember DS truthfulness?
Could residents and/or hospitals be better off if they
These theorems have the answer:
(Roth; 5.16 in TSM)
A stable matching mechanism that yields the resident-optimal matching makes it a dominant strategy for all residents to state their true preferences.
In other words, under strict preferences, RGS is DS
truthful for residents.
(Roth; 5.14 in TSM)
No stable matching mechanism exists that makes it a dominant strategy for all hospitals to state their true preferences.
Even when HGS is executed and preferences are strict, some
hospitals may benefit from misreporting their
What about if we have ties (HRT)? Would that make a
Then, hospitals could be indifferent to certain
The thing is, HRT may not have hospital-optimal OR resident-optimal matchings.
A matching
is stable in an HRT instance
if and only if
is stable in some instance
of HR obtained from
by breaking the ties [Manlove et al, 1999].
Hospital Residents Problem with Couples (HRC)
Pairs of residents who wish to be matched to geographically
close hospitals form couples.
Couples are pairs of residents,
, that rank pairs of hospitals
representing the assignment of
So, couples are like ‘doubles’ for residents
and hospitals. Rhyming not intended.
HRs with couples are called HRCs.
We can introduce a notion of stability when we have
couples, but we won’t go into that here.
Unlike HRs, HRCs might not have stable matchings. Here’s an example:
(r1,r2): (h1,h2)
r3 : h1 h2
h1: r1 r3 r2
h2: r1 r3 r2
Blocking pair:
(r1,r2): (h1,h2)
r3 : h1 h2
h1: r1 r3 r2
h2: r1 r3 r2
Blocking pair:
(r1,r2): (h1,h2)
r3 : h1 h2
h1: r1 r3 r2
h2: r1 r3 r2
Blocking pair:
Those are all the combinations!
Solving HRCs is hard. It’s NP-complete!
Even when hospitals have capacity 1, it’s
- Even when:
there are no single residents
[Ng and Hirschberg, 1988;
Ronn, 1990]
there are no single residents, and
each couple has a preference list of length
<= 2, and
each hospital has a preference list of
length <= 3
[Manlove and McBride, 2013]
the preference list of each single
resident, couple and hospital is derived
from a strictly ordered master list of
hospitals, pairs of hospitals and residents
respectively, and
each preference list is of length ≤3,
the instance forms a “dual
“What does that mean”, you may ask.
I don’t know. I just write the
[Biró et al, 2011]
[Manlove and McBride, 2013]
There is an algorithm for HRCs, but it’s not
It’s called Algorithm C, and uses a Gale-Shapley-like heuristic.
What? No! It wasn’t made by Dennis Ritchie. Come on now.
When a member of an assigned couple is rejected, their
partner must withdraw from their hospital as well.
This means residents previously rejected by that hospital
must be reconsidered again.
You can imagine how that’d get messy quick...
In fact, Algorithm C might not even terminate. It
doesn’t terminate if there isn’t a stable
Heck, it might not terminate even when there is a stable
However, if it does terminate, that means it’s
guaranteed to have found a stable matching.
Stable Roommates (SR)
In this section, we’ll be going over the Stable Roommates (SR) problem:
We have
agents (or students)
Each agent has strict preferences over all other
One agent can pair up with any one other agent (and be roommates).
A matching
is stable if there is no
such that
to their current partner and vice versa.
So, this is basically SM, but all agents are equal;
there’s no disparity between ‘leaders’ or
Here’s an example of an instance of SR:
We have 4 students, and 2 matchings:
However, there is a blocking pair:
You can see it’s a blocking pair because:
In A’s preferences, C is preferred to the chosen
partner, B
In C’s preferences, A is preferred to the chosen
partner, D
So, what would be a stable matching?
- This:
Unlike SM, there might not be a stable matching in SR.
An example is here:
Let’s get all the matchings and show that
none of them are stable.
Blocking pair:
Blocking pair:
Blocking pair:
Irving’s Algorithm
Irving’s Algorithm can, for a given instance of SR, decide whether a stable
matching exists, and if it does, it’ll find one.
It’s polynomial time,
, and works in two phases:
Reduces the preference lists to a ‘phase-1
Gets the stable matching, if it exists, by eliminating
The first concept we should cover before going into this
algorithm is semi-engagement.
In SM, if
is engaged to
, then that should mean
is engaged to
However, in SR, engagement is not symmetric!
is engaged to
is not necessarily engaged to
If you are my friend, that doesn’t necessarily imply
that I am your friend too.
So, we say that
is semi-engaged to
could either be:
semi-engaged to some other agent
also semi-engaged to
(making them fully engaged)
A stock image of semi-engaged roommates.
Phase 1
Phase 1 reduces the preference table into a phase-1 table.
A phase-1 table is simply the result of phase 1 of Irving’s
Algorithm: a subset of the preference table with agents
Here’s the pseudocode for phase 1:
Irving’s Algorithm Phase 1
Assign all agents to be free // initial state
while (some free agent x has a non-empty list)
y = first agent on x’s list
// next: x proposes y
if (some person z is semi-engaged to y)
assign z to be free // y rejects z
assign x to be semi-engaged to y
for (each successor w of x on y’s list)
delete w from y’s list
delete y from w’s list
After phase 1, we can reduce a list of preference
... into a phase-1 table by eliminating agents:
What? You wanted to know what those red and dark red rectangles are for?
means X is semi-engaged to Y.
means Y is being ‘semi-engaged’ by X.
If there exists an agent who got rejected by everyone else (an agent with no preferences in our phase-1 table), then there is no stable matching.
If every agent holds a proposal, then we can move on to
phase 2.
Phase 2
In phase 2, we reduce the phase-1 table by eliminating
‘exposed rotations’.
We keep reducing the table until:
All lists contain just one entry, which constitutes the stable matching, or
At least one list becomes empty, in which case there is no stable matching.
What actually is an exposed rotation?
It’s a pair of sequences
is the second entry on
’s list, and
is the last entry on
’s list
’s list
’s list
Intuitively, how do you find a rotation in a phase-1
Alright, here’s a phase-1 table, and
I’ll walk through how to find a rotation
in it.
Let’s start at the top, with A, because A
has a second preference:
A’s second preference is B, so we add B to the
‘q’ list:
Now, we look at B. B’s last preference is C, so we add C to the
‘p’ list:
We move on to C. C’s second preference is D, so we add D to the
‘q’ list:
Onto D. D’s last preference is A, so we add A to the
‘p’ list:
We’ve already got an A in the
‘p’ list! So, we stop there, or else
we’d be repeating ourselves.
So, you see? We just alternate between putting
the second preference in ‘q’ and the last preference in ‘p’ until we hit a
If we wanted to eliminate this rotation,
we’d eliminate the bottom-left top-right
pairs in these two sequences:
So, we’d remove and from our preference table and either look
for more rotations to eliminate, or, if a list
is empty or all lists have one entry, we
Here’s the pseudocode for phase 2:
Irving’s Algorithm Phase 2
T = phase-1 table // initial state
while ((some list in T has more than one entry) and
(no list in T is empty))
find a rotation exposed in T
T = T / // eliminate
if (some list in T is empty)
return instance unsolvable
return T, which is a stable matching
Phase 1 always returns the same phase-1 table...
... but phase 2 doesn’t always return the same stable
The stable matching phase 2 returns depends on the order of
rotation eliminations.
Is Irving’s Algorithm DS truthful?
Do you remember what we said about SMs?
“No stable matching mechanism exists for which
truth-telling is a dominant strategy for every agent.”
- Roth, 1982
SMs are effectively specialised versions of SR.
The only difference is that SMs have the extra restriction
that leaders (one partition of the agents) can only have preferences for followers (the other partition of the agents) and vice versa.
You could say the set of SM problems is a subset of the set
of SRI problems.
If there’s no DS truthful mechanisms for SM, then by
extension, there can’t be any DS truthful mechanisms
for SR, either.
If there are no DS truthful SR mechanisms, then
Irving’s Algorithm, one such possible SR mechanism,
also can’t be DS truthful.
What happens when we input an SM problem into this SRI mechanism?
Our resulting phase-1 table would be:
Red: Man-optimal matching
Blue: Woman-optimal matching
Well, why don’t we do phase 2 and see what
Starting our rotation with m1
Starting our rotation with w1
As you can see, depending on the order of rotation
eliminations, we can either get the man-optimal matching or
the woman-optimal matching.
There’s so many matching algorithms... how do we
remember them all?
I created a subset tree that shows the relationship between
all the matching algorithms we’ve seen so far!
Do you know where to find it? That’s right; in the Appendix!
One-Sided Matching
In this section, we’re going over One-Sided Matching (OSM)!
It’s like the other matching problems, but...
Individuals in one group have preferences over the other,
but not the other way around.
For simplicity’s sake, we’ll assume all OSM
settings have incomplete lists.
OSMs are equivalent to SMTI problems where all items have
indifferent preferences to all agents (they tie with everyone).
Möbius strip matching: an alternative title.
Some examples we’ll cover are:
One-Sided Matching with Initial Ownership:
House Allocation (HA)
Student Rooms Allocation (SRA)
One-Sided Matching without Initial Ownership:
Teaching Allocation (TA)
(There’s this ‘eating’ one, but
there’s no name for it on the slides, so I’ll
call it Food Allocation (FA)).
With Initial Ownership
These two algorithms are for one-sided matching problems
where the agents already own items, but want to swap with other agents to increase their
Each tenant decides if they want to take part
A random ordering of the agents is decided
Serially give each tenant the house they like best, but is
also still available.
Hmm... good, but there’s a problem.
Tenants are not guaranteed to get at least as good a house
as their current one.
Therefore, they might not want to enter the lottery as they
might end up being worse for participating.
It’s not individually rational!
So, we want a good algorithm for this. An algorithm that exhibits:
Individual rationality
Pareto efficiency (no changes can be made without at least one agent being
worse off)
Top Trading Cycle (TTC)
Let’s introduce the House Allocation Problem (HA).
We have
agents, and
Each agent owns a unique, indivisible house.
The objective is to reallocate the houses among the agents
to improve the agents’ utility.
Would you take part in a mechanism to
swap your house with someone else?
The algorithm to do this is called Top Trading Cycle (TTC).
The algorithm goes like this:
Each agent points to their most preferred house (possibly their own), and each house points back to their owner.
This creates a directed graph; in this graph, identify
Finite: cycle must exist
Strict preferences: each agent is in at most one cycle
Assign each agent in a cycle to the house they are pointing
at and remove them from the mechanism with their assigned
- If:
all houses are assigned, or
all agents are assigned, or
all preference lists are empty
... then stop.
Otherwise, repeat from step 1.
Here’s the preference lists:
a1 : h3 > h2 > h1
a2 : h1 > h4 > h2
a3 : h1 > h4 > h3
a4 : h3 > h4
The blue represents ownership, for example a1 owns h1.
On the diagram, the green arrows are the houses pointing to their
owners, and the blue arrows are the agents pointing to their
desired houses.
Now, we search for cycles. We start from one
agent, and we follow through the arrows until we
get back to the start.
Starting at a1, the following cycle can be found:
a1 → h3 → a3 → h1 → a1
So, we make the following assignment:
We remove these agents and houses from the
algorithm, and we continue.
The houses a2 and a4 were pointing to are now allocated! So
now, they point to the next available houses on
their list.
Now, let’s look for another cycle:
a2 → h4 → a4 → h4
The cycle only loops around a4 and h4, so we’ll only assign a4 the house:
Now, we remove a4 and h4.
It’s trivial that the only assignment
left is to assign a2 to their own house!
So our final assignment is:
a1 → h3
a3 → h1
a4 → h4
a2 → h2
TTC is DS truthful.
This is a proof sketch of that:
Let’s say there’s some agent who got assigned a
house in round
No change in their report can yield them a house that was
assigned in the earlier rounds (this actually requires more proof, but we’ll hold
off on that).
No house assigned in a later round will make them better
If our agent changes their preferences so they get a house
in round
, will they get a better house? No! They either get the
same one they would’ve got in round
, or a worse one because their old house would have already
been taken.
So there’s no benefit in reporting any other
preferences but the truth.
TTC allocations are always Pareto optimal.
The slides prove this by induction:
The agents with priority one (the agents in the first cycle) get their first choice, so they can’t improve
their assignments.
The agents with priority two (the agents in the second cycle) can’t improve their assignments, because
they’re already getting their best available
- And so on...
Intuitively, you can think of TTC as a type of Serial
Instead of agents being picked randomly, like in Random
Serial Dictatorship, agents are picked through these
Serial Dictatorship is Pareto efficient, so TTC must be
If a subset of the agents can make all of its members better off by exchanging houses, then the
TTC allocation would be unstable.
However, allocations returned by TTC are stable; there never exists any such subset. This is called a core allocation, and they’re always returned by TTC.
In addition, for any HA problem, there is only one unique
core allocation, and TTC returns it.
You Request My House - I Get Your Turn (YRMH-IGYT)
Let’s introduce the Student Rooms Allocation (SRA) problem.
We have a set of
students that have rooms,
We have a set of
We have a set of
vacant rooms
Our problem is the same as HA: can we reallocate rooms,
including the newcomers, that increases everyone’s
We use the algorithm with the dumbest algorithm name in
history: You request my house, I get your turn (YRMH-IGYT).
Fix a priority order of the agents.
Let the agent with the top priority receive their
first-choice room, the second agent receive their top choice
among the remaining rooms, and so on, until someone requests
the room of an existing tenant.
If the existing tenant whose room is requested has already
received a room, then proceed to the next agent.
Otherwise, insert the existing tenant at the top of the
priority order and proceed with the procedure.
If at any step, a cycle forms, the cycle is formed by
existing tenants
points to the house of agent
, who points to the house of
, and so on. In this case, assign these houses by letting
them exchange, and then proceed with the algorithm.
YRMH-IGYT is a variant of TTC.
It’s just that all vacant houses (and houses whose initial owners are already assigned other
houses) point to the highest priority agents rather than the
owners of the houses.
So, we sometimes call this algorithm TTC as well.
Huh? Well, I personally don’t, but I guess some people call it TTC.
Does it have good properties?
You bet! It’s Pareto efficient, strategy-proof, and makes no existing tenant worse off.
Without Initial Ownership
These two algorithms are for when agents don’t own any items, but want to be allocated to items that maximise
everyone’s utilities.
Random Serial Dictatorship
Let’s introduce the Teaching Allocation (TA) problem:
We have
agents (teachers), and
items (subjects).
Each agent has a preference over the items.
We want to assign the agents to items.
In other words, split up the workload of teaching, and
assign teachers to subjects.
Those that can’t do, teach.
Those that can’t teach, teach gym.
Remember that Random Serial Dictatorship algorithm I
mentioned above?
Since teachers aren’t already assigned to subjects,
we don’t have to worry about individual rationality (teachers getting a new assignment that’s worse than
their old one).
Random Serial Dictatorship (RSD), or Random Priority, is just a small extension of Serial Dictatorship (SD):
Fix an ordering of the teachers a1, a2, ..., an (with Random Serial Dictatorship, this ordering is
a1 picks their most preferred subject.
a2 picks their most preferred subject that is still
a3 picks their most preferred subject that is also still
This continues until all
teachers are assigned subjects.
Simple, right?
There’s a bit more to this:
There are
different orderings that RSD randomly picks out
Each ordering leads to a different run of SD, which leads
to a different outcome (some orderings may have the same outcome, but that’s
So, we could say that there are
different outcomes to pick from.
That’s a lot! How are we going to know, roughly, what
everyone’s going to get?
That question would be a lot easier to answer if we had the
probability distribution of teachers to subjects using
We go through every order of the agents, run SD, and denote
the allocation matrix of each order
, for example (1 means that subject is allocated to that teacher):
Ai =
Once we have all the allocation matrices of all orders, we
can aggregate them into an average, with this
The resulting matrix is the probability distribution of
teachers to subjects.
Serial Dictatorship is Pareto efficient.
The first teacher receives their best subject, so they
cannot improve.
The second teacher receives their best possible subject, so
they cannot improve, and so on.
Serial Dictatorship is DS truthful.
The first teacher gets their best subject, so they have no
reason to lie.
The second teacher gets their best possible subject, so if
they lied, they’d only get worse, and so on.
Serial Dictatorship is not envy-free.
Let’s say you have two teachers, t1 and t2, and they both want subject s1 over subject s2.
SD gives s1 to t1, and s2 to t2.
t2 is now envious of t1!
This applies to RSD as well, because either t1 or t2 is gonna get s1, so one will always be jealous of the other.
You can think of RSD as like a ‘probability distribution’ over all mechanisms with different permutations of
The probability distribution of this randomised algorithm
is called its lottery, and would draw any mechanism with equal chance.
What does this have to do with anything?
I’ll tell you...
Ex-ante Pareto efficiency
Ex-post Pareto efficiency
The lottery is Pareto-efficient with respect to
the expected utilities.
By ‘expected utilities’, we mean
the average utility that the agents yield with our
random lottery.
If there is no other lottery we could use that
yields higher average utilities and no lower
average utilities, then our algorithm is ex-ante Pareto efficient.
‘ex-ante’ here means ‘before
the lottery’.
Allocations of all mechanism
‘outputs’ of the lottery are Pareto
If the allocations of every mechanism (that our lottery could possibly draw) are Pareto efficient, then our algorithm
is ex-post Pareto efficient.
‘ex-post’ here means ‘after
the lottery’.
Ex-ante Pareto efficiency implies ex-post Pareto
An interesting thing to note is that:
You can only reason about ex-ante Pareto efficiency with
cardinal preferences.
You can reason about ex-post Pareto efficiency with just
ordinal preferences.
RSD is ex-post Pareto efficient, but not ex-ante Pareto efficient.
- Why?
Why RSD is not ex-ante
Why RSD is ex-post
To be ex-ante Pareto efficient, there must not be another lottery that yields at least higher
expected utilities to all teachers.
So, let’s define a lottery that fits that
Let’s define some setting for TA, and say
there’s two possible mechanisms
RSD’s lottery could pick: M1, and M2. There’s three teachers, and the
utilities of each allocation yielded by each
mechanism are (a,b,c) and (x,y,z),
We’ll assume that a, b, and c are bigger
than x, y, and z.
So, the expected utility of each teacher using
RSD’s lottery is (a+x)/2, (b+y)/2, and
(c+z)/2, because there’s an even chance of
picking M1 and M2.
Can we find a lottery that yields at least
higher expected utilities?
How about a lottery that has a 100% chance of
picking M1, and a 0% chance of picking M2?
The expected utilities there are a, b, and
Since a > x, b > y, and c > z, then a
> (a+x)/2, b > (b+y)/2, and c >
(c+z)/2. This lottery yields a higher expected
utility for all teachers!
Therefore, RSD is not ex-ante Pareto
Remember that normal SD is Pareto
Once a random permutation of teachers is
picked, the algorithm is now just regular
So, no matter what the lottery picks, every
mechanism outcome will be Pareto
Therefore, RSD is ex-post Pareto
So there’s two versions of Pareto efficiency when
randomness is involved.
Did you know there’s also two versions of
Universal Truthfulness
A teacher always maximises their expected
utility by acting truthfully.
If a teacher will always yield the same or less
expected utility by giving false preferences,
then the algorithm is truthful-in-expectation.
All mechanism ‘outputs’ of the
lottery are DS truthful.
If every mechanism (that our lottery could possibly draw) is DS truthful, our algorithm has universal truthfulness.
RSD is both universally truthful and truthful-in-expectation.
- Why?
Why RSD is truthful-in-expectation
Why RSD is universally truthful
SD is DS truthful, meaning you already maximise
utility when you are truthful in SD.
Because any draw of the lottery turns RSD into
an SD, being truthful will maximise your utility
with any possible draw of the lottery, and
therefore will maximise expected utility.
Therefore, RSD is
Remember, SD is DS truthful.
Any draw of the lottery turns RSD into a normal
So no matter what the lottery does, RSD will
always turn into a regular SD.
Therefore, RSD is DS truthful.
Now, let’s talk about fairness.
RSD, and the algorithm that follows, are anonymous.
Anonymity is a fairness property where two agents with the same
preferences get the same probability distribution of item
The above definition is Gale’s, as Zhou mentioned in his paper.
Symmetry, or equal treatment of equals, is a fairness property where two agents with the same
preferences get the same expected utility.
Again, this definition comes from Zhou's paper.
This is a weaker fairness property than anonymity,
Same probability distribution of items implies same expected utility
Same expected utility does not imply same probability distribution
Because RSD is anonymous, it’s also symmetric.
To conclude this section about RSD, here’s a theorem
by Zhou:
(Zhou, 1990)
There does not exist an ex-ante Pareto
efficient, truthful, and symmetric
Jie gave some confusing definitions of
anonymity and symmetry in the lectures that
don’t quite add up to the Zhou
He says that anonymity is where the names of the teachers have no
effect on the results, and only the preference order should affect the outcome of an
He says that symmetry is where agents with the same preference
profile get the same allocations.
I’m not saying Jie is wrong 😅
I’m saying I don’t understand this
discrepancy between these two pairs of
definitions. If any of you know, could you
please comment here and explain?
Probabilistic Serial Mechanism
Let’s introduce the Food Allocation (FA) problem:
We have
hungry people, and
dishes of divisible food.
Everyone has preferences over the food available.
How can we divide the food between everyone to maximise
So, instead of finding probability distributions of
teachers to subjects, we’re now dividing food between
hungry people. When thinking about it that way, it’s effectively the same problem.
I just wanted a food-related problem to talk about.
We could use the Probabilistic Serial (PS) Mechanism to solve FA.
It’s defined by the Simultaneous Eating Algorithm,
which involves all the agents simultaneously
“eating” their favourite available food at a
uniform speed, and moving on to their next most preferred
food whenever their current food is fully eaten.
Each food takes the same amount of time to eat, and the
proportion of food each agent eats is their allocation for that respective food item.
PS is not DS truthful.
- Why?
Let’s provide a counter-example.
We have three agents: Alice, Bob, and Carol, and three
foods: Paopu Fruit, Sea-salt ice cream, and Brock’s 'jelly-filled doughnuts'.
Alice’s cardinal preferences are (0.9, 1, 0) for the
fruit, ice-cream, and doughnuts respectively.
Ordinally, here’s everyone’s preferences:
Alice: Ice-cream > Fruit > Doughnuts
Bob: Fruit > Ice-cream > Doughnuts
Carol: Fruit > Doughnuts > Ice-cream
The result of PS with these preferences is:
Alice’s utility here would be (¾)(1) +
(¼)(0) = ¾.
Now, let’s say Alice lies and changes their
preferences to:
Fruit > Ice-cream > Doughnuts
The new result of the PS would be:
Now, Alice’s utility is (⅓)(0.9) +
(½)(1) + (⅙)(0) = 0.8
0.8 is bigger than ¾, so Alice benefitted from
Therefore, PS is not DS truthful.
Nothing beats a jelly-filled doughnut.
However, despite not being DS truthful, PS is still useful
for something:
Bounded Incentives in Manipulating the
Probabilistic Serial Rule
No agent can misreport its preferences such
that its utility becomes more than 1.5 times of
what it is when reported truthfully. This ratio
is a worst-case guarantee by allowing an agent
to have complete information about other
agents’ reports.
So, in the worst case, an agent can only increase their
utility by a factor of 1.5.
Even then, the agent would have to know the other
agents’ preferences.
So PS may still be useful, in practice.
To conclude this section, here’s the algorithms
we’ve looked at and their properties:
Pareto efficiency
Random Serial Dictatorship
(Random Priority)
Ex-post Pareto efficient
Probabilistic Serial
Ordinal efficient
Not truthful
(not examinable)
Ex-ante Pareto efficient
Not truthful
What’s ordinal efficiency?
Not on the slides, so not examinable, I think
A mechanism is ordinally efficient if the
outputted random assignment (probability distribution from agents to
items) is ordinally efficient.
A definition by Bogomolnaia and Moulin (that was made readable by Abdulkadiroglu and Sonmez) is: a random assignment is ordinally
efficient if they are not stochastically dominated by any other possible random
What does it mean for a random assignment to
stochastically dominate another?
It means that, for every agent
, and every item that ordinally prefers over every item , the stochastically dominating random
assignment has a higher or equal chance of
drawing than .
In addition, there must be at least one
item where there is a strictly higher chance of drawing than .
Source: Pycia, 2011
Let’s demonstrate this with an example.
We have four agents, and four items:
a1, a2: a > b > c > d
a3, a4: b > a > d > c
RSD returns the following lottery (random assignment):
However, every agent prefers the lottery
returned by PS:
The PS lottery stochastically dominates the RSD
Since PS returns the ordinal efficient random
assignment, there is no other lottery that
stochastically dominates this one.
Like ex-post, ordinal efficiency only requires
ordinal preferences.
Ordinal efficiency is a stronger property than
Ordinal efficiency is a weaker property than
Ex-ante implies ordinal efficiency.
Ordinal efficiency implies ex-post.
Here’s an example to show that ordinal
efficiency is weaker than ex-ante:
PS returns the following lottery for this
Now, in terms of purely ordinal preferences,
this is efficient.
But what if we got more specific and added
cardinal preferences compatible with our ordinal
u1 = (1, 0.8, 0)
u2 = (1, 0.2, 0)
u3 = (1, 0.2, 0)
According to these cardinal preferences,
everyone’s expected utilities for the
above lottery are (0.6, 0.4, 0.4).
However, I can make a new lottery with higher
expected utilities:
With this new lottery, everyone’s
expected utilities are (0.8, 0.5, 0.5). Higher
than our ‘ordinally efficient’
lottery from before!
Secretary Problem
Throughout all these matching problems, we’ve assumed
that all participants are present at the same time, and the
game is single-shot (offline).
But what if new participants arrive at different times
Behold: The Secretary Problem!
We want to hire one new secretary, and there are
We’re going to interview them, one by one, and by
doing that, we can see how good this secretary is compared
to the ones we’ve already interviewed.
Once we interview an applicant, we have to either hire
them, or decline them.
Our decision is irrevocable.
We don’t know how good the future applicants are
until we interview them.
What is the best strategy to maximise the probability of
hiring the best applicant?
How do we maximise our chances of hiring the best secretary?
Here’s a strategy we could employ:
Sequentially interview each candidate.
Reject the first
candidates. Remember how good they were.
After this, accept the first candidate we meet who is better than all
the first
candidates we rejected.
If they’re all worse than the first
candidates, then just accept the last one.
That’s a neat strategy, but which value of
should we pick?
Say there’s 8 applicants. How many initial candidates
should we reject before we consider hiring?
What value of
maximises the chance of us hiring the best
Let’s apply a bit of maths here...
Suppose that we end up hiring candidate
, obviously).
is the event that we accept the best candidate, which
This is the event where
is the best candidate, and we end up picking them.
is the event that we accept the best candidate.
was the best candidate, and we pick them or
was the best candidate, and we pick them or
- ...
was the best candidate, and we pick them or
was the best candidate, and we pick them
Remember, we want to maximise the chance of us getting the
best candidate,
We should calculate this probability!
depends on
. We’re going to have to calculate that first.
Calculating P(Si)
When broken up,

So, let’s calculate those two probabilities!
can be reduced to sub-problems:

How is this so?
Well, if the second best is in the first
, and
is the best, then nothing can be better between
Therefore, after we finish rejecting all
, then we have no choice but to pick
when we get to them, because nothing we’ll find
along the way to
is gonna be better than anything we found in
The following graphic might help visualise this:
Each value is like that applicant’s
We can substitute this and our goal will be:
Oops! How embarrassing... we’re repeating ourselves.
is just
, so:
So, what are these two probabilities?

, because if everyone has a uniform distribution of
“utility”, everyone has an equal chance of being
‘the best’.
How about
Let’s reduce this problem from
applicants to just
What was once our second best is now our first best in this
subproblem, because we’ve trimmed out the first
Now, we can convert
The probability of this is equal to:
The first candidate is the best in the subproblem or
The second candidate is the best in the subproblem or
- ...
th candidate is the best in the subproblem.
Putting this into maths syntax, this is:

We now have all the values to calculate our goal:


Calculating P(S)
So, we now know that
Let’s calculate
We use a special formula called the n-th harmonic
gets closer and closer to our approximated formula
tends towards infinity.
If we take the derivative of this approximative formula,
and set it to equal 0, we can find the value of
that maximises
I’m not going to do that here, but it shows that
is the optimal value of
to maximise
When using the optimal value of
, the probability
tends to
So, when using this strategy, the best you’re gonna
get is a chance of 37% of getting the best secretary.
Optimal k For Smaller Values of n
The above solution is for when
approaches infinity.
That means
must be really big for those approximations to be
What if we have a small value of
? Can we easily find
for those situations?
Well, there is a simple
(I believe) solution that you could use.
Basically, iterate through all possible values of
, calculate
for each, and pick out the
with the highest
In other words,
For example, if we had
As you can see,
yields the highest
, so the optimal
is 2.
This is
because we’re iterating through all possible
values of
, and the number of possible
values is
, and in each of those iterations, we’re calculating
, which involves summing fractions from
There exists a recursive algorithm that is compatible with
dynamic programming.
It also iterates through all values of
, but is a bit more involved with the maths.
Without DP, its time complexity is an exponential
. Oof!
With DP, its time complexity is a linear
. Ooh!
For a brief explanation of the algorithm in Excel, check out Tallys Yunes’ video.
For an explanation of the algorithm, pseudocode, and the
time complexity explanation, check out the Appendix.
Sponsored Search Auctions
Have you ever seen those ‘ads’ on search
Search engine companies sell those spots to advertisers,
you know.
Shameless plug: Use DuckDuckGo! 🦆
For these examples, I’m going to use
DuckDuckGo instead of Google because:
They respect your privacy
They have a built-in dark theme
They use bangs, which are so cool and I now can’t
live without
They still sell ad space, but nothing is
Use it today!
Has a set of relevant keywords
Has a private value for each of the keywords
Has a private daily/weekly/monthly budget
Uses their budget to buy clicks
Their objective is maximising utility, subject to
The search engine company:
slots to sell
Each slot can generate a certain number of clicks
How can they choose which advertiser to put ads on which
How much should they charge advertisers for slots?
Their objective is maximising revenue.
There’s different payment methods:
Every time an ad is seen 1000 times, the advertiser must
Every time an ad is clicked, the advertiser must pay
Every time when some has clicked on the ad and payed for
something, the advertiser must pay
Many advertisers want those ad spaces. How do we distribute
We use auctions!
- Why?
It’s hard to know the exact value of an ad
So, why not let our customers value it instead?
Auctions are essentially a price discovery mechanism.
Auctions are good when we don’t know the fixed value
of items.
To reason about this problem, we need to abstract it.
So let’s create a simplified version of this ad space auction:
All advertisers (bidders) have the same budget
There is only one ad slot
Once some user enters a query, the search engine allocates
the slot to one of the advertisers, and that chosen
advertiser has to pay.
When a slot is matched to an advertiser, they pay what they
When an advertiser’s budget is exhausted, they
retreat from the market.
We don’t care about 2nd price (yet)
We don’t care about DS truthfulness
We only care about maximising revenue.
Greedy vs Offline Optimal
Here’s my example; it’s inspired from my
DuckDuckGo screenshot above:
Sorry, Xbox players! Maybe in the next example?
Amazon and eBay want to buy an ad slot from
If the user queries ‘Nintendo Switch’, Amazon
is willing to bid £1 for the space, and eBay will bid
If the user queries ‘PlayStation’, Amazon will
again bid £1, but since eBay is currently all out of
PlayStations, they won’t bid anything, but will still
be happy to take the ad space.
Amazon’s budget is £100, and eBay’s
budget is also £100.
Now that we have our setting, let’s devise some
mechanisms to allocate slots to advertisers.
Here’s an online greedy mechanism:
When a user submits a query, assign the query to the
highest bidder.
If the highest bidder has spent all their budget, assign it
to the next highest, and so on.
Simple enough.
What happens if 100 users query ‘Nintendo Switch’?
Since Amazon’s bid is slightly higher than
eBay’s, all 100 ad spaces for ‘Nintendo
Switch’ goes to Amazon!
That means Amazon has to pay out £1 100 times.
Amazon’s budget is depleted!
Now, what would happen if 100 users query ‘PlayStation’?
eBay would get them all, and wouldn’t have to pay a
Using the greedy mechanism, the revenue of the auction
totals to £100.
Could we do better?
Here’s an offline optimal mechanism:
Wait for all the users to query all their queries.
Assign ad spaces to advertisers that maximise the search
engine’s revenue.
- Uh... ok.
It’s offline, so we can’t actually use this on
the Internet, but we can use this as an upper bound for our online
Here’s the budget of everyone after 100 people query Nintendo Switch, and 100 people query PlayStation:
The revenue for our optimal mechanism is £199,
whereas the revenue for our greedy mechanism was
Our greedy mechanism achieved nearly ½ of the
optimal mechanism! Not bad!
But can we do better...?
Generalised Second Price (GSP)
In this section, we’ll maximise revenue for search
engines using pay-per-click.
But how do we maximise utility for advertisers?
Why not use the quasilinear utilities from back in
In other words, the
If we’re using quasilinear utilities, why not just
use VCG to auction ad space?
- Because:
It’s too computationally expensive
Difficult to explain to customers
VCG isn’t good for revenue
Many other reasons...
Instead, we’ll use a ‘mutation’ of VCG
called Generalised Second Price (GSP)!
- In GSP:
Bidders with the highest
prices each win a slot.
The ith highest price bidder gets the ith slot, and pays the (i+1)th highest bidding price.
The other bidders lose.
First slot
Second slot
A small example of GSP, selling two ad slots, with the
setting in yellow and the mechanism result in green.
In these examples, we assume everyone bids the same amount
for all the slots.
What’s the difference between VCG and GSP?
In sponsored search, SEs do not give multiple slots to the
same advertiser.
This is reflected in GSP, but in VCG, one agent could get
multiple items in many-item auctions.
Also, VCG is a second price auction for single-item
However, for many-item auctions, VCG’s pricing
isn’t necessarily the second price, as is demonstrated
with the sandwich and wig example above.
However, GSP’s payment is hard-coded to always be
second price.
Lastly, and most importantly, GSP is not truthful.
Google’s Weighted GSP
Google uses a weighted version of GSP, where each
has a quality score
based on:
Historic click frequency
Quality of the landing page
Some secret proprietary Google formula
Essentially, it’s an estimation of the
advertiser’s click probability.
The highest bidder
gets the first slot, the second highest bidder
gets the second slot, etc.
The highest bidder pays the second-highest effective price:
is the smallest weighted bid that our highest bidding
advertiser could have bidded while still winning the first
ad slot.
’s expected utility =
Search engine’s expected revenue:
Here’s a truthful example, with two ad slots:
Quality score
(and true valuation)
Weighted bid
Search engine’s expected revenue: £10.
Since GSP is not truthful, they can improve their utilities
by lying, but they’ll be truthful for the sake of
demonstration for now.
Click-through rate
is the probability that a user will click on the
ith slot when it is showing the jth advert.
By default,
(higher-position slots are more likely to be clicked).
CTR can be separated into terms, like
, where:
is the quality of slot
is the quality of bidder
Google uses this model, but Yahoo sets all beta values to
So, with Yahoo, everyone is equal, but with Google, some
are better than others. Hmm.
It is assumed that
follows the Power Law.
That means, as the ad slots go from first to lower, the
probability of a click radically goes down.
But as you go even lower, say from slot 10 to 11, the
change in the probability of clicks becomes really
There’s also the cascade model, where the click probability of
depends on whether or not the previous ad
was clicked.
Generalised First Price (GFP)
There’s also a Generalised First Price (GFP):
The bidders with the highest
prices each win a slot.
The kth highest-price bidder gets the kth slot and pays their bidding price.
The other bidders lose.
This was introduced by Overture, which is now a part of
It’s not very good for stability, so it’s not
used by Google.
Nash Equilibria in GSP
Remember when I said GSP isn’t truthful?
How do you know? You’re just gonna take my word for
Let’s prove it, with this two-slot example:
First slot yields 20 clicks for an advertiser, and second
slot yields 10 clicks.
True valuation
Now, what would happen if Red lies to get allocated the
second slot instead of the first slot?
True valuation
Everyone weakly increased in utility!
Therefore, GSP is not DS truthful.
So, GSP isn’t truthful.
That means being truthful is not a dominant strategy.
So what is a dominant strategy? 🤔
It’s a bid profile
where, for any bidder
- Uhh... huh?
What does that really mean?
Remember what Red did in our “GSP isn’t
truthful” proof above?
Red lowered their bid so that they got the second slot,
instead of the first.
In general, when advertisers lie to increase their utility,
they can either:
Increase their bid to get a higher slot
Decrease their bid to get a lower slot
So, our two mathematical conditions for a Nash equilibrium
Our current utility must be better than if we got a lower
Our current utility must be better than if we got a higher
This means that, in a situation where these two conditions
are true, no advertiser can lie about their valuation and
get allocated a different slot without lowering their
Is there an example of a Nash equilibrium?
You’ve just seen one!
The new situation in which Red bids £2 instead of
£5 is a Nash equilibrium.
How? Let’s try all the cases and find out...
Target agent
Old allocation
New allocation
Change in utility
It seems no matter what advertiser switches to what slot,
they will always get less utility! Therefore, this is a Nash
In practice, all this logic is done by automated bidders. I
doubt actual workers in advertising care about this
Locally Envy-Free Equilibrium
It doesn’t end there!
Even in a Nash equilibrium, there’s still a way to
increase your utility.
- How?
Well, your payment is determined by the bid of the
advertiser below you.
That also applies to the advertiser above you!
Their payment is determined by your bid.
So, when you increase your bid, their payment also
What if you were to keep increasing your own bid, until the
payment of the advertiser above you is so big, that
it’s no longer viable for them to hold on to that
slot, and it becomes better for them to lower their bid and
give you that slot?
Advertisers that do this are called farsighted.
It’s possible to do this in the Nash equilibrium we
had above:
If Red increases their bid, it’ll increase
Blue’s payment, and by extension, decrease
Blue’s utility.
If Red increases their bid to £2.55, that’ll
decrease Blue’s utility to 29.
Blue then realises that if they lower their bid and get the
second slot, their utility will be 30. 30 is higher than
Notice how, after Red changes their bid, we are no longer
in a Nash equilibrium! Blue can yield a higher utility with
a different slot than their own.
Therefore, Blue lowers their bid and gets the second slot,
meaning Red will get the first slot, bumping up Red’s
utility to 50.
To help visualise it, here’s a gif I made:
- Clever!
So, it seems Nash equilibria aren’t good enough for
this problem.
We need a “stronger” version of Nash
First, let’s introduce the concept of envy-freeness.
It means that nobody wants to exchange its allocation with
anybody else’s.
Now, we can introduce the locally envy-free equilibrium!
It’s an equilibrium such that no bidder would like to
exchange its bid with the bidder immediately above it.
In maths syntax, for any
Nash equilibria is about one advertiser swapping slots, via changing
their bid, to get a better utility.
Locally envy-free equilibria is about a bottom advertiser swapping bids with a top
advertiser to get a better utility.
In the same way that we showed the £2 Red example was
a Nash equilibrium, let’s show that it’s not a locally envy-free equilibrium:
True valuation
A copy of the table above
Bottom advertiser
Top advertiser
Change in utility
Change in utility for Red
Change in utility for
Change in utility for
Change in utility for Red
Red can get a positive change in utility by swapping their
bid with Blue!
Therefore, this example is not a locally envy-free
Here’s an example that is a locally envy-free equilibrium:
True valuation
Bottom advertiser
Top advertiser
Change in utility
Change in utility for
Change in utility for Red
Change in utility for
Change in utility for
As you can see, there are no positive changes in utility
for when anybody swaps bids.
Therefore, this is a locally envy-free equilibrium!
GSP isn’t as good as VCG in theory.
It’s not even truthful!
But services use GSP because:
It’s simpler to explain
Re-engineering cost: if we already have GSP, it’d be expensive to
replace it
Long term effect of switching from GSP to VCG is
VCG is time-consuming
However, the biggest reason is:

This is why we can’t just tell the truth
when we want to buy ad space.
There’s a theorem that states the revenue of GSP is
greater than or equal to the revenue of VCG.
It holds true when GSP obtains a locally envy-free
Social Choice Theory (Voting)
We’ve all taken part in a vote before.
It’s an aggregate of everyone’s preferences
into one collective decision.
A vote represents the will of the people.
But what makes a good voting system?
Does one exist?
That’s what we’re here to find out!
Here’s some properties we don’t want in a
voting system:
Dictatorship: one person decides the outcome of the vote
e.g. whoever Enrico votes for is declared the winner.
Imposed Rule: the outcome is already decided before the vote even
e.g. no matter how anyone votes, Jie will be named the
Here’s some properties we want in a voting
Anonymity: opposite to Dictatorship.
A voting system should treat all voters equally.
If any two voters swap ballots, the outcome should be the
Neutrality: opposite to Imposed Rule.
A voting system should treat all candidates the same.
If everyone switched their vote, the outcome would change
It should be impossible for:
a winning candidate to lose by gaining votes and
a losing candidate to win by losing votes
Voting Algorithms
Majority Rule
Majority rule is for votes between two candidates.
It goes like this:
Each voter has a preference for one of the two
The candidate with the most votes wins.
We’ll assume there’s an odd number of voters,
to avoid ties.
Super simple, right? We’ve all done votes like this
Its advantages are:
- Anonymity
- Neutrality
- Monotone
Wow. It ticks all our boxes.
Is it possible to find another really good voting system
like this?
May’s Theorem (Kenneth May 1952)
Among all possible two-candidate voting systems
that never result in a tie, majority rule is the only one that is:
Ah... I guess not.
That’s for two-candidate systems, though. What about
more than two?
Condorcet’s Method
The Condorcet method goes as follows:
A candidate is a winner if they would defeat every other
candidate in a one-on-one contest using majority rule.
It’s like a generalisation of majority rule for more
than two candidates.
Here’s a brief example:
Voter 1
Voter 2
Voter 3
A vs B
A vs C
B vs C
Winner: A
Winner: A
Winner: B
A is the winner of the Condorcet method!
The Condorcet method is also anonymous, neutral and
monotone, but suffers from one problem.
It’s possible to yield no winners!
Voter 1
Voter 2
Voter 3
A vs B
A vs C
B vs C
Winner: A
Winner: C
Winner: B
There is no ‘overall’ winner in these majority
votes, so nobody wins.
Condorcet’s Method is also manipulable.
For example, if voter 2 doesn’t want A to win, they
could switch C and A in their preferences and make nobody
I shouldn’t have to tell you why manipulation is
Election results don’t reflect true will of
Suboptimal choice in terms of maximising social
Here’s a million different ways of saying the same
The winner of the Condorcet method is called the Condorcet winner.
The phenomena of when a Condorcet winner doesn’t
always exist is called the Condorcet paradox.
A voting system satisfies the Condorcet criterion, if it always chooses a Condorcet winner when one
Voting systems satisfying this property are called Condorcet methods and are said to be Condorcet consistent.
Plurality Voting
Plurality Voting goes as follows:
The candidate with the most first place votes wins.
This is another generalisation of the majority rule.
Here’s another brief example:
Voter 1
Voter 2
Voter 3
There’s no winner in this example, because everyone
has one first-place vote.
This also shows that Plurality voting is not Condorcet
consistent, because the Condorcet winner here is A, but
Plurality says there is no winner.
Plurality is manipulable, like in this example:
There are 19 voters, and 3 candidates, Red, Blue, and Green (they got sick of bidding over ad spaces and decided to
start a government).
9 voters: R > B > G
8 voters: B > R > G
2 voters (Enrico and Bahar): G > B > R
Red has 9 first-place votes
B has 8 first-place votes
G has 2 first-place votes
Enrico and Bahar really don’t like R.
But they know that if they vote G, then R will just win
over B, because G doesn’t have enough votes.
They’re “throwing their votes
So, they may decide to vote for B and elect B instead,
because they at least like B over R:
9 voters: R > B > G
10 voters (including Enrico and Bahar): B > R > G
Even one voter could manipulate!
Borda Count
Borda Count goes as follows:
Let’s say we have
Each first-place vote is worth
Each second-place vote is worth
points, and so on.
The candidate with the most points is the winner.
Voter 1
Voter 2
Voter 3
Voter 4
Voter 5
A: 2+2+2+0+0=6
B: 1+1+1+2+2=7
C: 0+0+0+1+1=2
B is the winner!
It’s anonymous, neutral and monotone, which is
But Borda Count does not satisfy “Independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA)”:
The social preference between candidates A and B depend
only on the individual preferences between A and B.
So, say if someone in a vote voted A > B > C, and A
wins, it would break IIA if they changed their vote to A
> C > B and C won, because in either case, they still
preferred A to C.
Here’s a proper example, where voters 4 and 5 from
the previous example swap B and C:
Voter 1
Voter 2
Voter 3
Voter 4
Voter 5
A: 2+2+2+0+0=6
B: 1+1+1+1+1=5
C: 0+0+0+2+2=4
A is the winner!
No IIA here! 4 and 5 still preferred B to A in both cases,
so why does A win over B?
Sequential Pairwise Voting
Sequential Pairwise Voting goes like this:
Put the candidates in an ordered list
Replace the first and second candidates with the winner of
the two by a majority rule.
Keep going until the list has only one candidate left. That
candidate is the winner!
4 voters pick A > B > D > C
3 voters pick C > A > B > D
3 voters pick B > D > C > A
First round: A vs B vs C vs D
Pairwise A vs B = A wins
Second round: A vs C vs D
Pairwise A vs C: C wins
Third round: C vs D
Pairwise C vs D: D wins
Final list: D
D is the winner!
Sequential Pairwise Voting is not unanimous:
If everyone prefers one candidate A over another candidate
C, then C should not be the winner.
If you look at the example above, D wins, even though every
voter prefers B over D.
Why should D win over B?
In addition, the winner depends on the order of the
The outcome should only depend on the votes, and not any
setting of the algorithm.
The Hare System
There’s lots of versions of the Hare System.
Here’s the one from the slides:
Repeatedly delete candidates that are “least
preferred”; in other words, is ranked first the least
in everyone’s preference lists.
Keep deleting until a single candidate remains. That
candidate is the winner.
5 voters pick A > B > C
4 voters pick C > B > A
3 voters pick B > C > A
2 voters pick B > A > C
Number of first places for A: 5
Number of first places for B: 5
Number of first places for C: 4
C is eliminated
Second round:
5 voters pick A > B
4 voters pick B > A
3 voters pick B > A
2 voters pick B > A
Number of first places for A: 5
Number of first places for B: 9
B is eliminated
A is the only one left: A is the winner!
No 🤦♂️ not that kind of hare
Here’s another example, which shows what happens when
we get draws:
5 voters pick A > B > C
4 voters pick C > B > A
3 voters pick B > C > A
1 voter picks B > A > C
Number of first places for A: 5
Number of first places for B: 4
Number of first places for C: 4
B and C are both eliminated
A is the only one left: A is the winner!
The Hare System is not monotone.
- Why?
Let’s say that, in the previous example, the one
voter who voted for B > A > C has now changed their
vote to A > B > C.
The algorithm now goes like this:
6 voters pick A > B > C
4 voters pick C > B > A
3 voters pick B > C > A
Number of first places for A: 6
Number of first places for B: 3
Number of first places for C: 4
B is eliminated
Second round:
6 voters pick A > C
4 voters pick C > A
3 voters pick C > A
Number of first places for A: 6
Number of first places for C: 7
A is eliminated
C is the only one left: C is the winner!
Now C wins instead of A.
But that voter was moving ‘A’ higher.
Moving A higher and causing A to lose shows that the Hare
System is not monotone.
Approval Voting
Approval Voting isn’t a social choice function, but a whole different
way of voting.
In it, everyone selects candidates they find
There’s no preferences, it’s all binary: people
either vote for someone or they don’t.
Simple enough, right? They do that in real life, too.
The winner is the candidate who receives the most approval
Approval Voting can be manipulated, in the same way Plurality voting can.
Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem
Here’s a summary of all the voting systems so
Voting System
Condorcet’s Method
Voting cycle
Plurality Voting
Fails to satisfy the Condorcet
Criterion, manipulable
Borda Count
Fails to satisfy the
Independence of Irrelevant
Alternatives (IIA) property
Sequential Pairwise Voting
Fails to satisfy Pareto efficiency
Hare System
Fails to satisfy monotonicity
Approval Voting
They’re cool and all, but they all have cons.
Can’t we find one without any cons?
According to Arrow, no:
Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem
With three or more candidates and any number of
voters, there does not
exist - and there will never exist - a voting
system that satisfies:
If every voter prefers alternative A over
alternative B, then the group prefers A over
B. -- unanimity
If every voter’s preference between A
and B remains unchanged, then the
group’s preference between A and b
will also remain unchanged (even if
voters’ preferences between other
pairs like A and C, B and C, or D and E
change). -- independence of irrelevant
No single voter possesses the power to
always determine the group’s
preference -- non-dictatorship
Sorry for the inconsistency! I just felt like copying the
slides for a second there.
Here’s a summary:
Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem
When you have three or more candidates, you
can’t have a voting system that is:
Independent of Irrelevant
Gibbard-Satterthwaite, 1971
Every non-dictatorial aggregation rule with
>=3 candidates is manipulable.
Basically, there is no perfect mechanism.
So why do we have so many?
If we can’t make manipulation impossible, we can at
least make it really hard.
So, the question is really this: can we design a universal method to turn any voting
protocol into a hard-to-manipulate one?
This is all for worst-case analysis.
Making an average-case hardness is pretty hard to achieve,
Here’s another question: what is the maximum fraction
of manipulators can we tolerate?
How can we achieve that? 🤔
... what? You wanted me to answer that question?
The slides sort of just end there, unfortunately...
So, I don’t know. I just write the notes.
If you really want to know the answer, try doing a PhD with
Now, this is the end of the examinable stuff of Algorithmic
Game Theory.
There’s one extra section: Fair Division.
However, it’s not examinable.
If you want to check that out, go to the Appendix.